scholarly journals Southeast Pacific stratocumulus clouds, precipitation and boundary layer structure sampled along 20 S during VOCALS-REx

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 15921-15962 ◽  
C. S. Bretherton ◽  
R. Wood ◽  
R. C. George ◽  
D. Leon ◽  
G. Allen ◽  

Abstract. Multiplatform airborne, ship-based, and land-based observations from 16 October–15 November 2008 during the VOCALS Regional Experiment (REx) are used to document the typical structure of the Southeast Pacific stratocumulus-topped boundary layer and lower free troposphere on a transect along 20° S between the coast of Northern Chile and a buoy 1500 km offshore. Strong systematic gradients in clouds, precipitation and vertical structure are modulated by synoptically and diurnally-driven variability. The boundary layer is generally capped by a strong (10–12 K), sharp inversion. In the coastal zone, the boundary layer is typically 1 km deep, fairly well mixed, and topped by thin, nondrizzling stratocumulus with haccumulation-mode aerosol and cloud droplet concentrations exceeding 200 cm−3. Far offshore, the boundary layer depth is typically deeper (1600 m) and more variable, and the vertical structure is usually decoupled. The offshore stratocumulus typically have strong mesoscale organization, much higher peak liquid water paths, extensive drizzle, and cloud droplet concentrations below 100 cm−3, sometimes with embedded pockets of open cells with lower droplet concentrations. The lack of drizzle near the coast is not just a microphysical response to high droplet concentrations; smaller cloud depth and liquid water path than further offshore appear comparably important. Moist boundary layer air is heated and mixed up along the Andean slopes, then advected out over the top of the boundary layer above adjacent coastal ocean regions. Well offshore, the lower free troposphere is typically much drier. This promotes strong cloud-top radiative cooling and stronger turbulence in the clouds offshore. In conjunction with a slightly cooler free troposphere, this may promote stronger entrainment that maintains the deeper boundary layer seen offshore. Winds from ECMWF and NCEP operational analyses have an rms difference of only 1 m s−1 from collocated airborne leg-mean observations in the boundary layer and 2 m s−1 above the boundary layer. This supports the use of trajectory analysis for interpreting REx observations. Two-day back-trajectories from the 20° S transect suggest that eastward of 75° W, boundary layer (and often free-tropospheric) air has usually been exposed to Chilean coastal aerosol sources, while at 85° W, neither boundary-layer or free-tropospheric air has typically had such contact.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (21) ◽  
pp. 10639-10654 ◽  
C. S. Bretherton ◽  
R. Wood ◽  
R. C. George ◽  
D. Leon ◽  
G. Allen ◽  

Abstract. Multiplatform airborne, ship-based, and land-based observations from 16 October–15 November 2008 during the VOCALS Regional Experiment (REx) are used to document the typical structure of the Southeast Pacific stratocumulus-topped boundary layer and lower free troposphere on a~transect along 20° S between the coast of Northern Chile and a buoy 1500 km offshore. Strong systematic gradients in clouds, precipitation and vertical structure are modulated by synoptically and diurnally-driven variability. The boundary layer is generally capped by a strong (10–12 K), sharp inversion. In the coastal zone, the boundary layer is typically 1 km deep, fairly well mixed, and topped by thin, nondrizzling stratocumulus with accumulation-mode aerosol and cloud droplet concentrations exceeding 200 cm−3. Far offshore, the boundary layer depth is typically deeper (1600 m) and more variable, and the vertical structure is usually decoupled. The offshore stratocumulus typically have strong mesoscale organization, much higher peak liquid water paths, extensive drizzle, and cloud droplet concentrations below 100 cm−3, sometimes with embedded pockets of open cells with lower droplet concentrations. The lack of drizzle near the coast is not just a microphysical response to high droplet concentrations; smaller cloud depth and liquid water path than further offshore appear comparably important. Moist boundary layer air is heated and mixed up along the Andean slopes, then advected out over the top of the boundary layer above adjacent coastal ocean regions. Well offshore, the lower free troposphere is typically much drier. This promotes strong cloud-top radiative cooling and stronger turbulence in the clouds offshore. In conjunction with a slightly cooler free troposphere, this may promote stronger entrainment that maintains the deeper boundary layer seen offshore. Winds from ECMWF and NCEP operational analyses have an rms difference of only 1 m s−1 from collocated airborne leg-mean observations in the boundary layer and 2 m s−1 above the boundary layer. This supports the use of trajectory analysis for interpreting REx observations. Two-day back-trajectories from the 20° S transect suggest that eastward of 75° W, boundary layer (and often free-tropospheric) air has usually been exposed to South American coastal aerosol sources, while at 85° W, neither boundary-layer or free-tropospheric air has typically had such contact.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 4039-4052 ◽  
I. Sandu ◽  
J.-L. Brenguier ◽  
O. Thouron ◽  
B. Stevens

