scholarly journals Activation Function: Absolute Function, One Function Behaves more Individualized

Jinxin Wei ◽  
Zhe Hou

<p>Inspire by nature world mode, a activation function is proposed. It is absolute function.Through test on mnist dataset and fully-connected neural network and convolutional neural network, some conclusions are put forward. The line of accuracy of absolute function is shaked around the training accuracy that is different from the line of accuracy of relu and leaky relu. The absolute function can keep the negative parts as equal as the positive parts, so the individualization is more active than relu and leaky relu function. The absolute function is less likely to be over-fitting. Through teat on mnist and autoencoder, It is that the leaky relu function can do classification task well, while the absolute function can do generation task well. Because the classification task need more universality and generation task need more individualization. The pleasure irritation and painful irritation is not only the magnitude differences, but also the sign differences, so the negative parts should keep as a part.<b></b>Stimulation which happens frequently is low value, it is showed around zero in figure 1 . Stimulation which happens accidentally is high value, it is showed far away from zero in figure 1. So the high value is the big stimulation, which is individualization.</p><p><b></b></p>

2021 ◽  
Jinxin Wei ◽  
Zhe Hou

<p>Inspire by nature world mode, a activation function is proposed. It is absolute function.Through test on mnist dataset and fully-connected neural network and convolutional neural network, some conclusions are put forward. The line of accuracy of absolute function is shaked around the training accuracy that is different from the line of accuracy of relu and leaky relu. The absolute function can keep the negative parts as equal as the positive parts, so the individualization is more active than relu and leaky relu function. The absolute function is less likely to be over-fitting. Through teat on mnist and autoencoder, It is that the leaky relu function can do classification task well, while the absolute function can do generation task well. Because the classification task need more universality and generation task need more individualization. The pleasure irritation and painful irritation is not only the magnitude differences, but also the sign differences, so the negative parts should keep as a part.<b></b>Stimulation which happens frequently is low value, it is showed around zero in figure 1 . Stimulation which happens accidentally is high value, it is showed far away from zero in figure 1. So the high value is the big stimulation, which is individualization.</p><p><b></b></p>

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (22) ◽  
pp. 2764
Syed-Ali Hassan ◽  
Tariq Rahim ◽  
Soo-Young Shin

Recent advancements in the field of machine learning (ML) provide opportunity to conduct research on autonomous devices for a variety of applications. Intelligent decision-making is a critical task for self-driving systems. An attempt is made in this study to use a deep learning (DL) approach for the early detection of road cracks, potholes, and the yellow lane. The accuracy is not sufficient after training with the default model. To enhance accuracy, a convolutional neural network (CNN) model with 13 convolutional layers, a softmax layer as an output layer, and two fully connected layers (FCN) are constructed. In order to achieve the deeper propagation and to prevent saturation in the training phase, mish activation is employed in the first 12 layers with a rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function. The upgraded CNN model performs better than the default CNN model in terms of accuracy. For the varied situation, a revised and enriched dataset for road cracks, potholes, and the yellow lane is created. The yellow lane is detected and tracked in order to move the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) autonomously by following yellow lane. After identifying a yellow lane, the UAV performs autonomous navigation while concurrently detecting road cracks and potholes using the robot operating system within the UAV. The performance model is benchmarked using performance measures, such as accuracy, sensitivity, F1-score, F2-score, and dice-coefficient, which demonstrate that the suggested technique produces better outcomes.

Salsa Bila ◽  
Anwar Fitrianto ◽  
Bagus Sartono

Beef is a food ingredient that has a high selling value. Such high prices make some people manipulate sales in markets or other shopping venues, such as mixing beef and pork. The difference between pork and beef is actually from the color and texture of the meat. However, many people do not understand these differences yet. In addition to socialization related to understanding the differences between the two types of meat, another solution is to create a technology that can recognize and differentiate pork and beef. That is what underlies this research to build a system that can classify the two types of meat. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is one of the Deep Learning methods and the development of Artificial Intelligence science that can be applied to classify images. Several regularization techniques include Dropout, L2, and Max-Norm were applied to the model and compared to obtain the best classification results and may predict new data accurately. It has known that the highest accuracy of 97.56% obtained from the CNN model by applying the Dropout technique using 0.7 supported by hyperparameters such as Adam's optimizer, 128 neurons in the fully connected layer, ReLu activation function, and 3 fully connected layers. The reason that also underlies the selection of the model is the low error rate of the model, which is only 0.111.Keywords: Beef and Pork, Model, Classification, CNN

