scholarly journals Columnar modelling of nucleation burst evolution in the convective boundary layer – first results from a feasibility study Part III: Preliminary results on physicochemical model performance using two "clean air mass" reference scenarios

2006 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 4231-4251 ◽  
O. Hellmuth

Abstract. In Paper I of four papers, a revised columnar high-order model to investigate gas-aerosol-turbulence interactions in the convective boundary layer (CBL) was proposed. In Paper II, the model capability to predict first-, second- and third-order moments of meteorological variables in the CBL was demonstrated using available observational data. In the present Paper III, the high-order modelling concept is extended to sulphur and ammonia chemistry as well as to aerosol dynamics. Based on the previous CBL simulation, a feasibility study is performed using two "clean air mass" scenarios with an emission source at the ground but low aerosol background concentration. Such scenarios synoptically correspond to the advection of fresh post-frontal air in an anthropogenically influenced region. The aim is to evaluate the time-height evolution of ultrafine condensation nuclei (UCNs) and to elucidate the interactions between meteorological and physicochemical variables in a CBL column. The scenarios differ in the treatment of new particle formation (NPF), whereas homogeneous nucleation according to the classical nucleation theory (CNT) is considered. The first scenario considers nucleation of a binary system consisting of water vapour and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) vapour, the second one nucleation of a ternary system additionally involving ammonia (NH3). Here, the two synthetic scenarios are discussed in detail, whereas special attention is payed to the role of turbulence in the formation of the typical UCN burst behaviour, that can often be observed in the surface layer. The intercomparison of the two scenarios reveals large differences in the evolution of the UCN number concentration in the surface layer as well as in the time-height cross-sections of first-order moments and double correlation terms. Although in both cases the occurrence of NPF bursts could be simulated, the burst characteristics and genesis of the bursts are completely different. It is demonstrated, that observations from the surface layer alone are not conclusive to elucidate the origin of newly formed particles. This is also true with respect to the interpretation of box modelling studies. The binary and ternary NPF bursts observed in the surface layer differ with respect to burst amplitude and phase. New particles simulated in the binary scenario are formed in the forenoon in the upper part of the growing CBL, followed by turbulence-induced top-down transport. Hence, with respect to the burst observation site in the surface layer, new particles are formed ex situ. In opposite to this, the ternary case reveals a much more complex pattern. Here, NPF is initiated in the early morning hours in the surface layer, when temperature (T) is low and relative humidity (RH), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and NH3 concentrations are high, hence new particles are formed in situ. Shortly after that, ex situ NPF in the free troposphere sets in, followed by entrainment and top-down diffusion of newly formed particles into the surface layer. Altogether, these processes mainly contribute to the formation of a strong burst in the morning hours in the ternary scenario. While the time-height cross-section of the binary nucleation rate resembles a "blob"-like evolution pattern, the ternary one resembles a "sucking tube"-like pattern. The time-height cross-sections of the flux pattern and double correlations could be plausibly interpreted in terms of CBL turbulence and entrainment/detrainment processes both in the binary and in the ternary case. Although the present approach is a pure conceptual one, it shows the feasibility to simulate gas-aerosol-turbulence interactions in the CBL. Prior to a dedicated verification/validation study, further attempts are necessary to consider a more advanced description of the formation and activation of thermodynamically stable clusters according to modern concepts proposed by Kulmala et al. (2000), Kulmala (2003) and Kulmala et al. (2004a).

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (5) ◽  
pp. 1865-1885 ◽  
Qingfang Jiang

Abstract The influence of swell on turbulence and scalar profiles in a marine surface layer and underlying physics is examined in this study through diagnosis of large-eddy simulations (LES) that explicitly resolve the surface layer and underlying swell. In general, under stable conditions, the mean wind and scalar profiles can be significantly modified by swell. The influence of swell on wind shear, turbulence structure, scalar profiles, and evaporation duct (ED) characteristics becomes less pronounced in a more convective boundary layer, where the buoyancy production of turbulence is significant. Dynamically, swell has little direct impact on scalar profiles. Instead it modifies the vertical wind shear by exerting pressure drag on the wave boundary layer. The resulting redistribution of vertical wind shear leads to changes in turbulence production and therefore turbulence mixing of scalars. Over swell, the eddy diffusivities from LES systematically deviate from the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) prediction, implying that MOST becomes invalid over a swell-dominated sea. The deviations from MOST are more pronounced in a neutral or stable boundary layer under relatively low winds and less so in a convective boundary layer.

