crisis counseling
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
AeShil Park ◽  
Dongil Kim ◽  
HyeYun Gladys Shin

Within Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations, South Korea has the highest suicide rate for which immediate prevention measures are sought including effective therapeutic counseling interventions. As such, the present study explored and examined experienced South Korean counselors' perception of therapeutic interventions for the prevention or delaying of completed suicide, using concept mapping methodology. The semi-structured interviews were provided to 15 study participants of experienced counselors having a minimum of 5 years of professional counseling career and at least 10 suicide crisis counseling sessions. A total of 77 statements were extracted with 8 major clusters: “Securing Safety,” “Active Advocacy for Client,” “Coping Skills Training,” “Conceptualization of Suicide Crisis,” “Emotional Identification and Validation,” “Empowerment,” “Counselor Self-Disclosure,” “Counselor Self-Awareness and Regulation.” From the results, the present study described unique findings in Korean counselors' perceptions of suicide crisis therapeutic intervention. Study limitations and future implications are further discussed.

Галина Хомич ◽  
Оксана Войтенко

Мета. Статтю присвячено дослідженню окремих аспектів соціалізації та активізації психологічних ресурсів особистості у період пандемії та карантину; розгляду можливих шляхів психологічного супроводу особистості, зокрема, профілактиці почуття відчуження, тривоги, екзистенційної самотності та психічної депривації. В основу нашого дослідження ми поклали гіпотезу: емоційне благополуччя дорослого залежить від специфіки включення суб’єкта у деприваційну ситуацію, щоденній самореалізації у процесі пошукової активності. Означені впливи опосередковуються ієрархією цінностей індивіда, характерного способу реагувати на життєві обставини та здатністю утримувати внутрішню рівновагу у конкретній ситуації, усвідомивши її сенс та сутність. Методи дослідження. Теоретико-емпіричне дослідження передбачало теоретичний аналіз літератури; побудову гіпотез дослідження та збір емпіричного матеріалу шляхом онлайн консультування; інтерпретацію результатів щодо особливостей переживання дорослих в умовах карантину. Результати дослідження. Згідно концепції нашого дослідження, незадоволення провідних соціальних потреб веде до вивільнення пригнічених внутрішніх суперечностей, актуалізації невротичних переживань, до зростання езистенційної тривоги. У процесі онлайн консультування нам вдалося виокремити внутрішні та зовнішні мотиви, які опосередковують та спонукають до певного способу життєдіяльності. Було помічено, що тривале перебування в несприятливій ситуації зміщує нормативи життя, активізує травматичні спогади. Одне з важливих завдань дослідження – реалізація програми психологічного впливу, яка передбачає міжособистісну комунікацію з емоційною включеністю в умовах малої групи, емпатійний діалог з позитивною модальністю ставлення. Висновки. Суть психологічної допомоги полягає в інтеграції екзистенційного досвіду психотерапевтичних зустрічей в особисте життя клієнта, що передбачає формування навичок подолання стресу та адаптації до ситуації фрустрації, як до частини досвіду людини, сприяє відновленню її життєвих ресурсів. Література Виртц, У., & Цобели, Й. (2014). Жажда смысла: Человек в экстремальных ситуациях: Пределы психотерапии. (Н.А. Серебренникова пер. с нем.) Москва : Когито-Центр. Максименко, С.Д. (2006). Генезис существования личности. Киев : ООО КММ. Титаренко, Т. (2007). Життєві кризи: технології консультування. Київ : Главник. Франкл, В. (1990). Человек в поисках смысла. Москва : Прогресс. Хомич, Г.О., & Войтенко, О.В. (2019). Психологічний ресурс як фактор переживання життєвої кризи особистості. Психологическая безопасность личности в изменяющемся мире. (Монография). И.В. Волженцева (Ред.), (с. 414–431) Брест-Переяслав. Хорни, К. (2004). Невротическая личность нашего времени. Самоанализ. Москва : Айрис – Пресс. Ялом, И. (1999). Экзистенциальная психотерапия. Москва : Класс. Bylakh, I., & Voloshyna, V. (2020). The specifics of the use of psychotechnics in the process of crisis counseling of the client. The psychological health of the personality and society: the challenges of today. (Monograph.) In Małgorzata Turbiarz & Hanna Varina (Eds.). Opole : The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 50–158. ISBN 978-83-66567-09-2 Myer, R. A. (2001). Assessment for crisis intervention: A triage assessment model. Belmont, CA : Wadsworth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 198-211
Darius A. Green ◽  
Brittany A. Williams ◽  
Kyulee Park

The resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement in response to the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black individuals during the summer of 2020 was accompanied by widespread public demonstration and protest. Despite the peaceful nature of most demonstrations, data indicate that protesters experienced police violence at a disproportionate rate compared to demonstrations associated with other movements. Due to the crisis and unrest that undue police violence toward Black communities can cause, it is imperative that counselors identify ways to support communities in their collective acts toward resistance and liberation. This article reviews how counselors can integrate the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies and the American Counseling Association’s Advocacy Competencies into crisis counseling responses that support protesters of the Black Lives Matter movement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-124
Ribut Purwaningrum ◽  
Agus Tri Susilo ◽  
Citra Tectona Suryawati

Online crisis counseling merupakan keterampilan baru yang harus dimiliki semua guru BK, sehingga diperlukan pelatihan khusus. Fokus penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan asesmen kebutuhan pelatihan online crisis counseling. Penelitian merupakan studi deskriptif. Hasil studi: 1) 89% guru telah mengetahui beda krisis dengan non krisis, sehingga mampu membedakan rencana pemberian bantuan pada konseli sesuai dengan kajian yang ada, 2) 70% guru telah memahami langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan dalam online crisis counseling, 3) 20% guru mampu melaksanakan online crisis counseling. Dibutuhkan adanya penelitian pengembangan panduan tervalidasi tentang online crisis counseling sehingga bisa digunakan secara luas oleh guru BK di sekolah, pelaksanaan training need assessment di wilayah lainnya dengan kondisi lapang serupa dengan metode perancangan  yang lebih baik, dan penelitian eksperimen untuk melihat efektivitas penggunaan training need assessment untuk meningkatkan kompetensi online crisis counseling kelompok tertentu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-65
Mangara Pakpahan

This research is intended to give attention to members of the congregation, especially women (wives) victims of Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence) in the HKBP church, especially HKBP Duren Sawit. Cases of domestic violence experienced by women as victims greatly affect their personal lives and relationships to others. Women victims of domestic violence suffer physical and psychological injury. This happens as a result of the violence and suffering experienced. Based on this the authors conducted research and provide assistance through pastoral assistance that is sustaining, reconciling and healing. Supporting is to strengthen women victims of domestic violence who are experiencing a crisis so that they do not dissolve in their sadness, disappointment and fear. Reconciling is helping women victims of domestic violence build and renew their relationships with God and others. Healing is overcoming the damage suffered by women domestic violence, returning to wholeness and leading it to a better direction. Sampling was carried out for five female congregation (wife) victims of domestic violence at the HKBP Duren Sawit church. Pastoral assistance from the Duren Sawit HKBP church to victims of domestic violence has never been done well and seriously. This makes the congregation of victims of domestic violence despair because of the violence and suffering they experienced, thus making it stay in a feeling of confusion and fear. As a result there are congregation victims of domestic violence who actually go outside the church, to seek protection in the hope of receiving strength and recovery. Crisis counseling is a form of service that the church can do to women victims of domestic violence, so that they can experience strengthening, reconciliation, and healing from the violence and suffering experienced.

