scholarly journals Experimental studies on seed production of tropical grasses in Kenya. 1. General introduction and analysis of problems.

1971 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-36
J.G. Boonman

Problems in seed production of Setaria sphacelata (2 cv.), Chloris gayana (3 cv.), Panicum coloration, P. maximum, Brachiaria ruziziensis and Melinis minutiflora are discussed. Low yields and quality were due to varying combinations of prolonged heading season per plant and per cultivar, prolonged flowering within a given head, low seed set, low number of fertile tillers, low seed retention, disease and bird damage. Actual yields were only about 5% of potential yields.-R.B. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

1973 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-11
J.G. Boonman

Setaria sphacelata cv. Nandi I and Nandi III, Chloris gayana cv. Mbarara, Masaba and Pokot, and Panicum coloratum cv. Solai were grown for seed and harvested on a range of dates beginning 3-4 weeks after initial head emergence (defined as 5-10 heads/m2). Harvesting date was not very critical, and harvesting could normally be spread over 1-2 weeks. The interval between initial heading and optimum harvest date was normally 6-7 weeks. In most crops considerable shedding of spikelets (up to 30-50% in P. coloratum, rather less in the other 2 species) could be tolerated before yield of pure germinating seed fell with delay in harvesting. It was suggested that most of the spikelets which were shed early were empty. Cultivars which headed early produced nearly twice as much seed as those which headed late. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

1999 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 683-689 ◽  
Milton de Andrade Botrel ◽  
Maurílio José Alvim ◽  
Deise Ferreira Xavier

Foram conduzidos dois experimentos na região do sul de Minas Gerais para avaliar o potencial de gramíneas forrageiras. No experimento 1 foram avaliadas as seguintes espécies, consideradas de baixa exigência nutricional: Andropogon gayanus, Kunt; Brachiaria brizantha, Stapf; Brachiaria decumbens, Stapf; Brachiaria ruziziensis, Germain Evrard; Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweickt e Melinis minutiflora, Beauv. No experimento 2 foram avaliadas as gramíneas consideradas de média e alta exigência nutricional, a saber: Setaria sphacelata (Schum.) Moss; Hemarthria altissima (Poir.) Stapf; Chloris gayana, Kunt; Cynodon nlemfuensis, Vanderyst var. nlemfuensis; Hyparrhenia rufa, (Ness) Stapf. e as cultivares de Panicum maximum, Jacq.: Tobiatã, Green Panic e Makueni. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Os níveis de calagem e de adubação para estabelecimento e manutenção foram diferenciados para os dois experimentos. Cada espécie foi avaliada nos seguintes aspectos: produção de forragem e teor de proteína bruta no período da seca e das chuvas e cobertura vegetal do solo. As gramíneas do experimento 1 que se destacaram na maioria dos aspectos avaliados foram: B. brizantha, B. decumbens, A. gayanus enquanto que no experimento 2 as espécies que apresentaram maior potencial forrageiro foram: S. sphacelata, P. maximum cv. Tobiatã.

1972 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-34
J.G. Boonman

Setaria sphacelata sown broadcast or in rows up to 100 cm apart was given 0-260 kg N/ha applied to each seed crop. 100 kg N/ha increased herbage DM yields 3-fold and yields of germinable seed 7-fold. At 130 kg N/ha yields of germinable seed were 33% higher from rows 30 cm apart than from rows 90 cm apart. Percentage and yield of germinable seed varied very greatly between seasons, though DM yield and inflorescence number varied little. The highest yield of germinable seed was 48 kg/ha for a single harvest. Rapid heading was preceded by a rapid increase and a subsequent rapid decline in tiller numbers. Herbage DM response to 100 kg N was 65 kg DM/kg N. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

1972 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 225-231
J.G. Boonman

Effects of date of applying top-dressings of N to early-season and late-season seed crops of Setaria sphacelata cv. Nandi were studied in 4 trials in 1967-71. Highest seed yields were obtained when N was applied as soon as possible after the onset of the rainy season; a delay of 4 weeks reduced yields of pure germinating seed by >60%. Total yields of herbage DM and number of heads were also reduced, but to a lesser extent; the main adverse effect was on seed set/head. In late-season crops, applying N 2 weeks after the earliest possible date proved beneficial in 2 out of 3 years. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

