Видовой состав фауны эндопаразитов диких птиц отряда Пластинчатоклювые (Anseriformes) в регионе Северного Кавказа

Вагид Шарапудинович Пашаев ◽  
Анатолий Мурашевич Биттиров ◽  
Црай Бесланович Кагермазов

В статье приведены сведения о видовом составе эндопаразитофауны у семи видов птиц отряда Пластинчатоклювые (Anseriformes) в регионе Северного Кавказа. У видов Anser anser L., Anser erythropus, Anas platyrhynehos L., Anas strepera L., Anas crecca L., Tadorna tadorna L., Mergus merganser L. определено 13 видов рода эймерия, 116 видов био- и геогельминтов, в том числе: Trematoda — 87 видов, Cestoda — 14 видов, Nematoda — 10 видов, Acantocephala — 5 видов с тенденцией формирования в организме птиц простых и сложных многокомпонентных паразитокомплексов. Исследования проводили в 2006 – 2014 гг. на базах ФГУ «Эльбрусский национальный парк», ФГУ «Кабардино-Балкарский государственный высокогорный заповедник», в 12 охотничьих хозяйствах и участках Кабардино-Балкарской Республики и Республики Дагестан на диких и синантропных птицах разного возраста. Паразитологическим исследованиям подвергнуты семь видов диких птиц отряда Пластинчатоклювые (всего 660 особей): серый гусь Anser anser L. — 110 особей, малый белолобый гусь Anser erythropus — 95 особей, обыкновенная кряква Anas platyrhynehos L. — 216 особей, серая утка Anas strepera L. — 100 особей, чирок-свистунок Anas crecca L. — 45 особей, пеганка Tadorna tadorna L. — 76 особей, большой крохаль Mergus merganser L. — 18 особей. Для изучения видовой структуры эндопаразитов применяли методы полного и неполного гельминтологического вскрытия. Использованы статистические методы дисперсионного анализа; вычисления выполнены с помощью программы Statistica 6.0.

2009 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-189 ◽  
D. Jouet ◽  
H. Ferté ◽  
C. Hologne ◽  
M.L. Kaltenbach ◽  
J. Depaquit

AbstractThe prevalence of human cercarial dermatitis (HCD) caused by bird schistosomes appears to be increasing in France, in light of the impact of tourism combined with high densities of wild aquatic hosts in freshwater areas. The present work expands our knowledge of schistosome systematics by including samples of bird schistosomes collected from their natural hosts in France. Heads (318) and viscera (81) of aquatic birds belonging to 16 species from five orders, collecting during the hunting seasons or found dead, were autopsied for nasal and visceral schistosomes. Eggs and/or adults were analysed by molecular methods using the D2 domain and the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) region of rDNA to determine species. Even if nasal eggs were polymorphic according to the host, all haplotypes were similar to that of Trichobilharzia regenti. Marked diversity of visceral species was observed. Final hosts under natural conditions were reported. For the first time, Trichobilharzia franki is reported in its natural bird hosts, Anas platyrhynchos, Anas crecca, Aythya fuligula and Cygnus olor. We also identified T. szidati in A. crecca and Anas clypeata. Bilharziella polonica was found in six species of aquatic birds, including Grus grus. This finding is the first record of bird schistosomes in this aquatic bird. Three new taxa of visceral schistosomes in Anser anser are strongly suspected according to their haplotypes. Futhermore, a new haplotype of visceral schistosomes isolated in Cygnus olor and similar to Allobilharzia visceralis was identified.

2016 ◽  
Vol 94 (8) ◽  
pp. 575-581 ◽  
A.J. Raquel ◽  
J.H. Devries ◽  
D.W. Howerter ◽  
R.T. Alisauskas ◽  
S.W. Leach ◽  

