Richness fruits of kinds genus Rhus L. in the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe zone of Ukraine

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 290-297
T Kovalchuk ◽  
V. P. Tkach ◽  
O. V. Kobets ◽  
M. G. Rumiantsev

The forest site capacity using was quantitatively assessed for the stands of the main forest-forming species of Ukraine, Scots pine and common oak, taking into account natural zones and forest types. The tables of productivity of modal and highly productive pine and oak stands have been developed. It has been found that the stands use an average of 50–75 % of the forest site capacity of lands. The average weighted value of the capacity used by pine forests was 68–76 % in the Polissya zone, 70–78 % and 68–73 % in the Right-bank and Left-bank Forest-Steppe zones respectively, and 54–78 % in the Steppe zone. For oak stands, the value was 71–75 % and 63–71 % for the Right-bank and Left-bank Forest-Steppe zones respectively and 65–75 % for the Steppe zone. The basis for increasing the productivity of forests was confirmed to be the differentiation of forest management systems and individual forestry activities on a zonal and typological basis.

Denysyk H.I. ◽  
Kanskyi V.S. ◽  
Hryshko S.V. ◽  
Stefankov L.I.

Specific approaches, principles and methods of cognition of modern silvicultural landscapes are considered; it is stated that due to the fact that the difference between natural and anthropogenic silvicultural landscapes is only in their genesis, in the process of studying silvicultural landscapes, both classical and specific approaches, principles and methods can be used. Among the specific approaches, the historical-cartographic one with the inherent principles of historicism and methods of historical-genetic series of maps, historical-archaeological method is considered in more detail; system-adaptive with the principle of combination and methods of comparison of natural analogues and analysis of final results; landscape-biocoenotic and landscape-ecological with the methods of the leading factor, comparison of disturbed and control biogeocenoses and arealographic, as well as geoinformation approach in the knowledge of silvicultural landscapes. It is shown that all approaches, principles and methods of knowledge of forest anthropogenic landscapes should be applied depending on the available conditions and needs of practice. However, in the process of field research, landscape-biocoenotic and landscape-ecological approaches with their own principles and methods of cognition of forest anthropogenic landscapes were more often used. It is shown that in its implementation landscape scientists not only have the right, but also the obligation to use the rich experience of foresters. It is advisable to characterize the stand in the following order: dominant species by tiers (in tree, shrub and grass), quality, age, height of trees – in meters, trunk diameter – in cm, planting density. In abbreviated form, information about the forest tract is presented in the form of a kind of formula. These approaches, principles and methods were applied in the process of studying the forest anthropogenic landscapes of two regions of Ukraine – Podillia (Forest-Steppe Zone) and North-Western Pryazovia (Steppe Zone). The expediency and necessity of their application are substantiated in the process of dissertation research and confirmed by practice.Key words: Podillia, North-Western Pryazovia, research, silvicultural landscapes, approaches, principles, methods, significance, use. Розглянуто специфічні підходи, принципи і методи пізнання сучасних лісокультурних ланд-шафтів. Зазначено, що у зв’язку з тим, що між натуральними й антропогенними лісовими ландшафтами різниця лише у їх ґенезі, отже, у процесі дослідження лісокультурних ландшафтів можна застосовувати як класичні, так і специфічні підходи, принципи та методи. Серед специфічних під-ходів детальніше розглянуто історико-картографічний з притаманними йому принципами істо-ризму та методами історико-генетичних рядів карт, історико-археологічним методом; системно-адаптивний з принципом сумісництва та методами порівняння натуральних аналогів і аналізу кінцевих результатів; ландшафтно-біоценотичний та ландшафтно-екологічний з методами провідного чинника, порівняння порушених і контрольних біогеоценозів та ареалографічного, а також геоінформаційний підхід у пізнанні лісокультурних ландшафтів. Показано, що всі підходи, принципи і методи пізнання лісових антропогенних ландшафтів необхідно застосовувати залежно від наявних умов та потреб практики. Однак у процесі польових досліджень частіше використовували ландшафтно-біоценотичний і ландшафтно-екологічний підходи з належними їм принципами і методами пізнання лісових антропогенних ландшафтів. У цих підходах у разі картографування лісокультурних урочищ, крім характеристики рельєфу й властивостей ґрунтів, вагоме значення має аналіз деревостану. Показано, шо у його здійсненні ландшафтознавці не лише мають право, але й зобов’язані використовувати багатий досвід лісознавців. Характеристику деревостану доцільно проводити у такому порядку: домінуючі види за ярусами (в деревному, кущовому та трав’яному), бонітет, вік, висота дерев – у метрах, діаметр стовбура – у см, щільність насадження. У скороченому вигляді інформація про лісокультурне урочище представлена у вигляді своєрідної формули. Ці підходи, принципи і методи застосовано у процесі дослідження лісових антропогенних ландшафтів двох регіонів України – Поділля (Лісостепова зона) і Північно- Західного Приазов’я (Степова зона). Доцільність та необхідність їх застосування обґрунтовано у процесі дисертаційних досліджень та підтверджено практикою.Ключові слова: Поділля, Північно-Західне Приазов’я, дослідження, лісокультурні ландшафти, підходи, принципи, методи, значимість, використання.

