Why Hire Outside Directors When Private Companies Don’t Have To? Change! Break the Status Quo. Rejuvenate

You need these fellows to increase cash flow and provide valuable guidance, contacts, growth, and credibility. Companies committed to going through significant business change need advice. Outside directors bring an independent perspective, develop strategic thinking and planning, utilize their experience and objectivity, provide their contacts Rolodex, find capital to finance the company, and guide transaction activity. After all, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by considering their advice when you make decisions that will influence your company. Remember, the key is for the CEO and management team to listen to the information given and factor these inputs into their thinking, then make decisions.

2003 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-95
Slobodan Ivanović

Very often, there are more imitators than innovators in the hotel industry. There are very few hotel enterprises engaged in continually innovating their services. Creative imitators help to diffuse innovations and to meet the needs of certain segments o f the tourist market. They realise the improvement possibilities of the tourism product or service, which requires innovation. Changes to certain features o f the product or service can help to increase their value for both domestic and foreign tourists. Hence, it is maintained that creative imitation is sooner to take hold on the tourist market than on the tourism product or service. The globalisation process of the world economy, as well as the hotel industries, has imposed a certain way of thinking referred to in journalism as "change as a constant necessity" or putting it harshly "innovate or disappear from the business scene”. Anything that is different represents change. Innovation means accepting ideas for services which are new to hotel enterprise. Because innovations disturb the status quo of the hotel enterprise, they are met with resistance by some members of the organisation. Strategic thinking is what every hotel enterprise needs to prevent it being caught off guard by the affects of changes in its micro and macro environment. Namely, troubles begin for the hotel enterprise when it fails to adapt in an adequate and acceptable way to the changes occuring within the hotel industry. Adverse changes in the environment and the inability of the hotel enterprise to respond to these changes are the cause of incongruity between the hotel’s potential (accommodation and other facilities) and the demands of the hotel industry i.e. the tourist markets on which it is present.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-112
Patricia Baeza Duffy ◽  
Liliana Vásquez-Rocca ◽  
Dominique Manghi H.

This paper aims to characterize the discursive construction of two Chilean presidential candidates of 2017 on education, from an intersubjective, multimodal and critical perspective, which integrates the multimodal discourse analysis, the appraisal model, and the critical discourse studies. The methodology is qualitative. The corpus is made up of the programs and television networks of the two Chilean presidential candidates. The analysis was developed in two stages, one descriptive and the other interpretive-integrative. After the analysis, the results showed that the construction of meanings is carried out through intersemiotic evaluative prosodies, in which predominate appreciations, and to a lesser extent, judgments and affects. These evaluative prosodies shape strategies of legitimization and delegitimization: discredit and concealment in Piñera and alignment in Guillier. In this way, Piñera perpetuates the status quo of market logic in education, while Guillier uses the macro-strategy of transforming that status quo. The use of perpetuation macrostrategies by Piñera, has had profound social implications in Chilean society since the discursive construction of the aforementioned politician responds to a neoliberal model that is characterized by the application of the principles that come from private companies that enter in tension with inclusive education as they encourage selection and segregation rather than inclusion.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-119
Jane Kinninmont

The Arab uprisings prompted the promise of a grand rethink of Western policy towards the region, but four years on there is still a lack of new thinking about new Western strategic approaches to the region, as policymakers have been stretched by the need for immediate, emergency responses to the subsequent series of interconnected crises. This paper lays out some of the differences and overlaps between academic researchers and government policymakers in terms of their interests and approaches. It goes on to identify some of the research that helped to explain – and sometimes presage – the uprisings, and the gaps that became evident in policy analysis. It considers how research interactions have changed as a result, but also how changes to policymakers’ research approaches or analytical frameworks have been limited, as policymakers have been preoccupied with short-term responses to pressing conflicts and crises. Given the different timescales that governments and academic researchers work to, much of the research on the Arab uprisings is only being published now, at a time when the policy agenda has largely moved on to counterterrorism and stabilisation. Yet it remains vitally important to understand the causes of the 2011 unrest, especially as many of the same grievances persist and continue to drive challenges to the status quo, even if these now take different forms to the large-scale, coalition-based and largely peaceful mass protests seen in 2011.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Belinda Azzahra

ABSTRACT Accountants has significant role to achieve corporate sustainability. However, with the advancement of technology, the existence of accountants starts to be questioned. According to a survey conducted by Osborne and Frey in 2013, University of Oxford, accountants has 94% chances to be replaced in the future. Based on these data, accountants are now entering the new era of disruption, which is provable by the existence of artificial intelligence. The future of business and accountants are entering grey area and sustainability is the most vital things to be discussed for now. To challenge the status quo, it is demanded for research about the role of accountant as value driver in digital era. In the future, young accountants must act as catalysts of value for business to ensure that every stakeholder get benefit. Therefore, at least there are five strategies that accountants could prepare, which are: understanding of business acumen, technological savvy, storytelling skill, fundamental data skill, and strategic thinking skill. I believe with these five strategies, accountants profession will still exist and not being the ‘disrupted’ but the ‘disruptor’ of Industrial Revolution 4.0 era.Keywords: accountants, artificial intelligence, corporate sustainability, disruptive era, value-driven ABSTRAK Akuntan memiliki peran penting untuk mencapai keberlanjutan perusahaan. Namun dengan kemajuan teknologi, keberadaan akuntan mulai dipertanyakan. Menurut survei yang dilakukan oleh Osborne dan Frey pada tahun 2013, Universitas Oxford, akuntan memiliki peluang 94% untuk diganti di masa depan. Berdasarkan data tersebut, akuntan kini memasuki era baru disrupsi, yang dibuktikan dengan adanya kecerdasan buatan. Masa depan bisnis dan akuntan memasuki wilayah abu-abu dan keberlanjutan adalah hal yang paling vital untuk dibahas untuk saat ini. Untuk menantang status quo, diperlukan penelitian tentang peran akuntan sebagai value driver di era digital. Di masa depan, akuntan muda harus bertindak sebagai katalis nilai bagi bisnis untuk memastikan bahwa setiap pemangku kepentingan mendapatkan manfaat. Oleh karena itu, setidaknya ada lima strategi yang dapat disiapkan akuntan, yaitu: pemahaman business acumen, technology savvy, storytelling skill, fundamental data skill, dan strategic thinking skill. Saya yakin dengan lima strategi ini, profesi akuntan akan tetap eksis dan bukan menjadi ‘didisrupsi’ melainkan ‘pengganggu’ era Revolusi Industri 4.0.Kata kunci: akuntan, kecerdasan buatan, keberlanjutan perusahaan, era disrupsi, value-driven 

2005 ◽  
Amber L. Garcia ◽  
Michael T. Schmitt ◽  
Naomi Ellemers ◽  
Nyla R. Branscombe

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