Timing of breeding varies among waterfowl species and individuals, with strong effects on reproductive success, and may be related to habitat quality. Here, we analyse the start, span, and end of the nesting season for nine upland-nesting duck species at 166 Canadian Prairie–Parkland sites over 34 years to better characterize nesting patterns and test whether and how species respond to May pond abundances. Nesting metrics were compared between single-site versus multiple-site studies over 7 years to evaluate the effects of spatial scale and methodology. Strong, consistent differences in start of nesting were found among duck species, being earliest for Northern Pintail (Anas acuta L., 1758) and Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos L., 1758), followed by Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata L., 1758), American Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca carolinensis Gmelin, 1789 = Anas carolinensis Gmelin, 1789), Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors L., 1766), American Wigeon (Anas americana Gmelin, 1789), Gadwall (Anas strepera L., 1758), and lastly by Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis (Eyton, 1838)) and White-winged Scoter (Melanitta fusca deglandi (Bonaparte, 1850)). Span and end of nesting were related to May pond abundances, but the strength of these relationships varied among species, presumably reflecting the flexible (re-)nesting potential of individuals of some species in response to wetland-habitat quality.

1982 ◽  
Vol 60 (9) ◽  
pp. 2085-2092 ◽  
A. A. Gajadhar ◽  
R. J. Cawthorn ◽  
D. J. Rainnie

Lesser snow geese (Anser c. caerulescens), gadwall (Anas strepera), mallards (A. platyrhynchos), and blue-winged teal (A. discors) were raised artificially under minimal coccidiosis conditions (no coccidia were found in their feces prior to infection). Oocysts were obtained from the ureters of heavily infected wild juvenile lesser snow geese, sporulated, and orally administered to experimental birds. In lesser snow geese, oocysts were passed in the feces, beginning on postinoculation day (PID) 9 ± 1 and continuing for a further 34–35 days. Peak oocyst production occurred on PID 11 and 12. The morphology of the oocyst was described. Pathogenic effects on experimentally infected lesser snow geese included mild diarrhoea, slight anorexia, polydipsia, and increased salt gland discharge. Kidneys were enlarged, pale, and covered with 1- to 2-mm whitish nodules which, along with the ureters and lumina of renal tubules, contained many oocysts. This coccidium did not produce patent infections in the ducks listed above. Domestic geese (Anser anser domesticus), infected with numbers of oocysts similar to those used for lesser snow geese, passed few oocysts, beginning on PID 11 and continuing for a few days. Because of the inconsistencies in reports of Eimeria truncata in waterfowl, further study is essential before the species identity is determined.

2019 ◽  
pp. 7-99
Pietro Giovacchini

Il Parco Regionale della Maremma è una area protetta di 8902 ha nel settore costiero centrale della provincia di Grosseto, Toscana meridionale. Gli habitat che rappresentano l’area protetta possono essere così brevemente descritti: foce del fiume Ombrone e zone umide della Palude della Trappola; Monti dell’Uccellina (cima più elevata: Poggio Lecci, 417 m s.l.m.); un ampio comprensorio interno e pianeggiante dove coesistono attività zootecniche e coltivazioni agricole. Lo sviluppo costiero raggiunge i 25 km circa. Sono presenti 6 Siti della Rete Natura 2000 classificati come ZSC − Zona Speciale di Conservazione − secondo la Direttiva “Habitat” 92/43/ CE e/o come ZPS − Zona di Protezione Speciale − secondo la Direttiva “Uccelli” 2009/147/CE. La maggior parte dell’area presenta una scarsa rete viaria e limitati insediamenti umani con copertura boschiva in larga parte dovuta a formazioni vegetali sclerofilliche mediterranee. In questo lavoro viene presentato un elenco commentato degli uccelli noti per l’area protetta a partire dalla sua istituzione avvenuta il 05/06/1975 sino al 31/12/2018. In totale, le specie di Uccelli rilevate sono 295 (62,1% delle specie della Toscana ed il 52,5% delle specie note in Italia), mentre le specie nidificanti certe o probabili in tempi recenti (2008-2018) sono 84. Le specie di interesse comunitario presenti nell’Allegato I della Direttiva “Uccelli” 2009/147/CE sono 88, mentre quelle classificate come SPEC 1-3 “Species of European Conservation Concern” sono 33. L’area, con le zone umide “Bocca d’Ombrone” e “La Trappola” comprese nella Macrozona “Maremma Grossetana”, ricade all’interno della qualifica di sito di importanza internazionale per lo svernamento di Anser anser e Mareca penelope; inoltre è sito di importanza nazionale per Mareca strepera, Anas crecca, Anas acuta, Spatula clypeata, Ardea alba, Platalea leucorodia, Phoenicopterus roseus, Recurvirostra avosetta, Pluvialis apricaria, Calidris alpina, Vanellus vanellus, Gallinago gallinago, Numenius arquata, Tringa erythropus e Tringa totanus. L’area protetta è di importanza per specie nidificanti in Direttiva 2009/147/CE legate agli specchi lacustri costieri e agli spazi marini, ad incolti, pascoli, così come a zone con vegetazione arborea e arbustiva sparsa su affioramenti rocciosi, margini di boschi, ambienti parzialmente allagati ed ai litorali sabbiosi, quali ad esempio, con dati minimi, Pandion haliaetus (1 coppia), Burhinus oedicnemus (7-8 coppie), Charadrius alexandrinus (1 coppia), Caprimulgus europaeus (25 coppie), Coracias garrulus (13-15 coppie), Lanius collurio (1-5 coppie), Lullula arborea (10 coppie) e Anthus campestris (6-7 coppie). Dal 2015 si segnala il consolidamento della nidificazione di Ardea cinerea, rilevandone per la prima volta la riproduzione come garzaia.

