‘Abqari Journal
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Published By Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia


2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-160
Khadijah Nasrah ◽  
Rezki Perdani Sawai ◽  
Joki Perdani Sawai

Gay men are among high-risk minority groups that are vulnerable to depression and suicidality, having three times the rate of depression compared to the general adult population. They are also at high risk for suicidality. Despite the high prevalence of such disorders, medical practitioners have tended to focus more on aspects related to diseases and their medical treatment and rarely explore factors contributing to those mental issues. In general, gay men have weak coping strategies when dealing with mental health issues. This research explores a single case study of a gay male who had depression that led to suicidal thoughts. SBQ-R is used to measure the level of suicidal thoughts, and in-depth interviews were employed to explore the risk factors contributing to suicide ideation. The findings show that risk factors underlying depression and suicidality among gay men include lack of family acceptance of their sexual identities, low social support, internalized homophobia, and societal stigma. The paper discusses in detail the barriers preventing gay men from seeking help as well as how mental health practitioners might advance the well-being of this underserved minority group by effectively addressing depression and suicidality. Abstrak Lelaki gay adalah kumpulan minoriti berisiko tinggi yang terdedah kepada kemurungan dan bunuh diri. Jumlah kemurungan dalam kalangan lelaki gay adalah tiga kali lebih tinggi daripada populasi dewasa umum. Mereka juga berisiko tinggi untuk bunuh diri. Walaupun terdapat kemunculan kemurungan dan bunuh diri yang tinggi, pengamal perubatan cenderung memberi tumpuan kepada masalah kesihatan seperti virus dan ubat-ubatan tetapi jarang sekali mereka menekankan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan mereka mengalami kemurungan. Justeru itu, lelaki gay mempunyai strategi daya tindak yang negatif ketika menangani masalah kesihatan mental. Kajian ini meneroka satu kajian kes lelaki gay yang mengalami kemurungan dan membawa kepada pemikiran bunuh diri. Inventori Kecenderungan Bunuh Diri (IKBD) telah digunakan untuk mengukur kecenderungan pemikiran bunuh diri dan temubual mendalam untuk meneroka faktor risiko yang menyumbang kepada ideasi bunuh diri. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat beberapa faktor risiko kemurungan dan bunuh diri dalam kalangan lelaki gay termasuk kekurangan penerimaan keluarga berkaitan identiti seksual mereka, sokongan sosial, budaya homofobia, dan stigma masyarakat. Halangan untuk mendapatkan bantuan juga dibincangkan secara terperinci, bagaimana pengamal kesihatan mental dapat membantu mengatasi kemurungan dan bunuh diri dan seterusnya mencapai kesejahteraan mental kumpulan minoriti yang kurang terlindung ini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-60
Firzanah Al Zahra Zulkifli ◽  
Othman Ab. Rahman ◽  
Nurun Najihah Musa

This study was conducted to explore the differences in personality and level of career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE) by gender among pre-university students. Besides, this study also conducted to identify the relationship between personality and CDMSE among pre-university students. This study uses a mixed method design in determining the relationship between personality and self-efficacy in career decision making. The respondent be selected by using simple random sampling method, as 175 student Pre-University and 5 respondents were selected to interview in obtaining qualitative findings. Data was collected by using Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2) and Career Decision Making Self-efficacy Scale Short Form (CDMSE-SF). Data analyzed using Statistical Package Social Science 25.0 (SPSS). The results showed no difference between conscientiousness (t(173)=0.280,p<0.05), openness (t(173)=0.613,p<0.05), neuroticism (t(173)=1.434,p<0.05), agreeableness (t(173)=0.857, p<0.05, extraversion (t(173)=-0.559, p<0.05) and level of CDMSE (t(173)=1.558, p<0.05). The finding also revealed that conscientiousness, (r=0.505**, n=175, p<0.05) openness, (r=0.212**, n=175, p<0.05) neuroticism, (r=0.366**, n = 175, p<0.05) and extraversion (r=0.486**, n=175, p<0.05) had a significant relationship with CDMSE among Pre-University students. However, there is no significant relationship between agreeableness and CDMSE (r=0.128, n=175, p<0.05). The result was supported by qualitative findings, which show the relationship between personality and CDMSE. This study is significant for students, counselor, and educators in helping students related to their careers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-174
Othman Ab Rahman