Abstract. Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) are performed to examine the impact of hygroscopic aerosols on the diurnal cycle of marine stratocumulus clouds, under varying meteorological forcing conditions. When the cloud condensation nuclei concentration increase is sufficient to inhibit drizzle formation in the cloud layer, the precipitating and the non-precipitating cloud layers exhibit contrasting evolutions, with noticeable differences in liquid water path. Aerosol-induced modifications of the droplet sedimentation and drizzle precipitation result in noticeable changes of the entrainment velocity at cloud top, but also in significant changes of the vertical stratification in the boundary layer. This set of simulations is then used to evaluate whether a model which does not explicitly represent the effects of the interactions occurring within the boundary layer on its vertical stratification (i.e. such as a mixed-layer model) is capable of reproducing at least the sign, if not the amplitude, of these aerosol impacts on the liquid water path. It is shown that the evolution of the vertical structure is key to the responses we simulate, and must be considered in bulk models that wish to predict the impact of aerosol perturbations on the radiative properties of stratocumulus-topped boundary layers.

2019 ◽  
Jianhao Zhang ◽  
Paquita Zuidema

Abstract. Previous observational studies of the southeast Atlantic emphasize an increase in the stratocumulus cloud cover when shortwave-absorbing aerosols are present in the free-troposphere. Recent field measurements at Ascension Island (8° S, 14.5° W) reveal that smoke is also often present in the marine boundary layer, most evident in August when the smoke is highly absorbing of sunlight, the boundary layer is deeper, the cloud-top inversion is weaker, and a climatologically lower cloud fraction eases penetration of the sunlight to the surface, compared to later months. In these conditions, the low cloud cover decreases further with enhanced smoke loadings, reflecting a boundary layer semi-direct effect that is a positive feedback. The low cloud cover reduction is particularly pronounced in the afternoon, although the cloud liquid water path is more strongly reduced at night. The daily-mean surface-based mixed layer is warmer by approximately 0.5 K when more smoke is present in the boundary layer, with a warming peak in the late afternoon when the cloud cover reduction is largest. After sunset, sub-cloud moisture accumulates throughout the night, increasing the moisture stratification with the cloud layer. This increase in boundary layer decoupling is consistent with reduced turbulence. A new observation is that in the sunlit morning hours, the smokier boundary layer deepens by approximately 200 m, and both the liquid water paths and cloud top heights increase. We speculate this reflects radiatively-induced vertical ascent originating from within a well-mixed smoke-filled sub-cloud layer. Overall, the reduction in daytime low cloud decreases the top-of-atmosphere all-sky albedo, despite an increase in the top-of-atmosphere direct aerosol radiation of ~ 6.5 W m2 between the (most-least) smoky tercile composites. A convolving meteorological influence is also apparent near the cloud top, in that, although the free troposphere is also often smoky in August, the associated above-cloud potential temperatures are often cooler, rather than warmer, and better-mixed. The cooling weakens the inversion beyond that expected from the warming of the boundary layer and further encourages entrainment of more smoke into the already smoky boundary layer, increasing the longevity of the boundary layer smoke events. The free-tropospheric winds are also typically stronger and more easterly. More smoke appears to settle into the sub-cloud layer during the day than at night when it is smoky, speculated to reflect a deeper daytime sub-cloud layer facilitating entrainment, when the nighttime stratification does not.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. 6255-6269 ◽  
D. Painemal ◽  
P. Zuidema

