scholarly journals Analisis Mazmur 3 Untuk Praktik Konseling Krisis

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Maria Benedetta Mustika ◽  
Enggar Objantoro

The Book of Psalms is one of the books that has many references about the crisis of life, one of which is Psalm 3. Therefore, the author feels it is necessary to examine how the use of Psalm 3 to be a reference for the implementation of crisis counseling. The author uses the method of analyzing the Book of Psalms to get the true meaning of the text of Psalm 3. So as to obtain the results that Psalm 3 can be used to counsel people who are bullied, experience sadness, loneliness, worthlessness and feel rejected. The conviction held by David that God never left him also needed to be implanted in the hearts of counselees who experienced a situation like this. Kitab Mazmur merupakan salah satu kitab yang memiliki banyak referensi mengenai krisis hidup, salah satunya adalah Mazmur 3. Oleh sebab itu penulis merasa perlu diteliti bagaimana pemanfaatan Mazmur 3 untuk menjadi acuan bagi pelaksanaan konseling krisis. Penulis menggunakan metode analisis Kitab Mazmur untuk mendapatkan makna sesungguhnya dari teks Mazmur 3. Sehingga memperoleh hasil bahwa Mazmur 3 dapat digunakan untuk mengkonseling orang-orang yang di-bully, mengalami kesedihan, kesepian, tidak berharga dan merasa tertolak.  Keyakinan yang dimiliki oleh Daud bahwa Tuhan tidak pernah meninggalkan  dia juga perlu ditanamkan dalam hati konseli yang mengalami situasi seperti ini.

Chelovek RU ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 18-53
Sergei Avanesov ◽  

Abstract. The article analyzes the autobiography of the famous Russian philosopher, theologian and scientist Pavel Florensky, as well as those of his texts that retain traces of memories. According to Florensky, the personal biography is based on family history and continues in children. He addresses his own biography to his children. Memories based on diary entries are designed as a memory diary, that is, as material for future memories. The past becomes actual in autobiography, turns into a kind of present. The past, from the point of view of its realization in the present, gains meaning and significance. The au-thor is active in relation to his own past, transforming it from a collection of disparate facts into a se-quence of events. A person can only see the true meaning of such events from a great distance. Therefore, the philosopher remembers not so much the circumstances of his life as the inner impressions of the en-counter with reality. The most powerful personality-forming experiences are associated with childhood. Even the moment of birth can decisively affect the character of a person and the range of his interests. The foundations of a person's worldview are laid precisely in childhood. Florensky not only writes mem-oirs about himself, but also tries to analyze the problems of time and memory. A person is immersed in time, but he is able to move into the past through memory and into the future through faith. An autobi-ography can never be written to the end because its author lives on. However, reaching the depths of life, he is able to build his path in such a way that at the end of this path he will unite with the fullness of time, with eternity.

Yabing Zhang

This article is devoted to the problem of using Russian time-prepositions by foreigners, especially by the Chinese. An analysis of modern literature allows the author to identify the main areas of the work aimed at foreign students’ development of the skills and abilities to correctly build the prepositional combinations and continuously improve the communication skills by means of the Russian language. In this paper, the time-prepositions in the Russian language have been analyzed in detail; some examples of polysemantic use of prepositions, their semantic and stylistic shades alongside with possible errors made by foreign students are presented. The results of the study are to help in developing a system of teaching Russian time-prepositions to a foreign language audience, taking into account their native language, on the basis of the systemic and functional, communicative and activity-centred basis. The role of Russian time-prepositions in constructing word combinations has been identified; the need for foreign students’ close attention to this secondary part of speech has been specified. It has been stated that prepositions are the most dynamic and open type of secondary language units within the quantitative and qualitative composition of which regular changes take place. The research substantiates the need that students should be aware of the function of time-preposition in speech; they are to get acquainted with the main time-prepositions and their meanings, to distinguish prepositions and other homonymous parts of speech as well as to learn stylistic shades of time-prepositions. Some recommendations related to the means of mastering time-prepositions have been given: to target speakers to assimilate modern literary norms and, therefore, to teach them how to choose and use them correctly by means of linguistic keys that are intended to fill the word with true meaning, to give it an organic structure, an inherent form and an easy combinability in the texts and oral speech.

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