Rami A. Tashtoush

This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of a counseling supervisory program based on the discrimination model in improving crisis counseling skills for family reform counselors in Jordan. The sample of the study consisted of 30 female and male counselors, who were randomly assigned to two groups: the experimental group (15) male and female counselors received the supervisory program according to the discrimination model with 90-minute 18 weekly sessions over 9 weeks, whereas  the control group (15) female and male counselors did not receive the supervisory program. The  Family Crisis Skills  Scale which  consists  of 59 items was divided into three subscales: Family Crisis Counseling, Counseling Relation Skills, and Procedures of Intervention & Response to Crisis. It  was  used with the total sample in the pre-post-test, and in the follow-up test only with experimental group. The results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences in the overall mean scores of  the  posttest and all sub-scales of the Family Crisis Skills Scale between the two study group, in favor of the experimental group. Also, the results showed that although the differences between the two groups  in the overall mean scores of the post-follow-up test and all sub-scales of the Family Crisis Skills Scale were not statistically significant, there was a positive gain of improvement for the experimental group. These findings suggest that the counselors in the experimental group retained the impact of the program, and provided  evidence that the impact of the program was efficient and sustainable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-125
Mangali Harefa

Violence is often experienced by adolescents, both in physical form where adolescents experience abusive treatment or in the form of verbal and psychological violence, where adolescents are often scolded with swear words and insults. Psychological violence experienced by adolescents is often threatened, always regulated and ordered by perpetrators. In addition, adolescents also experience violence in the form of financial violence, where adolescents get restrictions and controls on financial matters that are not appropriate. Crisis counseling is one way to deal with family violence experienced by adolescents. The crisis intervention method is a method to help individuals cope with negative and destructive emotional responses due to events that cause a crisis. One implementation of the crisis intervention method is the ABC method; (A) Achieve contact with the person (achieving a relationship with the person); (B) Boiling down the problem to its essential (focusing the problem on its part); (C) Cope actively with the problem (overcome the problem actively). AbstrakKekerasan sering dialami oleh remaja, baik dalam bentuk fisik di mana remaja mengalami perlakuan kasar, atau dalam bentuk kekerasan verbal dan psikologis, di mana remaja sering dimarahi dengan kata-kata makian dan hinaan. Kekerasan psikologis yang dialami remaja adalah seringnya mendapatkan ancaman, selalu diatur dan diperintah oleh pelaku. Selain itu, remaja juga mengalami kekerasan dalam bentuk kekerasan finansial, di mana remaja mendapatkan pembatasan dan pengontrolan dalam hal keuangan dengan tidak yang semestinya. Konseling krisis merupakan salah satu cara dalam mengatasi kekerasan dalam keluarga yang dialami oleh remaja. Metode Intervensi krisis merupakan sebuah metode untuk menolong individu mengatasi respons emosionalnya yang negatif dan yang merusak karena peristiwa yang menimbulkan krisis. Salah satu implementasi metode intervensi krisis adalah metode ABC; (A) Achieve contact with person (mencapai hubungan dengan pribadi); (B) Boiling down the problem to its essential (memfokuskan masalah pada bagiannya); (C) Cope actively with the problem (menanggulangi masalah secara aktif).

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Maria Benedetta Mustika ◽  
Enggar Objantoro

The Book of Psalms is one of the books that has many references about the crisis of life, one of which is Psalm 3. Therefore, the author feels it is necessary to examine how the use of Psalm 3 to be a reference for the implementation of crisis counseling. The author uses the method of analyzing the Book of Psalms to get the true meaning of the text of Psalm 3. So as to obtain the results that Psalm 3 can be used to counsel people who are bullied, experience sadness, loneliness, worthlessness and feel rejected. The conviction held by David that God never left him also needed to be implanted in the hearts of counselees who experienced a situation like this. Kitab Mazmur merupakan salah satu kitab yang memiliki banyak referensi mengenai krisis hidup, salah satunya adalah Mazmur 3. Oleh sebab itu penulis merasa perlu diteliti bagaimana pemanfaatan Mazmur 3 untuk menjadi acuan bagi pelaksanaan konseling krisis. Penulis menggunakan metode analisis Kitab Mazmur untuk mendapatkan makna sesungguhnya dari teks Mazmur 3. Sehingga memperoleh hasil bahwa Mazmur 3 dapat digunakan untuk mengkonseling orang-orang yang di-bully, mengalami kesedihan, kesepian, tidak berharga dan merasa tertolak.  Keyakinan yang dimiliki oleh Daud bahwa Tuhan tidak pernah meninggalkan  dia juga perlu ditanamkan dalam hati konseli yang mengalami situasi seperti ini.

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