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 220-228
Gusti Alfahmi Anwar ◽  
Desti Riminarsih

Panthera merupakan genus dari keluarga kucing yang memiliki empat spesies popular yaitu, harimau, jaguar, macan tutul, singa. Singa memiliki warna keemasan dan tidak memilki motif, harimau memiliki motif loreng dengan garis-garis panjang, jaguar memiliki tubuh yang lebih besar dari pada macan tutul serta memiliki motif tutul yang lebih lebar, sedangkan macan tutul memiliki tubuh yang sedikit lebih ramping dari pada jaguar dan memiliki tutul yang tidak terlalu lebar. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan klasifikasi genus panther yaitu harimau, jaguar, macan tutul, dan singa menggunakan metode Convolutional Neural Network. Model Convolutional Neural Network yang digunakan memiliki 1 input layer, 5 convolution layer, dan 2 fully connected layer. Dataset yang digunakan berupa citra harimau, jaguar, macan tutul, dan singa. Data training terdiri dari 3840 citra, data validasi sebanyak 960 citra, dan data testing sebanyak 800 citra. Hasil akurasi dari pelatihan model untuk training yaitu 92,31% dan validasi yaitu 81,88%, pengujian model menggunakan dataset testing mendapatan hasil 68%. Hasil akurasi prediksi didapatkan dari nilai F1-Score pada pengujian didapatkan sebesar 78% untuk harimau, 70% untuk jaguar, 37% untuk macan tutul, 74% untuk singa. Macan tutul mendapatkan akurasi terendah dibandingkan 3 hewan lainnya tetapi lebih baik dibandingkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 119
Tao Wang ◽  
Changhua Lu ◽  
Yining Sun ◽  
Mei Yang ◽  
Chun Liu ◽  

Early detection of arrhythmia and effective treatment can prevent deaths caused by cardiovascular disease (CVD). In clinical practice, the diagnosis is made by checking the electrocardiogram (ECG) beat-by-beat, but this is usually time-consuming and laborious. In the paper, we propose an automatic ECG classification method based on Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). CWT is used to decompose ECG signals to obtain different time-frequency components, and CNN is used to extract features from the 2D-scalogram composed of the above time-frequency components. Considering the surrounding R peak interval (also called RR interval) is also useful for the diagnosis of arrhythmia, four RR interval features are extracted and combined with the CNN features to input into a fully connected layer for ECG classification. By testing in the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, our method achieves an overall performance of 70.75%, 67.47%, 68.76%, and 98.74% for positive predictive value, sensitivity, F1-score, and accuracy, respectively. Compared with existing methods, the overall F1-score of our method is increased by 4.75~16.85%. Because our method is simple and highly accurate, it can potentially be used as a clinical auxiliary diagnostic tool.

xu chen ◽  
Shibo Wang ◽  
Houguang Liu ◽  
Jianhua Yang ◽  
Songyong Liu ◽  

Abstract Many data-driven coal gangue recognition (CGR) methods based on the vibration or sound of collapsed coal and gangue have been proposed to achieve automatic CGR, which is important for realizing intelligent top-coal caving. However, the strong background noise and complex environment in underground coal mines render this task challenging in practical applications. Inspired by the fact that workers distinguish coal and gangue from underground noise by listening to the hydraulic support sound, we propose an auditory model based CGR method that simulates human auditory recognition by combining an auditory spectrogram with a convolutional neural network (CNN). First, we adjust the characteristic frequency (CF) distribution of the auditory peripheral model (APM) based on the spectral characteristics of collapsed sound signals from coal and gangue and then process the sound signals using the adjusted APM to obtain inferior colliculus auditory signals with multiple CFs. Subsequently, the auditory signals of all CFs are converted into gray images separately and then concatenated into a multichannel auditory spectrum along the channel dimension. Finally, we input the multichannel auditory spectrum as a feature map to the two-dimensional CNN, whose convolutional layers are used to automatically extract features, and the fully connected layer and softmax layer are used to flatten features and predict the recognition result, respectively. The CNN is optimized for the CGR based on a comparison study of four typical types of CNN structures with different network training hyperparameters. The experimental results show that this method affords an accurate CGR with a recognition accuracy of 99.5%. Moreover, this method offers excellent noise immunity compared with typically used CGR methods under various noisy conditions.

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