1971 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 237-249
J.G. Boonman

Tillering in seed crops grown undisturbed for 6 months was studied over 2 years in cultivars of Setaria sphacelata, Chloris gayana, Panicum coloratum, Panicum maximum and Brachiaria ruziziensis. Tiller numbers rose to a maximum around the time of initial head emergence (5-10 heads/m2), followed by a decline and finally a levelling off. Head emergence was found to continue in some cv. for over 3 months. The weight/tiller increased at a linear rate. Tiller numbers never exceeded 1900/m2. Tillers were less numerous but were heavier in the year of sowing than in the subsequent year. Total dry weights of tillers were also highest in the first year. Seed yield was significantly correlated with degree of concentrated head emergence and percentage of heading tillers in a cultivar. It is suggested that, within cv., plants with heavier tillers may produce higher seed yields. Cv. within species can be identified according to date of initial head emergence. A type of culm branching is described in which tillers develop into flowering culms out of elevated nodes of erect parental culms. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

1973 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-23
J.G. Boonman ◽  
A.J.B. van Wijk

The history and characteristics of the Kitale varieties of Setaria, Chloris, Panicum and Brachiaria are described, as are seed multiplication practices and current breeding work. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

Pastura ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Erwin Al Hafiizh ◽  
Roni Ridwan ◽  
Tri Muji Ermayanti

Technopark (TP) Banyumulek berlokasi di Nusa Tenggara Barat merupakan salah satu dari delapan technopark yang dikelola oleh LIPI bekerjasama dengan Pemda setempat dan mulai dikembangkan pada tahun 2015. Salah satu kegiatan technopark ini adalah pengembangan model untuk kebun produksi dan kebun koleksi hijauan pakan ternak (HPT) secara terpadu memanfaatkan limbah pertanian dan peternakan untuk budidaya HPT di kawasan tersebut. Kebun produksi HPT seluas 1 ha di kawasan ini didominasi oleh rumput raja (Pennisetum purpuroides), sedangkan kebun koleksi juga seluas 1 ha diperuntukan berbagai jenis legum dan rumput antara lain lamtoro, kaliandra, gamal, turi putih, turi merah, rumput gajah (P. purpureum), rumput gajah odot (P. purpureum cv. Mott), Setaria sphacelata, Brachiaria humidicola, B. mutica, B. ruzisiensis, B. decumbens, Chloris gayana, Paspalum atratum, dan Cynodon plectotachirus. Budidaya HPT dan pemeliharannya menggunakan pupuk organik hayati (POH) hasil penelitian LIPI, kompos yang dibuat langsung di kawasan TP dan pupuk kandang dari sapi Bali yang saat ini berjumlah lebih dari 300 ekor. Bekerja sama dengan Dinas Peternakan Provinsi NTB, area kebun produksi HPT tahun ini diperluas menjadi 2,5 ha. Kebun produksi akan diperluas di tahun mendatang untuk mencukupi kebutuhan pakan sapi di kawasan ini. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pakan, dikembangkan juga kawasan untuk merumput dengan jenis rumput B. mutica. Kebun produksi juga mensuplai keperluan pembuatan silase baik untuk keperluan diseminasi maupun untuk tambahan pemenuhan pakan di musim kemarau. Kawasan ini merupakan kawasan Agro-edu-wisata di NTB dan sebagai etalase pengelolaan kegiatan peternakan-pertanian secara terpadu. Kegiatan lainnya adalah penanaman jati LIPI, padi gogo LIPI dan sayuran secara organik. Kata kunci: kebun produksi dan koleksi HPT, terpadu, Technopark Banyumulek, Nusa Tenggara Barat

2001 ◽  
Vol 52 (10) ◽  
pp. 973 ◽  
B. S. Dear ◽  
J. M. Virgona ◽  
G. A. Sandral ◽  
A. D. Swan ◽  
B. A. Orchard

