lanius collurio
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2021 ◽  
Vol 325 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-347
V.A. Payevsky

According to standardized bird trapping for banding purposes the population trends of Wrynecks (Jynx torquilla Linnaeus, 1758), Lesser Whitethroats (Sylvia curruca Linnaeus, 1758), Tree Pipits (Anthus trivialis Linnaeus, 1758), and Red-backed Shrikes (Lanius collurio Linnaeus, 1758) over 45 years in the Courish Spit, Eastern Baltic, indicate two periods, an initial population growth and a subsequent significant decline. All results, including the already published data on the Barred Warblers, indicate that 5 species of long-distance trans-Saharan migrants experienced a significant decline in numbers since the mid-1970s. Ringing protocol included determination of age and taking biometric measurements, the wing length as a proxy of structural size, and body mass. During the period of population decline, neither wing length, nor body mass of birds changed. None of the indicators of population productivity (clutch size, average brood size, breeding success) did not change, either. Presumably this may mean that the reasons for the population decline of the species are related to factors affecting birds on migration route or in wintering areas, and not on their breeding grounds. It is known that in catastrophic droughts on the African continent, the quality of habitats deteriorates, and competition for food leads to an increase in the mortality rate of wintering birds.

2021 ◽  
Michal Němec ◽  
Tereza Kučerová ◽  
Petr Veselý ◽  
Roman Fuchs

2021 ◽  
Piotr Tryjanowski ◽  
Artur Golawski ◽  
Mariusz Janowski ◽  
Tim H. Sparks

AbstractProviding artificial eggs is a commonly used technique to understand brood parasitism, mainly by the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). However, the presence of a cuckoo egg in the host nest would also require an earlier physical presence of the common cuckoo within the host territory. During our study of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio), we tested two experimental approaches: (1) providing an artificial “cuckoo” egg in shrike nests and (2) additionally placing a stuffed common cuckoo with a male call close to the shrike nest. We expected that the shrikes subject to the additional common cuckoo call stimuli would be more sensitive to brood parasitism and demonstrate a higher egg rejection rate. In the years 2017–2018,  in two locations in Poland, a total of 130 red-backed shrike nests were divided into two categories: in 66 we added only an artificial egg, and in the remaining 64 we added not only the egg, but also presented a stuffed, calling common cuckoo. Shrikes reacted more strongly if the stuffed common cuckoo was present. However, only 13 incidences of egg acceptance were noted, with no significant differences between the locations, experimental treatments or their interaction. Analysis of breeding success revealed significant differences between the locations, between experimental treatments and their interaction, which suggests a strong location effect. The red-backed shrike is an efficient rejector of foreign eggs. It would be interesting to see how similar tests affect hosts that have much higher rates of brood parasitism and egg acceptance.

O. Stankiewicz-Volosianchuk ◽  

The publication presents status and distribution areas of Lanius collurio, L. minor and L. excubitor on the territory of the Zakarpattia region of Ukraine. By this time the status of L. excubitor and L. minor in Zakarpattia region not been determined. The publication presents a detailed literature review of the abundance, nature of the stay and distribution of these species of shrikes in the Zakarpattia region during the century. The analysis presents own data collected during the studies of the territory of the Zakarpattia lowland and the foothills of the inner edge of the Vyhorlat-Hutynskyi Range of the Ukrainian Carpathians for 1993–2000 and 2010–2018. As a result of the collected material, it was found that L. collurio is an ordinary and abundant species of any biotopes within the region, except for forest, wetland (water areas and wetlands) and settlements. L. minor and L. excubitor are rare nesting species for Zakarpattia, but within the limits of their habitats in the region they are usual. Both species are spread, mainly in the territory of lowland Zakarpattia. They also live in the oak and flood-plain forests of foothills Vygorlat-Hutynskyi Range. L. excubitor in Zakarpattia region is also wintering. This species flies into the flood-plain forests of mountainous areas of the region in winter. Both species choose for themselves the same or similar natural or transformed moist biotopes: 1) floodplain shrubs; 2) shrubs, poplar stands stands and edges of nemoral forests near water bodies – rivers, canals, reservoirs; 3) agrocenoses permeated with meliorative channels, with sparse fruit trees. The strategy for the conservation of these species should consist in preserving the biotopes that are important for their nesting and habitats: floodplain nemoral forests and shrubs within the RLP “Prytysiansky”, lower reaches of Latoritsa, Borzhava and Uzh rivers, as well as biotopes of melioration systems - Batarska and Berehivska - in the valley of the Tysa river. To do this, it is necessary to establish new nature-protected areas and units of the Emerald Network of Ukraine and to develop appropriate management plans for those protected areas, where these species are protected.

