scholarly journals Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi kelembaban tanah dan Penyiram Otomatis Berbasis Arduino Uno

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-249
Suleman Suleman ◽  
Aziz Setyawan Hidayat ◽  
Devy Ferdiansyah ◽  
Pas Mahyu Akhirianto ◽  
Nanang Nuryadi

Abstract: Plants are living things that need water for growth, so plant growth affects the amount of water and nutrients that can be absorbed properly in the growth process. Plants obtain water through the soil which is absorbed by the roots, but plants with short roots such as mustard greens, tomatoes, chilies, and other vegetables find it difficult to reach deeper water. To maintain the quality of soil moisture in order to remain stable, special handling is needed, namely routine watering with attention to the percentage level of moisture in the range of 50% -70%. Currently, monitoring of plant watering is still done manually. This has several shortcomings, including requiring more manpower for monitoring, the higher the cost. Therefore, the authors conducted observations and experiments to provide solutions or problems, namely by designing an arduino-based soil moisture detector and automatic sprinkler, the results obtained from the design of the tool were: Soil Moisture Sensor which functions as an input successfully detects Soil moisture value (if the soil is dry) the water pump will automatically water it.Keywords - The Design, Automatic Springklers, Automatic Vegetable Watering, Arduino Uno.Abstrak: Tanaman merupakan mahluk hidup yang membutuhkan air untuk pertumbuhan, sehingga pertumbuhan tanaman berpengaruh pada jumlah air dan unsur hara yang dapat diserap secara baik dalam proses pertumbuhan. Tanaman memperoleh air melalui tanah yang diserap oleh akar, namun tanaman berakar pendek seperti sawi, tomat, cabai, dan sayuran yang lain sulit untuk menjangkau air lebih dalam. Untuk menjaga kualitas kelembaban tanah agar tetap stabil diperlukan penanganan khusus yaitu penyiraman rutin dengan memperhatikan tingkat persentase kadar air berkisar 50%-70%. Saat ini, monitoring penyiraman tanaman masih dilakukan secara manual. Hal ini memiliki beberapa kekurangan, diantaranya membutuhkan lebih banyak tenaga manusia untuk monitoring, biaya (cost) yang dikeluarkan semakin tinggi. Atas dasar itu itu penulis bermaksud melakukan pengamatan langsung dan eksperimen untuk memberikan solusi atau permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan merancang alat pendeteksi kelembaban tanah dan penyiram otomatis berbasis arduino, dari hasil rancang bangun alat tersebut didapat hasil: Sensor Kelembaban Tanah (Soil Moisture Sensor) yang berfungsi sebagai input berhasil mendeteksi nilai kelembaban tanah (jika kondisi tanah kering) maka pompa air akan secara otomatis melakukan penyiraman.Kata kunci: Rancang Bangun, Alat Penyiram Otomatis, Penyiram Sayuran Otomatis, Arduino Uno

Kenny Philander YR ◽  
Rinto Suppa ◽  
Muhlis Muhallim

This study aims to create an Arduino-based automatic plant watering system, in which the water pump can pump water automatically based on the reading from the soil moisture sensor, which aims to make it easier for people to water plants. This research was conducted at the Palopo City Agriculture Office. The results of this study indicate that users no longer need to water plants manually. In designing an Arduino-based Automatic Plant Watering System, a microcontroller and several components are used, including: Arduino UNO, FC-28 moisture sensor, water pump, relay, 16x2 LCD and breadboard. This tool works by reading data from the soil moisture sensor, if The sensor detects dry soil levels, then the data from the sensor will be read by Arduino. The data that has been read by Arduino will be forwarded to the relay, then the relay will forward the data that will be used to turn on or turn off the water pump

Akbar Sujiwa ◽  
Oktavianus Hadiwikarta

The development in this era is increasing, humans expect a tool or technology that can help human work, because now technology has become a human need. Therefore, a device that can do watering the wine is made automatically. This tool aims to replace manual work to be automatic. The benefits that can be obtained from this tool is that it can facilitate human work in watering grapes. This tool uses a soil moisture sensor which functions as a soil moisture detector and sends commands to Arduino uno to turn on the relay driver so that the pump can flush water according to soil needs automatically. The making of this final project is done by designing, creating and implementing system components including Arduino uno as a controller, relay drivers for turning on and off the water pump, LCD (Liquid Cristal Display) to display soil moisture values. The results of the research prove that the tool made can function properly and can be developed as expected. The tool can water the vine when the soil humidity is below 50%, and turn off the pump when the soil moisture is above 50%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Mustofah Mustofah ◽  
Pipit Utami

