buried soil
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А. М. Скоробогатов ◽  
В. Д. Березуцкий ◽  
С. В. Васильев ◽  
Ф. Г. Курбанова ◽  
Т. А. Пузанова ◽  

Статья вводит в научный оборот материалы погребений эпохи энеолита, происходящие из кургана, расположенного на Среднем Дону (Воронежская область). Обнаруженный в кургане инвентарь (керамика с примесью раковины, подвески из зубов оленя, наконечники стрел и орудия из кремня, металлические пронизки) в совокупности с абсолютными датировками указывает на энеолитическую принадлежность публикуемого комплекса (втор. пол. V тыс. до н. э.). Спорово-пыльцевой анализ погребенной почвы под курганом свидетельствует о кратковременном похолодании и повышенной увлажненности в период сооружения кургана. The paper introduces into scientific discourse materials from Eneolithic burials in a kurgan located on the Middle Don (Voronezh region). Funerary offerings discovered in the kurgan (ceramics with crushed shells admixture, pendants made from deer teeth, arrowheads and flint tools, metal tubular beads) along with the absolute dates obtained demonstrate that this assemblage dates to the Eneolithic (second half of V mill. BC). The pollen analysis of the buried soil under the kurgan reveals short-term cooling and a high moisture level at the time when the kurgan was erected.

V. Shree Yazhini ◽  
M. Lakshmi Prabha ◽  
Reya Issac

Plastics can be considered as the world’s largest pollution that is accumulating in the environment. The degradation of these plastics is difficult because they are accumulated over years and also they are dumped in an area which causes more environmental problems. To reduce the environmental pollution under the waste management with the help of microorganism was taken into account. In those bacteria plays a major role in controlling those problems. Polyurethane can be considered as one of the most used synthetic polymers in the world. Hence, the degradation of polyurethane was taken into account in the study with the help of bacteria. In this experiment, we isolated and identified the bacteria that can degrade the polyurethane from the polyurethane buried soil sample. The isolated organism was sequenced and identified at the species level. Enzyme activities of those organisms were also identified along with the degradation process. With the help of this study, we identified a novel bacterium that can degrade polyurethane.

А.Г. Гурбанов ◽  
В.М. Газеев ◽  
О.А. Гурбанова

Радиоуглеродный метод (14С) позволяет датировать геологические события по детриту и древним углям из погребенных почв, начиная с 40-50 тыс. лет тому назад и до сотен лет. Однако для его широкого применения в пределах Эльбрусского вулканического центра (высота вулканической постройки 5 642 м), при датировании времени излияния отдельных лавовых потоков, имеются объективные ограничения. Они заключаются в том, что начиная с отметки от 3 300 м и выше в горах Северного Кавказа отсутствует травяно-кустарниковая растительность и почвенный слой с гумусом, и именно на этих высотах расположе- на значительная часть голоценовых лавовых потоков и туфовых горизонтов Эльбруса, а с 3 700 м и выше вулканическая постройка покрыта вековыми ледниками и снежниками. В результате проведенных исследо- ваний для голоцена были установлены: частоты повторяемости извержений вулкана Эльбрус и землетря- сений, проявившихся в Приэльбрусье. В итоге была выявлена важная закономерность, свидетельствующая о том, что к концу голоцена частоты повторяемости извержений Эльбруса и землетрясений резко воз- растают. Установлено совпадение времени проявления вулканической и сейсмической активности (причем вторая проявлялась несколько раньше первой). При этом периоды вулканической и сейсмической активности резко возрастают, а периоды покоя сокращаются. Эти данные имеют важное значение для оценки возмож- ности возобновления вулканической и сейсмической активностей в пределах Приэльбрусья в геологическом будущем. Radiocarbon (14C) method makes possible to dating of geological events on detritus and older coals from buried soil from 40-50 thousands years ago up to hundreds years. However, for its wide applica-tion within of Elbrus volcanic centre (altitude of Elbrus volcano is 5642 m) for dating time of separate lava fl ows eruption, there are an objective boundaries. They are implies that starting with altitude of 3300 m and higher in the Northern Caucasian mountains the grass and handicraft and soil with humus are absent, and just on this altitude the most part of Holocene lava fl ows and tuff horizons are located and with 3700 m and higher volcano is covered by glaciers and perpetual snow (fi rn). As a result of carried out investigation for Holocene the density of recurrence of Elbrus volcano eruptions and earthquakes manifestation in Elbrus volcanic area have been established. As a sum the important relationship, testifi es that to the end of Holocene the density of recurrence of Elbrus eruptions and earthquakes are sharply increase. Agreement in time between volcanic and seismic activity (but manifestation the second one was some early then fi rst one). In so doing, periods of volcanic and seismic activity are sharply increase, but periods of rest are shrink. This data have an important relationship for estimation possibility of restating of volcanic and seismic activities in Elbrus volcanic area in geological future.

