1960 ◽  
Vol XXXIV (III) ◽  
pp. 344-352 ◽  
Jerome A. Grunt ◽  
Joseph E. Walker

ABSTRACT The responses of several seminal vesicle in vivo microscopic characteristics, seminal vesicle contractions, seminal vesicle, kidney and adrenal weights and seminal vesicle histology have been compared following the administration of testosterone propionate (T. P.) and norethandrolone (19-NT) to castrated male rats. Fourteen days after castration 35 male Osborne-Mendel rats were divided into 5 groups each containing 6 to 8 animals and given daily subcutaneous injections of 0.1 ml sesame oil with or without added steroids. The groups were: I – sesame oil; II – 100 μg 19-NT; III – 500 μg 19-NT; IV – 100 μg T.P.; V – 500 μg T. P. After 7 days of injections, seminal vesicles were studied by the transillumination method of Knisely. The seminal vesicles, adrenals and kidneys were then removed and weighed and the vesicles were prepared for routine histological examination. The adrenal and kidney weights, as well as the seminal vesicle contractions, responded to both steroids in a similar manner, however, seminal vesicle weight and histology and in vivo characteristics differed greatly. 19-NT appeared to have very little effect on vesicle weight, in vivo characteristics and histology although contractions were inhibited in 13 of 14 animals so treated. Therefore, when used as the end-point in hormonal reactions, seminal vesicle contractions should not be considered comparable to the usual secondary sexual organ reactivity to hormones.

1960 ◽  
Vol XXXIII (III) ◽  
pp. 411-416
Jerome A. Grunt ◽  
Joseph E. Walker

ABSTRACT In a study of seminal vesicle reactivity to a number of steroids, young adults rats were castrated and 14 days later were started on 7 daily subcutaneous injections of 0.1 ml sesame oil, with or without an added steroid. Ten groups containing 7 to 12 animals each were established: 1) sesame oil; 2–4) 10 μg, 50 μg and 100 μg testosterone propionate; 5–6) 10 μg and 500 μg oestradiol benzoate; 7–8) 100 μ and 500 μg progesterone; 9–10) 100 μg and 500 μg corticosterone. After the course of injections the seminal vesicles were studied by the quartz rod transillumination method of Knisely. The investigation was carried out as a »double-blind study«; one investigator recording his observations without knowledge of the treatment. Following castration there was a marked decrease in the number of small vessels, a derangement of the vascular pattern and a slowing of the rate of blood flow. There were also changes in tissue transparency and granularity and an increase in spontaneous, rhythmic contractions of the vesicles. Treatment with oestradiol benzoate, progesterone, corticosterone, and 10 μg testosterone propionate appeared to cause no alteration in the vesicle of the castrate. Vesicles of animals injected with 50 μg of testosterone propionate had essentially normal vasculature and parenchyma but continued to contract rhythmically, while those treated with 100 μg of testosterone propionate had vesicles restored to normal in every way but size.

1971 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-NP ◽  

SUMMARY 5α-Androstan-17β-ol-3-one in its free or in its propionate form was injected systemically (125 μg/day/rat) into sexually experienced, adult, castrated, male rats. These compounds were ineffective in activating masculine behaviour patterns, despite having measurable effects on body weight, seminal vesicle weight and penile morphology. The propionate form also had strong anti-gonadotrophic properties, since when it was injected for 6 days into intact, immature, male rats it significantly reduced testicular weight. In contrast, testosterone propionate (125 μg/day/rat) restored male sexual behaviour to the levels found before castration when injected systemically. Testosterone propionate also affected body weight, seminal vesicle weight, penile morphology and the testicular weight of immature males. These effects may have been due in part to conversion of testosterone to 5α-androstan-17β-ol-3-one, but this metabolic step does not seem to be obligatory for activation of male sexual behaviour in rats.

1970 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 477-481 ◽  

SUMMARY Cyproterone acetate exerted strong anti-androgenic effects on the seminal vesicles of mice, but failed to affect androgen-dependent aggressive behaviour in mice. Groups of adult castrated male mice were treated with (1) testosterone propionate (TP); (2) TP plus cyproterone acetate; or (3) neither TP nor cyproterone acetate, for 5 weeks and given weekly tests for aggressive behaviour. The seminal vesicles were removed after the last test for aggression. Although treatment of mice with cyproterone acetate in combination with TP almost totally suppressed the stimulatory effect of TP on seminal vesicle weight, aggressive behaviour was not affected by cyproterone acetate. It was concluded that cyproterone acetate probably does not influence central nervous tissue and non-neural tissue in the same manner.

1956 ◽  
Vol 186 (3) ◽  
pp. 463-467 ◽  
C. K. Chai

One hundred fourteen mice castrated at weaning were given different dosages of testosterone propionate by daily subcutaneous injection for 20 days. The seminal vesicle weight was chosen as the quantitative indicator of growth response in secondary sex organ. Thirty-four noncastrates were used for comparison. The growth of the seminal vesicles in response to the different dosages of hormone stimulation was shown, as are population growths, to be well fitted with the logistic curve. It was found also that the point of inflection of the dose-response curve was at a seminal vesicle weight which was close to the seminal vesicle weight of the untreated controls.

1933 ◽  
Vol 58 (5) ◽  
pp. 569-574 ◽  
Herbert M. Evans ◽  
Edwin L. Gustus ◽  
Miriam E. Simpson

The gonadotropic hormone of the blood of the pregnant mare has been greatly concentrated by adsorption on active aluminum hydroxide followed by elution. The preparations so obtained gave demonstrable gonadotropic effects within 100 hours in 21 day old female mice following three subcutaneous injections of 0.001 mg. in 1 cc. of physiological saline. As is well known, other gonadotropic substances do not cause conspicuous development of the male gonads but injections of comparatively large doses of these preparations into immature male rats caused marked development of the testes, which in 10 days were trebled in weight. An astonishing increase in the weight of the seminal vesicles resulted, for these organs were approximately 75 times heavier than in controls.

