Haunted by Birds : An Eco-critical View of Personhood in The Plague of Doves

2007 ◽  
pp. 25-36 ◽  
I. Rozmainsky

The author analyzes Keynes-Tinbergen controversy in the context of Keynes’ methodological ideas, which he thinks are fully opposite to the methodology of modern economic theory. Using different Keynes’ papers the author considers this difference in detail and shows its links to the critical view held by Keynes towards econometrics

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Lestari Manggong

ABSTRAKSajak “Song of Myself” karya pujangga Amerika abad ke-19, Walt Whitman,mengupas konsep demokrasi yang menjadi salah satu pondasi prinsip kebebasanberpendapat di Amerika. Makalah ini membahas pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasiyang dapat diperoleh dari sajak tersebut. Arah pembahasan menjadi spesifik ketikakonsep demokrasi dalam sajak tersebut dikaitkan dengan praktek demokrasi yang terjadidi Amerika sekarang, sejak Amerika berada dalam masa administrasi Presiden DonaldTrump. Dalam pembahasannya, makalah ini mengemukakan argumentasi bahwa dalamprakteknya, prinsip demokrasi yang mengedepankan kebebasan berpendapat bagi setiapindividu, secara dilematis mengantar Amerika pada masa kepresidenan Trump yang dinilaikontroversial. Selain “Song of Myslelf,” makalah ini juga membahas dan membandingkansajak Whitman yang lain, yaitu “For You O Democracy” untuk melihat lebih jauh lagi persepsiWhitman tentang demokrasi. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan melihat aspek pragmatis sajakWhitman dengan merujuk pada Mack (2002). Selain itu, pembahasan juga akan berfokuspada aspek xenofobia dalam karya Whitman dengan merujuk pada salah satu tulisan Price(2004). Simpulan dari pembahasan akan bermuara pada gagasan bahwa konsep utopissemacam demokrasi pun tidak sepenuhnya ideal. Karena, seperti yang terjadi di Amerikasekarang, prinsip demokrasi yang dipraktekkan membuat rakyatnya memasuki era yangbanyak menuai protes. Pada akhirnya, pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasi ini secaraglobal juga dapat memberi sudut pandang yang lebih kritis mengenai konsep demokrasi.Kata kunci: pembelajaran sastra, Walt Whitman, demokrasi Amerika, Donald Trump,kajian pragmatis, xenofobia.ABSTRACT“Song of Myself,” by America’s nineteenth-century poet, Walt Whitman, describesthe concept of democracy which is one of foundations of the principle of freedom of speechin America. This essay discusses literature learning on the concept of democracy in thepoem. The discussion becomes specific when the concept of democracy in the poem is linkedwith the practice of democracy that occurs currently in America, ever since it is underPresident Trump’s administration. This essay argues that in its practice, the principle ofdemocracy that upholds freedom of speech to every individual, in a dillematic way bringsAmerica to today’s controversial administration by President Trump. Aside From “Songof Myslelf,” this essay also discusses and compares Whitman’s other poem, “For You ODemocracy,” to see further Whitman’s perception on democracy. The discussion will havea look at the pragmatic aspect of Whitman’s poem, by referring to Mack (2002), and it will1 Makalah ini telah dipresentasikan dalam Seminar Nasional HISKI: “Literasi, Sastra, dan Pembelajaran” yangdiselenggarakan di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, 29-30 April 2017.222 | METAHUMANIORA, Vol. 7, Nomor 2 September 2017: 221—233Lestari Manggongalso focus on the xenophobic aspect in the poem, by referring to Price (2004). This essayconcludes that even a utopian concept such as democracy is not entirely ideal, because thepractice of democracy today leads the American people to enter an era of protests. Thisessay proposes an idea that literature learning of the concept of democracy in the poemalso contributes to giving a more critical view on the concept of democracy.Keywords: literature learning, Walt Whitman, American democracy, Donald Trump,pragmatics studies, xenophobia.

2020 ◽  
V.V. Egorov ◽  
E.L. Sorokin ◽  
G.P. Smoliakova ◽  
O. V. Kolenko ◽  

The textbook examines the most common diagnostic errors of ophthalmologists when making a clinical diagnosis of "cataract". Clinical examples point to a more critical view of the cataract diagnosis. Due to the fact that most of the errors are based on a superficial examination of the eye, clear recommendations are given for conducting a clinical ophthalmological examination of cataracts. At the same time, special attention is paid to the types of examination of the lens with the help of a slit lamp, to the peculiarities of performing various types of ophthalmoscopy with moderate opacity of optical media.

Black Camera ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 189 ◽  
Alicia Wallace

2019 ◽  
Vol 95 (4) ◽  
pp. 517-530
Diana Lohwasser

Abstract The Educator as a Manager. A Critical View In the following article tasks and motifs of the educator as manager are described. It is clear that there are other educator metaphors and associated behaviors. To some extent, the actions of the different educator metaphors overlap, but they differ in their purpose and perspective on the educational process and the person to be educated. First, a short time diagnosis is made, which describes the context of this metaphor of the educator as manager. Subsequently, on the one hand, the various motifs, tasks and objectives of an educator as manager are discussed. On the other hand, it is asked if it is possible in the current discourse to take a different perspective on the educational process.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (12) ◽  
pp. 1134-1149 ◽  
Gema M. Duran ◽  
Ana M. Contento ◽  
Angel Rios

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