Abstract. Synoptic and satellite-derived cloud property variations for the southeast Pacific stratocumulus region associated with changes in coastal satellite-derived cloud droplet number concentrations (Nd) are explored. MAX and MIN Nd composites are defined by the top and bottom terciles of daily area-mean Nd values over the Arica Bight, the region with the largest mean oceanic Nd, for the five October months of 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. The ability of the satellite retrievals to capture composite differences is assessed with ship-based data. Nd and ship-based accumulation mode aerosol concentrations (Na) correlate well (r = 0.65), with a best-fit aerosol activation value dln Nddln Na of 0.56 for pixels with Nd>50 cm−3. The adiabatically-derived MODIS cloud depths also correlate well with the ship-based cloud depths (r=0.7), though are consistently higher (mean bias of almost 60 m). The MAX-Nd composite is characterized by a weaker subtropical anticyclone and weaker winds both at the surface and the lower free troposphere than the MIN-Nd composite. The MAX-Nd composite clouds over the Arica Bight are thinner than the MIN-Nd composite clouds, have lower cloud tops, lower near-coastal cloud albedos, and occur below warmer and drier free tropospheres (as deduced from radiosondes and NCEP Reanalysis). CloudSat radar reflectivities indicate little near-coastal precipitation. The co-occurrence of more boundary-layer aerosol/higher Nd within a more stable atmosphere suggests a boundary layer source for the aerosol, rather than the free troposphere. The MAX-Nd composite cloud thinning extends offshore to 80° W, with lower cloud top heights out to 95° W. At 85° W, the top-of-atmosphere shortwave fluxes are significantly higher (~50%) for the MAX-Nd composite, with thicker, lower clouds and higher cloud fractions than for the MIN-Nd composite. The change in Nd at this location is small (though positive), suggesting that the MAX-MIN Nd composite differences in radiative properties primarily reflects synoptic changes. Circulation anomalies and a one-point spatial correlation map reveal a weakening of the 850 hPa southerly winds decreases the free tropospheric cold temperature advection. The resulting increase in the static stability along 85° W is highly correlated to the increased cloud fraction, despite accompanying weaker free tropospheric subsidence.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 9997-10003 ◽  
D. Painemal ◽  
P. Minnis ◽  
S. Sun-Mack

Abstract. The impact of horizontal heterogeneities, liquid water path (LWP from AMSR-E), and cloud fraction (CF) on MODIS cloud effective radius (re), retrieved from the 2.1 μm (re2.1) and 3.8 μm (re3.8) channels, is investigated for warm clouds over the southeast Pacific. Values of re retrieved using the CERES algorithms are averaged at the CERES footprint resolution (∼20 km), while heterogeneities (Hσ) are calculated as the ratio between the standard deviation and mean 0.64 μm reflectance. The value of re2.1 strongly depends on CF, with magnitudes up to 5 μm larger than those for overcast scenes, whereas re3.8 remains insensitive to CF. For cloudy scenes, both re2.1 and re3.8 increase with Hσ for any given AMSR-E LWP, but re2.1 changes more than for re3.8. Additionally, re3.8–re2.1 differences are positive (<1 μm) for homogeneous scenes (Hσ < 0.2) and LWP > 45 gm−2, and negative (up to −4 μm) for larger Hσ. While re3.8–re2.1 differences in homogeneous scenes are qualitatively consistent with in situ microphysical observations over the region of study, negative differences – particularly evinced in mean regional maps – are more likely to reflect the dominant bias associated with cloud heterogeneities rather than information about the cloud vertical structure. The consequences for MODIS LWP are also discussed.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 4097-4109 ◽  
J. Uchida ◽  
C. S. Bretherton ◽  
P. N. Blossey