Seed production of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in mixtures with lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees cv. Consol), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L. cv. Currie), phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L. cv. Sirolan), danthonia (Austrodanthonia richardsonii (Cashm.) H.P. Linder, cv. Taranna), and lucerne (Medicago sativa L. cv. Aquarius) was compared with pure and degraded (invaded by annual volunteers) annual subterranean clover pasture at 2 sites (Junee and Kamarah) in the southern wheatbelt of New South Wales. Seed yields, clover seedlings in winter, and the change in the proportion of 3 subterranean clover cultivars (Dalkeith, Seaton Park, Goulburn) when grown with and without perennials were assessed. The effect of thinning the perennials to 10 plants/m2 on clover seed set was examined at the drier site. Seed production of subterranean clover in the mixtures was depressed by up to 50% compared with the pure and degraded annual swards. Initial clover seed poduction in the mixtures was at least 60 kg/ha even in the drought year at the wetter site (Junee), and >85 kg/ha at Kamarah, the drier site (seedling establishment at Kamarah failed in the drought year). Clover seed reserves in the following 2 years progressively increased to >300 kg/ha in the perennial swards at Junee but were <100 kg/ha by the end of the third year at Kamarah. In comparison, seed reserves in the pure clover and degraded annual swards were >650 kg/ha at Junee and >350 kg/ha at Kamarah. Reducing perennial density to 10 plants/m2 at the drier site increased clover seed yield about 3-fold in the first year compared with unthinned perennial swards. The increased seed yield was due to increased numbers of burrs set and increased seeds per burr and, in all perennial pasture treatments except lucerne, increased seed size. Clover seedling regeneration in 3rd and 4th year after sowing was substantially lower in the perennial-based mixtures than annual plots, with a significant (P < 0.05) positive correlation at both sites between clover seedling regeneration and seed bank size (1996, r2 = 0.46–0.64; 1997, r2 = 0.64–0.85). Following false breaks in early autumn, clover seedling populations were substantially higher in the pure and degraded clover treatments than in most perennial treatments. The proportion of the 3 cultivars present in the seed bank at the end of the pasture phase differed between sites but the sward type only influenced the proportion at the drier site. At the medium rainfall site, the later maturing cultivar Goulburn constituted 27–54% of the seed bank and the early flowering Dalkeith 25–46%, with unsown cultivars being insignificant ( <1%). At the low rainfall site, Dalkeith was the major component (33–52%) of the seed bank but the background population of unsown cultivars constituted 11–48%, the lowest proportion being in swards without a perennial component. The proportion of Goulburn was highest (23%) in the pure sward and lowest (10%) in lucerne and phalaris. It was concluded that subterranean clover could form relatively stable mixtures with perennials in medium rainfall environments, with clover populations increasing with time. In lower rainfall environments, clover seedling populations in perennial swards may be low due to reduced seed set and decreased seedling survival following early autumn rains. In these environments earlier maturing, hard-seeded cultivars are more likely to persist in mixtures and there is more potential for unsown cultivars to constitute a greater proportion of the sward. Decreasing perennial density offers scope for improving clover seed set and survival in these environments.

1976 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 755 ◽  
KC Hodgkinson

The effects of extent and frequency of defoliation on the growth and survival of Danthonia caespitosa were measured in a series of field experiments. Additional treatments, of summer irrigation and application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, were included in some of the experiments to assess how they modified the effects of defoliation. During the summer, complete defoliation increased the shoot yield of plants which had not been irrigated, but yield was decreased in the irrigated treatments. Frequent, partial defoliation increased yields of irrigated plants but decreased yields of plants not irrigated. Depression of yields was caused by both tiller death and reduced regrowth of individual tillers. In an experiment lasting 2 years, plants were completely defoliated monthly, bimonthly or tri-monthly or left intact, and shoot yields, tillering characteristics and plant survival under the treatments were compared. Monthly defoliation depressed yields and rate of tillering and accelerated the death rate of plants, particularly during the summer and autumn periods. Plants also died when cut bimonthly but the rate was slower. Plants irrigated during the first summer generally died at a faster rate than plants not irrigated. Tillering was more rapid during the autumn and early winter months. Midwinter application of fertilizer to plants cut bimonthly greatly stimulated shoot yields and seed production in the spring but not in the following year. Examination of tiller apices showed that floral induction took place prior to the beginning of July. Many apices were elevated above the 'grazing level' by early September, and flowering and seed set occurred in October.

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