Social Capital and Social Competence in the Creation of Human Capital for Community Based Tourism (CBT) in Malaysia: The Case of Rural Womenns Entrepreneurship in the Homestay Program

2014 ◽  
Intan None Osman ◽  
Saridan Abu Bakar
2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-71 ◽  
Jing Han ◽  
Jian Han ◽  
Daniel J. Brass

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Andito Sidiq Swastomo ◽  
Doddy Aditya Iskandar

Pencapaian target SDG's penyediaan akses air minum bagi seluruh masyarakat membutuhkan usaha dan kerja keras dari pemerintah. Beberapa program pembangunan infrastruktur air minum telah diluncurkan oleh pemerintah guna memenuhi kebutuhan layanan dasar bagi masyarakat khususnya pada wilayah perdesaan. Namun dalam perkembangan pasa konstruksi, SPAM Desa terbangun mengalami perkembangan yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberlanjutan sistem penyediaan air minum pedesaan berbasis masyarakat dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan sistem tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah multikasus olistik dengan dua desa penelitian yaitu Desa Piji dan Desa Gintungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem penyediaan air minum pedesaan dengan pendekatan berbasis masyarakat mempunyai keberlanjutan yang berbeda-beda. Desa dengan keberlanjutan pada aspek sosial, keuangan, lingkungan dan kelembagaan mempunyai tingkat keberlanjutan yang sangat baik sedangkan desa dengan keberlanjutan hanya pada salah satu aspek saja mempunyai tingkat keberlanjutan yang rendah. Hal ini terlihat pada sistem penyediaan air minum di Desa Piji yang mengalami keberlanjutan sebaliknya pada Desa Gintungan tidak terjadi keberlanjutan. Keberlanjutan SPAM Desa sangat dipengaruhi oleh modal sosial dan modal manusia yang dimiliki. Pada kedua desa penelitian, faktor modal sosial yang mempengaruhi berupa jaringan hubungan sosial yang kuat, kepercayaan, dan norma aturan, sedangkan faktor modal manusia yang berpengaruh berupa motivasi, komitmen, efektivitas tim kerja dan kepemimpinan.Abstract: Achieving the SDG's target of providing access to water for all communities requires effort and hard work from the government. Several water supply infrastructure development programs have been launched by the government to meet basic service needs for the community, especially in rural areas. However, in the development phase of construction, the SPAM Desa was developed experiencing different developments. This study aims to determine the sustainability of the community-based rural water supply system and the factors that influence the sustainability of the system. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research design used was an olistic multicase with two research villages namely Piji Village and Gintungan Village. The results showed that the rural water supply system with a community-based approach has a different sustainability. Villages with sustainability in social, financial, environmental and institutional aspects have a very good level of sustainability while villages with sustainability in only one aspect have a low level of sustainability. This can be seen in the water supply system in Piji Village which experiences sustainability whereas in Gintungan Village there is no sustainability. Sustainability of SPAM Desa is strongly influenced by social capital and human capital they have. In the two research villages, social capital influencing factors are in the form of a strong social relations network, trust and rule norms, while influential human capital factors are motivation, commitment, work team effectiveness and leadership.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 195-217
Katy Goldstraw ◽  
Eve Davidson ◽  
Carol Packham

The aim of this article is to recognize the crisis currently experienced by the voluntary and community sector (VCS) and to consider a creative response to this crisis utilizing VCS assets. The article uses a creative assets based response to the VCS crisis, utilizing sustainable livelihoods’ analysis (SLA) as a means of identifying VCS assets. SLA, traditionally used to explore vulnerabilities and assets at a household level, will be expanded and utilized to analyze the effects of austerity on small voluntary organizations. We use SLA as a theoretical lens through which to analyze our data, we propose that small VCS organizations can consider their position using SLA as a tool. The VCS can use SLA to consider its assets and vulnerabilities in the context of austerity; in engaging in this process, the VCS can recognize opportunities. The small VCS organization typically has high-quality community-based social capital, and it has a human capital and community knowledge. This integrated grassroots social capital expertise and strong community-based human capital is unique to the VCS. In mobilizing its assets, the VCS as a sector can seek to overcome the funding crisis that it is experiencing and develop creative solutions to austerity.

1988 ◽  
Vol 94 ◽  
pp. S95-S120 ◽  
James S. Coleman

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
Meilutė Taljūnaitė

The article is based on Coleman’s theory about social capital in the creation of human capital. Social capital is defined by its function. Human capital is created by changes in persons that bring about skills and capabilities to act in new ways. The article examines empirically the value of social capital in the creation of human capital in the next generation. The real cases of multi-child families are very helpful for this task. Human capital is approximately measured by parents’ education (partly expressed by their occupation as well) and provides the potential for social environment for the child that aids learning, occupation, values and norms. The use of the number of siblings as a measure of social capital expresses professional succession in the family, tests decline/growth with sib position, some tendencies of their emigration and family creation.

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