scholarly journals Analisis Litofasies dan Sistem Terumbu Batuan Karbonat Berdasarkan Data Log dan Core, Cekungan Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
Fachry Muhammad ◽  
Benyamin Benyamin ◽  
Firman Herdiansyah

<p>Lokasi daerah penelitian berada pada lapangan “FM” terletak pada Cekungan Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi fasies dan lingkungan pengendapan yang berkembang pada Anggota Mentawa yang berada di Formasi Minahaki yang merupakan suatu reef system pada batuan karbonat. Metodologi penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu dengan cara analisis kuantitatif menggunakan data log dan analisis fasies menggunakan data petrografi dan mudlog. Dari hasil analisis kuantitatif berupa peta kedalaman daerah penelitian dan hasil analisis litofasies berdasarkan deksripsi dari litologi yang terdapat pada seluruh sumur terbagi menjadi beberapa fasies yaitu fasies mudstone, fasies wackstone, fasies skeletal wackstone, fasies skeletal packstone dan fasies coarse skeletal wackstone-packstone. Lingkungan pengendapan pada sistem terumbu yang berkembang berdasarkan jenis dari fasies dan biota yang hadir pada daerah penelitian diperkirakan diendapakan pada lingkungan back reef lagoon dan fore reef. Berdasarkan hasil analisis lingkungan pengendapan tersebut menunjukan geometri dari sistem terumbu yaitu isolated reef.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Rifky Nuraza Putra ◽  
Moehammad Ali Jambak

<p class="Abstract">Daerah penelitian lapangan “X” terletak di Formasi Kais, Cekungan Salawati, Papua Barat, Indonesia. Maksud dan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginterpretasikan fasies karbonat, beserta penyebarannya, baik secara vertikal maupun horizontal. Penelitian dimulai dengan penafsiran <em>litostratigrafi</em> menggunakan data <em>log</em> dan sayatan tipis, untuk membuat <em>type log</em>. Dilanjut dengan analisis sikuen stratigrafi dan <em>reef system</em> untuk menentukan penyebaran, dengan bantuan data seismik untuk dikorelasikan dengan sumur-sumur lainnya. Dari hasil analisis, terdapat 5 fasies pada daerah penelitian, yaitu: <em>Skeletal Debris Packstone-Wackestone, Coral Algal Grainstone – Boundstone, Skeletal Wackestone, Skeletal Packstone dan Coral Algal Packstone</em>. Terdapat pula 4 <em>reef system</em>, yaitu; <em>Back reef, reef crest, fore reef dan off reef</em>. Untuk mencapai tujuan akhir dari penelitian ini, maka dibuat peta penyebaran fasies.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 609 ◽  
pp. 33-48 ◽  
RP Lyon ◽  
DB Eggleston ◽  
DR Bohnenstiehl ◽  
CA Layman ◽  
SW Ricci ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 713-726 ◽  
Annalisa Caragnano ◽  
Daniela Basso ◽  
Graziella Rodondi
Red Sea ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 241 ◽  
pp. 278-281 ◽  
Brigitta I. van Tussenbroek ◽  
M. Guadalupe Barba Santos ◽  
Jent Kornelis van Dijk ◽  
S. N. Marisela Sanabria Alcaraz ◽  
M. Lourdes Téllez Calderón

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 190298 ◽  
Nuria Estrada-Saldívar ◽  
Eric Jordán-Dalhgren ◽  
Rosa E. Rodríguez-Martínez ◽  
Chris Perry ◽  
Lorenzo Alvarez-Filip

Functional integrity on coral reefs is strongly dependent upon coral cover and coral carbonate production rate being sufficient to maintain three-dimensional reef structures. Increasing environmental and anthropogenic pressures in recent decades have reduced the cover of key reef-building species, producing a shift towards the relative dominance of more stress-tolerant taxa and leading to a reduction in the physical functional integrity. Understanding how changes in coral community composition influence the potential of reefs to maintain their physical reef functioning is a priority for their conservation and management. Here, we evaluate how coral communities have changed in the northern sector of the Mexican Caribbean between 1985 and 2016, and the implications for the maintenance of physical reef functions in the back- and fore-reef zones. We used the cover of coral species to explore changes in four morpho-functional groups, coral community composition, coral community calcification, the reef functional index and the reef carbonate budget. Over a period of 31 years, ecological homogenization occurred between the two reef zones mostly due to a reduction in the cover of framework-building branching ( Acropora spp.) and foliose-digitiform ( Porites porites and Agaricia tenuifolia ) coral species in the back-reef, and a relative increase in non-framework species in the fore-reef ( Agaricia agaricites and Porites astreoides ). This resulted in a significant decrease in the physical functionality of the back-reef zone. At present, both reef zones have negative carbonate budgets, and thus limited capacity to sustain reef accretion, compromising the existing reef structure and its future capacity to provide habitat and environmental services.

