scholarly journals الموازنة بين النظام الإسلامي والنظام الدولي في تقرير السيادة كوسيلة لنظام الحكم

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 312-331
Ali Muamar Farhat

Islamic law stipulated the principles which regulate the relations between Individuals within their countries and externally with the other countries. These principles include the principles of human rights and sovereignty. This study tackles the idea of establishing the balance between the Islamic system and international law by identifying their similarities and differences within the framework of the principles of both the human rights and the sovereignty. The study aimed to identify the rich Islamic rules in the field of international relations, clarify the concept of human rights and the theory of sovereignty in the Islamic system and international law, highlight the rules of the Islamic system in this area, and prove the complementarities and convergence, as well as difference and similarity with international law. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method to give a full description of the two principles of human rights and sovereignty in the Islamic system and international law. He concluded with the most important results that the Islamic system has the lead in the adoption of these principles and abidance by them, before the international law. The Islamic system is similar to international law in the context of human rights and the need to protect them and also the implications of rights in general international law, both at the levels of political, economic, social or cultural rights. The only difference lies in the fact that the Islamic system emanates from the rules of Islamic sharia’s teachings and values whereas the international law considers the society the source of rights. As to sovereignty, the study confirmed that the theory of sovereignty is well known in the Islamic system, and that this principle represents one of the basic rules organizing relations between individuals and states equally, but the difference lies in the frame of reference of the Islamic system and the International law. In the Islamic system, the organizing rules refer to the Islamic Shariah whereas in the International law, there is relation between religion with those rules.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Ruzman Md Noor

Islamic law stipulated the principles which regulate the relations between Individuals within their countries and externally with the other countries. These principles include the principles of human rights and international sovereignty. This study tackles the idea of establishing the balance between the Islamic system and international law by identifying their similarities and differences within the framework of the principles of both the human rights and the sovereignty. The study aimed to identify the rich Islamic rules in the field of international relations, clarify the concept of human rights and the theory of sovereignty in the Islamic system and international law, highlight the rules of the Islamic system in this area, and prove the complementarities and convergence, as well as difference and similarity with international law. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method to give a full description of the two principles of human rights and sovereignty in the Islamic system and international law. He concluded with the most important results that the Islamic system has the lead in the adoption of these principles and abidance by them, before the international law. The Islamic system is like international law in the context of human rights and the need to protect them and the implications of rights in general international law, both at the levels of political, economic, social or cultural rights. The only difference lies in the fact that the Islamic system emanates from the rules of Islamic sharia’s teachings and values whereas the international law considers the society the source of rights. As to sovereignty, the study confirmed that the theory of sovereignty is well known in the Islamic system, and that this principle represents one of the basic rules organizing relations between individuals and states equally, but the difference lies in the frame of reference of the Islamic system and the International law. In the Islamic system, the organizing rules refer to the Islamic Shariah whereas in the International law, there is relation between religion with those rules.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-84

Human rights issues and Islamic world background for Mashood A. Baderin, although Islam is not a single factor in the realization of human rights in Muslim countries, but it becomes a very important factor that can be used as a means to realize the law. Islam as part of state law. The Harmonious Perspective is very helpful to use Islam as a means to realize human rights in the Muslim World in a socio-cultural and political-legal context, in order to promote and heal the common human rights. Mashood offers a narrative of the interaction between religion and international law, while it also offers an analysis of the effects that can be used to align the international field, and encourage the development of human rights. Concepts that affect every aspect of international relations and openness. This is the main purpose of the United Nations (UN). If we understand human rights as universal to protect individuals and people against violence, then the view that Islam is incompatible with human rights is due to the conversion and enhancement of human dignity in Islamic law.

1983 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 902-912 ◽  
U. O. Umozurike

During the 1970’s human rights appeared to enjoy low esteem in Africa. The basic documents in inter-African relations were the UN and the OAU Charters. In its Preamble, as well as four substantive articles, the UN Charter refers to respect for human rights as a basis for international relations. The principles of human rights were further elaborated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 whose principles, in the view of some writers, have become part of customary international law. This Declaration was in turn elaborated on in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966.