S. Vyzhva ◽  
V. Onyshchuk ◽  
I. Onyshchuk ◽  
M. Reva ◽  
O. Shabatura

The paper discusses the details of the application of geophysical research methods in the study of the landslide areas of the right bank of the Dnieper River within the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Geological and geophysical models of landslides are given. The specific tasks that are posed in studies of landslides were highlighted. There are three stages in studies of landslides which were defined: reconnaissance-methodological, detailed and monitoring. Also, sets of geophysical methods for these stages were designated. It is emphasized that the rational set of geophysical methods in the study of landslide processes is determined for each individual natural environment, taking into account: the possibility of performing field studies by a specific geophysical method on the area; the presence of differentiation of rocks by physical properties, that are used by the specific geophysical method; economic efficiency of application of the geophysical method. As an example, we described some of the results of geophysical studies, which were carried outon exemplary landslidesites onthe right bank of the Dnieper River within the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine near the Trypillia thermal power plant.

Ю. П. Яновський ◽  
С. В. Cуханов ◽  
С. В. Cуханов ◽  
Л. П. Михайленко ◽  
Є. В. Чепернатий

Наведено результати досліджень з уточнення біо-логічних особливостей оленки волохатої (Epicometishirta Poda.) в промислових насадженнях суниці в зонілісостепу України. Встановлено, що жуки літаютьу теплі сонячні дні, найбільш інтенсивно з 10 годиниранку до 15 години дня, а вже після 18 години вечората в прохолодні ночі жуки ховалися в ґрунт на глиби-ну 0,5–2,5 см. Фітофаг пошкоджував рослини суниціз фази «висування квітконосів» до закінчення фази«закінчення цвітіння і утворення зав’язі», не надаючиособливої переваги їх сортовому походженню. Пару-вання особин розпочиналося відразу після виходу жу-ків на поверхню ґрунту і тривало до закінчення льотуімаго. Впродовж першої половини травня–кінець червнявідбувалося активне відкладання яєць шкідником уґрунт на глибину до 35 см. Потенційний запас однієїсамиці (у 2–3 прийоми) досягав 34–44 яєць; вона від-кладала по 12–17 яєць у ґрунт у декількох місцях. Від-родження личинок з яєць спостерігалося в ІІ-й декадітравня і тривало до кінця ІІІ-ї декади липня. Личинкижили в ґрунті до кінця серпня–початку вересня і жи-вилися рослинними рештками. Заляльковування роз-починалося з кінця серпня і тривало до половини ве-ресня. Через 15–20 днів з’являлися молоді жуки, щозалишалися зимувати в ґрунті (на необроблених ділян-ках) до весни наступного року. За відсутності прове-дення захисних заходів до 93 % квіток рослин у насад-женнях було пошкоджено цим видом, їх врожайністьзнижувалася до 65 %. Для зниження чисельностіцього виду необхідно застосовувати інсектициди«Моспілан», РП (0,2 кг/га) та «Каліпсо» 480 SC, КС(0,25 л/га).        It is showed the results of studies where the biological peculiarities of Epicometis hirta Poda. are ascertained in industrial plants of strawberries in the right bank of Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine.       It is established that beetles fly in warm sunny days the most intense from 10 a.m. to 15 p.m. and after 18 p.m. and in cool nights beetles hide in the soil in the depth of 0,5–2,5 cm.  