scholarly journals Convergence of IFRS and Ind AS – A Descriptive and Exploratory Insight

Sayan Basu

IFRS are designed to bring consistency to accounting language, practices and statements, and to help businesses and investors make educated financial analyses and decisions. The Ind AS are named and numbered in the same way as the corresponding International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). National Advisory Committee on Accounting Standards (NACAS) recommends these standards to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). Indian viewpoints do not receive adequate attention at International Accounting Standard Board (IASB). Those are not debated adequately at the IASB before rejection. The present paper will discuss the reasons behind convergence of IFRs, rather than adoption. It also shows the Carve Outs of Ind AS from IFRS by providing valid reasons.

Gleison De Abreu Pontes ◽  
Kellma Bianca Cardoso Fonseca ◽  
Ariane Caruline Fernandes ◽  
Patrícia De Souza Costa

Objetivo: Identificar quais competências são desenvolvidas na aplicação de casos para ensino com a utilização de técnicas de ensino diferentes, à luz do Ensino Embasado na Estrutura Conceitual (EEEC) e da Taxonomia de Bloom. Método: Foram testadas três técnicas de ensino: Grupo de Verbalização e de Observação (GVGO), Júri Simulado e Problem-Based Learning (PBL). A percepção dos discentes foi coletada por meio de questionário e grupo focal. Resultados: Na percepção dos estudantes, o emprego das técnicas, desenvolveu habilidades e competências distintas. Assim, a escolha da metodologia para aplicação de casos deve estar alinhada com os objetivos educacionais estabelecidos pelo docente. Além disso, apesar de terem sido desenvolvidas competências de todos os estágios do EEEC, GVGO e PBL desenvolveram mais aquelas do estágio 3, enquanto o Júri Simulado aquelas do estágio 2. Contribuições: Os resultados podem ser úteis para o International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) ir além do desenvolvimento de casos para ensino no EEEC, incorporando na agenda reflexões sobre quais metodologias utilizar na aplicação desses materiais no instituto de alcançar o objetivo aplicação coerente das International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Essas reflexões também podem ser realizadas por pesquisadores e docentes a fim de contribuírem com o EEEC.

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Rosinta Ria Panggabean

International accounting topic was rare to adress between accounting practices, especially International Accounting Standard. It occured due to the restrictive source and difficulty in finding the source. However, recently the standard has been an addressed issue since Indonesia Chartered of Accountant (IAI) plans to comply the Indonesia Accounting Standard (SAK) with the International Financialreporting(IFRS)on1stJanuary2012.The purpose of the research is to measure the compliance of the (SAK) per 1st January 2008 with the IFRS per 1st January 2008 and attain the association between those two standards. Hence, the difference between the two standards and the neccessary steps to be taken for complying can be obtained. The methodology will be used in the paper are Jaccard’s Coefficients, Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient,Euclidean Distances.The sample for the paper will be 43 accounting issues adressed on both standards that have been chosen and investigated. The paper concludes that there are significant equalities (75%) between SAK per 1st January 2008 and IFRS 1st January 2008. (using Jaccard’s Coefficients). Due to several problems that have been found in the research, the author wish that the further researchers could widen the research’s samples, so the result will be more accurate and comprehensive. 

2010 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 18-23
Thomas Kümpel ◽  
René Pollmann

Die Bilanzierung ökonomischer Sicherungszusammenhänge, das so genannte Hedge Accounting, gehört zu den am meisten kontrovers diskutierten und umstrittenen Vorschriften der International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Betroffen sind insbesondere die vom International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) veröffentlichten Regelungen zum Portfolio Fair Value Hedge Accounting von Zinsänderungsrisiken. Diese können als eine Weiterentwicklung der bisherigen Hedge Accounting Vorschriften angesehen werden, stoßen jedoch insbesondere in der Kreditwirtschaft auf Kritik. Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit dem im International Accounting Standard 39 (IAS 39) verankerten Regelkreislauf des Portfolio Fair Value Hedge Accounting von Zinsänderungsrisiken. Dabei werden insbesondere die einzelnen Teilschritte herausgestellt und anschließend die Abbildung in der Bilanz und Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung dargestellt. The balancing of economic hedging activities, the so-called hedge accounting, is one of the most controversial and contentious discussed regulation of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This concerns in particular the regulations according to the Fair Value Hedge Accounting of interest rate risks issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB). Those can be considered as a development of recent hedge accounting regulations, but especially in the banking industry they met with criticism. Keywords: abischerung von zinsänderungsrisiken nach ias 39