Determining the quality of rice is something that must be done to maintain the quality of rice produced by farmers. Quality determinants used for this process can be relied on for rice properly and efficiently. Determination of air content using soil moisture sensor yl-69 and determination of grain weight using a load cell sensor that emits with an Arduino UNO microcontroller as a device controller device. System making method consists of needs, analytic requirements, block diagrams, system design, manufacturing tools, testing tools and tools. The test results show that the determinant of rice quality in terms of good air and weight with errors in the readings of soil moisture sensor yl-69 is 1.522% and the error in load cell reading is 0.431%. The performance of this rice quality assessment device shows that the device can function properly in terms of the sensor's working measurement, the device for determining rice quality and the performance of all components in the device can run well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Sampurna Dadi Riskiono ◽  
Roy Harry Syidiq Pamungkas ◽  
Yudha Arya

Development at this time is increasing, people expect a tool or technology that can help human work, so technology becomes a necessity for humans. This final task is made a device that can do the job of watering tomato plants automatically. This tool aims to replace the manual work becomes automatic. The benefit of this tool is that it can facilitate the work of humans in watering chili plants. This tool uses a soil moisture sensor which acts as a soil moisture detector and sends an order to Arduino Uno to turn on the relay driver so that the wiper motor can splash water according to the needs of the soil automatically. The making of this final project is done by designing, making and implementing system components which include Arduino uno as a controller, driver relay to blow on and off the wiper motor, LCD (Linquit Cristal Display) to display the percentage value of water content

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Ridarmin Ridarmin ◽  
Zulizha Pandu Pertiwi

<p>naman merupakan tumbuhan yang dibudidayakan agar dapat diambil manfaatnya. Budidaya tanaman sendiri pada dasarnya dapat menjadi peluang usaha yang menjanjikan. Mulai dari budidaya tanaman hias, sayur mayur dan lain sebagainya. Tetapi saat ini produksi tanaman hias masih banyak yang belum menghasilkan hasil yang maksimal, dikarenakan masyarakat masih menggunakan teknologi manual dalam sistem pertanian yang digunakan. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah merancang sebuah alat penyiraman tanaman hias otomatis untuk mengatasi masalah dalam penyiraman tanaman hias yang masin dilakukan secara manual dan sebagai bahan pembelajaran. Prototype ini menggunakan Arduino Uno sebagai pengontrol utama, sensor kelembaban tanah<br />digunakan untuk membaca kadar kelembaban tanah dan digunakan sebagai saklar untuk menghidupkan pompa penyiram. Dengan adanya alat penyiram otomatis ini, sensor kelembaban tanah akan membaca kelembaban tanah apakah tanah dalam keadaan kering apa sudah dalam keadaan basah. Ketika tanah dalam keadaan kering alat penyiram akan menyiram sampai tanah menjadi basah dan ketika sudah basah mesin akan mati secara otomatis.</p><p><br /><strong>Kata kunci</strong> : prototype, penyiram tanaman Arduino UNO, Sensor kelembaban tanah, Tanaman Hias.</p>

IoT plays a vital role in modern technologies by connecting objects to internet through which real time values can be . The system is developed using one such technology in greenhouse. The system developed for the purpose of crop prediction in greenhouse. Soil parameters such as pH and moisture, the environment parameters like temperature and humidity is acquired from the implemented system. The required nutrients such as N, P, K is fed to the crops manually is also considered as input for crop prediction. The system is developed with Arduino Uno, NodeMCU ESP8266(WIFI Module), Sensor like DHT Humidity and Temperature DHT11, pH Analogy, Soil Moisture sensor, 12V DC motor for triggering, 12V Relay and a few other components to complete the circuit. Web hosting is done using PHP. The sensors values get stored in data base using MYSQL for further analytics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-81
Muhammad Fahim. Obead ◽  
Ihsan Ahmed Taha ◽  
Ahmed Hussein Salaman