Pest has started to harm plants of strawberry starting of phase «nomination of peduncles» to the end of phase «end of flowering and the formation of ovaries» without any preferring of varietal origin. Copulation of individuals was started immediately after beetles appearing on the soil surface and lasted until the end of the adults fly. During the first half of May till the end of June active pests’ eggs laying in the soil on a depth of 35 cm was observed. The potential production of one female (2–3 hours) has reached 34–44 eggs, she postponed 12–17 eggs in the soil in several places. Larvae hatching from eggs was observed in II-decade of May and continued until the end of the III decade of July. The larvae lived in the soil by the end of August – early September and was fed by plant remains. The pupation phase was started from the end of August and lasted until half of September. After 15-20 days there were young beetles that stayed wintering in the soil (in untreated plots) till the next spring. In time of absence of protective measures to 93 % of flower of  plants in plantations were damaged by this pest, their productivity was reduced to 65 %.         For decrease of this pest population it is required to apply insecticide Mospilan, RP (0,2 kg/ha) and Calipso 480 SC, (0,25 l/hа).

2019 ◽  
Vol 0 (3) ◽  
pp. 60-70
Ю. О. Тараріко ◽  
Я. П. Цвей ◽  
Г. І. Личук

Nina Gural-Sverlova

The taxonomic and ecological composition of the autochthonous land mollusc fauna in different parts of the plain Ukraine was analyzed on the basis of the personal data, collection materials of the State Museum of Natural History of the NAS of Ukraine in Lviv as well as numerous literature sources. Excluding representatives of the genus Helicopsis, the taxonomy and species composition of which in the territory of Ukraine still require clarification, and the steppe part of the Crimean peninsula, in four landscape zones of Ukraine, currently, a total of 109 species of land molluscs, which are autochthonous for at least part of the analyzed territory, are registered. The maximum species diversity (103 species and 2 representatives of the genus Helicopsis) is recorded in the zone of deciduous forests, followed by the right-bank part of the forest-steppe zone. The smallest number of the autochthonous species of land molluscs was noted for the right-bank part of the steppe zone. Within the Ukrainian Polesie and the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, the taxonomic diversity of land molluscs decreases from west to east. The number of the registered autochthonous species decreases, respectively, by 1.5 and 1.7 times, and the generic diversity by 1.3 and 1.5 times. In the steppe zone, the main centre of the species diversity is the Donetsk Upland, located in the east of the country. In taxonomic and ecological composition, land mollusc complexes of the right-bank part of the forest-steppe zone are closer to the zone of deciduous forests, in its left-bank part – to the left-bank steppe. In general, the spatial differentiation of land mollusc fauna in the plain territories of Ukraine is more strongly associated not with the boundaries of landscaped zones, but with the location of these territories with respect to the Dnieper bed and with some uplands, where the species diversity of land molluscs of the zone of deciduous forests and forest-steppe zone (Podolian Upland) and the steppe zone (Donetsk Upland) is concentrated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-112
S. F. Tataurov ◽  
S. S. Tikhonov