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 167
Ha Thi Thuy Van ◽  
Vu Thi Kim Anh ◽  
Nguyen Dang Huy

Currently, the Ministry of Finance is implementing Decision 480/QD-TTG dated 03/18/2013 of The Prime Minister on approving the Strategy Accounting - Audit 2020, Vision 2030 and implementing the Resolution 35/NQ-CP of the Government dated 16.05.2016 related to the support and development of enterprises by 2020. Accordingly, the development and improvement the legal framework of Financial Reporting standards in Vietnam is one of the key tasks and urgent needs to be developed to meet the requirements of the economy in the period of integration. The system of International Accounting Standards, including the International Accounting Standards (IAS) and the standards of international financial reporting (IFRS) was issued, adjusted, updated and replaced by The International Accounting Standards Board. International Accounting Standards is an important condition to ensure that companies and organizations around the world can apply uniform accounting principles in the work of preparing and presenting financial statements. Currently, many countries around the world such as USA, Japan and European countries, Asia Pacific are approaching IFRS convergence trend. In the trend of globalization of accounting, Vietnam will not be outside the process of integration with the system of International Financial Reporting Standards. This article will review the process of formation and development of IFRS, the IFRS trends and the advantages and disadvantages of applying IFRS in Vietnam. 

‏​‏​‏​​‏​‏​​‏​‏​‏​‏​‏​‏ Ali Murtadha Shaheen

The objective of the research is to demonstrate the role of International Accounting Standards Board in the development of International Financial Reporting Standards to support the efficiency of international capital markets from 1973 to 2011, and then to measure the impact of the application of IFRS in accordance with the role of the International Accounting Standards Board. There have been differences in the market, volumes of the first and second markets and in the share price index, refer to market value, trading volumes yet trading volumes appropriate according to the software over International Financial Reporting Standards between the training on monetary statements of agreement stock companies.  

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (64) ◽  
pp. 79-91
Cristina Zardo Calvi ◽  
Fernando Caio Galdi

Este estudo investiga se há evidências de que a carta emitida e divulgada ao mercado pelo normatizador contábil internacional, o International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), alertando sobre a inadequação da contabilização dos títulos de dívida soberanos de alto risco, apresentou conteúdo informacional e causou alterações nos preços das ações de bancos da Alemanha, Espanha, França, Itália e do Reino Unido, que possuíam títulos gregos em suas carteiras. Esta análise revela-se importante, pois esta foi a primeira vez que o IASB se posicionou sobre a adequação das demonstrações financeiras publicadas às normas internacionais de contabilidade (International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS). Para a implementação da análise foi identificada como data do evento o dia da divulgação pública da carta pela mídia especializada. Apesar de a carta ter sido publicada em 30 de agosto, ela é datada de 04 de agosto de 2011 e, segundo o IASB, só veio a ser divulgada neste dia, pois, no dia anterior (29 de agosto de 2011), o Financial Times havia noticiado reportagens sobre as preocupações do IASB acerca das inadequações contábeis que estavam ocorrendo no mercado. Para avaliar o impacto do evento foi utilizada a medida de Retorno Ajustado pelo Mercado e, através de uma abordagem de diferença em diferença, foi possível testar o efeito da interação entre o tempo após a data do evento e o grupo de tratamento (bancos que possuíam títulos do governo grego). Para esse teste foi realizada uma regressão para cada janela de evento, sendo aplicado o método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) com dados agrupados (pooled data). Os resultados mostraram que há evidências de que a opinião do normatizador é relevante, ou seja, que a carta do IASB impactou o retorno das ações dos bancos que possuíam títulos do governo grego no período analisado.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Marcelo Vitor Seidler ◽  
Ernando Fagundes

