Husain Latuconsina ◽  
M. Natsir Nessa ◽  
Rohani Ambo Rappe

The study was conducted in March - May 2011 in the coastal waters of Tanjung Tiram – inner Ambon bay. The aims of the study were to determine the composition of species and structure of fish communities in seagrass beds ecosystems. Fish were collected every spring and neap tide for three month periode with a swept area method using beach seine. Fishes were collected as many as 6444 individuals representing 68 species from 29 families. Siganus canaliculatus was contributed up to 62.91% of the total individual fish found.The fish community structure was varied between spring and neap tide. Index of dominance was in low category, diversity in medium, and evenness in unstable conditions. Moreover, the results indicated that seagrass ecosystems in Tanjung Tiram (TAD) have an important role as spawning, nursery ground, and feeding ground. Therefore, management and conservation efforts are urgently needed to maintain the ecological role of seagrass ecosystems for the sustainability of the fish resources.Keywords: Seagrass beds, fish community, tanjung tiram, inner Ambon Bay

Husain Latuconsina ◽  
M. Natsir Nessa ◽  
Rohani Ambo Rappe

<p>The study was conducted in March - May 2011 in the coastal waters of Tanjung Tiram – inner Ambon bay. The aims of the study were to determine the composition of species and structure of fish communities in seagrass beds ecosystems. Fish were collected every spring and neap tide for three month periode with a swept area method using beach seine. Fishes were collected as many as 6444 individuals representing 68 species from 29 families. Siganus canaliculatus was contributed up to 62.91% of the total individual fish found.The fish community structure was varied between spring and neap tide. Index of dominance was in low category, diversity in medium, and evenness in unstable conditions. Moreover, the results indicated that seagrass ecosystems in Tanjung Tiram (TAD) have an important role as spawning, nursery ground, and feeding ground. Therefore, management and conservation efforts are urgently needed to maintain the ecological role of seagrass ecosystems for the sustainability of the fish resources.</p><p>Keywords: Seagrass beds, fish community, tanjung tiram, inner Ambon Bay</p>

Wilhelmus Reinaldo Pattipeilohy ◽  
Thomas Frans Pattiasina ◽  
Simon Petrus Octavianus Leatemia ◽  
Selfanie Talakua

One of the coastal ecosystems that has a high primary productivity, seagrass, makes it a places to find foods (feeding ground), spawn (spawning ground), and shelter for most fish. Whether the structure of fish communities on seagrass beds in the coastal waters of Doreri Bay based on day and night observation times is different from previous studies. This study aims to examine the structure of fish communities on seagrass beds in the coastal waters of Doreri Bay, between the time of observation and compared to previous studies. Data collection takes place during April-May 2019. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, using 1 and 1.5 inch gills net. The results of the study found that seagrass beds in Doreri Bay waters were more than in previous studies, which consisted of 10 species of seagrasses from 2 families (Hydrocharitaceae and Cymodoceaceae). The composition of fish is 56 species with a total of 91 individuals during the day and 189 individuals at night. Fish community structure in Doreri Bay waters has moderate diversity and uniformity while low dominance. Efforts should be made to protect seagrass ecosystems so that fish resources in the Doreri Bay region are maintained.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Elok Faiqoh ◽  
Dwi Budi Wiyanto ◽  
I Gede Budi Astrawan

Seagrass ecosystem is providing feeding ground, nursery ground, spawning ground , habitat and shelter area. The threat of physical destruction such as the reclamation, pollution, sedimentation and tourism activities decreasing the diversity and the abundance of fishery commodities. The purpose of this study was to describe the condition of seagrass, determine the composition and abundance of seagrass fish in the three Southern coast of Bali and assess the association of fish-sea grass. Samples were taken from three coastal areas, Samuh, Shindu and Serangan coastal area. The results are in Samuhthere are 6 types of seagrass, in Shindu there are 7 types and in Serangan there are three types, whichdominates with Cymodocea rotundata and Syringodium isoetifolium. From the three coastal areas,we found 21 families of fish, where the family Pomacentridaehas the highest species abundance in Samuh, Apogon sp in Serangan and Terapon sp. found in Shindu. We can see the interaction between the seagrass ecosystems of coral reefs in the waters of South Bali and ecological role of seagrass from the family and species of fish.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Muh Fahmi Zuhdi ◽  
Karnan Karnan ◽  
Abdul Syukur

Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai status dan struktur populasi ikan ekonomis penting padang lamun di Teluk Ekas. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan pukat pantai (Beach seine) dengan metode swept area pada bulan Mei-Juni 2016. Analisis data pada penelitian ini yaitu analisis data kelimpahan relatif individu ikan menggunakan formula KR=Ni/N x 100 selanjutnya analisis hubungan panjang dan berat menggunakan rumus W= aLb. Hasil pada penelitian ini ditemukan empat spesies ikan ekonomis penting yaitu Siganus gutatus, Siganus canaliculatus, Hemiramphus archipelagicus dan Terapon jarbua. Kelimpahan ikan ekonomis penting yaitu Siganus gutatus sebesar 33,60% dan yang paling rendah Terapon jarbua sebesar 21,24%. Sebaran panjang masing-masing spesies ikan yaitu Siganus guttatus 61-70 mm (46,6%). Siganus canaliculatus, sebaran panjang yang paling tinggi yaitu pada rentang 71-80 mm sebesar (33,1%). Hemiramphus archipelagicus, sebaran panjang yang paling tinggi yaitu pada rentang 131-150 mm sebesar (36,3%). Terapon jarbua, sebaran panjang yang paling tinggi yaitu pada rentang 91-100 mm sebesar (26,8%). Hubungan panjang dan berat ikan yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pola pertumbuhan semua spesies adalah allometrik negatif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingginya kelimpahan jenis ikan ekonomis penting yang berasosiasi dengan padang lamun yang berukuran juvenil sebagai indikator fungsi ekologi lamun sangat vital untuk ikan dapat survive.Kata Kunci : Padang Lamun, Distribusi dan Keragaman Ikan Ekonomis Penting.Abstract : This research aims to assess the stattus and population structure of economically important fish seagrass beds. The sampel was taken by using beach seine with swept area method on Mei-Juni 2016. The data analysis of this research was the analysis of abundance relativity of individual fish by using formula . Then data analysis of lenght and weight relationship using the formula W=aLb.The result of this research, it was found that four species of economically important fish they are Siganus guttatus, Siganus canaliculatus, Hemiramphus archipelagicus and Terapon jarbua. The results abundance of economically important fish was highest in Siganus gutatus with the percentage of 33.60% and the lowest in fish Terapon jarbua with the percentage of 21.24. The distribution of each species was Siganus guttatus the length of distribution highest in the range 61-70 mm with the percentage of 46,6%, Siganus canaliculatus the length of distribution highest in the range 71-80 mm with the percentage of 31,3%, Hemiramphus archipelagicus the length of distribution highest in the range 131-150 mm with the percentage of 36,6%, Terapon jarbua the length of distribution highest in the range 91-100 mm with the percentage of 26,8%. The correllation beetwen length and weight showed that the form of all species was allometrik negatif. It can be concluded that the high number of abundance of economically important juveniles fish which was associated with seagrass as the indicator of ecological function of seagrass ecology was vital in order that fish able to survive.Keywords : Seagrass beds, Distribution and Variation of Economically Important F

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Rohani Ambo Rappe

<p>The importance of seagrass meadows as a habitat for fishes, including several of economic importance, is widely acknowledged. The complexity of seagrass beds might offer a different condition of habitat for fishes. The physical nature of the seagrass canopy is thought to play a major role, potentially influencing available shelter, food, and protection from predators. Structural complexity of seagrass such as shoot and leaf density is also an important factor in determining ecological function of seagrass in the marine environment. The objective of the research is to assess the ecological function of different seagrass beds (in terms of spesies and density) in supporting fish community. The study found 28 species of fish originating from 14 families and Pomacentridae were dominantly found. Abundance of fish found to be higher in seagrass beds with high densities both composed by one species of seagrass (monospesific) or by more than one species of seagrass (multispesific), compared to the seagrass beds with low density and bare areas. Fish community diversity index was found higher in dense seagrass beds composed of many species of seagrass compared to the rare and consists of only one species of seagrass. The presence of epiphytes as nutrients for the fish that live in seagrass beds may contribute to the finding.</p><p>Keywords: Seagrass, fish, Barrang Lompo Island</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Rohani Ambo Rappe

The importance of seagrass meadows as a habitat for fishes, including several of economic importance, is widely acknowledged. The complexity of seagrass beds might offer a different condition of habitat for fishes. The physical nature of the seagrass canopy is thought to play a major role, potentially influencing available shelter, food, and protection from predators. Structural complexity of seagrass such as shoot and leaf density is also an important factor in determining ecological function of seagrass in the marine environment. The objective of the research is to assess the ecological function of different seagrass beds (in terms of spesies and density) in supporting fish community. The study found 28 species of fish originating from 14 families and Pomacentridae were dominantly found. Abundance of fish found to be higher in seagrass beds with high densities both composed by one species of seagrass (monospesific) or by more than one species of seagrass (multispesific), compared to the seagrass beds with low density and bare areas. Fish community diversity index was found higher in dense seagrass beds composed of many species of seagrass compared to the rare and consists of only one species of seagrass. The presence of epiphytes as nutrients for the fish that live in seagrass beds may contribute to the finding.Keywords: Seagrass, fish, Barrang Lompo Island

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
pp. 02005 ◽  
Nurul Hidayati ◽  
M. Suparmoko

Seagrass provides many ecosystem services that are of beneficial to humans, including its role as a nursery ground for some commercial fishes. This ecosystem role depends on the structural complexity of seagrass beds. Yet few studies in Indonesia sought to associate seagrass with fish. The aim of this paper is to determine fish community response to different seagrass bed density. This study was carried out in the coastal waters of Tidung Kecil Island, Kepulauan Seribu. The fish observation was conducted using underwater visual census in stationary point count. The result showed that there were 21 species and S. canaliculatus was dominantly found. Fish abundance and fish community diversity index were found to be higher in seagrass beds with high densities compared to the seagrass beds with low density. The results of this study underline seagrass density can impact upon associated fish. This study provides the contribution of seagrass for coastal fisheries as a nursery ground. It is a way to promote the seagrass ecosystem to the society, therefore it can be considered into coastal policy.

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