Vladimir Propp in Hollywood

1977 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-28 ◽  
John L. Fell
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Yeni Maulina

Classical Malay literature in prose is classified in the form of folklore. The plot of folklore describes phenomena and object that exist, by explaining aspects of composition and structure, or aspects of the processes and changes. In other words, in order to determine the origin of an object or objects in folklore, the phenomenon of the object or objects must be recognized first. It is known as original motifs of folklore. Folklore based on structuralism approach sought to facilitate understanding in terms of language or text used. In a fairy tale actors and its properties can be changed, but actions and their role remains the same. Vladimir Propp divided 31 functions of folklore by linking the events and actions of different that have the same meaning, or imply the same conduct. Folklore of the Asal Usul Pulau Halang has sixteen Vladimir Propp's functions. The function in this folklore was developed starting from the first function, the function of IX, the function of X, the function of XII, the function of XIV, the function of the XV, the function of XVI, the function of the XIX, the function of XX, the function of XXI, the function XXIII, the function of XXIV, the function of XXV, the function of the XXIX, the functions of XXX, and the functions of XXXI.AbstrakKarya sastra Melayu klasik yang berbentuk prosa tergolong pada bentuk cerita rakyat. Alur cerita rakyat menggambarkan fenomena dan objek-objek yang ada, dengan menjelaskan aspek komposisi dan struktur, atau aspek proses dan perubahannya. Dengan kata lain, untuk mengetahui asal-usul suatu benda atau objek dalam cerita rakyat, terlebih dahulu mengenal fenomena benda atau objek tersebut. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, maka dikenal cerita rakyat bermotif asal-usul. Cerita rakyat berdasarkan pendekatan strukturalisme diusahakan untuk mempermudah pemahaman dari segi kebahasaan atau teks yang digunakan. Dalam sebuah cerita dongeng para pelaku dan sifat-sifatnya dapat berubah, tetapi perbuatan dan peran mereka tetap sama. Vladimir Propp membagi 31 fungsi dengan mengaitkan berbagai peristiwa dan perbuatan berbeda-beda tetapi mempunyai arti yang sama, atau mengisyaratkan perbuatan yang sama. Cerita rakyat "Asal-usul Pulau Halang" memiliki enam belas fungsi Vladimir Propp. Fungsi dalam cerita rakyat "Asal-usul Pulau Halang" dibangun mulai dari fungsi I, fungsi IX, fungsi X, fungsi XII, fungsi XIV, fungsi XV, fungsi XVI, fungsi XIX, fungsi XX, fungsi XXI, fungsi XXIII, fungsi XXIV, fungsi XXV, fungsi XXIX, fungsi XXX, dan fungsi XXXI.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-63
Cindillia Agustian

Cerita rakyat merupakan salah satu warisan budaya yang perlu dijaga kelestariannya. Cerita rakyat atau foklor adalah cerita dari suatu daerah yang dituturkan secara lisan dan turun temurun dari satu generasi ke generasi selanjutnya. Dalam setiap cerita rakyat terkandung nilai adat dan budaya yang merepresentasikan masyarakat suatu daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan cerita rakyat Riau Mutiara dari Indragiri sebagai objek penelitian dengan kalimat, paragraf, dan kata-kata sebagai data primernya. Fokus utama penelitian ini membahas struktur dan fungsi narasi dari cerita rakyat Riau Mutiara dari Indragiri. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah desktiptif kualitatif, dengan alat analisis menggunakan teori struktur narasi dari Tzvetan Todorov dan teori fungsi narasi Vladimir Propp. Hasil dari analisis menunjukan ada empat tahapan dalam struktur narasi, dan sembilan fungsi pelaku yang terdapat dalam cerita rakyat Mutiara dari Indragiri.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-159
Erlândia Ribeiro da Silva ◽  
Vitor Cei

RESUMO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar de que maneira a sátira, o riso e o absurdo destacam-se na obra do escritor Qorpo Santo (1829-1883) que até os dias atuais permanece esquecido da crítica literária nacional, tendo algum destaque nos anos 1970 com a tônica do Teatro do absurdo, mas caindo no esquecimento nas próximas décadas. As peças analisadas nesse trabalho serão O marinheiro escritor e Um credor na fazenda nacional que apesar de serem peças distintas entre si trazem uma mesma potência de estranheza, riso e acidez em seus elementos estéticos e conteudísticos. Além disso analisaremos quais as consequências o autor traz para o texto ao usar da sátira, do riso e do absurdo enquanto crítica a moralidade da época. Como base teórica para a sátira e o riso partimos dos escritos de Vladimir Propp (1992), quanto ao absurdo nos voltamos ao início do termo com Albert Camus (1970) e demais autores que nos ajudem a perceber tais nuances nas peças em destaque.   Palavras-chave: Sátira. Riso. Absurdo. Teatro. Qorpo Santo.

Tania Martuscelli

A construção de personagens nos textos de ficção tem mudado ao longo dos anos, escialmente se consideramos o conceito de “personagens” tal como aparece no trabalho de E. M. Foster (1923). Ao focar nas micronarrativas, os conceitos teóricos do conto também merecem atenção no sentido da evolução do género e o reflexo da sociedade que usualmente é apresentado nestes textos. O trabalho lida com as micronarrativas de Mário-Henrique Leiria, bem como na construção dos personagens em seus textos. Baseamos nossos argumentos na teoria do conto de Vladimir Propp, e na revisão de Jauss sobre a construção de personagens. A própria visão de Leiria em relação à composição textual será explorada.

Dawn Catherine Stobbart

This chapter analyses the 2010 videogame Alan Wake, a narrative based videogame that makes frequent use of intertextuality. As well as using contemporary examples, the game also uses traditional international folklore in its narrative, with the antagonist Barbara Jagger being recognisable as the Russian folk tale character Baba Yaga, for example. Using the concepts proposed and elucidated by Vladimir Propp, Joseph Campbell, the chapter will first establish that the videogame offers a remediation of several traditional mythical narratives in one contemporary videogame, before going on to use the classifications found in The Morphology of the Folktale and The Hero with a Thousand Faces to place this videogame within the folklore and mythical tradition. It will also serve to establish whether these classifications are suitable for the narratives found in videogames, and if they depart from them, where the scholar needs to establish new concepts and definitions for these traditional classifications.

2010 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
Mail Marques de Azevedo

Com base no conceito de comicidade de Vladimir Propp. este trabalho estabelece um paralelo entre o tratamento das personagens em Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas. de Machado de Assis e A vida e as opiniões do Cavalheiro Tristram Shandy, de Laurence Sterne.

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