scholarly journals Surfing a Steep Learning Curve: Academics’ experience of changing teaching and assessment due to COVID-19

Netla ◽  
2021 ◽  
Guðrún Geirsdóttir ◽  
Marco Solimene ◽  
Ragna Kemp Haraldsdóttir ◽  
Thamar Melanie Heijstra

Í lok febrúar 2020 lýsti ríkislögreglustjóri, í samráði við sóttvarnalækni og landlækni, yfir óvissustigi almannavarna vegna COVID-19. Rektor Háskóla Íslands hvatti starfsfólk og nemendur til að fylgjast með upplýsingum frá Landlæknisembættinu og hlýða ráðum og fyrirmælum sem þaðan komu. Í kjölfarið var neyðarstig almannavarna virkjað á Íslandi og samkomur takmarkaðar til að vernda íbúa landsins. Um miðjan mars var háskólum lokað og fengu kennarar Háskóla Íslands það verkefni að færa alla kennslu á örskömmum tíma úr hefðbundnu staðnámi í kennslustofum yfir í fjarnám. Háskólakennarar bjuggu á þessum tímapunkti yfir mismikilli reynslu af rafrænum kennsluháttum og margir þeirra hófu hraða vegferð upp bratta lærdómskúrfu. Á meðan rannsóknir hafa beinst að upplifun og reynslu nemenda, líðan þeirra og atvinnuhorfum á tímum heimsfaraldurs, hafa fáar rannsóknir varpað ljósi á leiðir kennara á háskólastigi til að endurskoða og aðlaga eigin kennslu og samskipti við nemendur að breyttri tilveru. Þessari rannsókn er ætlað að veita innsýn í reynslu háskólakennara af skyndilegum breytingum á kennsluháttum á tímum COVID-19.Markmið þessarar greinar er að varpa ljósi á úrræði þriggja háskólakennara sem höfðu þá sérstöðu að vera samtímis í hlutverki kennara og nemenda á þessum fordæmalausu tímum. Sem kennarar báru þeir ábyrgð á að mæta farsællega þeim áskorunum sem óhjákvæmilega fylgdu heimsfaraldrinum fyrir nemendur, og vörðuðu námsmat, endurgjöf og prófafyrirkomulag. Sem nemendur stunduðu kennararnir nám í háskólakennslufræði og upplifðu því á eigin skinni hvernig námsfyrirkomulag færðist milli stað- og fjarnáms með litlum fyrirvara. Í greininni er lögð áhersla á þá þætti sem snúa að rafrænum kennsluháttum, námsmati, samskiptum kennara og nemenda og lærdómi kennara af ofangreindum þáttum.Rannsóknargögn samanstanda af ígrundun kennarana á eigin úrræðum í kennslu sem unnin var í námskeiðinu Námsmat og endurgjöf á vormisseri 2020, reynslu þeirra af að fylgjast með kennslu hver hjá öðrum, kennslumati námskeiða, samskiptum við nemendur sem og tilkynningum og fyrirmælum háskólarektors til starfsfólks og nemenda á tímum COVID-19. Aðferðir þriggja kennara í þessari rannsókn fólust ekki síst í að vera gagnrýninn vinur (e. critical friend) í samstarfshópi (e. significant network) en það er aðferð sem felur í sér að rýna saman kennsluhætti til gagns, skapa aðstæður fyrir traust og opin samskipti og veita stuðning í þeim áskorunum sem felast í kennslu.Niðurstöður benda til þess að á meðan markmið stjórnvalda hafi verið að „fletja út kúrfuna“ til að hefta og hægja á útbreiðslu COVID-19, hafi markmið háskólans um að tryggja öryggi og velferð nemenda og starfsfólks og að nemendur gætu lokið námskeiðum með farsælum hætti orðið til þess að lærdómskúrfa háskólakennara varð brött. Þó kennararnir þrír kenni innan sama fræðasviðs voru kennsluhættir þeirra og skipulag námskeiða með ólíkum hætti. Breytingar á kennsluháttum, svo sem aukin og persónulegri samskipti við nemendur, tæknilegar áskoranir og endurskoðun námsmats, einkenndu þessa nýju kennsluhætti og juku vinnuálag kennara. Þannig fólst lærdómur kennara í að tileinka sér notkun ýmiss konar hugbúnaðar til að mæta kröfum um rafræna kennsluhætti. Þeir þurftu jafnframt að endurskipuleggja námskeið sín sem og námsmat. Kennarar stóðu einnig frammi fyrir að sinna mörgum og ólíkum hlutverkum samtímis, m.a. á sviði stjórnunar og kennslufræði, auk þess að fela í sér bæði félagslegan og tæknilegan stuðning við nemendur. Niðurstöður þessarar rannsóknar styðja fyrri rannsóknir hvað varðar þær áskoranir sem felast í að skipta stöðugt um hlutverk. Slík umskipti geta reynst kennurum erfið, ekki síst ef ekki hefur gefist tækifæri til þjálfunar áður en beita á nýjum aðferðum. Breytingar á kennsluháttum fólu einnig í sér jákvæðar hliðar, svo sem nýja reynslu kennara af upplýsingatækni, aukið jafnræði milli staðnema og fjarnema svo og nemendamiðaðri sýn kennara í kennslu. Niðurstöður benda einnig til þess að þátttaka kennara í háskólakennslufræði, áhersla námsins á ígrunduð vinnubrögð sem og náin samvinna og gagnkvæmur stuðningur á milli kennaranna þriggja sem og milli þeirra og leiðbeinanda námskeiðsins Námsmat og endurgjöf hafi orðið til þess að átökin við bratta lærdómskúrfu urðu viðráðanleg og hægt var í sameiningu að draga lærdóm af reynslunni.

