scholarly journals Automatinio mokinių programų vertinimo sistemų lyginamoji analizė

2009 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 147-152
Bronius Skūpas

Mokant programavimo jau seniai taikomas automatinis vertinimas. Tokiu atveju mokiniai (ar studentai) turi programas-sprendimus pateikti testavimo sistemai. Kad sistema galėtų patikrinti darbus, jie turi tenkinti gana griežtus reikalavimus. Savo ruožtu automatinė vertinimo sistema gali įvertinti dalį pamatuojamų kriterijų, patikrinti programos funkcionavimą su pradinių duomenų rinkiniais. Automatinių sistemų funkcionalumas kartais praplečiamas rankinėmis vertinimo galimybėmis, taip gaunantpusiau automatines sistemas. Sistemose paplitę du pagrindiniai programų analizės metodai: dinaminis ir statinis, o vertinimo būdų, kriterijų įvairovė yra gerokai didesnė. Automatinės mokinių programų vertinimo sistemos gelbsti ne tik vertinant kontrolines užduotis. Jos gali turėti ir mokomąją funkciją – mokinys gauna galimybę greitai, vos ne bet kuriuo momentu pasitikrinti, gauti kitą panašią užduotį, esti įsitikinęs vertinimo objektyvumu. Siekiant tobulinti automatinio vertinimo mokomąją funkciją reikia skirti daugiau dėmesio esamų sistemų analizei, jų pranašumams ir trūkumams. Straipsnyje lyginamosios analizės būdu vertinami sprendimai, siūlomos naujos sistemų tobulinimo sritys.Comparative Analysis of Automatic Students’ Program Evaluation SystemsBronius Skūpas SummaryPractice in programming is typical for graduators of secondary schools and for programming courses in universities. Students usually have programming assignments that need to be assessed. The assessment can be done using automatic assessment systems. There are several areas where such systems can be used: programming competitions and preparations for them, evaluation of maturity exam in programming, teaching of programming in courses. Static and dynamic assessment of programs is discussed. Article compares several different assessment systems described in literature and available from Internet. Comparative analysis shows main strength and weakness of automatic assessment systems. Requirements, possibilities and trends for future assessment systems are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-77
A. V. Starshinin ◽  
A. A. Tyazhelnikov ◽  
A. V. Pogonin ◽  
E. V. Kostenko

The article presents the results of a dynamic analysis of the satisfaction of patients diagnosed with CAVID‑19 with the quality of medical services provided remotely at the telemedicine centre in Moscow in 2020.Purpose of research. Conduct a dynamic assessment of patient satisfaction with the quality of remote medical services provided in different time periods.Material and methods. The results of an anonymous survey of 424 patients on the quality of remote medical services were dynamically evaluated. The first group (138) received medical care from 01.04 to 30.04, the second one (286) – from 01.06 to 30.06 of 2020 after the implementation of measures to improve them. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0.Results. When analysing the results, a high level of patient satisfaction was revealed, but there was a significant (p < 0.05) difference in the level of satisfaction between the groups. The factors of connection between telemedicine services and patient satisfaction were identified, which served as the basis for organizational measures.Conclusion. Providing medical services using telemedicine technologies can be considered as one of the most effective ways to provide medical care.

1976 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-103 ◽  
Ronald A. Giannetti ◽  
Daniel E. Klingler ◽  
James H. Johnson ◽  
Thomas A. Williams

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