2021 ◽  
Georg Guggenberger ◽  
Patrick Liebmann ◽  
Robert Mikutta ◽  
Karsten Kalbitz ◽  
Patrick Wordell-Dietrich ◽  

<p>Formation of mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) is a decisive process in the stabilization of OM against rapid microbial decomposition and thus in the soils’ role as global carbon (C) sink. Sorption experiments of dissolved OM (DOM) repeatedly showed that particularly mineral subsoils have a large sorption capacity to retain more C. However, there is also an increasing body of literature, revealing an increasing output of dissolved organic C (DOC) from soils. Here, we investigated into this paradox in forest soil under beech by a combination of a field labelling experiment with <sup>13</sup>C-enriched litter with a unique DO<sup>13</sup>C and <sup>13</sup>CO<sub>2</sub> monitoring, an in-situ C exchange experiment with <sup>13</sup>C-coated minerals, and batch sorption experiments.</p><p>Within two years of <sup>13</sup>C monitoring, only 0.5% of litter-derived DO<sup>13</sup>C entered the subsoil, where it was only short-term stabilized by formation of MAOM but prone to fast microbial mineralization. The <sup>13</sup>C monitoring, sorption/desorption experiments in the laboratory, and also the in-situ C exchange on buried soil minerals revealed that there is a frequent exchange of DOM with native OM and a preferential desorption of recently retained OM. Hence, there appeared to be a steady-state equilibrium between C input and output, facilitated by exchange and microbial mineralization of an adopted microbial community. The remobilized OM was also richer in less sorptive carbohydrates. Along with transport of most of DOM along preferential paths, this further increased the discrepancy between laboratory-measured sorption capacities of subsoil and the actual C loading of minerals. Finally, the <sup>13</sup>C labeling experiments revealed that input of fresh litter-derived OM into subsoil may even mobilize old-soil derived OM. Hence, in the field different biogeochemical constraints are acting that prevent that the laboratory-based C sink can be reached in the field.  We conclude, that forest subsoils can hardly be considered as additional C sink, even at management options that increase DOC input to subsoil.</p>

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 215
Michał Dudek ◽  
Cezary Kabała ◽  
Beata Łabaz ◽  
Paweł Mituła ◽  
Magdalena Bednik ◽  

Spectroscopic methods combined with statistics have recently gathered substantial interest in pedological studies. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been utilized, for example, for reconstructions of the history and transformations of Chernozems, although no similar research was conducted based on mid-infrared (MIR). In this paper, the relevance of MIR spectroscopy was tested in studies on the origin/affinity of organic matter from chernozemic soils. Samples collected from three vegetation classes (grasslands, forests and arable lands) were investigated using MIR spectroscopy in order to create a statistical model, which was applied on buried profiles of unknown origin. The results showed a clear disjunction of vegetation classes. Samples of buried soil were placed in the space between all classes, indicating the relation to variable vegetation. Therefore, arable lands should not be omitted in paleoecological reconstructions, because we cannot exclude the cultivation of fertile soils before their burial. It was concluded that MIR methods may have similar applicability to NIR spectroscopy. Additionally, MIR spectra may also be discriminated according to the recognized soil type, which allows for direct reconstructions of the transformation trends in buried profiles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 877 ◽  
pp. 21-26
Shuai Yuan ◽  
Lin Yuan ◽  
Chen Gao ◽  
Xue Fei Hu ◽  
Chin San Wu ◽  

Biodegradable composite from polycaprolactone (PCL) and Graphene/zinc oxide (Graphene/ZnO) is studied. The Graphene/ZnO content is at 0.5%, 1.5% in PCL. Neat PCL and composites were characterized by microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal properties. Scanning electron micrographs show that the additive has agglomerated in PCL/Graphene/ZnO. Agglomeration of the filler results in reduced tensile properties of the composite. The result from XRD indicates Graphene/ZnO can improve the crystallinity of PCL. According to the results of buried soil test and analysis, Graphene/ZnO can reduce the biodegradation rate of PCL and make the material more durable. This new biodegradable composite material can be used as a new environmentally friendly material.