Em 2016, o International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) emitiu a norma International Financial Reporting Standards 16 (IFRS 16) substituindo a International Accounting Standards 17 (IAS 17), a qual estabelece os princípios para reconhecimento, mensuração, apresentação e divulgação das operações de arrendamento mercantil (Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Leasing - ABEL, 2019). No Brasil, o Comitê de Pronunciamento Contábeis alterou o Pronunciamento Contábil 06 (CPC 06), anteriormente correlato à IAS17, passando a ser correlato à IFRS 16. Segundo o Instituto dos Auditores Independes do Brasil (IBRACON), 74% das companhias do índice IBrX-100 terão impactos relevantes em seus balanços após a adequação aos novos métodos de registro de arredamentos mercantil (Gutierrez, 2019). Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar como as companhias dos segmentos de transportes da Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão (B3) evidenciaram os possíveis impactos previstos a partir da contabilização do arrendamento mercantil de acordo com o CPC 06. Foram então analisadas as 12 companhias listadas nos segmentos de transportes da B3. Foram consultados as notas explicativas e os pareceres de auditoria independente dessas companhias do ano de 2018. Verificou-se que todas as 12 companhias analisadas informaram em suas notas explicativas estarem cientes da obrigatoriedade da adoção das alterações do Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis CPC 06 a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2019. No entanto, das companhias pesquisadas, duas não informaram os impactos previsto a partir da adoção do CPC 06 correlato à IFRS 16. Ressalta-se que a evidenciação dos impactos previstos é relevante para os investidores avaliarem a situação econômico financeira das companhias.

2015 ◽  
Vol 89 (4) ◽  
pp. 120-121
Ralph ter Hoeven

Het is inmiddels 20 jaar geleden dat de Europese Unie een beslissende keuze maakte in het ontwikkelen van een eigen GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles; dus stelsel van accountingregels). De keuze luidde: no, non, nein, não, nej, nee: er zou geen eigen EUGAAP worden ontwikkeld. Wel werd er voorzichtig gewezen op de toenmalige International Accounting Standards (IAS); inmiddels omgedoopt tot International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Kortom Lidstaten werden vrijgelaten in de keuze van een GAAP voor beursgenoteerde ondernemingen en een beetje aangemoedigd om daarbij aan IAS te denken. Vijf jaar later, rond de millenniumwisseling dus, volgde er een update van de Europese accountingstrategie waarin niet geheel verrassend werd geconstateerd dat jaarrekeningen op de EU-kapitaalmarkt niet vergelijkbaar waren.

2011 ◽  
Vol 85 (4) ◽  
pp. 198-206
B. Kamp

Na publicatie van de IFRS for SMEs (International Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-sized Entities) door de International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) vroeg de Europese Commissie (EC) zich af of IFRS for SMEs moet worden toegestaan binnen de lidstaten. Op een consultatie ontving de EC reacties die zeer divers waren: van sterke voorstanders tot sterke tegenstanders. In dit artikel wordt onderzocht of er bepaalde patronen zijn te herkennen in deze voors en tegens. Daarbij wordt vooral gekeken naar verschillen in ‘accountingcultuur’ in de diverse regio’s binnen Europa. De uitkomsten duiden er op dat met name het verschil in nadruk op ‘principles versus rules’ en het belang van conservatieve winstbepaling de meningen verdelen. Omdat deze aspecten cultuurgebonden zijn, zal het niet eenvoudig zijn om IFRS for SMEs algemeen geaccepteerd te krijgen.

2004 ◽  
Vol 78 (10) ◽  
pp. 418-419
Ruud Vergoossen

Europe has to endorse the International Financial Reporting Standards’, verzucht Sir David Tweedie, voorzitter van de International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), tijdens een interview dat ik afgelopen zomer met hem had1. Het wil maar niet boteren tussen de IASB en de Europese Commissie. Langer dan een jaar wordt er al gesteggeld over de goedkeuring van IAS 39 over de verwerking en waardering van financiële instrumenten. Het ziet er momenteel (augustus 2004) niet naar uit dat de Europese Commissie IAS 39 volledig zal gaan voorschrijven, omdat zij meent dat de IASB onvoldoende in haar richting is opgeschoven. In plaats daarvan overweegt de Europese Commissie IAS 39 weliswaar goed te keuren, maar een aantal bepalingen in deze standaard tijdelijk buiten werking te stellen. Het betreft bepalingen op het gebied van hedge accounting en de waardering van financiële verplichtingen tegen reële waarde.

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