Monique Fernandes Santos Matos

A omissão da jurisprudência da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos em matéria de direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ CASE LAW omission WITH regard TO economic, social and cultural rights Monique Fernandes Santos Matos* RESUMO: A proteção aos direitos sociais, econômicos e culturais (DESC) no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos é marcada por uma grave ambiguidade no que diz respeito à diferença entre a ampla normatização desses direitos oferecida por este sistema regional e o baixo grau de judiciabilidade e reconhecimento de suas violações pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos humanos (Corte IDH). Poucos são os casos envolvendo violações a DESC jugados pela corte, e menos ainda os que obtiveram manifestação expressa quanto a tais violações. A análise das decisões proferidas nos casos julgados pela Corte IDH envolvendo DESC apontam para uma omissão recorrente em analisar a violação ao direito ao desenvolvimento progressivo dos direitos econômicos, sociais, e culturais, o que somente tem ocorrido quando grupos em situação de especial vulnerabilidade social estão envolvidos. Tal omissão, aliada à construção jurisprudencial da corte no sentido de que a violação a tal direito somente pode ser verificado quando parte relevante da população de um Estado está envolvida, enfraquece a defesa dos DESC, e contribui para a continuidade da visão dos DESC como meras metas políticas, com caráter programático. Não abordaremos, dado aos limites desse trabalho, as questões de ordem políticas e econômicas que são latentes ao problema da baixa efetividade dos DESC. A importância do estudo da jurisprudência da Corte IDH em matéria de DESC está em possibilitar uma análise crítica do que já se construiu, sugerindo uma correção de rumos, no sentido de garantir uma proteção efetiva e, consequentemente, uma maior expansão dos DESC no contexto regional americano. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Direito Internacional dos Direitos do Homem. Direitos Econômicos, sociais e culturais. Desenvolvimento progressivo. Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos. Análise de casos.  ABSTRACT: The protection of economic, social and cultural rights (ECOSOC rights) in the Inter-American System of Human Rights is marked by a serious ambiguity with regard to the difference between the broad regulation of those rights provided by this regional system and the low degree of justiciability and recognition of their violations by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Few cases involving violations of ECOSOC rights have been judged by the court, and even fewer have obtained express opinion to such violations. The analysis of judgments delivered in the cases judged by the ICHR involving ECOSOC rights point to a recurring failure to analyze the violation of the right to the progressive development of the ECOSOC rights, which has only occurred when groups in vulnerable situations are involved. This omission, coupled with the judicial construction of the court that the violations of such right can only be checked when the relevant part of the population of a State is concerned, weakens the defense of the ECOSOC rights, and contributes to the continuity of the vision of them as mere policies, with programmatic character. We will not cover, given the limits of this work, issues of political and economic nature that are latent to the problem of low effectiveness of the ECOSOC rights. The relevance of the ICHR’s case law study regarding the ECOSOC rights lies on enabling a critical analysis of what has already been built, suggesting a course correction, in the sense to ensure an effective protection and, consequently, a greater expansion of the ECOSOC rights in the American regional context. KEYWORDS: International Law of Human Rights. Economic, social and cultural rights. Progressive development. Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Study of cases. * Doutoranda em Direito das Relações Internacionais pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília (UniCEUB). Mestre em Direito das Relações Internacionais pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília. Pesquisadora visitante no IREDIES - Institut de recherche en droit international et européen de la Sorbonne (Université Paris 1, 2014-2015).  Juíza do Trabalho Substituta  do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 5ª. Região.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Salma Salma