Fei Chi Chuang ◽  
Yu Min Chou ◽  
Ling Ying Wu ◽  
Tsai Hwa Yang ◽  
Wen Hsin Chen ◽  

Abstract Introduction and hypothesis In addition to laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy (LS), laparoscopic pectopexy (LP) is a novel surgical method for correcting apical prolapse. The descended cervix or vaginal vault is suspended with a synthetic mesh by fixing the bilateral mesh ends to the pectineal ligaments. This study was aimed at developing a learning curve for LP and to compare it with results with LS. Methods We started laparoscopic/robotic pectopexy in our department in August 2019. This retrospective study included the initial 18 consecutive women with apical prolapse receiving LP and another group undergoing LS (21 cases) performed by the same surgeon. The medical and video records were reviewed. Results The age was older in the LP group than in the LS group (65.2 vs 53.1 years). The operation time of LP group was significantly shorter than that of the LS group (182.9 ± 27.2 vs 256.2 ± 45.5 min, p < 0.001). The turning point of the LP learning curve was observed at the 12th case. No major complications such as bladder, ureteral, bowel injury or uncontrolled bleeding occurred in either group. Postoperative low back pain and defecation symptoms occurred exclusively in the LS group. During the follow-up period (mean 7.2 months in LP, 16.2 months in LS), none of the cases had recurrent apical prolapse. Conclusions Laparoscopic pectopexy is a feasible surgical method for apical prolapse, with a shorter operation time and less postoperative discomfort than LS. LP may overcome the steep learning curve of LS because the surgical field of LP is limited to the anterior pelvis and avoids encountering the critical organs.

2021 ◽  
pp. neurintsurg-2021-017460
Michael K Tso ◽  
Gary B Rajah ◽  
Rimal H Dossani ◽  
Michael J Meyer ◽  
Matthew J McPheeters ◽  

