Konsep Demokrasi Walt Whitman di Masa Kepresidenan Donald Trump1

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Lestari Manggong

ABSTRAKSajak “Song of Myself” karya pujangga Amerika abad ke-19, Walt Whitman,mengupas konsep demokrasi yang menjadi salah satu pondasi prinsip kebebasanberpendapat di Amerika. Makalah ini membahas pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasiyang dapat diperoleh dari sajak tersebut. Arah pembahasan menjadi spesifik ketikakonsep demokrasi dalam sajak tersebut dikaitkan dengan praktek demokrasi yang terjadidi Amerika sekarang, sejak Amerika berada dalam masa administrasi Presiden DonaldTrump. Dalam pembahasannya, makalah ini mengemukakan argumentasi bahwa dalamprakteknya, prinsip demokrasi yang mengedepankan kebebasan berpendapat bagi setiapindividu, secara dilematis mengantar Amerika pada masa kepresidenan Trump yang dinilaikontroversial. Selain “Song of Myslelf,” makalah ini juga membahas dan membandingkansajak Whitman yang lain, yaitu “For You O Democracy” untuk melihat lebih jauh lagi persepsiWhitman tentang demokrasi. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan melihat aspek pragmatis sajakWhitman dengan merujuk pada Mack (2002). Selain itu, pembahasan juga akan berfokuspada aspek xenofobia dalam karya Whitman dengan merujuk pada salah satu tulisan Price(2004). Simpulan dari pembahasan akan bermuara pada gagasan bahwa konsep utopissemacam demokrasi pun tidak sepenuhnya ideal. Karena, seperti yang terjadi di Amerikasekarang, prinsip demokrasi yang dipraktekkan membuat rakyatnya memasuki era yangbanyak menuai protes. Pada akhirnya, pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasi ini secaraglobal juga dapat memberi sudut pandang yang lebih kritis mengenai konsep demokrasi.Kata kunci: pembelajaran sastra, Walt Whitman, demokrasi Amerika, Donald Trump,kajian pragmatis, xenofobia.ABSTRACT“Song of Myself,” by America’s nineteenth-century poet, Walt Whitman, describesthe concept of democracy which is one of foundations of the principle of freedom of speechin America. This essay discusses literature learning on the concept of democracy in thepoem. The discussion becomes specific when the concept of democracy in the poem is linkedwith the practice of democracy that occurs currently in America, ever since it is underPresident Trump’s administration. This essay argues that in its practice, the principle ofdemocracy that upholds freedom of speech to every individual, in a dillematic way bringsAmerica to today’s controversial administration by President Trump. Aside From “Songof Myslelf,” this essay also discusses and compares Whitman’s other poem, “For You ODemocracy,” to see further Whitman’s perception on democracy. The discussion will havea look at the pragmatic aspect of Whitman’s poem, by referring to Mack (2002), and it will1 Makalah ini telah dipresentasikan dalam Seminar Nasional HISKI: “Literasi, Sastra, dan Pembelajaran” yangdiselenggarakan di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, 29-30 April 2017.222 | METAHUMANIORA, Vol. 7, Nomor 2 September 2017: 221—233Lestari Manggongalso focus on the xenophobic aspect in the poem, by referring to Price (2004). This essayconcludes that even a utopian concept such as democracy is not entirely ideal, because thepractice of democracy today leads the American people to enter an era of protests. Thisessay proposes an idea that literature learning of the concept of democracy in the poemalso contributes to giving a more critical view on the concept of democracy.Keywords: literature learning, Walt Whitman, American democracy, Donald Trump,pragmatics studies, xenophobia.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Lestari Manggong