Abstract. The sensitivity of a stratocumulus-capped mixed layer to a change in cloud droplet concentration is evaluated with a large-eddy simulation (LES) and a mixed layer model (MLM). The strength of the second aerosol indirect effect simulated by the two model types agrees within 50% for cases in which the LES-simulated boundary layer remains well mixed, if the MLM entrainment closure includes the effects of cloud droplet sedimentation. To achieve this agreement, parameters in the MLM entrainment closure and the drizzle parameterization must be retuned to match the LES. This is because the LES advection scheme and microphysical parameterization significantly bias the entrainment rate and precipitation profile compared to observational best guesses. Before this modification, the MLM simulates more liquid water path and much more drizzle at a given droplet concentration than the LES and is more sensitive to droplet concentration, even undergoing a drizzle-induced boundary layer collapse at low droplet concentrations. After this modification, both models predict a comparable decrease of cloud liquid water path as droplet concentration increases, cancelling 30–50% of the Twomey effect for our case. The agreement breaks down at the lowest simulated droplet concentrations, for which the boundary layer in the LES is not well mixed. Our results highlight issues with both types of model. Potential LES biases due to inadequate resolution, subgrid mixing and parameterized microphysics must be carefully considered when trying to make a quantitative inference of the second indirect effect from an LES of a stratocumulus-topped boundary layer. On the other hand, even slight internal decoupling of the boundary layer invalidates the central assumption of an MLM, substantially limiting the range of conditions that MLM-predicted sensitivities to droplet concentration are meaningful.

2014 ◽  
Vol 71 (8) ◽  
pp. 2927-2943 ◽  
Zhiqiang Cui ◽  
Alan Gadian ◽  
Alan Blyth ◽  
Jonathan Crosier ◽  
Ian Crawford

Abstract Observations are presented of the structure of the marine boundary layer (MBL) in the southeastern Pacific made with the U.K. BAe 146 aircraft on 13 November 2008 as it flew at a variety of altitudes along 20°S between the coast of Chile and a buoy 950 km offshore during the Variability of American Monsoon Systems (VAMOS) Ocean–Cloud–Atmosphere–Land Study (VOCALS) Regional Experiment (REx). The purpose of the study is to determine the variations along the 20°S transect in the clouds and boundary layer on this particular day as compared to the typical structure determined from the composite studies. The aircraft flew in three regions on this day: relatively continuous thick stratocumulus clouds, open cells, and closed cells. Results show three particular features. First, the results of the cloud microphysics are consistent with the typical behavior showing a decrease in aerosol particles by a factor of 3–4, and a decrease in cloud droplet number concentration westward from the coast from about 200 to 100 cm−3 or less with a corresponding increase in the concentration of drizzle drops with a maximum in open cells. Sulfate was dominant in the aerosol mass. Second, there was evidence of decoupling of the marine boundary layer that coincided with a change in the cloud type from stratiform to convective. The case differs from the average found in VOCALS in that the decoupling is not consistent with the deepening–warming idea. Precipitation is thought to possibly be the cause instead, suggesting that aerosol might play a controlling role in the cloud–boundary layer structure. Finally, cold pools were observed in the MBL from the dropsonde data.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 12725-12742 ◽  
D. Painemal ◽  
P. Minnis ◽  
S. Sun-Mack

