Non-Verbal Communication

Sheena Duboust ◽  
Pamela Knight
2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 890-902
Lynn Kern Koegel ◽  
Katherine M. Bryan ◽  
Pumpki Lei Su ◽  
Mohini Vaidya ◽  
Stephen Camarata

Purpose The purpose of this systematic review was to identify parent education procedures implemented in intervention studies focused on expressive verbal communication for nonverbal (NV) or minimally verbal (MV) children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Parent education has been shown to be an essential component in the habilitation of individuals with ASD. Parents of individuals with ASD who are NV or MV may particularly benefit from parent education in order to provide opportunities for communication and to support their children across the life span. Method ProQuest databases were searched between the years of 1960 and 2018 to identify articles that targeted verbal communication in MV and NV individuals with ASD. A total of 1,231 were evaluated to assess whether parent education was implemented. We found 36 studies that included a parent education component. These were reviewed with regard to (a) the number of participants and participants' ages, (b) the parent education program provided, (c) the format of the parent education, (d) the duration of the parent education, (e) the measurement of parent education, and (f) the parent fidelity of implementation scores. Results The results of this analysis showed that very few studies have included a parent education component, descriptions of the parent education programs are unclear in most studies, and few studies have scored the parents' implementation of the intervention. Conclusions Currently, there is great variability in parent education programs in regard to participant age, hours provided, fidelity of implementation, format of parent education, and type of treatment used. Suggestions are made to provide both a more comprehensive description and consistent measurement of parent education programs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-54 ◽  
Laura Sterponi ◽  
Jenton De Kirby

In this article, we offer a framework for conceptualizing the contribution of discourse analytic approaches to the study of the verbal communication of children with autism, with an emphasis on conversation analysis. We argue that insights from these approaches serve to complexify traditional deficit interpretations of prototypical features of autistic language, such as pronoun atypicality, pragmatic difficulties, and echolalia. Our framework is presented in three parts, each comprising a theoretical premise about language made by discourse analytic approaches and the premise’s methodological corollary. To illustrate, we analyze extracts from three children with autism, pointing to competencies and interactional processes and that are largely invisible in mainstream research. Finally, we describe how these insights offer fruitful suggestions for clinical intervention.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Paul Rastall

The paper presents a way of investigating verbal communication and examining assumptions about it independently of particular approaches to linguistic analysis through the development of imaginary language systems using very limited models (small model languages), identifying limitations, and finding ways to extend them. The imaginary systems are compared to real verbal phenomena to highlight communicational principles and show where questions arise. They can be pedagogical tools. A simple model is introduced as an example and ways of extending it are considered along with the questions that are raised in the process.

Jurnal Common ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Tina Rakhmatin ◽  
Dian Amilia

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses komunikasi interpersonal orang tua kepada anak autis di Kota Bandung. Untuk menjawab dari tujuan penelitian tersebut, peneliti menetapkan sub fokus pada Komunikasi verbal, komunikasi nonverbal, dan faktor penghambat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi deskriptif dimana informan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini berjumlah lima orang yang terdiri dari empat informan kunci sebagai orang tua dan satu informan pendukung psikolog anak sebagai informan pendukung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses komunikasi interpersonal yang dilakukan antara orang tua dengan anak autis tidak seperti melakukan komunikasi dengan anak normal dan sulit untuk melakukan komunikasi agar dapat dipahami oleh anak autis. Komunikasi verbal yang dilakukan dengan autis harus jelas, tegas, singkat dan juga dengan menggunakan metode gambar, serta adanya kata-kata perintah yang diberikan demi kemandirian anak autis. Komunikasi nonverbal dilakukan dengan gerakan-gerakan ketika orang tua memberikan larangan kepada anak dengan menggunakan gerakan jari telunjuk yang mengacung kemudian digoyangkan, mereka akan segera berhenti melakukan hal tersebut dan memahami bahwa hal tersebut dilarang. Faktor penghambat dalam berkomunikasi dengan anak autis yaitu sulitnya melakukan kontak mata, kurangnya respon yang diberikan, kesulitan berbicara yang dialami anak autis, serta gangguan pada bidang sensori. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This study aims to determine the parent's interpersonal communication process to autistic children in the city of Bandung. To answer the purpose of the study, the researcher established a sub focus on verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and inhibiting factors. This study uses qualitative methods with descriptive studies where the informants involved in this study amounted to five people consisting of four key informants as parents and one informant supporting child psychologists as supporting informants. The results of this study indicate that the process of interpersonal communication carried out between parents and children with autism is not like communicating with normal children and is difficult to communicate so that it can be understood by children with autism. Verbal communication done with autism must be clear, firm, concise and also by using the image method, as well as the words of the commands given for the independence of autistic children. Nonverbal communication is carried out with movements when parents give a prohibition to children by using the movement of the index finger that is raised and then shaken, they will immediately stop doing that and understand that it is prohibited. Inhibiting factors in communicating with children with autism are difficulty in making eye contact, lack of response given, speech difficulties experienced by autistic children, and disturbances in the sensory field.

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