scholarly journals Effect of Instructions in Course Book Tasks on Promoting Higher-Order Thinking Skills

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 218
Hanoof Khalid Alshaiji ◽  
Shaima Jamal Al-Saeed

As stakeholders of educational systems, teachers are urged to participate in social change through the implementation of critical thinking skills into the educational setting. English language teaching has primarily focused on critical thinking, particularly in the recent years. Therefore, teachers are required to examine their teaching materials to ensure that they meet the needs of the 21st century. This study investigates the extent of implemented higher-order thinking skills using revised Bloom’s taxonomy. It examines tasks in course books used at the College of Technological Studies at the Public Authority of Applied Education and Training in Kuwait. The course books examined are Tech Talk at the elementary, pre-intermediate, and intermediate levels. The findings of this study prove that most of the tasks in the sample chosen encourage students’ lower cognitive skills. Therefore, syllabus and material designers and teachers should include tasks that foster higher-order cognitive skills. The results are expected to serve as reference for direct language teachers when planning lessons in their course book adaptation and with curriculum development.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1.SP) ◽  
pp. 8
Ha Thi CAO

In the social model, in order to live and work in a complex and competitive environment of the 21st century, students must be well-equipped with such important skills and qualifications, of which creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills are very necessary for learners in the future. In this paper, the researcher aims to focus on teachers’ competency of instruction for developing higher-order thinking skills (creativity, critical thinking skills) through teaching and learning Mathematics in Vietnam.

The aim of this study is to assess the teaching practices of Malay Language teachers in implementing the elements of higher-order thinking skills in the teaching and learning of Malay Language using the Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT) Scale. Essentially, the scales comprises six devices, namely CoRT 1 (Breadth), CoRT 2 (Organization), CoRT 3 (Interaction), CoRT 4 (Critical Thinking), CoRT 5 (Information and Feeling), and CoRT 6 (Action) that are related to CoRT tests, namely PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting), CAF (Consider All Factors), C&S (Consequence & Sequel), AGO (Aims, Goal, Objectives), FIP (First, Important, Priorities), APC (Alternatives, Possibilities, Choice), and OPV (Other People’s Views). This study used a qualitative approach using the observation method to elicit data from a study sample consisting of six Malay Language teachers from several schools with as sizeable indigenous or Orang Asli student population in the district of Batang Padang. A descriptive qualitative analysis was conducted to draw pertinent findings of the teachers’ understanding and practices of HOTS. The analysis of the data revealed that the teaching and learning of the subject matter were infused with the elements of HOTS, with the teachers employing a combination of the CoRT devices and thinking techniques. Such an infusion of skills was made evidently clear by students’ answers that demonstrated high critical thinking skills. These findings underscore the importance of using the Cognitive Research Trust Scale to assess the implementation of HOTS in the teaching and learning practice of the Malay Language. In conclusion, the proper and judicious use of CoRT devices and thinking techniques can help students to develop HOTS, which are extremely important to enable them to think and solve problems critically and creatively.

J. Junaidi ◽  
Yenita Roza ◽  
M. Maimunah

Pada abad 21 diperlukan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTs) yang mencakup kemampuan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan interpretasi, analisis, inferensi, kelancaran dan orisinalitas siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal pola dan barisan bilangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan subjek sebanyak 40 siswa yang terdiri 19 siswa SMPN 5 Bantan dan 21 Siswa MTS Al-Huda. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa (1) tes tertulis yang berorientasikan HOTs dan (2) pedoman wawancara.  Hasil tes menunjukkan rata-rata HOTs siswa SMPN 5 Bantan (49,34) dan MTS Al-Huda (45,12) berkategori cukup.  Skor tiap indikator HOTs untuk siswa SMPN 5 Bantan diketahui bahwa interpretasi= 48,68, analisis= 40,13, inferensi= 64,47, kelancaran= 52,68 dan orisinalitas= 40,79 sedangkan untuk siswa MTs Al-Huda adalah interpretasi= 61,18, analisis= 40,79, inferensi= 53,57, kelancaran= 38,16 dan orisinalitas= 45,24. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara juga diketahui bahwa rendahnya HOTs siswa dikarenakan siswa tidak terbiasa dalam menyelesaikan soal HOTs serta tidak tersedianya soal-soal HOTs yang secara khusus mengukur HOTs di sekolah, sehingga diharapkan adanya penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai soal-soal HOTs.Students' Thinking Ability in Solving HOTs Questions on Material Patterns and Rows of NumbersAbstractIn the 21st century, higher order thinking skills (HOTs) are needed which include critical thinking skills and creative thinking. The purpose of this study is to describe the students’ ability of interpretation, analysis, inference, fluency and originality in solving questions about patterns and rows of numbers. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and as many as 40 students consisting of 19 students of SMPN 5 Bantan and 21 students of Al-Huda MTS. The instrument used in the form of (1) written tests oriented to HOTs and (2) interview guidelines. The test results showed the average level of SMPN 5 Bantan students’ HOTs (49.34) and MTS Al-Huda (45.12) was categorized as sufficient. The score of each indicator of HOTs for SMPN 5 Bantan students is known that interpretation= 48.68, analysis= 40.13, inference= 64.47, fluency= 52.68 and originality= 40.79 while for MTs Al-Huda students are interpretation= 61.18, analysis= 40.79, inference= 53.57, fluency= 38.16 and originality= 45.24. Based on the interview results it is also known that the low level of students’ HOTs is because students are not accustomed to solving HOTs questions and the unavailability of HOTs questions that specifically measure HOTs in schools, so it is hoped that further research on questions of HOTs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 342