BackgroundThe perception of a steep learning curve associated with transradial access has resulted in its limited adoption in neurointervention despite the demonstrated benefits, including decreased access-site complications.ObjectiveTo compare learning curves of transradial versus transfemoral diagnostic cerebral angiograms obtained by five neurovascular fellows as primary operator.MethodsThe first 100–150 consecutive transradial and transfemoral angiographic scans performed by each fellow between July 2017 and March 2020 were identified. Mean fluoroscopy time per artery injected (angiographic efficiency) was calculated as a marker of technical proficiency and compared for every 25 consecutive procedures performed (eg, 1–25, 26–50, 51–75).ResultsWe identified 1242 diagnostic angiograms, 607 transradial and 635 transfemoral. The radial cohort was older (64.3 years vs 62.3 years, p=0.01) and demonstrated better angiographic efficiency (3.4 min/vessel vs 3.7 min/vessel, p=0.03). For three fellows without previous endovascular experience, proficiency was obtained between 25 and 50 transfemoral angiograms. One fellow achieved proficiency after performing 25–50 transradial angiograms; and the two other fellows, in <25 transradial angiograms. The two fellows with previous experience had flattened learning curves for both access types. Two patients experienced transient neurologic symptoms postprocedure. Transradial angiograms were associated with significantly fewer access-site complications (3/607, 0.5% vs 22/635, 3.5%, p<0.01). Radial-to-femoral conversion occurred in 1.2% (7/607); femoral-to-radial conversion occurred in 0.3% (2/635). Over time, the proportion of transradial angiographic procedures increased.ConclusionTechnical proficiency improved significantly over time for both access types, typically requiring between 25 and 50 diagnostic angiograms to achieve asymptomatic improvement in efficiency. Reduced access-site complications and decreased fluoroscopy time were benefits associated with transradial angiography.

Tehmina Khan

Accounting education has faced limitations as a highly technical and discipline-specific body of knowledge. The case presented in this chapter demonstrates and reflects on an attempt at incorporating the study of sustainability-related accounting knowledge through multiple forms of delivery and assessment. Sustainability-related material that draws from business, accounting and ethics' perspectives was included in an accounting ethics course for accounting majors at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University in Melbourne, Australia. This pedagogy has encouraged the development of students' soft skills including their emotional intelligence. Sustainability education has been found as engaging and thought provoking, albeit involving a steep learning curve for students as far as knowledge and awareness are concerned. It has allowed for the promotion of multiple and broader perspectives and education on key sustainability-related concerns, from a range of angles including ethics and accounting frameworks for sustainability as well as multidisciplinary approaches to sustainability and business.

Mitzi P. Trahan ◽  
Nan B. Adams ◽  
Susan Dupre

The growing experimentation with multi-user virtual environments for educational purposes demands rigorous examination of all aspects of these digital worlds. While their use appears to enhance and expand traditional distance learning, educators acknowledge that barriers to access remain, including a steep learning curve for orienting users to MUVE navigation and functionality. The application of Adams’s Knowledge Development Model for Virtual Learning Environments provides a framework for the design of in-world learning opportunities and activities, many of which tend to mirror pedagogical best-practices in Real Life (RL).

Daniel Rolf

Teaching with technological support brings its own set of problems, some of them technical and others social in nature. Familiarity with specific technology can enhance the teacher’s, the practicing professional’s and the student’s experience, otherwise each will face a potentially steep learning curve before being able to achieve the best outcomes. We live in a time of rapid technical advancement bringing us new and ever more exciting opportunities at ever decreasing cost. In this chapter the authors will look at technologies which present opportunities in the virtuality continuum, from the ubiquitous mobile phone to more specialized augmented and mixed reality systems. They show examples from various fields of endeavor in an attempt to whet the appetite of those interested in new and innovative approaches to training and education.

Andrey Smorkalov ◽  
Mikhail Fominykh ◽  
Mikhail Morozov

In this paper, the authors address the challenges of applying three-dimensional virtual worlds for collaborative work and learning, such as steep learning curve and the demands for computational and network resources. We developed a texture generation model utilizing stream processors that allows displaying large amount of meaningful content in virtual worlds, reducing the technical requirements and allowing convenient tools that simplify the use of the technology, and therefore, improve the negative learning curve effect. The authors present original methods of generating images and several tools implemented in vAcademia virtual world. A tool called Sticky Notes is presented in detail as an example. In addition, the authors provide the evaluation of the suggested model and the first result of the user evaluation.

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