1970 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 531-540 ◽  
R. S. Leeuwin ◽  
E. Th. Groenewoud

ABSTRACT Testosterone (T), testosterone-propionate (TP), testosterone-phenyl-propionate (TPP), nandrolone (N) (19-nor-testosterone) and nandrolone-phenyl-propionate (NPP) were compared for their effects on the pseudocholinesterase activities in the liver and serum of castrated male rats. In addition changes in the weight of the seminal vesicle and the levator ani muscle were studied. After daily administration of 1 mg of the hormones for ten days, T and TPP showed a more marked depression of the pseudocholinesterase activity and seminal vesicle than the corresponding nor-derivatives. TP and TPP have approximately similar effects, exceeding those of T. On the levator ani N and NPP were more effective than T and TPP. At identical total doses, administration of all hormones with intervals of more than one day, produced less depression of the pseudocholinesterase activity and less seminal vesicle growth than daily administration. The effects on the levator ani were less influenced by varying intervals. At an interval of four days TPP still had a potent effect on the enzyme activity and the seminal vesicle, whereas T was almost without effect. Prolonged administration showed that the effects on the enzyme activity and the seminal vesicle of N and NPP could not reach the maximum effects of T and TPP respectively.

1975 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-79 ◽  
P. DE MOOR ◽  

SUMMARY Adult rats of both sexes were either gonadectomized or hypophysectomized and gonadectomized. Three to eight weeks later they were treated for 14 consecutive days with oil or with 75 or 200 μg testosterone propionate (TP) per 100 g body weight. The animals were killed and for each sex the gonadectomized animals were compared with the hypophysectomized-gonadectomized animals as far as their NADPH- and NADH-dependent 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (3α-HSD) in renal microsomes, transcortin levels in serum and five organ weights relative to total body weight were concerned. For two of the latter, i.e. the relative kidney and prostatic weights, no significant differences were found. Transcortin levels, relative adrenal weights and renal NADPH-dependent 3α-HSD activities were higher in oil-treated gonadectomized animals than in oil-treated hypophysectomized-gonadectomized animals. The opposite was found for the relative weights of uterus and seminal vesicles and renal NADH-dependent 3α-HSD activities. These differences between gonadectomized and hypophysectomized-gonadectomized animals disappeared after TP treatment as far as transcortin levels were concerned but remained for the five other parameters. After gonadectomy sexual differences subsisted for all parameters studied. But whereas intact male rats had higher NADH-dependent 3α-HSD activities than female rats the opposite was found after gonadectomy. After gonadectomy plus hypophysectomy the between sex differences disappeared as far as transcortin levels were concerned but remained in the other parameters studied.

1969 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 421-NP ◽  

SUMMARY Adult male rats were treated with daily s.c. doses of 10 mg. cyproterone acetate for 3 weeks. Histological examination of the exorbital lacrimal glands at the end of treatment showed distinct differences compared with male controls: the histological picture showing greater resemblance to the glands of female controls. In orchidectomized rats receiving substitution treatment with testosterone propionate, cyproterone acetate 'neutralized' the effect of testosterone propionate on the exorbital lacrimal gland to a considerable extent. The possibility that this gland may play a part in the sexual behaviour of the rat is discussed.

1972 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 359-368 ◽  
Lars-Eric Tisell

ABSTRACT The weight and histology of the ventral and dorsolateral prostate, the coagulating glands and the seminal vesicles were studied in castrated non-adrenalectomized male rats after sixteen days of daily injections of testosterone propionate and in castrated adrenalectomized rats after daily injections of testosterone propionate alone or in combination with cortisone. Testosterone propionate was given in daily doses of 0.020 mg and cortisone in daily doses of 1 mg, 3 mg or 9 mg. Testosterone alone induced a less pronounced growth of the dorsolateral prostate, the coagulating glands and the seminal vesicles in castrated non-adrenalectomized than in castrated adrenalectomized rats, suggesting an inhibitory effect of adrenal steroids on the action of testosterone. Cortisone which has a weak androgenic effect when given alone, partially counteracted the testosterone induced growth of the accessory reproductive organs in castrated adrenalectomized rats.

1965 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-154 ◽  
Fred A. Kind ◽  
M. Maqueo ◽  
Ralph I. Dorfman

ABSTRACT Various neutral steroids were studied in intact male rats for their ability to influence testicular function, particularly spermatogenesis. The compounds were injected once daily for 21 days, starting at 21 days of age. One day after the last injection, testicular histology and testis, ventral prostate, and seminal vesicle weights were determined. In some experiments, after the standard 21 day treatment period, testicular histology and function were evaluated after 30 and 60 day post-treatment recovery periods. 2α-Hydroxymethyl-17β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-3-one, 2-hydroxy-5α-androst-2-en-17β-ol, 2,17α-dimethyl-5α-androst-2-en-17β-ol and 2-formyl5α-androst-2-en-17β-ol caused decreases in testicular, ventral prostate and seminal vesicle weight and produced arrest of spermatogenesis. These effects were reversible and testis weight and histology, as well as fertility, were restored in the post-treatment period. 19-Norprogesterone, which did not produce convincing testicular atrophy, did cause significant decreases in ventral prostate and seminal vesicle weight. Chlormadinone showed a similar picture, although direct antagonistic testicular effects were also seen. The lowered ventral prostate and seminal vesicle weights produced by these compounds may be an expression of their antiandrogenic activity.

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