1985 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-294 ◽  
Gary R. Hepp

Foraging behaviors of wintering gadwall (Anas strepera), pintail (Anas acuta), and green-winged teal (Anas crecca carolinensis) were studied at Bodie Island, North Carolina. Foraging speed (metres per minute) and rate of foraging (dips per minute) did not differ by sex, but significant monthly variation of foraging components occurred for all species. Ducks fed at faster rates and increased their foraging speed as winter progressed. Stepwise multiple regression procedures were used to test the effects of day length (minutes), mean daily temperature (degrees Celsius), mean daily wind speed (kilometres per hour), water depth (centimetres), and density of foraging individuals on the temporal variation in rate and speed of foraging. Changes in the foraging speed and rate of dipping of winter ducks were significantly related to decreases in day length and average daily temperatures. Other environmental parameters had variable effects on foraging behavior. Estimates of total prey biomass did not vary significantly during winter; however, changes in the distribution of prey sizes may have contributed to changes in foraging behavior. Greater foraging speed and rate of dipping may have been a behavioral mechanism which increased ingestion rate and minimized foraging time, thereby allowing wintering ducks to reduce thermal stress through modification of activity patterns and selection of more favorable microclimates.

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 297-312
Yu. O. Andryushchenko ◽  
V. S. Gavrilenko ◽  
V. A. Kostiushyn ◽  
V. N. Kucherenko ◽  
A. S. Mezinov ◽  

Abstract In the article is analyzed own field data of the authors and scientific publications on the wintering of Anserinae in the Azov-Black Sea region of Ukraine in 1900–2017, but the main data was obtained in frame of international mid-winter counts (IWC) in 2005–2017. It was found that 9 species of Anserinae occur in this region during the different seasons of the year: Anser anser — nesting, wintering and migrating; Rufibrenta ruficollis, A. albifrons, A. erythropus, A. fabalis — migrating and wintering; Branta canadensis, Branta leucopsis, Branta bernicla, Chen caerulescens — vagrant or birds which flew away from captivity (zoo etc.). Eulabeia indica — is possible vagrant species. The most numerous wintering species is A. albifrons, common — Rufibrenta ruficollis, not numerous — Anser anser, the other species are not met annually and registered in a very small number. There was almost tenfold drop in number of wintering geese in the Azov-Black Sea region of Ukraine during the period of counts. The main reasons of such reducing of geese amount are the followwing: weather and climate conditions, changes in the forage acessibility, hunting and poaching pressure, poisoning as a result of deratization of agricultural lands, and from 2014 — the militarization of the Syvash area and stop of water supplying of Crimea through the North Crimean channell. It is likely that the factors mentioned above led to relocating of wintering areas of Anserinae, and resulted in decreasing of their amount in this region.

Gabriela da Silveira Capriolli ◽  
William Lins Batista ◽  
Carolina Silveira Braga ◽  
Marcelo Meller Alievi

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