AbstractThe research’s context is that is new challenges for teachers in facing Era 5.0, the teachers must be to make new breakthroughs in designing innovative and interesting active learning. As educators in the era of society 5.0, teachers must have digital skills and creative thinking. Educators are also required must be to create innovative learning and dinamic. To realize the implementation of innovative and dynamic learning, one can implement a learning approach that can improve skills of critical thinking as name is the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) approach. The aims of this reseach is to discribe that in developing students' skillis of critical thinking in Islamic religious education (PAI) subjects, that is necessary to implement learning with the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) approach. This study is using the methods of qualitative method and that approach is used approach of descriptive. The locus of this study at SMAN 2 Pasuruan. That point data sources of the study are PAI teachers, students of X Bahasa, X IPS I and X MIPA I and the principal. The sources of others Data are books, journals, studi result and document as a previous research, documents for class X quiz questions, photos and audio. The Collection Data used the techniques of observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis data is used The technique of qualitative. The studi is outcoming about the implementation of the HOTS approach in PAI learning can be doing strat from making lesson plans, then implementing PAI learning by applying the HOTS approach and at the end of the learning implementation an evaluation is carried out to find out the results of the implementation of this HOTS approach. From the findings in the application of PAI learning using the HOTS approach, it is mapped into 3 parts, namely, the initial part, namely the teacher analyzing the learning method that will be used and the results can be concluded that class X students of SMA Negeri 2 Pasuruan have been able to improve their critical thinking skills, they can also solve problems such as in the topic of Behavioral Discipline. At the next stage, the teacher  must evaluate to  the method has aplicated in the class, for example, the PAI teacher gives negative statements that need to be corrected by students, then students describe ideas and input about these statements, for example, Discipline Attitudes and Attitudes Competing in doing good. In the final stage, the teacher manifests seeing the transformation of the behavior of Class X students after receiving PAI lessons.Keywords: HOTS Approach, Islamic Education Learning, Think Critical AbstrakLatar belakang penelitian ini adanya tantangan baru bagi guru dalam menghadapi Era 5.0, guru dituntut dapat membuat trobosan-trobosan baru dalam mendesain pembelajaran yang aktif inovatif dan menarik. Sebagai Tenaga Pendidik di era society 5.0, maka adanya guru harus memiliki digital’s skills dan creative thinking. Tenaga pendidik juga diharuskan mampu menciptakan pembalajaran yang inovatif dan dinamis. Untuk mewujudkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang inovatid dan dinamis dapat mengimplementasikan pendekatan pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis disebut pendekatan Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Tulisan ini menyajikan tentang sebuah teknik yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam upaya mengasah dan meningkatkan Critical Thinking Skills siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI ini dapat memanfaatkan pendekatan Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Adapun penggunaan metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Lokasi pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini berada di SMAN 2 Pasuruan. Pengambilan data ini diambil dari sumber data kunci yaitu Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam, para siswa Kelas X Bahasa, X IPS I dan X MIPA 1 dan juga kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini juga didukung dengan adanya sumber data tambahan yang dihasilkan dari beberapa buku, ebook, Jurnal Publikasi dan juga hasil dan dokumentasi. Data dokumentasi berupa arsip Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, arsip Soal Quis untuk kelas X, beberapa foto dan audio pembelajaran. Dalam pengumpulan data penelitian ini, peneliti memanfaatkan teknik pengamatan lapangan, interview dengan sumber data, serta mengumpulkan arsip-arsip yang dapat menjadi data dalam penelitian ini. Untuk mengalasis hasil penelitian ini, peneliti mengguunak teknik analisis data kualitatif deskriptif. Temuan penelitian dapat menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi Pendekatan HOTS dalam pembelajaran PAI tersebut, pelasanaannya dapat dilakukan melalui merencanakan dengan membuat RPP, lalu melaksanakan pembelajaran PAI dengan menerapkan Pendekatan HOTS dan di akhir pelaksanaan pembelajaran dilakukan evaluasi untuk mengetahui hasil dari implementasi pendekatan HOTS ini. Dari hasil temuan dalam penerapan pembelajaran PAI menggunakan pendekatan HOTS ini dipetakan menjadi 3 bagian yaitu, bagian awal yakni Guru melakukan analisis terhadap metode pembelajaran yang akan digunakan dan hasilnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa kelas X SMAN 2 Pasuruan telah mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berfikirnya secara kritis, mereka juga dapat menyelesaikan masalah seperti dalam topik berprilaku Disiplin. Pada tahapan selanjutnya Guru melaksanakan evaluasi terhadap penerapan metode yang digunakan dalam Proses belajar mengajar, seperti contoh guru PAI memberikan pernyataan negatif yang perlu dikoreksi oleh siswa, kemudian siswa mendeskripsikan ide-ide dan masukan tentang pernyataan tersebut misal materi Sikap Disiplin dan Sikap Berlomba-lomba dalam berbuat kebaikan. Di tahap akhir, Guru melakukan manifestasi melihat transformasi perilaku siswa-siswa Kelas X sesudah menerima pelajaran PAI. Kata kunci: Pendekatan HOTS, Mata Pelajaran PAI, Critical Think Skills

