scholarly journals Cyclic sieving phenomenon in non-crossing connected graphs

2011 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AO,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Alan Guo

International audience A non-crossing connected graph is a connected graph on vertices arranged in a circle such that its edges do not cross. The count for such graphs can be made naturally into a q-binomial generating function. We prove that this generating function exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon, as conjectured by S.-P. Eu. Un graphe connexe dont les sommets sont disposés sur un cercle est sans croisement si ses arêtes ne se croisent pas. Nous démontrons une conjecture de S.-P. Eu affirmant que la fonction génératrice q-binomiale dénombrant de tels graphes exhibe le phénomène du crible cyclique.

10.37236/496 ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Alan Guo

A non-crossing connected graph is a connected graph on vertices arranged in a circle such that its edges do not cross. The count for such graphs can be made naturally into a q-binomial generating function. We prove that this generating function exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon, as conjectured by S.-P. Eu.

2010 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AN,... (Proceedings) ◽  
T. K. Petersen ◽  
L. Serrano

International audience We show that the set $R(w_0)$ of reduced expressions for the longest element in the hyperoctahedral group exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon. More specifically, $R(w_0)$ possesses a natural cyclic action given by moving the first letter of a word to the end, and we show that the orbit structure of this action is encoded by the generating function for the major index on $R(w_0)$. Nous montrons que l'ensemble $R(w_0)$ des expressions réduites pour l'élément le plus long du groupe hyperoctaédral présente le phénomène cyclique de tamisage. Plus précisément, $R(w_0)$ possède une action naturelle cyclique donnée par le déplacement de la première lettre d'un mot vers la fin, et nous montrons que la structure d'orbite de cette action est codée par la fonction génératrice pour l'indice majeur sur $R(w_0)$.

2011 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AO,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Svetlana Poznanović

International audience We prove the cyclic sieving phenomenon for non-crossing forests and non-crossing graphs. More precisely, the cyclic group acts on these graphs naturally by rotation and we show that the orbit structure of this action is encoded by certain polynomials. Our results confirm two conjectures of Alan Guo. Nous prouvons le phénomène de crible cyclique pour les forêts et les graphes sans croisement. Plus précisément, le groupe cyclique agit sur ces graphes naturellement par rotation et nous montrons que la structure d'orbite de cette action est codée par certains polynômes. Nos résultats confirment deux conjectures de Alan Guo.

10.37236/339 ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
T. Kyle Petersen ◽  
Luis Serrano

We show that the set $R(w_0)$ of reduced expressions for the longest element in the hyperoctahedral group exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon. More specifically, $R(w_0)$ possesses a natural cyclic action given by moving the first letter of a word to the end, and we show that the orbit structure of this action is encoded by the generating function for the major index on $R(w_0)$.

Sam Hopkins ◽  

The cyclic sieving phenomenon of Reiner, Stanton, and White says that we can often count the fixed points of elements of a cyclic group acting on a combinatorial set by plugging roots of unity into a polynomial related to this set. One of the most impressive instances of the cyclic sieving phenomenon is a theorem of Rhoades asserting that the set of plane partitions in a rectangular box under the action of promotion exhibits cyclic sieving. In Rhoades's result the sieving polynomial is the size generating function for these plane partitions, which has a well-known product formula due to MacMahon. We extend Rhoades's result by also considering symmetries of plane partitions: specifically, complementation and transposition. The relevant polynomial here is the size generating function for symmetric plane partitions, whose product formula was conjectured by MacMahon and proved by Andrews and Macdonald. Finally, we explain how these symmetry results also apply to the rowmotion operator on plane partitions, which is closely related to promotion.

2011 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AO,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Luis Serrano ◽  
Christian Stump

International audience We exhibit a canonical connection between maximal $(0,1)$-fillings of a moon polyomino avoiding north-east chains of a given length and reduced pipe dreams of a certain permutation. Following this approach we show that the simplicial complex of such maximal fillings is a vertex-decomposable and thus a shellable sphere. In particular, this implies a positivity result for Schubert polynomials. For Ferrers shapes, we moreover construct a bijection to maximal fillings avoiding south-east chains of the same length which specializes to a bijection between $k$-triangulations of the $n$-gon and $k$-fans of Dyck paths. Using this, we translate a conjectured cyclic sieving phenomenon for $k$-triangulations with rotation to $k$-flagged tableaux with promotion. Nous décrivons un lien canonique entre les $(0,1)$-remplissages maximaux d'un polyomino-lune évitant les chaînes Nord-Est d'une longueur donnée, et les "pipe dreams'' réduits d'une certaine permutation. En suivant cette approche nous montrons que le complexe simplicial de tels remplissages maximaux est une sphère "vertex-decomposable'' et donc "shellable''. En particulier, cela entraîne un résultat de positivité sur les polynômes de Schubert. De plus, nous construisons, dans le cas des diagrammes de Ferrers, une bijection vers les remplissages maximaux évitant les chaînes Sud-Est de même longueur, qui se spécialise en une bijection entre les $k$-triangulations d'un $n$-gone et les $k$-faisceaux de chemins de Dyck. A l'aide de celle-ci, nous traduisons une instance conjecturale du phénomène de tamis cyclique pour les $k$-triangulations avec rotation dans le cadre des tableaux $k$-marqués avec promotion.