ABSTRAKSajak “Song of Myself” karya pujangga Amerika abad ke-19, Walt Whitman,mengupas konsep demokrasi yang menjadi salah satu pondasi prinsip kebebasanberpendapat di Amerika. Makalah ini membahas pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasiyang dapat diperoleh dari sajak tersebut. Arah pembahasan menjadi spesifik ketikakonsep demokrasi dalam sajak tersebut dikaitkan dengan praktek demokrasi yang terjadidi Amerika sekarang, sejak Amerika berada dalam masa administrasi Presiden DonaldTrump. Dalam pembahasannya, makalah ini mengemukakan argumentasi bahwa dalamprakteknya, prinsip demokrasi yang mengedepankan kebebasan berpendapat bagi setiapindividu, secara dilematis mengantar Amerika pada masa kepresidenan Trump yang dinilaikontroversial. Selain “Song of Myslelf,” makalah ini juga membahas dan membandingkansajak Whitman yang lain, yaitu “For You O Democracy” untuk melihat lebih jauh lagi persepsiWhitman tentang demokrasi. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan melihat aspek pragmatis sajakWhitman dengan merujuk pada Mack (2002). Selain itu, pembahasan juga akan berfokuspada aspek xenofobia dalam karya Whitman dengan merujuk pada salah satu tulisan Price(2004). Simpulan dari pembahasan akan bermuara pada gagasan bahwa konsep utopissemacam demokrasi pun tidak sepenuhnya ideal. Karena, seperti yang terjadi di Amerikasekarang, prinsip demokrasi yang dipraktekkan membuat rakyatnya memasuki era yangbanyak menuai protes. Pada akhirnya, pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasi ini secaraglobal juga dapat memberi sudut pandang yang lebih kritis mengenai konsep demokrasi.Kata kunci: pembelajaran sastra, Walt Whitman, demokrasi Amerika, Donald Trump,kajian pragmatis, xenofobia.ABSTRACT“Song of Myself,” by America’s nineteenth-century poet, Walt Whitman, describesthe concept of democracy which is one of foundations of the principle of freedom of speechin America. This essay discusses literature learning on the concept of democracy in thepoem. The discussion becomes specific when the concept of democracy in the poem is linkedwith the practice of democracy that occurs currently in America, ever since it is underPresident Trump’s administration. This essay argues that in its practice, the principle ofdemocracy that upholds freedom of speech to every individual, in a dillematic way bringsAmerica to today’s controversial administration by President Trump. Aside From “Songof Myslelf,” this essay also discusses and compares Whitman’s other poem, “For You ODemocracy,” to see further Whitman’s perception on democracy. The discussion will havea look at the pragmatic aspect of Whitman’s poem, by referring to Mack (2002), and it will1 Makalah ini telah dipresentasikan dalam Seminar Nasional HISKI: “Literasi, Sastra, dan Pembelajaran” yangdiselenggarakan di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, 29-30 April 2017.222 | METAHUMANIORA, Vol. 7, Nomor 2 September 2017: 221—233Lestari Manggongalso focus on the xenophobic aspect in the poem, by referring to Price (2004). This essayconcludes that even a utopian concept such as democracy is not entirely ideal, because thepractice of democracy today leads the American people to enter an era of protests. Thisessay proposes an idea that literature learning of the concept of democracy in the poemalso contributes to giving a more critical view on the concept of democracy.Keywords: literature learning, Walt Whitman, American democracy, Donald Trump,pragmatics studies, xenophobia.

Doug McAdam

The tumultuous onset of Donald Trump’s administration has so riveted public attention that observers are in danger of losing a historical perspective. Trump’s rhetoric and behavior are so extreme that the tendency is to see him and the divisions he embodies as something new in American politics. Instead, Trump is only the most extreme expression of a brand of racial politics practiced ever more brazenly by the Republican Party since the 1960s. His unexpected rise to power was aided by a number of institutional developments in American politics that also have older roots. In the spirit of trying to understand these historical forces, the chapter describes (a) the origins and evolution of the exclusionary brand of racial politics characteristic of the Republican Party since the 1960s, and (b) three illiberal institutions that aided Trump’s rise to power, and that, if left unchanged, will continue to threaten the survival of American democracy.

1953 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 275-302 ◽  
Thomas T. McAvoy

The factors that caused the Roman authorities to insist on a Plenary Council of the American Bishops in 1884 have not been sufficiently explained. Perhaps the role of the American prelates in opposing the opportuneness of the definition of the doctrine of infallibility had some influence. Undoubtedly the reports of the bishops in their ad limina visits to Rome did little to subdue any fears that may have arisen. The frequent appeals of recalcitrant clergymen against their bishops were going directly to Rome because there was no intermediate court. The Instruction of 1878 makes this quite clear. Rome had shown its dissatisfaction with the condition of Catholic education by its interrogatory and its Instruction of 1875. The renewed condemnation of the Fenians had some American effects; and the renewed condemnation of the Masons with applications to certain other American social organizations indicated that all was not well in the social conditions of Catholics in the United States. Had the prelates in Rome understood American democracy and American conditions they would have had to have been much better informed than most Europeans in the nineteenth century. America was to Europe a land of great physical possibility, but a land without any great culture or religious accomplishments. Even European liberals did not understand the manhood suffrage of American democracy. The Catholic leaders of southern Europe, so generally aligned with conservative and monarchist parties, could have little understanding of American democracy in the religious sphere. In Rome where the hierarchical arrangement had not been fully dissociated from monarchical government and where Roman law with its insistence on the union of Church and State was the basis of most political thought, even the most sympathetic seemed to have some misgivings about the manifest loyalty of the American Catholics to the Holy See.