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 111-122
Intan Armala ◽  
Endang Fauzia ◽  
Abdul Asib

Higher order thinking skill is one of the important components for an individual to be able to solve new problems in the 21th century. In the revised Bloom’s taxonomy, HOTS is defined as an incision among the three top levels of ability in the cognitive dimension (analyzing, evaluating, creating), and 3 levels of knowledge dimension (conceptual, procedural, metacognitive). The aim of the present case study was to investigate pre-service English teachers’ perception on Higher Order Thinking Skills in English language teaching. A total of 15 pre-service English teachers in a university in Indonesia participated in this study. The research used questionnaire to collect the data. Data were analyzed using interpretative approach. The result showed that the pre-service English teachers have their perspective about higher order thinking skills by themselves. They are aware towards Higher Order Thinking Skills in English language teaching. They are involving some activities to encourage students in thinking skill. They believed that every student is capable to think critically.

Ambika Prasad Poudel

The practice of integrating pedagogical approaches using multimedia technologies has become one of the common interests in the field of English language teaching (ELT) in recent years. This research study attempts at studying the characteristics of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) tasks used for developing students' cognitive skills within the CSCL approach in the context of ELT in higher secondary school education in Nepal. Non-participant observation of the CSCL tasks assigned to the students in the English class in two different schools, and semi-structured interviews with the students were used as the research tools. It was found that the CSCL tasks were useful for enhancing some cognitive skills of the students, though many of the CSCL tasks assigned gave more attention to enhance the students' lower order thinking skills rather than their higher order thinking skills. 

Retno Andriyani ◽  
Nisvu Nanda Saputra

Abstract:The ability of critical thinking is part of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). To develop the ability of critical thinking is crucial to support the development of high-level thinking skills. The study aims to see the use of critical thinking-based teaching materials to optimize early semester student critical thinking skills in trigonometric courses. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, the subject of research is a student of early semester on trigonometric courses. The research subject amounted to 25 people.  The results of the study that the use of the teaching materials critical thinking can increase the ability of the Higher Order Thinking student early semester that follows trigonometric courses. Abstrak:Kemampuan berpikir kritis merupakan bagian dari Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Pengembangan kemampuan berpikir kritis sangat penting untuk mendukung kesuksesan mahasiswa dalam melakukan HOTS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat penggunaan bahan ajar berbasis berpikir kritis untuk mengoptimalkan HOTS  mahasiswa semester awal pada mata kuliah trigonometri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan dengan subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester awal pada mata kuliah trigonometri. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 25 orang.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan bahan ajar berpikir kritis dapat mengoptimalkan kemampuan Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) mahasiswa semester awal yang mengikuti mata kuliah trigonometri.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 541-555
Muhammad Ansori ◽  
Joko Nurkamto ◽  
Suparno Suparno

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is an essential skill for students to compete in this technological age. Hence, teachers need to hold strong beliefs about HOTS as it influences their classroom practices. Moreover, the study about HOTS in English language teaching has not been widely explored. This case study seeks to explore teacher’s beliefs in the integration of HOTS in teaching reading and how the beliefs are reflected in classroom practices. Further, it also investigates the factor influencing the teacher’s beliefs and practices. The participant was an experienced English teacher in a public senior high school. Data were collected using interviews, observation, and review of documents. Data then were analyzed using the Pattern Matching technique (Yin, 2018) and interactive model data analysis (Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña, 2014). The results revealed that the teacher held strong beliefs about the integration of HOTS in teaching reading. These beliefs include belief about the conception of HOTS, the importance of HOTS, the role of the teacher, the strategies to promote HOTS, and the assessment of HOTS. In practice, the teacher did not fully reflect what she believes, especially about the assessment of HOTS. It also found that training, learning experience, teaching experience, institutional factor, student factor, and availability of learning support influenced teacher beliefs and practice in integrating HOTS in teaching reading. This study implies that there needs more teachers’ professional development to support the successful integration of HOTS in English language teaching.

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