scholarly journals Refined Kirby calculus for integral homology spheres

2006 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1285-1317 ◽  
Kazuo Habiro
1996 ◽  
Vol 05 (04) ◽  
pp. 441-461 ◽  

Recently Ohtsuki [Oh2], motivated by the notion of finite type knot invariants, introduced the notion of finite type invariants for oriented, integral homology 3-spheres. In the present paper we propose another definition of finite type invariants of integral homology 3-spheres and give equivalent reformulations of our notion. We show that our invariants form a filtered commutative algebra. We compare the two induced filtrations on the vector space on the set of integral homology 3-spheres. As an observation, we discover a new set of restrictions that finite type invariants in the sense of Ohtsuki satisfy and give a set of axioms that characterize the Casson invariant. Finally, we pose a set of questions relating the finite type 3-manifold invariants with the (Vassiliev) knot invariants.

Yongqiang Liu ◽  
Laurenţiu Maxim ◽  
Botong Wang

Abstract In their paper from 2012, Bobadilla and Kollár studied topological conditions which guarantee that a proper map of complex algebraic varieties is a topological or differentiable fibration. They also asked whether a certain finiteness property on the relative covering space can imply that a proper map is a fibration. In this paper, we answer positively the integral homology version of their question in the case of abelian varieties, and the rational homology version in the case of compact ball quotients. We also propose several conjectures in relation to the Singer–Hopf conjecture in the complex projective setting.

1996 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 483-495 ◽  
Dominique Arlettaz

AbstractThis paper shows that for the Moore spectrum MG associated with any abelian group G, and for any positive integer n, the order of the Postnikov k-invariant kn+1(MG) is equal to the exponent of the homotopy group πnMG. In the case of the sphere spectrum S, this implies that the exponents of the homotopy groups of S provide a universal estimate for the exponent of the kernel of the stable Hurewicz homomorphism hn: πnX → En(X) for the homology theory E*(—) corresponding to any connective ring spectrum E such that π0E is torsion-free and for any bounded below spectrum X. Moreover, an upper bound for the exponent of the cokernel of the generalized Hurewicz homomorphism hn: En(X) → Hn(X; π0E), induced by the 0-th Postnikov section of E, is obtained for any connective spectrum E. An application of these results enables us to approximate in a universal way both kernel and cokernel of the unstable Hurewicz homomorphism between the algebraic K-theory of any ring and the ordinary integral homology of its linear group.

2014 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-169
Shanti Caillat-Gibert ◽  
Daniel Matignon

AbstractThis paper concerns the problem of existence of taut foliations among 3-manifolds. From the work of David Gabai we know that a closed 3-manifold with non-trivial second homology group admits a taut foliation. The essential part of this paper focuses on Seifert fibered homology 3-spheres. The result is quite different if they are integral or rational but non-integral homology 3-spheres. Concerning integral homology 3-spheres, we can see that all but the 3-sphere and the Poincaré 3-sphere admit a taut foliation. Concerning non-integral homology 3-spheres, we prove there are infinitely many that admit a taut foliation, and infinitely many without a taut foliation. Moreover, we show that the geometries do not determine the existence of taut foliations on non-integral Seifert fibered homology 3-spheres.

2009 ◽  
Vol 18 (11) ◽  
pp. 1551-1576 ◽  

In this paper, we introduce a representation of knots and links in S3 by integral matrices and then give an explicit formula for the Casson invariant for integral homology 3-spheres obtained from S3 by Dehn surgery along the knots and links represented by the integral matrices in which either all entries are even or the entries of each row are the same odd number. As applications, we study the preimage of the Casson invariant for a given integer and also give formulas for the Casson invariants of some special classes of integral homology 3-spheres.

1997 ◽  
Vol 06 (06) ◽  
pp. 851-877 ◽  
Weiping Li

Casson defined an invariant which can be thought of as the number of conjugacy classes of irreducible representations of π1(Y) into SU(2) counted with signs, where Y is an oriented integral homology 3-sphere. Lin defined a similar invariant (the signature of a knot) for a braid representative of a knot in S3. In this paper, we give a natural generalization of Casson-Lin's invariant. Our invariant is the symplectic Floer homology for the representation space of π1(S3 \ K) into SU(2) with trace-zero along all meridians. The symplectic Floer homology of braids is a new invariant of knots and its Euler number is the negative of Casson-Lin's invariant.

Christian Haesemeyer ◽  
Charles A. Weibel

This chapter develops the basic theory of symmetric powers of smooth varieties. The constructions in this chapter are based on an analogy with the corresponding symmetric power constructions in topology. If 𝐾 is a set (or even a topological space) then the symmetric power 𝑆𝑚𝐾 is defined to be the orbit space 𝐾𝑚/Σ‎𝑚, where Σ‎𝑚 is the symmetric group. If 𝐾 is pointed, there is an inclusion 𝑆𝑚𝐾 ⊂ 𝑆𝑚+1𝐾 and 𝑆∞𝐾 = ∪𝑆𝑚𝐾 is the free abelian monoid on 𝐾 − {*}. When 𝐾 is a connected topological space, the Dold–Thom theorem says that ̃𝐻*(𝐾, ℤ) agrees with the homotopy groups π‎ *(𝑆∞𝐾). In particular, the spaces 𝑆∞(𝑆 𝑛) have only one homotopy group (𝑛 ≥ 1) and hence are the Eilenberg–Mac Lane spaces 𝐾(ℤ, 𝑛) which classify integral homology.

Robert Gompf ◽  
András Stipsicz

Graham Ellis

This chapter introduces some of the basic ingredients in the classification of homotopy 2-types and describes datatypes and algorithms for implementing them on a computer. These are illustrated using computer examples involving: the fundamental crossed modules of a CW-complex, cat-1-groups, simplicial groups, Moore complexes, the Dold-Kan correspondence, integral homology of simplicial groups, homological perturbation theory. A manual classification of homotopy classes of maps from a surface to the projective plane is also included.

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