scholarly journals Early life patterns of criminal legal system involvement: Inequalities by race/ethnicity, gender, and parental education

2022 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 131-146
Courtney Boen ◽  
Nick Graetz ◽  
Hannah Olson ◽  
Zohra Ansari-Thomas ◽  
Laurin Bixby ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 85 (5) ◽  
pp. 441-451 ◽  
JoAnn S. Lee ◽  
Mark E. Courtney ◽  
Tracy W. Harachi ◽  
Emiko A. Tajima

2021 ◽  
pp. 155708512110194
Allison E. Monterrosa

This study of working class, heterosexual, criminal-legal system-impacted Black women described the women’s romantic histories and current romantic relationship statuses in terms of commitment, exclusivity, and perceived quality. Using intersectional research methods, qualitative interviews were conducted with 31 Black women between the ages of 18 and 65 years who were working class, resided in Southern California, and were impacted by the criminal-legal system. Data were analyzed using an intersectional Black feminist criminological framework and findings revealed six types of relationship statuses. These relationship statuses did not live up to the women’s aspirations and yielded disparate levels of emotional and psychological strain across relationship statuses.

David C. Colston ◽  
Yanmei Xie ◽  
James F. Thrasher ◽  
Sherry Emery ◽  
Megan E. Patrick ◽  

Background. Little is known regarding long-term impacts of anti-tobacco media campaigns on youth smoking and related disparities in the United States. Methods. We examined longitudinal cohort data from Monitoring the Future (MTF) between 2000 and 2017 in modified Poisson regression models to understand the long-term impacts of televised Truth and state-sponsored ad campaign exposure at baseline (age 18) on first cigarette and daily smoking initiation 1 to 2 years later (at modal ages 19/20). We also used additive interactions to test for potential effect modification between campaign exposure and smoking outcomes by sex, race/ethnicity, and parental educational attainment. Results. We found no evidence for baseline media campaign exposure to be associated with first cigarette or daily smoking initiation at modal age 19/20. Further, results showed no evidence for effect modification between campaign exposure and first cigarette or daily smoking initiation. Conclusions. We found no evidence that baseline Truth and state-sponsored ad exposure was associated with first cigarette or daily smoking initiation at follow up, nor did we find any evidence for effect modification by sex, race/ethnicity, or parental education. We hypothesize that anti-tobacco media campaigns might have had a short-term impact on smoking behaviors, though these effects were not sustained long term.

2021 ◽  
Carlos Alberto Feldens ◽  
Igor Fonseca dos Santos ◽  
Paulo Floriani Kramer ◽  
Márcia Regina Vítolo ◽  
Vanessa Simas Braga ◽  

Leigh Goodmark

This chapter addresses the question, what is justice, in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV) and examines the use of law and the legal system for the prevention of IPV revictimization (tertiary prevention). The chapter highlights the limitations of the law and criminal legal system for achieving justice for specific groups of IPV survivors, and the potential for this system cause further harm. The chapter considers alternatives to the traditional criminal legal response to IPV to secure justice and safety for IPV survivors.

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