Black Land ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 21-50
Nadia Nurhussein

This chapter uncovers the beginnings of a more grounded Ethiopianism in its treatment of nineteenth-century lyric verse by Walt Whitman, Paul Laurence Dunbar, and others written on the topic of Ethiopia, when abstract Ethiopianism was a prominent ideology in African America. It addresses the politics of Walt Whitman's poem, particularly in the poem's “recognition” of the Ethiopian flag, in light of the press's treatment of the Anglo-Abyssinian conflict. Paul Laurence Dunbar's interpretation of the Ethiopian flag's symbolic value, in “Ode to Ethiopia” and “Frederick Douglass,” positions him uncomfortably alongside Whitman, a poet he found distasteful. His poems present an “Ethiopia” invigorated with nationalism and, unexpectedly, with militarism. The chapter also talks about two poems about Emperor Tewodros by women: “Magdala,” which appeared in the 1875 book Songs of the Year and Other Poems by “Charlton,” and “The Death of King Theodore,” in E. Davidson's 1874 The Death of King Theodore and Other Poems.

John Mac Kilgore

The epilogue to the book gestures toward the destiny of enthusiasm in the post-Civil War era. In the wake of the trauma of war, the end of slavery, and the birth of a technologically-oriented culture of disenchanted realism, political enthusiasm no longer seemed necessary or viable. At the same time, the final lesson of Walt Whitman circa the centennial of the American Revolution is not so much that political enthusiasm has come to an end but that it must take on new, unheard-of forms specific to its historical era—in Whitman’s view, that meant a struggle for the rights of labor against the corruptions of capitalism (what he called the “tramp and strike question”). As one indication of how literatures of enthusiasm continued to operate in the late nineteenth century, the chapter discusses Edward Bellamy’s utopian novel Looking Backward and Whitman’s contemporaneous interest in anti-capitalism. Enthusiasm is finally what Whitman calls the “latent right of insurrection,” a “quenchless, indispensable fire” in the convulsive context of political tyranny.

1941 ◽  
Vol 1 (S1) ◽  
pp. 86-95
R. M. Havens

During the past decade the rapid spread of governmental activities into new fields and their extension within the fields that had previously been entered have increased the attention always given to the question of the legitimate sphere of activity for the Federal Government. There has been a widespread assumption that throughout the nineteenth century with only insignificant exceptions this country followed a policy of laissez-faire. From this assumption many people have proceeded to argue that in the past decade the American people have suddenly turned from the tradition which made this the greatest industrial nation of the world and have adopted a course which leads away from the “American way of life.”

Kirwin R. Shaffer

This chapter explores how some anarchists aligned themselves with the emerging freethinkers' movement centered in the southern city of Ponce to address educational issues on the island. The Puerto Rican Left had been founding CESs since the end of the nineteenth century, which gave workers a source of radicalized education. While the freethinkers were mostly middle-class professionals, they shared with anarchists a fervent belief in free expression and freedom of speech. In addition, both anarchists and freethinkers condemned what they saw as the influence of religion on society, especially in education. As a result, both called for rationalist education modeled after the ideals and Modern Schools in Spain developed by Francisco Ferrer y Guardia.

2009 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28 ◽  

AbstractOver the last decade international lawyers have been increasingly concerned with the ‘fragmentation’ of international law. However, given that this expression has been repeatedly used by the profession since the mid-nineteenth century to depict the state of international law, one may wonder about its recent revival in the international legal discourse. Why has it re-emerged? What can we learn from previous invocations? An answer may be sought by contextualizing the fragmentation debate in a historical perspective. This brings out the repetitive and relatively stylized modes in which the profession has narrated legal developments. This essay suggests a correlation between periods of crisis in general and a critical view of fragmentation on the one hand, and periods of scholarly enthusiasm and the prevalence of positive views about fragmentation on the other. This analysis sheds critical light on both the implicit assumptions and political implications of the current debate on fragmentation.

1990 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 587-595 ◽  
Michael Mosher

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