We describe 17 medieval kurgans at Murlinka, dating to the late 1st millennium AD and associated with archaeological sites at Aitkulovo, in the Tarsky District of the Omsk Region, on the right bank of the Irtysh, in the borderland between the forest-steppe and the taiga. The deceased were buried in a supine extended position. Some burials were made on the virgin soil, and some on the buried soil. Most kurgans accommodated one grave, but in some cases the number of graves was two and more. Inside the kurgans, at the buried soil level and above, limb bones of animals and small potsherds were found. In certain graves, traces of fi re, such as partly burned bones, charcoal, ash, or charred earth, were detected. We also found ditches and various structures inside the mounds. In eleven mounds, there were funerary offerings, such as vessels, arrowheads, celts, bits, and ornaments, similar to those found in the graves. We give a detailed description of bronze ornaments and pommels, tools, and belt sets made of white metal, as well as glass and ceramic beads, iron artifacts, details of horse harness, iron and bone weapons, and pottery. Parallels are found in the taiga regions of the Middle Ob, Ural, and the steppe zone of northern Altai. We discuss the chronology and cultural attribution of the fi nds in the context of the ethnic processes that occurred in the region.

Anna Gumenyuk ◽  
Anna Gumenyuk ◽  
Inna Nikonorova ◽  
Inna Nikonorova

The plot of study is Cheboksary and its suburbans and located on the joint of two landscape zones: a forest zone and a forest-steppe zone. The border between the zones goes along the Volga River, which establishes favourable environment for recreation. There has been observed slope type of areas on the right bank of the Volga River of the Cheboksary and Kuybyshev Reservoir. It has 3º and more incline, with washed-off soil and broadleaved woodland (relict mountainous oak woods), subjected to considerable land-clearing. In the immediate bank zone of the Volga River, where abrasive-soil-slipping and abrasive-talus processes mostly develop, the main types of natural areas have been marked out: 1) Abrasive landslide cliffs at the original slopes of Volga Valley of 60º steepness, more than 15 m high, with permanent watering as a result of underground waters leakage; 2) Abrasive cliffs of terraces above flood-plains of 2 m high; 3) Abrasive cliffs of original slope of the valley of the river Volga of 2 m high, with distinctive abrasive niches in the lower part of the slope or temporary concentration of caving demolishing material. Left coast is lowland plain, the part of taiga landscape zone. Low terraces above flood plain of Volga are formed by sand with loam layers, with sod-podzol sandy and sandy loam soil in combination with marshy soil, with fir-pine forest, with from lichen bogs to sphagnum bog; in lowlands, on old felling plots, on abandoned peat mines deciduous forests with mostly birches and aspens prevail.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 122-133 ◽  
Николай Харченко ◽  
Nikolay Kharchenko ◽  
Светлана Морковина ◽  
Svetlana Morkovina ◽  
Николай Косиченко ◽  

The creation of forest-park green belts is defined by chapter IX.1 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" for the purpose of limiting mode of nature use and management and conservation of natural ecological systems. Forest-park green belts are a new form of realization of the right of urban residents to a favourable environment. In the forest-steppe zone, important bioclimatic and environmental requirements are imposed on the formation of forest-park green belts: in winter – protection from adverse winds; in summer – protection from dust storms, dry winds, from excessive insolation, fastening of slopes, ravines, soils. Forest-park green belts should carry a significant ecosystem load. The most important indicator of the successful functioning of forest-park green belt is its placement, configuration and size. It is scientifically justified to use four criteria for determining priority areas for inclusion in the forest-park green belt. The localization criterion, which is the basis for the inclusion of the site in the forest-park green belt, reflects the remoteness of the site (proximity) from the urban agglomeration. The criterion of "ecosystem load" reflects the fulfilment of the ecological functions by the site. The criterion "Site type" serves to determine the origin of the site and evaluate its distinctive features. The criterion "Existence of encumbrances" serves as an indicator of the incompatibility of the site with the goals of creating a forest-park green belt. The selection of sites for inclusion in the forest-park green belt is carried out taking into account the opinion of experts on the results of their questioning. The proposed methodical approach to identifying sites for inclusion in the forest-park green belt can be used at all levels of forest management by regional executive authorities to justify management decisions to create a "green shield" of the territories.

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