The article presents the results of a study on the result of irrigation erosion, within one irrigation map, soils are divided into non, eroded, medium, strongly eroded and soil accumulations. To obtain an evenly large yield of raw cotton, the annual NPK rates on the slope should be differentiated.

1992 ◽  
Vol 25 (12) ◽  
pp. 207-214 ◽  
N. J. Cromar ◽  
N. J. Martin ◽  
N. Christofi ◽  
P. A. Read ◽  
H. J. Fallowfield

Two High-Rate Algal Ponds were operated over residence times of 4 and 6 days respectively, at three COD loading rates equivalent to 600, 350 and 100 kg ha−1d−1 from early September to late October 1991. Samples of pond N and P feed were analysed to obtain nutrient input values to the system. Pond filtrates were also analysed for soluble nutrients. The pond biomass was separated into constituent components of algae and bacteria. Following separation, the discrete fractions were analysed for dry matter, chlorophyll content, and paniculate carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen and phosphorus balances were then calculated which were used to partition the nutrients into soluble and paniculate phases, and to further separate the paniculate phase into algal and bacterial components. The partitioning of these nutrients, responsible for eutrophication, enables the calculation of removal rates of N and P from the pond systems and makes possible more effective strategies for the removal of the nutrient-rich biomass from receiving water bodies.

Shadrack. M. Mule ◽  
Charles. M. Nguta

Wetland buffers may play an important role in the retention of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) which are released in large quantities from agricultural, municipal and industrial sources with run-off from agricultural lands being a common source of such nutrients to wetland ecosystems. Wetlands receiving crop field drainage are shown to lower nitrogen and phosphorus in water of such ecosystems. The main objective of the study was to determine the retention efficiency of Kimondi wetland in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus. Results of the study show that it the wetland has mean retention efficiency of 90% and 95% for nitrogen during rainy and dry seasons respectively and mean retention efficiency of phosphorus of 80% and 93% during rainy and dry seasons respectively an indication that the wetland has high retention efficiency and its buffering ability has not been exceeded in both seasons.

2001 ◽  
Vol 2001 (1) ◽  
pp. 339-344 ◽  
Brian A. Wrenn ◽  
Hao Zheng ◽  
Eugene S. Kohar ◽  
Kenneth Lee ◽  
Albert D. Venosa

ABSTRACT Bioremediation of oil-contaminated shorelines can be effected by providing sufficient quantities of certain rate-limiting nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus. Although stoichiometry, based on the determination of optimal C:N:P ratios from batch oil-biodegradation experiments, traditionally has been the primary method for estimating required nutrient dosages, recent research suggests that nutrient uptake and microbial growth kinetics may be more important in determining the success of oil spill bioremediation. Because nutrient washout can be relatively rapid in intertidal environments, nutrient application strategies must consider the relative rates of nutrient washout and uptake by microorganisms. Because there may be significant differences between ammonium and nitrate with respect to both of these processes, a laboratory investigation of the performance of these two nitrogen sources was conducted in continuous-flow beach microcosm reactors. The behavior of these nutrients was compared under abiotic conditions to determine whether ammonium could be retained in oil-contaminated beaches longer than nitrate by ion exchange. Their ability to support oil biodegradation under continuous and intermittent feeding conditions also was compared. No differences between ammonium and nitrate could be detected based on either criterion, but faster oil biodegradation was observed under pulse-feeding conditions than when the nutrients were supplied continuously. The relatively poor performance of the continuously fed systems was attributed to nutrient limitation because the nutrient input rate was less than the nutrient demand rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Maria elisa Leite Costa ◽  
Sérgio Koide ◽  
Daniela Junqueira Carvalho ◽  
Jeremie Garnier

<p>Entre fevereiro de 2018 e janeiro de 2020, foi realizado o monitoramento hidrológico e de qualidade da água do Córrego Vicente Pires, localizado em uma zona urbana do Distrito Federal, a fim de avaliar as alterações na qualidade da água a partir da determinação de parâmetros físico-químicos, em eventos nos períodos seco e chuvoso. Foram elaborados polutogramas para os parâmetros de condutividade (elétrica), turbidez, pH, sólidos, demanda química de oxigênio e nutrientes (nitrogênio e fósforo), associados aos hidrogramas dos mesmos eventos, com vazões variando de 0,5 m³/s a 72,2 m³/s. O monitoramento dos eventos de cheia obteve concentrações de sólidos totais de até 7.583 mg/L, fosfato até 0,9 mg/L de PO<sub>4</sub><sup>3 </sup>e demanda química de oxigênio de até 958 mg/L. No período de estiagem, devido à menor disponibilidade de água no córrego, não há diluição de poluentes e  ressalta-se a concentração de nitrato (NO<sub>3</sub>até 9 mg/L)  em função dos lançamentos de esgotos domésticos no córrego. No período chuvoso, evidenciam-se os sólidos totais associados à lavagem da superfície e erosão do solo por grandes volumes gerados no escoamento superficial. Esses resultados expõem a necessidade de investimentos em infraestrutura de coleta de esgoto e drenagem urbana, inclusive, na adoção de medidas de contenção de sedimentos durante a realização de obras.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chaves:  </strong>Monitoramento hidrológico; Polutograma; Cheias.</p><p> </p><h2 align="center">URBAN WATERQUALITY IN THE VICENTE PIRES STREAM – FEDERAL DISTRICT</h2><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Between February 2018 and January 2020, hydrological and water quality monitoring of Vicente Pires Stream, located in the urban area of the Federal District, was carried out in order to assess the changes in water quality from the determination of physical-chemical parameters during events in the dry and rainy periods. Polutographs were prepared for parameters such as (electric) conductivity, turbidity, pH, solids, chemical oxygen demand and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), associated with hydrographs of the same events, with flows that ranged from 0.5 m³/s to 72.2 m³/s. The monitoring of flood events showed concentrations of total solids up to 7,583 mg/L, phosphate up 0,9 mg/L PO43 and chemical oxygen demand up to 958 mg/L. During the dry season, due to the lower availability of water in the stream, there is no dilution of pollutants and the nitrate concentration stands out (NO3 up to 9 mg/L), due to discharges of domestic sewage into the stream. In the rainy season, the total solids associated with the washing of the surface and soil erosion by large volumes of runoff stand out. These results expose a need for investment in sewage collection and urban drainage infrastructures, including the adoption of sediment containment measures during the execution of construction.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Hydrological monitoring; Polutograph; Floods.</p>

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