2013 ◽  
Vol 148 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-72 ◽  
Anirban Garai ◽  
Eric Pardyjak ◽  
Gert-Jan Steeneveld ◽  
Jan Kleissl

2017 ◽  
Vol 74 (11) ◽  
pp. 3497-3513 ◽  
Bowen Zhou ◽  
Ming Xue ◽  
Kefeng Zhu

Abstract The model gray zone refers to the range of grid spacings comparable to the dominant length scale of the flow. In the gray zone, the flow is partially resolved and partially subgrid scale (SGS). Neither ensemble-averaging-based parameterizations nor turbulence closures are appropriate for parameterizing the effects of SGS motions on the resolved flow. The gray zone of the convective boundary layer (CBL) is in the range of CBL depth, typically O(1) km. A new approach that seeks explicit resolution of the unstable surface layer through a nest layer of fine grid spacing is proposed to improve CBL parameterization in the gray zone. To provide the theoretical basis for the approach, a linear analytic model is presented, and one-way nested simulations are performed to investigate the dynamical coupling between the surface layer and the mixed layer. The analytic model shows that at the onset of thermal instability, the vertical and horizontal structures of the mixed layer are set by surface-layer forcings. The nested 3D simulations extend the findings from the analytic model and further reveal potential improvements in high-order statistics and resolved convective structures both including and extending above the nest region compared to the stand-alone gray-zone simulations. This study suggests that when the most energetic scales of CBL convection are resolved in the surface layer, the overall simulation of the CBL improves at gray-zone resolutions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 724 ◽  
pp. 581-606 ◽  
Scott B. Waggy ◽  
Sedat Biringen ◽  
Peter P. Sullivan

AbstractA direct numerical simulation (DNS) of an unstably stratified convective boundary layer with system rotation was performed to study top-down and bottom-up diffusion processes. In order to better understand near-wall dynamics associated with scalar diffusion in the absence of surface roughness, direct simulation is utilized to numerically integrate the governing equations that model the atmospheric boundary layer. The ratio of the inversion height to Obukhov length scale, ${z}_{i} / L= - 49. 1$, indicates moderately strong heating for the case studied. Two passive scalars were initialized in the flow field: the first with a zero gradient at the wall (${q}_{t} $, top-down diffusion), and the second with a non-zero wall gradient and a close-to-zero gradient at the height of the temperature inversion (${q}_{b} $, bottom-up diffusion). Scalar flux, variance and covariance profiles show good agreement between the DNS and rough-wall large-eddy simulation (LES). The top-down gradient function displays a slight increase in amplitude, indicating reduced mixing efficiency for the smooth-wall, low-Reynolds-number convective boundary layer. For the bottom-up process, the gradient matches other rough-wall simulations. The only notable difference between the smooth-wall DNS data and other rough-wall simulations is an increase in the gradient function near the wall. This indicates that the bottom-up gradient functions for a rough wall and a smooth wall are nearly identical except as the viscous sublayer is approached. Finally, a new empirical model for the scalar variance of a bottom-up scalar is proposed: here, a single function replaces two piecewise relationships to accurately capture the DNS results up to the viscous sublayer. The scalar covariance between top-down and bottom-up processes agrees with rough-wall and tree-canopy LES results; this indicates that the scalar covariance is independent of both Reynolds number and surface friction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 1143-1161 ◽  
Bowen Zhou ◽  
Ming Xue ◽  
Kefeng Zhu

Abstract A grid-refinement-based method is implemented in a community atmospheric model to improve the representation of convective boundary layer (CBL) turbulence on gray-zone [i.e., ~O(1) km] grids. At this resolution, CBL convection is partially resolved and partially subgrid scale (SGS), such that neither traditional mesoscale planetary boundary layer (PBL) schemes nor SGS closures for large-eddy simulations (LESs) are appropriate. The proposed method utilizes two-way interactive nesting to refine the horizontal resolution of the unstable surface layer of the daytime CBL. SGS turbulent mixing in the fine nest and coarse parent grids are parameterized by an LES turbulence closure and a PBL scheme, respectively. The method does not rely on predetermined empirical functions to introduce grid (scale) dependency and in theory works with any PBL scheme. Compared to the stand-alone gray-zone simulation, the proposed approach shows improvements in terms of higher-order statistics, the timing of the onset of resolved convection, and the convective structures. A deficiency of the method exists when the nest domain is limited to the surface layer; the convective structures become gradually contaminated by spurious convection on the parent gray-zone grid. A deeper nest domain alleviates the issue at increased computational costs.

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