2008 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AJ,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Amel Kaouche ◽  
Pierre Leroux

International audience We study graph weights (i.e., graph invariants) which arise naturally in Mayer's theory and Ree-Hoover's theory of virial expansions in the context of a non-ideal gas. We give special attention to the Second Mayer weight $w_M(c)$ and the Ree-Hoover weight $w_{RH}(c)$ of a $2$-connected graph $c$ which arise from the hard-core continuum gas in one dimension. These weights are computed using signed volumes of convex polytopes naturally associated with the graph $c$. Among our results are the values of Mayer's weight and Ree-Hoover's weight for all $2$-connected graphs $b$ of size at most $8$, and explicit formulas for certain infinite families. Nous étudions les poids de graphes (c'est-à-dire, les invariants de graphes) qui apparaissent naturellement dans la théorie de Mayer et la théorie de Ree-Hoover pour le développement du viriel dans le contexte d'un gaz imparfait. Nous donnons une attention particulière au deuxième poids $w_M(c)$ de Mayer et au poids $w_{RH}(c)$ de Ree-Hoover d'un graphe $2$-connexe $c$ dans le cas d'un gaz à noyaux durs et à positions continues en une dimension. Ces poids sont calculés à partir de volumes signés de polytopes convexes associés naturellement au graphe $c$. Parmi nos résultats sont les valeurs du poids de Mayer et du poids de Ree-Hoover pour tous les graphes $2$-connexes $b$ de taille au plus $8$, et des formules explicites pour certaines familles infinies.

2007 ◽  
Vol Vol. 9 no. 1 (Graph and Algorithms) ◽  
Frédéric Chataigner ◽  
Liliane R. B. Salgado ◽  
Yoshiko Wakabayashi

Graphs and Algorithms International audience Let G=(V,E) be a connected graph with a weight function w: V \to \mathbbZ₊, and let q ≥q 2 be a positive integer. For X⊆ V, let w(X) denote the sum of the weights of the vertices in X. We consider the following problem on G: find a q-partition P=(V₁,V₂, \ldots, V_q) of V such that G[V_i] is connected (1≤q i≤q q) and P maximizes \rm min\w(V_i): 1≤q i≤q q\. This problem is called \textitMax Balanced Connected q-Partition and is denoted by BCP_q. We show that for q≥q 2 the problem BCP_q is NP-hard in the strong sense, even on q-connected graphs, and therefore does not admit a FPTAS, unless \rm P=\rm NP. We also show another inapproximability result for BCP₂ on arbitrary graphs. On q-connected graphs, for q=2 the best result is a \frac43-approximation algorithm obtained by Chleb\'ıková; for q=3 and q=4 we present 2-approximation algorithms. When q is not fixed (it is part of the instance), the corresponding problem is called \textitMax Balanced Connected Partition, and denoted as BCP. We show that BCP does not admit an approximation algorithm with ratio smaller than 6/5, unless \rm P=\rm NP.

2020 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings, 28th... ◽  
Élie De Panafieu

International audience We enumerate the connected graphs that contain a linear number of edges with respect to the number of vertices. So far, only the first term of the asymptotics was known. Using analytic combinatorics, i.e. generating function manipulations, we derive the complete asymptotic expansion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1490-1502 ◽  
Jia-Bao Liu ◽  
Muhammad Javaid ◽  
Mohsin Raza ◽  
Naeem Saleem

Abstract The second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of a graph (network) is called its algebraic connectivity which is used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, distinguish the group differences, measure the robustness, construct multiplex model, synchronize the stability, analyze the diffusion processes and find the connectivity of the graphs (networks). A connected graph containing two or three cycles is called a bicyclic graph if its number of edges is equal to its number of vertices plus one. In this paper, firstly the unique graph with a minimum algebraic connectivity is characterized in the class of connected graphs whose complements are bicyclic with exactly three cycles. Then, we find the unique graph of minimum algebraic connectivity in the class of connected graphs $\begin{array}{} {\it\Omega}^c_{n}={\it\Omega}^c_{1,n}\cup{\it\Omega}^c_{2,n}, \end{array}$ where $\begin{array}{} {\it\Omega}^c_{1,n} \end{array}$ and $\begin{array}{} {\it\Omega}^c_{2,n} \end{array}$ are classes of the connected graphs in which the complement of each graph of order n is a bicyclic graph with exactly two and three cycles, respectively.

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