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2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 0-0

The emergence of Cross-Border E-commerce (CBeC) has brought substantial changes to both businesses and consumers. Although CBeC businesses have existed for less than a decade, many academic researchers addressed important issues in this context. It is essential to evaluate what has been studied through a structured review of the literature and derive meaningful insights given that research on this topic is new and largely fragmented. Therefore, this study conducts a review of CBeC literature to find the current gaps and fragmentation to provide guidelines for future research. The review shows that research in this domain needs more attention and enforcement to address the current research gaps. Addressing the current gaps helps academia build a rigorous body of knowledge and enables practitioners to solve challenging business problems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Bidyut B. Hazarika ◽  
Reza Mousavi

The emergence of Cross-Border E-commerce (CBeC) has brought substantial changes to both businesses and consumers. Although CBeC businesses have existed for less than a decade, many academic researchers addressed important issues in this context. It is essential to evaluate what has been studied through a structured review of the literature and derive meaningful insights given that research on this topic is new and largely fragmented. Therefore, this study conducts a review of CBeC literature to find the current gaps and fragmentation to provide guidelines for future research. The review shows that research in this domain needs more attention and enforcement to address the current research gaps. Addressing the current gaps helps academia build a rigorous body of knowledge and enables practitioners to solve challenging business problems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 148 (2) ◽  
Daniel B. Oerther ◽  
David A. Chin ◽  
David A. Vaccari

Dhansri Sudhir Bawankule

Abstract: Blockchain is a technology that has the potential to cause big changes in our corporate environment and will have a significant influence over the next few decades. It has the potential to alter our perception of business operations and revolutionise our economy. Blockchain is a decentralised and distributed ledger system that, since it cannot be tampered with or faked, attempts to assure transparency, data security, and integrity. Only a few studies have looked at the usage of Blockchain Technology in other contexts or sectors, with the majority of current Blockchain Technology research focusing on its use for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Blockchain technology is more than simply bitcoin; it may be used in government, finance and banking, accounting, and business process managementAs a result, the goal of this study is to examine and investigate the advantages and drawbacks of Blockchain Technology for current and future applications. As a consequence, a large number of published studies were thoroughly assessed and analysed based on their contributions to the Blockchain body of knowledge. Keywords: Blockchain Technology, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Digital currency

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. p97
Zichen Guan

As one of the most commonly utilised assessment means of the English language, IELTS is attracting a sheer volume of test candidates in China, which unambiguously has social implications in China. This article briefly discussed the social impact of IELTS in China, including shift in profession, life-changing potential and test anxiety. At the end of this paper, there is a call for more body of knowledge on impacts of international examination such as IELTS towards social and economy in China as currently there is a dearth of studies in this topic.

Kamale G ◽  
Satheeshkumar K R P

Soil-structure interaction(SSI) analysis is the study of the dynamic response of a structure as influenced by the interaction with the surrounding soil. The SSI response is sensitive to the characteristics of the soil, structures, and ground motion, as well as the depth of embedment. The concept of soil-structure interaction was introduced , and the research methods were discussed. This report presents a synthetic of the body of knowledge contained in SSI literature, which has been distilled into a concise narrative and harmonized under a consistent set of variables and units. Specific techniques are described by which SSI phenomena can be simulated in engineering practice, and recommendations for modeling seismic soil-structure interaction effects on building structures are provided. An attempt was made to summarize the all terms in this area of study.

2022 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
Kogielam K. Archary ◽  
Christina Landman

In a post-apartheid South Africa, the value of reflective memories and their impact on community history gives credibility to their relationship with personal struggles such as disability, be it physical or political. Shaped by South African Indian heritage, an isolated individualised case of a second-generation descendant’s ability–disability experience is researched and narrated in this article. The respondent, Dr Kasturi Varley is a woman of the South African Indian community, who was born almost 101 years after the first shipload of Indian indentured labourers arrived in the then Colony of Natal. Her memories shed light on a unique Indo-African-European experience. Her indentured paternal grandfather arrived in the African continent in August 1900. Her reflective memories and shared experiences of various episodes of the ability–disability paradigm add to the body of knowledge of the Indian indentured labour system that already exists and partially fills up the prevalent gaps in the research on this topic. Her story is unique in that she worked wheelchair-bound at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria and subsequently settled in the United Kingdom. This study applied a qualitative research methodology.Contribution: This article provides insight on reflective memories within the domain of social memory and contributes to an understanding of the historiography of the descendants of Indian indentured labourers in South Africa. In 2020, this community commemorated the 160th anniversary of the arrival of the labourers to the Colony of Natal.

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