Smart farming is one of the keys for future agriculture because it is a management to use modern technology for increasing the quality and quantity of the agriculture. And because of the planet quality depend on the amount of water and the characteristics of soil, it is necessary to study the soil using the soil moisture sensor to investigate whether the soil is dry or wet, also to consider the challenges that could be faced in agricultural environment by maintain the soil and the planets irrigated without extra usage of water. In this paper, a prototype irrigation system uses Arduino Uno microcontroller which is programmed in C++ language to sense the degree of moisture by using soil moisture sensor. According to moisture sensor readings, when the moisture sensor above 1000, Arduino triggers to supply the water by using 5V mini water pump and stop when the soil moisture sensor reading reaches below 400. GSM technology enables the user to be notified in any changes happening in agricultural area by sending SMS (Short Message Service). Whenever the soil become wet or dry and the mini water pump switched on or off, a message delivered to user’s cellular phone indicating the condition of the soil and the action of water pump. In that capacity, this prototype will reduce the time for the user by monitoring remotely without going to his land, and also to reduce the usage of water by allow the water pump to flow the water for limited time until the moisture degree raise again.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 223
Andi Farmadi ◽  
Dodon T Nugrahadi ◽  
Fatma Indriani ◽  
Oni Soesanto

<p><em>Greenhouse use is often used as a crop development site for cultivation or research, by controlling temperature, soil moisture and irrigation, and continuously being developed in automated control systems. Greenhouse control developed in this research is by using fuzzy system algorithm. The fuzzy system is embedded in arduino uno wifi microcontroller for the control of crop irrigation in greenhouses with C programming language on arduino IDE. The system input consists of two variables that are inputted through the temperature sensor input and the soil moisture sensor. The sensor input variable is then made fuzzy set for mapping the temperature condition in the cold, or hot, for soil moisture variable made with three sets that is dry, moist and wet, from the two variables of the input with each of the three sets made rule in this case made in nine decision rule for plant watering status. fuzzy method used is to use sugeno method because it is simpler in decision making which allows more efficient in writing source code on arduino microcontroller which has small memory limitations. The result of the decision or output of the fuzzy system is comprised of a watering system of plants with non-flush status, medium flush, and flush</em></p><p><em><strong>Keywords</strong>: Fuzzy system, microcontol, greenhouse.</em></p><p><em>Pemanfaatan Rumah Kaca sering digunakan sebagai tempat pengembangan tanaman untuk budidaya ataupun penelitian, dengan mengontrol suhu, kelembaban tanah dan pengairan, yang terus mengalami perkembangan dalam sistem kontrol otomatis. Pengontrolan pada rumah kaca yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan algoritma sistem fuzzy. Sistem Fuzzy yang ditanamkan pada mikrokontroller arduino uno wifi untuk mengontol otomatis penyiraman tanaman pada rumah kaca dengan bahasa pemrograman C pada IDE arduino. Input sistem terdiri dari dua variabel yang dimasukkan melalui input sensor suhu dan sensor kelembaban tanah. Variabel inputan sensor kemudian dibuat himpunan fuzzy untuk memetakan keadaan suhu pada kondisi dingin sedang, atau panas, untuk variabel kelembaban tanah dibuat dengan tiga himpunan yaitu kering, lembab dan basah, dari kedua varibel inputan tersebut dengan masing masing tiga himpunan dibuatkan rule dalam kasus ini dibuat dalam sembilan buah rule keputusan untuk status penyiraman tanaman.metode fuzzy yang digunakan adalah menggunakan metode sugeno karena lebih simpel dalam pengambilan keputusan yang memungkinkan lebih efisien dalam penulisan source code pada mikrokontroller arduino yang memiliki keterbatasan memori yang kecil. Hasil dari keputusan atau output dari sistem fuzzy tersebut adalah terdiri sistem penyiraman tanaman dengan status tidak siram, siram sedang, dan siram banyak</em></p><p><em><strong>Kata Kunci</strong> : Sistem  Fuzzy, mikrokontol, rumah kaca.</em></p>

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