scholarly journals Pan-Factorial Property in Regular Graphs

10.37236/1990 ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
M. Kano ◽  
Qinglin Yu

Among other results, we show that if for any given edge $e$ of an $r$-regular graph $G$ of even order, $G$ has a 1-factor containing $e$, then $G$ has a $k$-factor containing $e$ and another one avoiding $e$ for all $k$, $1 \leq k \leq r-1$.

10.37236/1760 ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Arne Hoffmann ◽  
Lutz Volkmann

In this note we examine the connection between vertices of high eccentricity and the existence of $k$-factors in regular graphs. This leads to new results in the case that the radius of the graph is small ($\leq 3$), namely that a $d$-regular graph $G$ has all $k$-factors, for $k|V(G)|$ even and $k\le d$, if it has at most $2d+2$ vertices of eccentricity $>3$. In particular, each regular graph $G$ of diameter $\leq3$ has every $k$-factor, for $k|V(G)|$ even and $k\le d$.

Gary Chartrand ◽  
Sergio Ruiz ◽  
Curtiss E. Wall

AbstractA near 1-factor of a graph of order 2n ≧ 4 is a subgraph isomorphic to (n − 2) K2 ∪ P3 ∪ K1. Wallis determined, for each r ≥ 3, the order of a smallest r-regular graph of even order without a 1-factor; while for each r ≧ 3, Chartrand, Goldsmith and Schuster determined the order of a smallest r-regular, (r − 2)-edge-connected graph of even order without a 1-factor. These results are extended to graphs without near 1-factors. It is known that every connected, cubic graph with less than six bridges has a near 1-factor. The order of a smallest connected, cubic graph with exactly six bridges and no near 1-factor is determined.

10.37236/4986 ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
S. Akbari ◽  
M. Kano ◽  
S. Zare

Let $G$ be a graph. Assume that $l$ and $k$ are two natural numbers. An $l$-sum flow on a graph $G$ is an assignment of non-zero real numbers to the edges of $G$ such that for every vertex $v$ of $G$ the sum of values of all edges incidence with $v$ equals $l$. An $l$-sum $k$-flow is an $l$-sum flow with values from the set $\{\pm 1,\ldots ,\pm(k-1)\}$. Recently, it was proved that for every $r, r\geq 3$, $r\neq 5$, every $r$-regular graph admits a $0$-sum $5$-flow. In this paper we settle a conjecture by showing that every $5$-regular graph admits a $0$-sum $5$-flow. Moreover, we prove that every $r$-regular graph of even order admits a $1$-sum $5$-flow.

10.37236/8073 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Klavdija Kutnar ◽  
Dragan Marušič ◽  
Štefko Miklavič ◽  
Primož Šparl

Let $\ell$ denote a non-negative integer. A connected graph $\Gamma$ of even order at least $2\ell+2$ is $\ell$-extendable if it contains a matching of size $\ell$ and if every such matching is contained in a perfect matching of $\Gamma$. A connected regular graph $\Gamma$ is edge-regular, if there exists an integer $\lambda$ such that every pair of adjacent vertices of $\Gamma$ have exactly $\lambda$  common neighbours. In this paper we classify $2$-extendable edge-regular graphs of even order and diameter $2$.

10.37236/1011 ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Lutz Volkmann

In this note we present a short proof of the following result, which is a slight extension of a nice 2005 theorem by Kano and Yu. Let $e$ be an edge of an $r$-regular graph $G$. If $G$ has a 1-factor containing $e$ and a 1-factor avoiding $e$, then $G$ has a $k$-factor containing $e$ and a $k$-factor avoiding $e$ for every $k\in\{1,2,\ldots,r-1\}$.

10.37236/431 ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Hongliang Lu

Let $r$ and $m$ be two integers such that $r\geq m$. Let $H$ be a graph with order $|H|$, size $e$ and maximum degree $r$ such that $2e\geq |H|r-m$. We find a best lower bound on spectral radius of graph $H$ in terms of $m$ and $r$. Let $G$ be a connected $r$-regular graph of order $|G|$ and $ k < r$ be an integer. Using the previous results, we find some best upper bounds (in terms of $r$ and $k$) on the third largest eigenvalue that is sufficient to guarantee that $G$ has a $k$-factor when $k|G|$ is even. Moreover, we find a best bound on the second largest eigenvalue that is sufficient to guarantee that $G$ is $k$-critical when $k|G|$ is odd. Our results extend the work of Cioabă, Gregory and Haemers [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 1999] who obtained such results for 1-factors.

Vytautas Gruslys ◽  
Shoham Letzter

Abstract Magnant and Martin conjectured that the vertex set of any d-regular graph G on n vertices can be partitioned into $n / (d+1)$ paths (there exists a simple construction showing that this bound would be best possible). We prove this conjecture when $d = \Omega(n)$ , improving a result of Han, who showed that in this range almost all vertices of G can be covered by $n / (d+1) + 1$ vertex-disjoint paths. In fact our proof gives a partition of V(G) into cycles. We also show that, if $d = \Omega(n)$ and G is bipartite, then V(G) can be partitioned into n/(2d) paths (this bound is tight for bipartite graphs).

2021 ◽  
pp. 97-104
M. B. Abrosimov ◽  
S. V. Kostin ◽  
I. V. Los ◽  

In 2015, the results were obtained for the maximum number of vertices nk in regular graphs of a given order k with a diameter 2: n2 = 5, n3 = 10, n4 = 15. In this paper, we investigate a similar question about the largest number of vertices npk in a primitive regular graph of order k with exponent 2. All primitive regular graphs with exponent 2, except for the complete one, also have diameter d = 2. The following values were obtained for primitive regular graphs with exponent 2: np2 = 3, np3 = 4, np4 = 11.

1966 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 1091-1094 ◽  
Clark T. Benson

In (3) Tutte showed that the order of a regular graph of degree d and even girth g > 4 is greater than or equal toHere the girth of a graph is the length of the shortest circuit. It was shown in (2) that this lower bound cannot be attained for regular graphs of degree > 2 for g ≠ 6, 8, or 12. When this lower bound is attained, the graph is called minimal. In a group-theoretic setting a similar situation arose and it was noticed by Gleason that minimal regular graphs of girth 12 could be constructed from certain groups. Here we construct these graphs making only incidental use of group theory. Also we give what is believed to be an easier construction of minimal regular graphs of girth 8 than is given in (2). These results are contained in the following two theorems.

10.37236/3752 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Catherine Greenhill ◽  
Matthew Kwan ◽  
David Wind

Let $d\geq 3$ be a fixed integer.   We give an asympotic formula for the expected number of spanning trees in a uniformly random $d$-regular graph with $n$ vertices. (The asymptotics are as $n\to\infty$, restricted to even $n$ if $d$ is odd.) We also obtain the asymptotic distribution of the number of spanning trees in a uniformly random cubic graph, and conjecture that the corresponding result holds for arbitrary (fixed) $d$. Numerical evidence is presented which supports our conjecture.

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