1992 ◽  
Vol 78 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 49-57 ◽  
Mario Fay ◽  
Desiderius C.P. Masalu ◽  
Alfred N.N. Muzuka

PeerJ ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. e3411 ◽  
Luz Veronica Monroy-Velázquez ◽  
Rosa Elisa Rodríguez-Martínez ◽  
Fernando Alvarez

Background and Aims Cryptic peracarids are an important component of the coral reef fauna in terms of diversity and abundance, yet they have been poorly studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate the taxonomic richness and abundance of cryptic peracarids in coral rubble in the Puerto Morelos Reef National Park, Mexico (PMRNP), and their relationship with depth. Methods Three reef sites were selected: (1) Bonanza, (2) Bocana, and (3) Jardines. At each site six kilograms of coral rubble were collected over four sampling periods at three depths: 3 m (back-reef), 6–8 m (fore-reef), and 10–12 m (fore-reef). Results A total of 8,887 peracarid crustaceans belonging to 200 taxa distributed over five orders and 63 families was obtained; 70% of the taxa were identified to species and 25% to genus level. Fifty species of those collected represent new records for the Mexican Caribbean Sea. Isopoda was the most speciose order while Tanaidacea was the most abundant. Discussion Cryptic peracarid taxonomic richness and abundance were related to depth with higher values of both parameters being found in the shallow (3 m) back-reef, possibly due to a higher reef development and a greater accumulation of coral rubble produced during hurricanes. Peracarid data obtained in the present study can be used as a baseline for future monitoring programs in the PMRNP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmad Syauqi Hidayatillah ◽  
Tri Winarno ◽  
Rofiatun Khasanah
X Ray ◽  

Batugamping merupakan sumberdaya alam kategori bahan galian industri nonlogam. Penelitian mengenai fasies dan kualitas batugamping di PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Unit Palimanan dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jenis fasies terhadap kualitas batugamping sebagai bahan baku semen portland. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengamatan sampel batugamping secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis terhadap 20 singkapan batugamping Kuari B dan C. Setiap singkapan batugamping dilakukan pengambilan sampel hand speciment untuk analisis kualitas kimia menggunakan X-Ray Fluorescence dan analisis fasies lebih spesifik. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa batugamping Kuari B diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 fasies, yaitu packstone, bafflestone, dan rudstone yang terbentuk pada zonasi fasies reef core dan back-reef lagoon. Batugamping Kuari C diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 fasies, yaitu mudstone, wackestone, packstone, dan grainstone yang terbentuk pada zonasi fasies back-reef lagoon. Analisis kualitas kimia menunjukkan bahwa 8 sampel batugamping Kuari B berkualitas baik (kadar CaO>49%), sedangkan pada Kuari C didapati sebanyak 8 sampel berkualitas baik (kadar CaO >49%), 2 sampel berkualitas sedang (kadar CaO 40-49%) dan 2 sampel berkualitas rendah (kadar CaO<40%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis fasies batugamping yang bersifat grain supported seperti grainstone, packstone, bafflestone, dan rudstone cenderung menghasilkan batugamping dengan kualitas baik, sedangkan fasies batugamping yang bersifat matrix supported seperti mudstone dan wackestone akan menghasilkan batugamping dengan kualitas yang lebih buruk.

2021 ◽  
pp. 897-911
Mazin Y. Tamar-Agha ◽  
Muzahim A. Basi

Petrography, diagenesis, and facies analyses as well as the depositional environments of the late Campanian-Maastrichtian sequence in southwestern Iraq are studied in five keyholes. The sequence incorporates parts of the Hartha, Shiranish and Tayarat Formations. The Hartha Formation comprises creamy and organodetrital dolomite, grey dolomitic marl, and evaporites. The Shiranish Formation is composed of grey marl and claystone, whereas the Tayarat Formation is composed of grey ash, along with tough and fossiliferous dolomitic limestone inter-bedded with grey mudstone layers and/or wisps. Several diagenetic processes affected the sequence, such as neomorphic replacement, dissolution, dolomitization, and sulphate development. Some of these processes obliterated the primary textures. The late Campanian-Maastrichtian sequence consists of three microfacies (Dolomitic Intraclastic Limestone, Dolomitized Biomicrite, and Biomicrosparite Microfacies) and two lithofacies (Mudrock and Sulphates-Rock Lithofacies), in addition to Fine- to Medium-Crystalline Dolomite Lithotype. The Hartha Formation is evaporitic, possibly with supratidal sabkha deposits. The overlying Tayarat and Shiranish Formations reflect deposition in a warm tropical to subtropical reefal and open marine conditions, as deduced from faunal assemblages.  Some effects of deep marine condition are evident by the presence of Shiranish facies. The sequence represents deposition in the central reef- fore reef area. The absence of isolated back-reef lagoon facies suggests that the reef was patchy without isolation of water in the middle shelf region. However, at the top of the sequence, i.e. at the end of the Cretaceous Period, restricted lagoons seem to have dominated the studied succession.

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