Acrocephalus ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (184-185) ◽  
pp. 33-39
Dejan Bordjan

Abstract Grassland birds were surveyed in two mountain pastures (Zaprikraj and Zapleč) in the southern part of the Julian Alps, Slovenia. The survey was carried out during the mornings between 26 and 30 June 2005. Due to the incomplete survey (only one visit, no nocturnal or targeted surveys and late season survey), the surveyed birds’ breeding density is only a rough estimate. 167 pairs belonging to 12 species were counted, with Tree (average density of 1.64 p/10 ha) and Water Pipit (average density of 1.60 p / 10 ha) being the most abundant. Both were observed in all altitudinal belts. The highest density in individual altitudinal belt was calculated for Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio (3.78 p/10 ha) and Water Pipit (3.61 p/10 ha). In well preserved grasslands in the study area, most species reached high breeding densities compared to other parts of Slovenia and all were recorded higher than during the 1992 survey, although still mostly within limits of the elevations elsewhere in Slovenia. Breeding density of Skylark Alauda arvensis decreased with the elevation. Whinchat Saxicola rubetra, Skylark and Red-backed Shrike used significantly gentler slopes, while Pipits showed no preference for particular slopes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (10) ◽  
pp. 77-81
Zlatozar Boev

A total of 13 Quaternary localities of three recent species of shrikes with a total of 24 bone and bone fragments are reported. They encompass Early Pleistocene (Biharian) to Late Holocene (subrecent) and reveal the wide former distribution of Lanius collurio throughout the country. Eleven localities are situated in the Northern Bulgaria and two - in southern regions of the country. Most of the localities are located in plain and hilly landscapes and only two localities are mountainous. For each species are provided data on the chronostratigraphic distribution, altitudinal distribution and the anatomical belonging of finds. Localities of L. collurio are located between 50 and 130 m a.s.l.

2020 ◽  
Reuven Yosef ◽  
ISWG International Shrike Working Group ◽  
David Christie

2019 ◽  
pp. 7-99
Pietro Giovacchini

Il Parco Regionale della Maremma è una area protetta di 8902 ha nel settore costiero centrale della provincia di Grosseto, Toscana meridionale. Gli habitat che rappresentano l’area protetta possono essere così brevemente descritti: foce del fiume Ombrone e zone umide della Palude della Trappola; Monti dell’Uccellina (cima più elevata: Poggio Lecci, 417 m s.l.m.); un ampio comprensorio interno e pianeggiante dove coesistono attività zootecniche e coltivazioni agricole. Lo sviluppo costiero raggiunge i 25 km circa. Sono presenti 6 Siti della Rete Natura 2000 classificati come ZSC − Zona Speciale di Conservazione − secondo la Direttiva “Habitat” 92/43/ CE e/o come ZPS − Zona di Protezione Speciale − secondo la Direttiva “Uccelli” 2009/147/CE. La maggior parte dell’area presenta una scarsa rete viaria e limitati insediamenti umani con copertura boschiva in larga parte dovuta a formazioni vegetali sclerofilliche mediterranee. In questo lavoro viene presentato un elenco commentato degli uccelli noti per l’area protetta a partire dalla sua istituzione avvenuta il 05/06/1975 sino al 31/12/2018. In totale, le specie di Uccelli rilevate sono 295 (62,1% delle specie della Toscana ed il 52,5% delle specie note in Italia), mentre le specie nidificanti certe o probabili in tempi recenti (2008-2018) sono 84. Le specie di interesse comunitario presenti nell’Allegato I della Direttiva “Uccelli” 2009/147/CE sono 88, mentre quelle classificate come SPEC 1-3 “Species of European Conservation Concern” sono 33. L’area, con le zone umide “Bocca d’Ombrone” e “La Trappola” comprese nella Macrozona “Maremma Grossetana”, ricade all’interno della qualifica di sito di importanza internazionale per lo svernamento di Anser anser e Mareca penelope; inoltre è sito di importanza nazionale per Mareca strepera, Anas crecca, Anas acuta, Spatula clypeata, Ardea alba, Platalea leucorodia, Phoenicopterus roseus, Recurvirostra avosetta, Pluvialis apricaria, Calidris alpina, Vanellus vanellus, Gallinago gallinago, Numenius arquata, Tringa erythropus e Tringa totanus. L’area protetta è di importanza per specie nidificanti in Direttiva 2009/147/CE legate agli specchi lacustri costieri e agli spazi marini, ad incolti, pascoli, così come a zone con vegetazione arborea e arbustiva sparsa su affioramenti rocciosi, margini di boschi, ambienti parzialmente allagati ed ai litorali sabbiosi, quali ad esempio, con dati minimi, Pandion haliaetus (1 coppia), Burhinus oedicnemus (7-8 coppie), Charadrius alexandrinus (1 coppia), Caprimulgus europaeus (25 coppie), Coracias garrulus (13-15 coppie), Lanius collurio (1-5 coppie), Lullula arborea (10 coppie) e Anthus campestris (6-7 coppie). Dal 2015 si segnala il consolidamento della nidificazione di Ardea cinerea, rilevandone per la prima volta la riproduzione come garzaia.

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