scholarly journals Doctrine of Angels in «The Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith» of St. John of Damascus

2021 ◽  
pp. 178-209
Владимир Александрович Баранов

В Священном Писании ангелы изображаются неизмеримо более совершенными существами, чем человек, но при этом в Послании к Евреям человек ставится гораздо выше служебных духов, посылаемых в помощь имеющим наследовать спасение (Евр. 1, 14). Очень немногие Отцы предпринимали попытку систематического обсуждения онтологического статуса и роли небесных сил. Даже в самом известном трактате об ангелах, «О небесной иерархии», Дионисий Ареопагит рассуждает об ангелах в рамках неоплатонической иерархической парадигмы, используемой в качестве концептуальной основы для учения об ангелах как посредниках в передаче божественного откровения, по большей части игнорируя радикальный и парадоксальный «слом» онтологических иерархий в Воплощении и возвышенную роль человеческой природы, телесно пребывающую одесную Отца на престоле славы в ипостаси Сына. Альтернативное Дионисию учение об ангелах содержится в краткой главе об ангелах в «Точном изложении православной веры» Иоанна Дамаскина, где подчёркивается равный людям онтологический статус ангелов как части тварного мира. В других произведениях Иоанн Дамаскин даёт убедительное христологическое решение дихотомии между ангельским возвышенным состоянием и человеческим ограниченным состоянием в духе Послания к Евреям, предлагая два ярких примера в качестве разрешения: Богородицу, неизмеримо превосходящую все ангельские силы, возвышенную более херувимов и превознесённую превыше серафимов, а также участие в Евхаристии, дарованное людям, но не ангелам. In the Holy Scripture, angels are described as immeasurably more perfect beings than humans, yet at the same time, in the Epistle to the Hebrews, humans are placed much higher than the «ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation» (Heb. 1, 14). Very few Fathers have attempted to systematically discuss the ontological status and role of the heavenly powers. In the most famous treatise on angels, On the Celestial Hierarchy, Dionysius the Areopagite discusses angels in the Neoplatonic hierarchical paradigm used as a conceptual basis for the archaic doctrine of angels as intermediaries in the transmission of divine revelation, and for the most part underplaying the radical and paradoxical “collapse” of ontological hierarchies in the Incarnation and supreme role of human nature placed bodily at the right hand of the Father on the throne of glory in the hypostasis of the Son. An alternative doctrine of angels to that of Dionysius appears in a short chapter on angels in John of Damascus’ Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, which emphasizes the ontological status of angels equal to humans as a part of the created world. In other writings, John Damascene provides a convincing Christological solution to the dichotomy between the angelic exalted state and human limited state in the spirit of the Epistle to the Hebrews, offering two striking examples as a resolution: the Mother of God, immeasurably superior to all angelic powers, exalted more than cherubim and exalted above the seraphim, and participation in the Eucharist granted to people, but not to angels.

1982 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 499-513 ◽  
Hitoshi Honda

To examine the role of visual monitoring in the between-hand differences in skilled manual movements, eye movements and performance during bimanual aiming tasks were analysed. When subjects were required to make bimanual aiming responses to symmetrically placed targets, they preferentially monitored the movements of the right hand, resulting in better performance on the right hand. In addition, manipulation of the subject's gaze showed that the movements of the right hand were more influenced by visual monitoring than those of the left hand. The results were interpreted as showing that the between-hand differences in skilled movements are mainly due to the different efficiency in the use of visual monitoring.

Irmgard de la Vega ◽  
Verena Eikmeier ◽  
Rolf Ulrich ◽  
Barbara Kaup

Abstract. The existence of a lateral mental timeline is well established; in left-to-right writing cultures, past is associated with the left, future with the right. Accordingly, participants respond faster with the left to past, and with the right to future. Recent studies indicate that this association does not reverse when participants respond with their hands crossed. We investigated the role of instruction for this association in a crossed-hands paradigm. Participants classified the temporal reference of words by pressing a key on the left with their right hand, or a key on the right with their left. Half of the participants were instructed to respond with their right or left hand; the other half were instructed to respond with the left or right key. An interaction between time and key showed only for participants instructed to respond with the key, providing support for the role of extracorporal space for the mental timeline.