The purpose of this study is to identify the real issues, causes and investigate the effective actions in helping the subject to move on. The subject experienced changes in behavior, emotions and thoughts after her eldest daughter had a stroke and unable to take care of herself. Now the subject has been abandoned by family members and the community of her residential area. She was considered an insane person as a result of her changes. This is qualitative study using Quranic therapy. Among the Al-Quran therapies that the subject undergoes are zikir munajat, recitation of Surah Yaasin and tahlil arwah. Subjects also read passages from surahs in the Qur'an such as Surah Al Baqarah by talaqi with the researcher. Psychodrama therapy was also administered. Findings showed that subjects acted positively when informed that authorities such as hospitals or the Social Welfare Department will take her to the care center for elderly and separated from being with her children. The subject’s aggressive level is more controlled after practising Quran and zikir munajat. The conclusion of the study found that the subject's level of thinking and emotions can be controlled and helped with appropriate therapy by an experienced therapist. Abstrak Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengesan isu sebenar yang dihadapi oleh subjek, mengenal punca dan seterusnya mengenal pasti tindakan yang berkesan dalam membantu subjek keluar dari persoalan yang sedang dihadapinya. Subjek dikatakan mengalami perubahan tingkahlaku, emosi dan fikiran selepas anak sulungnya diserang sakit stroke hingga tidak boleh mengurus diri. Kini subjek sudah diketepikan oleh ahli keluarga dan masyarakat kawasan perumahan. Beliau dianggap sebagai seorang yang tidak waras kesan perubahan tingkahlaku, pemikiran dan emosi yang ditunjukkan.  Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif melalui pendekatan temubual. Lima sesi kaunseling menggunakan terapi Al-Quran telah dijalankan terhadap subjek. Antara terapi Al-Quran yang subjek jalani ialah zikir munajat, bacaan Surah Yaasin serta tahlil arwah. Subjek juga membaca petikan surah dalam Al-Quran seperti Surah Al Baqarah secara talaqi dengan pengkaji. Terapi psikodrama juga dijalankan kepada subjek kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan subjek lebih kerap bertindak positif jika dimaklumkan pihak berkuasa seperti hospital atau Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) akan bertindak membawanya ke pusat jagaan orang tua tanpa bersama dengan anak-anak OKU. Tahap agresif subjek juga semakin terkawal apabila dipandu membacakan ayat-ayat suci Al Quran dan zikir munajat. Kesimpulan kajian mendapati tahap pemikiran serta emosi subjek masih waras, boleh dikawal dan dibantu pulih jika mendapat terapi yang sesuai oleh terapis berpengalaman.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Noradila Mohamed Faudzi ◽  
Melati Sumari ◽  
Azmawaty Mohamad Nor ◽  
Norhafisah Abd Rahman

The mother’s role is essential in an adolescent’s development due to the challenges of life and exposure to the outside world, which affect and constantly change the mother’s role. This study intends to explore the experiences of the mother’s roles in the mother-child relationship among adolescents with unwanted pregnancies. A phenomenological approach was employed to obtain the essence of the experiences. A total of 10 participants comprising of five pregnant adolescents and their mothers were interviewed to understand the role played by the adolescents’ mothers during the pregnancy. A diary was distributed among the adolescents to allow them to externalise and express the experiences that they had with their mothers while being pregnant. This study used thematic analysis because it is flexible in interpreting the data and allows to approach large data sets more easily by sorting them into broad themes. Five themes emerged as follows: (a) supervising and monitoring, (b) rules and regulations, (c) showing affection, (d) educating adolescents, and (e) giving encouragement and support. This study provided insights on the mothers’ struggles in raising their adolescents which were highlighted from two perspectives: adolescents and mothers. The findings revealed the challenges faced by the mothers with various types of family structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-88
Nor Hikmah Ngesan ◽  
Othman Ab. Rahman

This study aims to identify the effect of early marriage with marital stress among university students in USIM. Objectives of this study were to determine the effect of early marriage with marital stress among students in USIM, to investigate how the marriage couple students cope with the stress and, to determine the relationship between stress and marriage satisfaction. This research used Stress Scale (PSS) to measure the level of stress and Marital Satisfaction Scale (MSS) to measure marriage satisfaction. An interview also being used in this study in order to determine effect of early marriage with marital stress among students in USIM. The data were obtained, analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics Version 25.0 software that involved descriptive statistics analysis, Pallant scale, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The findings of the study indicate that the stress and marriage satisfaction of the respondents are at a moderate level, besides, these two variables have a very strong significance correlation within positive direction (r = 0.61, p < 0.01). Interview result demonstrated that the effects of early marriage put stress on the marriage relationship and coupled with other factors such as family member intervention, financial problems, and commitment of study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-144
Amin Al Haadi Shafiea ◽  
Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz

The COVID-19 pandemic had affected the whole world especially the human life routine. There were several sectors that had been severely affected such as economy, education, and mental wellbeing. Most of the countries had implemented the approach of online classes as alternative to manage the education system. Thus, the students joining all the classes by themselves via online. There are a lot of consequences that need to be adapted by students to undergo the new norm of education system. This study used case study design to identify the appropriate counselling intervention to reduce anxiety among students. The counsellor used the approach of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) with the objective to restructure the client’s thought and behaviour in facing the adversity during the pandemic of COVID-19. In total, there were 8 sessions that had been conducted for counsellor to help the client to rationalize the thought and exploring new possible behaviour that can be applied by the client. At the end of the session, the client manages to control her anxiety issues and become more encourage to focus on online learning basis. The approach of behaviour and cognitive therapy are suitable to be used among the counsellors to help the client with anxiety issues. Abstrak Pandemik COVID-19 telah melanda kebanyakan negara di seluruh dunia dan menjejaskan kehidupan serta aktiviti manusia di dunia. Banyak sektor yang terjejas seperti sektor ekonomi, sektor pendidikan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan mental di seluruh dunia. Bagi bidang pendidikan, kebanyakan negara memfokuskan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam talian sebagai alternatif untuk menguruskan pendidikan pengajar dan pembelajaran. Ini membawa kepada pelajar belajar secara bersendirian dengan pemikiran mereka dikuasai oleh maklumat -maklumat dari media masa. Terdapat banyak kesan-kesan sampingan dihadapi oleh pelajar dalam menghadapi kehidupan norma baharu ini. Artikel ini akan membincangkan bagaimana kaunselor membantu klien dalam menjalani kehidupan norma baharu dan mengurangkan keresahan yang dihadapi klien. Kaunselor menggunakan pendekatan terapi tingkah laku dan kognitif (CBT) untuk menstrukturkan kembali pemikiran dan mengubah tingkah laku yang dapat membantu klien mengadaptasi kehidupan di norma baharu. Lapan sesi yang dijalankan bagi membincangkan pemikiran yang dimiliki klien mengenai pendemik ini, merasionalkan pemikiran tersebut, melihat tingkah laku hasil dari pemikiran dan daya tindak yang sesuai untuk klien praktikan. Hasil daripada sesi kaunseling yang dijalankan bersama kaunselor, klien dapat mengawal keresahan yang dialami dan bersemangat untuk lebih fokus kepada pembelajaran dalam talian. Oleh itu, pendekatan terapi tingkah laku dan

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-35
Nazlan Ibrahim ◽  
Mohamad Isa Amat ◽  
Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz

Methamphetamine (MA) is a potent stimulant with a high potential for abuse that can be smoked, inhaled, injected or taken orally. It is easily being relapse among drug abuse. Thus, this study aims to investigate the impact of drug addiction therapy utilizing the Motivational Interviewing (MI) approach. This is a qualitative study using interview sessions as a study design. The subject is a drug misuse client undergoing imprisonment in Kajang Prison, Selangor. Client’s progression was assessed through direct observations using the Mental State Examination (MSE), client records, and client speech changes. The study revealed that client has gained mental literacy and the client needs to change his behaviors so that the misery does not recur. The use of MI strategies in treatment sessions has been able to help clients eliminate ambiguities related to addictive behaviors, clients are confident to stay recovering and now have concrete plans to not re -addict in the future. The implications of the findings of this case study suggest the MI strategy is a treatment option that counselors can use in assisting drug abuse clients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. i-vi
Mohd Rosmizi Abd Rahman ◽  
Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz

This special issue reveals pertinent academic discourses of several selected articles that had been presented in the Marital and Sexuality Counseling Seminar (MASEC 2021), organized by Counseling Programme, Faculty of Leadership and Management in collaboration with Sa’adah Counseling and Consultation Centre for Well-being (Sa’adah Centre), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-106
Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz Abdul Aziz ◽  
Norizan Yusof ◽  
Nor Hamizah Ab Razak

In an adolescent, the development phase causes a variety of conflicts. One of the most common problems among adolescents is the issue of love breakup. It can lead to the disruption of self-concept which eventually leads to a failure to overcome real problems. Hence, this study was conducted to explore the effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) to address the problem of self -concept among adolescents. This is a qualitative study using interview sessions as a study design. The study was based on a counseling case of a teenage female client who was going through a breakup. The client suffered from depression and feels inferior to her self -image and chooses to isolate herself from others. Thus, the Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) was utilized to reestablish the client's self -concept. REBT therapy enables the client to change the negative way of thinking to positive and rationalize her thinking to avoid her feeling depressed with the issue of the breakup. This is important in ensuring that the client successfully solves her problems and can give full commitment to her learning and responsibilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-127
Siti Fadhlina Mustapa Kamal ◽  
Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah ◽  
Rezki Perdani Sawai

Bullying not only has a significant influence on victims' physical and emotional well-being, but they are also reported to experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) such as nightmares, intrusive thoughts and emotions of hopelessness and powerlessness. The symptomatology of untreated PTSD exposes victims to other psychological issues such as substance abuse, depersonalization and suicide. This case study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Systematic Desensitization (CBT-SD), a counseling intervention for reducing symptomatology of PTSD. He was diagnosed with clinically severe symptomatology of PTSD (T> 65) by using the Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress (DAPS) (Briere, 2001). The treatment planning using CBT-SD technique was constructed aimed at answering the research questions. The results indicate a decrease in the symptomatology of PTSD and other psychological issues, particularly on the scales of dissociation and suicide. Reducing PTSD symptoms has a favourable impact on the client’s cognitive, emotional and behavioural functioning, as seen by his improved personal functioning in his daily life. Hence, prevention and early rehabilitation through counseling interventions are crucial in aiding victims of bullying achieve psychological balance. The implications of this intervention are also discussed.

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