Cross-cultural Adaptation to the Spanish Population and Validation of the BESTest and Mini-BESTest

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume 14 ◽  
pp. 1041-1052
Antonio Chacón ◽  
Manuela Pérez-Chacón ◽  
Mercedes Borda-Mas ◽  
María Luisa Avargues-Navarro ◽  
Ana María López-Jiménez

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 503-509
Pablo Campo-Prieto ◽  
Gustavo Rodríguez-Fuentes ◽  
Jose Mª Cancela Carral

  La Realidad Virtual (RV) es una herramienta cada vez más presente en la valoración y tratamiento del paciente neurológico. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, la exposición a entornos inmersivos puede desencadenar efectos adversos. Detectar las posibles complicaciones de su uso se antoja fundamental para dotar de seguridad a sus aplicaciones terapéuticas. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido realizar una traducción y adaptación transcultural del cuestionario Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ), empleado para valorar el cybersickness o sintomatología adversa asociada al uso de la RV, de cara a minimizar riesgos vinculados a su uso en población española. Se llevó a cabo una traducción, retrotraducción y adaptación del instrumento original y una validación de contenido y equivalencia semántica del cuestionario a través de la opinión de expertos, llegando a una versión preliminar evaluada en un ensayo piloto con 54 participantes. Tras la obtención de la versión preliminar en español, el análisis de validez de contenido mostró valores elevados (índice de validez de contenido ³ 0.89; valores de kappa ³ 0.89). 42 de los 54 participantes en el estudio (78%) entendieron el total de la equivalencia semántica planteada y el 100% de la muestra comprendió 13 de los 16 ítems adaptados (81%). El proceso de traducción y adaptación transcultural al castellano del SSQ llevado a cabo, ha dado como resultado una versión equivalente al cuestionario original, presentando una elevada concordancia semántica que facilitará el desarrollo de futuros estudios en población española sobre la sintomatología adversa que pudiera generar la RV. Abstract. Virtual Reality (VR) uses is growing in the assessment and treatment of neurological patients. However, immersive environments exposure can trigger adverse effects. Checking the possible complications of its use is essential to provide security to therapeutic approaches. The aim of this work has been to carry out a translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ), used to assess cybersickness or adverse symptoms associated with VR, with the aim to decrease risks in the Spanish population. Forward-translation, back-translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the original questionnaire was carried out. Content validation and semantic equivalence was assessed by an expert panel, leading to a preliminary version evaluated in a pilot trial with 54 participants. After obtaining the preliminary version in Spanish, the content validity analysis showed high values (content validity index ³ 0.89 and kappa values ³ 0.89). 42 of the 54 participants (78%) understood the total semantic equivalence raised and 100% of the sample understood 13 of the 16 adapted items (81%). The translation and cross-cultural adaptation into Spanish of the SSQ was carried out in this study, showed an equivalent version to the original questionnaire, presenting a high semantic concordance and facilitating the development of future studies in the Spanish population on the adverse symptoms that VR could generate.

2015 ◽  
Vol 35 (9) ◽  
pp. 1609-1613
M. Gomez-Calvente ◽  
I. Medina-Porqueres ◽  
A. Fontalba-Navas ◽  
JM Pena-Andreu ◽  
C. de Vos-Martin

Francisco José Ariza-Zafra ◽  
Rita P. Romero-Galisteo ◽  
María Ruiz-Muñoz ◽  
Antonio I. Cuesta-Vargas ◽  
Manuel González-Sánchez

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Laura Cantisano de Deus Silva ◽  
Priscila Monaro Bianchini ◽  
Erika Veruska Paiva Ortolan ◽  
Juliana Fattori Hamamoto ◽  
Rosemary Fermiano ◽  

Abstract Background For newborns and infants wearing diapers the difficulties in characterizing the appearance of the stool are significant, since the changes in consistency, quantity, and color of the stool are higher than in other age groups. The Amsterdam Infant Stool Scale (AISS) was created and validated in 2009, providing a specific tool for the evaluation of the stool of children up to 120 days old. However, to be used in clinical practice and scientific investigations in Brazil, it is mandatory to perform the translation and cross-cultural adaptation process for Brazilian Portuguese language. Thus, we aim to perform the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of AISS into Brazilian Portuguese and to evaluate the psychometric properties of the translated version. Methods The process of translation and cross-cultural adaptation was performed according to the internationally accepted methodology, including: translation, summary of translations, backtranslation, preparation of the pre-final version, application of the pre-test and determination of the final version. The evaluation of the psychometric properties was performed through the application of Brazilian Portuguese AISS, by five examiners (including child health field specialists and a literate adult lay on the subject), analyzing 238 stool photographs of children under 120 days old. The intra and inter-examiner agreement values were determined using kappa statistic. The validity of the criterion was investigated through correlation analysis (Kendall’s coefficient) between the classifications determined by the non-specialist examiner and the expert examiners. Results In all 30 tests performed between different examiners, there was an agreement considered as at least moderate (kappa values above 0.40). The intra-examiner reliability was considered as substantial (kappa> 0.6). There was a statistically significant correlation (p <  0.05) between the classifications determined by the examiners considered as specialists and the examiner considered as non-specialist. Conclusion The Brazilian Portuguese AISS version proved to be valid and reliable to be used by healthcare professionals and the general public in the evaluation of stool from children up to 120 days old.

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