Abstract. The impact of horizontal heterogeneities, liquid water path (LWP from AMSR-E), and cloud fraction (CF) on MODIS cloud effective radius (re), retrieved from the 2.1 μm (re2.1) and 3.8 μm (re3.8) channels, is investigated for warm clouds over the southeast Pacific. Values of re retrieved using the CERES Edition 4 algorithms are averaged at the CERES footprint resolution (~ 20 km), while heterogeneities (Hσ) are calculated as the ratio between the standard deviation and mean 0.64 μm reflectance. The value of re2.1 strongly depends on CF, with magnitudes up to 5 μm larger than those for overcast scenes, whereas re3.8 remains insensitive to CF. For cloudy scenes, both re2.1 and re3.8 increase with Hσ for any given AMSR-E LWP, but re2.1 changes more than for re3.8. Additionally, re3.8 – re2.1 differences are positive (< 1 μm) for homogeneous scenes (Hσ < 0.2) and LWP > 50 g m−2, and negative (up to −4 μm) for larger Hσ. Thus, re3.8 – re2.1 differences are more likely to reflect biases associated with cloud heterogeneities rather than information about the cloud vertical structure. The consequences for MODIS LWP are also discussed.

1995 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 471-481 ◽  
Y. Fujiyoshi ◽  
Y. Ishizaka ◽  
T. Takeda ◽  
T. Hayasaka ◽  
M. Tanaka

Abstract Special observations were made over the southwest island area of the East China Sea from 12 to 27 January 1991 as part of the World Climate Research Program in Japan (WENPEX&#x97;Western North Pacific Cloud&#x96;Radiation Experiment). Two aircraft were used to determine the air truth of the total vertical liquid water path (LWP) using a microwave radiometer. One airplane was fitted with a 37-GHz radiometer and flew above planetary boundary layer clouds. The other flew inside the clouds with a cloud droplet spectrometer. These aircraft flew simultaneously along the same flight path when planetary boundary layer clouds were formed over the warm sea during an outbreak of cold air. The result of the air truth of the LWPradiometer indicates that the 37-GHZ microwave radiometer gives an estimation of the LWP accurate to 100 mg cm−2. The shortwave cloud albedo was related to the LWPradiometer. The albedo increases with the LWP, independent of cloud type, when measured just above the cloud tops. The measured albedo is nearly the same as the calculated albedo when the LWPradiometer is larger than 60 mg cm−2 but much smaller than the calculated albedo when the LWPradiometer is less than 40 mg cm−2. Cloud-top irregularity is suggested to be the primary cause of this discrepancy. The degree of inhomogeneity of the horizontal distribution of liquid water appears to be correlated with the amount of precipitable water in the planetary boundary layer.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 25853-25883
J. Uchida ◽  
C. S. Bretherton ◽  
P. N. Blossey

Abstract. The sensitivity of a stratocumulus-capped mixed layer to a change in cloud droplet concentration is evaluated with a large-eddy simulation (LES) and a mixed layer model (MLM), to see if the two model types agree on the strength of the second aerosol indirect effect. Good agreement can be obtained if the MLM entrainment closure explicitly reduces entrainment efficiency proportional to the rate of cloud droplet sedimentation at cloud top for cases in which the LES-simulated boundary layer remains well mixed, with a single peak in the vertical profile of vertical velocity variance. To achieve this agreement, the MLM entrainment closure and the drizzle parameterization must be modified from their observationally-based defaults. This is because the LES advection scheme and microphysical parameterization significantly bias the entrainment rate and precipitation profile compared to observational best guesses. Before this modification, the MLM simulates more liquid water path and much more drizzle at a given droplet concentration than the LES and is more sensitive to droplet concentration, even undergoing a drizzle-induced boundary layer collapse at low droplet concentrations. After this modification, both models predict a similar decrease of cloud liquid water path as droplet concentration increases, cancelling 30–50% of the Twomey effect for our case. The agreement breaks down at the lowest simulated droplet concentrations, for which the boundary layer in the LES is not well mixed. Our results highlight issues with both types of model. Potential LES biases due to inadequate resolution, subgrid mixing and microphysics must be carefully considered when trying to make a quantitative inference of the second indirect effect from an LES of a stratocumulus-topped boundary layer. On the other hand, even slight internal decoupling of the boundary layer invalidates MLM-predicted sensitivity to droplet concentrations.

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