Alison E. Horst ◽  
Ashley R. Streig ◽  
Ray E. Wells ◽  
John Bershaw

ABSTRACT Several potentially hazardous northwest-striking faults in and around the Portland basin, within the fore-arc of Cascadia, are classified as Quaternary active by the U.S. Geological Survey, but little is known about their Holocene activity. We present new earthquake-timing constraints on the Gales Creek fault (GCF), a 73 km long, northwest-trending fault with youthful geomorphic expression located about 35 km west of Portland. We excavated a paleoseismic trench across the GCF in the populated northern Willamette Valley and document three surface-rupturing earthquakes from stratigraphic and structural relationships. Radiocarbon samples from offset stratigraphy constrain these earthquakes to have occurred ∼1000, ∼4200, and ∼8800 calibrated years before the present. The penultimate earthquake back-tilted a buried soil into the hillslope creating accommodation space that was infilled by a colluvial deposit. The most recent earthquake faulted and formed a fissure within the penultimate colluvial deposit. Our results suggest that the GCF has a recurrence interval of ∼4000 yr, and if the full 73 km length were to rupture, it would result in an Mw 7.1–7.4 earthquake, providing a significant seismic hazard for the greater Portland metropolitan area.

2020 ◽  
Tatiana Puzanova ◽  
Fatima Kurbanova ◽  
Gennady Starodubtsev ◽  
Olga Rudenko ◽  

2020 ◽  
Francesca Calitri ◽  
Markus Egli ◽  
Michael Sommer ◽  
Dmitry Tikhomirov ◽  
Marcus Christl

<p><span>In hilly and mountainous landscapes, the bedrock is actively converted to a continuous soil mantle. The bedrock-soil interface lowers spatially at the soil production rate, and the soil acts as a layer removing sediment produced locally and transported from upslope. Forested soils of a hummocky ground moraine landscape in Northern Germany exhibit strongly varying soil thicknesses with very shallow soils on crest positions and buried soils at the footslope. We explored the explanatory power of both <sup>10</sup>Be forms (in situ and meteoric) for forest soils on a hillslope to shed light into the </span><span>complex mass redistribution. </span><span>Our main research questions were: how do meteoric and in-situ <sup>10</sup>Be compare to each other? What do they really indicate in terms of soil processes (erosion, sedimentation, reworking)? </span><span>By using both types of <sup>10</sup>Be, the dynamics of soils and related mass transports should be better traceable</span><span>. Both <sup>10</sup>Be forms were measured along three profiles at different slope positions: Hydro1 (summit), Hydro3 (shoulder), Hydro4 (backslope). Furthermore, a buried horizon was found in the profile Hydro4 at 160 cm depth and <sup>14</sup>C-dated. The distribution pattern of meteoric <sup>10</sup>Be of Hydro4 shows an inverse exponential depth profile, and an almost uniform content of in-situ <sup>10</sup>Be along the profile. Meteoric <sup>10</sup>Be indicates on the one hand that a new soil was put on top of an older, now buried soil. On the other hand, meteoric <sup>10</sup>Be is involved in pedogenetic processes and clearly exhibits clay eluviation in the topsoil and clay illuviation in the subsoil. The uniform content of the in situ <sup>10</sup>Be shows soil mixing that must have occurred during erosion and sedimentation. The<sup>14</sup>C dated buried soil horizon indicates a deposition of eroded soil material about 7 ka BP. Consequently, an increase in the in-situ <sup>10</sup>Be content towards the surface should be expect which however was not the case. The reason for this is so far unknown. Radiocarbon dating and <sup>10</sup>Be data demonstrate that strong events of soil mass redistribution in Melzower Forest are mainly a result of ancient natural events. Further measurements of fallout radionuclides (<sup>239+240</sup>Pu) showed no erosion for the last few decades in the same catchment.</span></p>

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