The development of Islamic law studies in Indonesia is increasingly interesting to follow. the use of a multidisciplinary approach to Islamic sciences, making the science of Islamic law not only a normative-theological analysis but also integrated with many scientific fields both in the sciences and the humanities. Contemporary global issues require observers and Islamic law reviewers to seriously review Islamic law in depth, one of the global issues that is currently interesting and has become a topic of discussion among many is the issue of the protection of human rights. Human rights formulation in international law cannot be separated from the issue of foreign policy. This paper will conduct a theoretical study of how the concept of Islamic Law itself protects human rights and how it relates to its relationship with post-reform foreign policy. This paper uses a comparative study between legislation and texts (verses) both in the Koran and the hadith, a comparative-critical analysis method makes it easier for the author to find substance in terms of answering the problem statement in this study. The results or conclusions obtained are that human rights are a reflection of carrying out Islamic law in order to realize the nature of universal human benefit. Islam considers that human rights are in accordance with sharia principles, namely protecting one's right to life. This is a strong basis for the study of Islamic law in contributing to the development of human rights principles in the international communityKeywords: Islamic Law, Human Rights, Globalization, International LawPerkembangan kajian hukum Islam di Indonesia makin menarik untuk diikuti. penggunaan pendekatan multidisipliner ilmu-ilmu keislaman, membuat ilmu hukum Islam tidak hanya bersifat normatif-teologis analisanya tapi sudah terintegrasi dengan banyak bidang keilmuan baik ilmu-ilmu sains maupun humaniora. Isu-isu global yang sifatnya kontemporer mengharuskan para pengamat dan pengkaji hukum Islam untuk serius melakukan telaah ulang terhadap ilmu hukum Islam secara mendalam, salah satu isu global yang saat ini menarik dan menjadi perbincangan banyak kalangan adalah soal perlindungan hak asasi manusia. Rumusan HAM dalam hukum internasional tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan persoalan politik luar negeri. Tulisan ini akan melakukan kajian teoritik tentang bagaimana konsep Hukum Islam itu sendiri terhadap perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan bagaimana pula terkait hubungannya dengan politik luar negeri pasca reformasi. Tulisan ini menggunakan studi komparatif antara perundangundangan dengan teks (ayat) baik itu di dalam Al-Quran maupun hadits, metode analisis-kritis komparatif memudahkan penulis menemukan substansi dalam hal untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Hasil atau kesimpulan yang didapat adalah HAM adalah refleksi untuk menjalankan syariat Islam demi mewujudkan hakikat kemaslahatan manusia secara universal. Islam memandang bahwa HAM sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah yakni melindungi hak hidup seseorang. Hal ini merupakan dasar yang kuat untuk kajian hukum Islam dalam memberikan kontribusi pada perkembangan prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia di dalam masyarakat internasional.Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Hak Asasi Manusia, Globalisasi, Hukum Internasional

2018 ◽  
Vol 112 ◽  
pp. 79-82
Maria Flores

I first became involved with international law while I was at university. After graduating, I decided to teach public international law. As an undergraduate, I particularly enjoyed this branch of study. I was attracted to it because it helped me to understand the problems, challenges, and breakthroughs in the field of international relations on a global scale. Therefore, after facing a competitive entry process, I joined the international law department of the Universidad de la República. It was a small department, but the university had produced some well-known scholars like Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga, who became a judge at the International Court of Justice, and Hector Gross Espiell, who served as a judge at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-80
Wolfgang S. Heinz

Abstract: This article approaches the matter of institutional reform of the United Nations Human Rights Council from an international relations perspective. A well-known tension exists between State representatives acting for their governments in international organisations, but whose decisions are presented as UN policies. The latter should be guided primarily by the UN Charter and public international law. However, in reality, different worldviews and foreign policy considerations play a more significant role. In a comprehensive stock-take, the article looks at four major dimensions of the Council, starting with structure and dynamics and major trends, followed by its country and thematic activities, and the role of key actors. Council reform proposals from both States and civil society are explored. Whilst the intergovernmental body remains the most important authority responsible for the protection of human rights in the international sphere, it has also been the subject of considerable criticism. Although it has made considerable progress towards enlarging its coverage and taking on more challenging human rights crises, among some of its major weaknesses are the election of human rights-unfriendly countries into its ranks, the failure to apply stronger sanctions on large, politically influential countries in the South and North, and lack of influence on human rights crises and chronic human rights problems in certain countries. Whilst various reform proposals have emerged from States and NGOs, other more far reaching propositions are under sometimes difficult negotiations. In the mid- to long-term, the UN human rights machinery can only have a stronger and more lasting impact if support from national/local actors and coalitions in politics and society can be strengthened.

Dwi Sagita Akbar ◽  
Busyro Busyro ◽  
Afifi Fauzi Abbas

<em>In order to offer a transformative discourse Abdullah Ahmad An-Na'im build a method he called with the evolution of Shari'ah (abrogated). According to him the method can respond to contemporary issues at this time. Because he assumed that abrogating is one of the principal methods and has a wide and high complexity in theology and fiqh (jurisprudence) of Islam. He tries to deconstruct abrogated method and also some methods of ijtihad that had been considered settled by the classical scholar. Abdullah Ahmad An-Na'im radically have done repeated studies against the epistimologi Islamic law as well as the mereformulasi return and customize it with the standard of human rights as well as international law as a benchmark. The method developed by Abdullah Ahmad An-Na'im, he stated three important things that need to be done to realize the abrogating. Text, values of humanity, and logic. He also overestimated human rights, so that a text (paragraph) may be enforced in accordance with human rights. In order to answer the legal issues of contemporary Islam.   </em>

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