Paul Avis

Is there a divine revelation and how might we know that? What mode or form might it take? With what rational and/or imaginative faculties would we perceive it? What is the role of authority, as opposed to personal exploration and discovery, in the interpretation of revelation? Where lies the balance or the relationship between individual and communal receptions of revelation, the believer and the Church? These are some of the profoundly searching questions concerning our knowledge, if that is the right word, of revelation that will be discussed in this chapter. The guiding thread is the epistemology of revelation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 116 (6) ◽  
pp. 2637-2646 ◽  
Diana Muessgens ◽  
Nivethida Thirugnanasambandam ◽  
Hitoshi Shitara ◽  
Traian Popa ◽  
Mark Hallett

Motor chunking, the grouping of individual movements into larger units, is crucial for sequential motor performance. The presupplementary motor area (preSMA) is involved in chunking and other related processes such as task switching, response selection, and response inhibition that are crucial for organizing sequential movements. However, previous studies have not systematically differentiated the role of preSMA in motor chunking and hand switching, thus leaving its relative contribution to each of these processes unclear. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the differential role of preSMA in motor chunking and hand switching. We designed motor sequences in which different kinds of hand switches (switching toward the right or left hand or continuing with the right hand) were counterbalanced across between- and within-chunk sequence points. Eighteen healthy, right-handed participants practiced four short subsequences (chunks) of key presses. In a subsequent task, these chunks had to be concatenated into one long sequence. We applied double-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over left preSMA or left M1 areas at sequence initiation, between chunks, or within chunks. TMS over the left preSMA significantly slowed the next response when stimulation was given between chunks, but only if a hand switch toward the contralateral (right) hand was required. PreSMA stimulation within chunks did not interfere with responses. TMS over the left M1 area delayed responses with the contralateral hand, both within and between chunks. Both preSMA and M1 stimulation decreased response times at sequence initiation. These results suggest that left preSMA is not necessary for chunking per se, but rather for organizing complex movements that require chunking and hand switching simultaneously.

1994 ◽  
Vol 78 (1) ◽  
pp. 287-290 ◽  
Uner Tan

Grasp-reflex strengths were quantitatively measured from the right and left hands of 70 full-term human neonates. The right-left grasp-reflex linearly correlated with grasp-reflex only of the right hand in neonates with a right-ear-facing-out prenatal position. In neonates with left-ear-facing-out prenatal position, this grasp-reflex linearly increased with the grasp-reflex of the right hand and linearly decreased with the grasp reflex of the left hand. It was suggested that grasp-reflex asymmetry in neonates may, at least partly, depend upon prenatal position, which may also influence the later developing hand preference in humans.

1946 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-2

In the article “Infant Speech Sounds and Intelligence” by Orvis C. Irwin and Han Piao Chen, in the December 1945 issue of the Journal, the paragraph which begins at the bottom of the left hand column on page 295 should have been placed immediately below the first paragraph at the top of the right hand column on page 296. To the authors we express our sincere apologies.

VASA ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 344-348 ◽  
Jandus ◽  
Bianda ◽  
Alerci ◽  
Gallino ◽  

A 55-year-old woman was referred because of diffuse pruritic erythematous lesions and an ischemic process of the third finger of her right hand. She was known to have anaemia secondary to hypermenorrhea. She presented six months before admission with a cutaneous infiltration on the left cubital cavity after a paravenous leakage of intravenous iron substitution. She then reported a progressive pruritic erythematous swelling of her left arm and lower extremities and trunk. Skin biopsy of a lesion on the right leg revealed a fibrillar, small-vessel vasculitis containing many eosinophils.Two months later she reported Raynaud symptoms in both hands, with a persistent violaceous coloration of the skin and cold sensation of her third digit of the right hand. A round 1.5 cm well-delimited swelling on the medial site of the left elbow was noted. The third digit of her right hand was cold and of violet colour. Eosinophilia (19 % of total leucocytes) was present. Doppler-duplex arterial examination of the upper extremities showed an occlusion of the cubital artery down to the palmar arcade on the right arm. Selective angiography of the right subclavian and brachial arteries showed diffuse alteration of the blood flow in the cubital artery and hand, with fine collateral circulation in the carpal region. Neither secondary causes of hypereosinophilia nor a myeloproliferative process was found. Considering the skin biopsy results and having excluded other causes of eosinophilia, we assumed the diagnosis of an eosinophilic vasculitis. Treatment with tacrolimus and high dose steroids was started, the latter tapered within 12 months and then stopped, but a dramatic flare-up of the vasculitis with Raynaud phenomenon occurred. A new immunosupressive approach with steroids and methotrexate was then introduced. This case of aggressive eosinophilic vasculitis is difficult to classify into the usual forms of vasculitis and constitutes a therapeutic challenge given the resistance to current immunosuppressive regimens.

2013 ◽  
Maisy Best ◽  
Tobias Stevens ◽  
Fraser Milton ◽  
Christopher D. Chambers ◽  
Ian P. McLaren ◽  

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