María del Sol MORALES ZEA

El presente texto es una revisión de la noción de traducción intersemiótica desde su creación por parte de Jakobson en 1959, y a través de su recuperación en el ámbito de la semiótica, el análisis literario y cinematográfico. La primera parte surge de la necesidad de tener claridad sobre las bases teóricas que delinean los alcances y limitaciones de la intersemiosis, sus derivaciones y propuestas alternas, con especial atención de los postulados de Eco, Lotman, y Sonesson. La segunda parte aborda la aplicación de la teoría al estudio de las obras de traducción intersemiótica, enunciando los modelos de análisis propuestos a partir de la glosemática, el cronotopo, la idea de semiosfera, y el Análisis Multimodal del Discurso. Abstract: This article reviews the notion of intersemiotic translation since it was stablished by Jakobson in 1959, and uses it in the field of semiotic, literary, and cinematographic analysis. First, the article will approach and clarify the theoretical aspects of the concept, together with its scope, limitations, and derivations, and will address alternative proposals, paying special attention to Eco, Lotman, and Sonesson. Secondly, the article will apply the theory to the study of intersemiotic translation, outlining the analysis models that derives from glossematics, the chronotope, the idea of semiosphere, and Multimodal Analysis of Discourse.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 474
Fipitriany Any

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the influence of the role, ethics, and independence of internal auditors in implementing good university governance (GUG) with leadership style as a moderation variable. Multiple linear regression and moderation regression analysis models are used to test the hypothesis. The primary data are obtained through questionnaires that are distributed to the respondents, namely the dean and head of study program at the UniversitasBinaDarma and UniversitasMuhammadiyahPalembang. The results of this study indicate that the instruments in each variable proved to be valid and reliable. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it can be seen that simultaneously the variable of role, ethics, and independence of internal auditors have positively and significantly effect in implementing good university governance (GUG). These results provide justification or endorsement of the theoretical truths used as the theoretical references of Stewardship Theory and Attitude and Behavioral Theory. Based on the partial test, role of auditor does not significantly affect the variable of GUG, but ethics and independence variable are found to be significant in influencing GUG. The leadership style is negative and insignificant in moderating the role of internal auditors and GUC and also the independence of internal auditor and GUC. The leadership style is found to be positive and insignificant in moderating the relationship of internal auditors’ ethics and GUC.Keywords        Role, Ethics, Independence, Internal Auditor, Leadership Style, Good University Governance  ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh peran, etika, dan independensi auditor internal dalam menerapkan good university governance (GUG) dengan gaya kepemimpinan sebagai variabel moderasi. Model analisis regresi linier berganda dan regresi moderasi digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis. Data primer diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada responden, yaitu dekan dan ketua program studi di Universitas Bina Darma dan Universitas MuhammadiyahPalembang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa instrumen dalam setiap variabel terbukti valid dan dapat diandalkan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis dapat dilihat bahwa secara simultan variabel peran, etika, dan independensi auditor internal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan dalam penerapan good university governance (GUG). Hasil ini memberikan pembenaran atau pengesahan kebenaran teoretis yang digunakan sebagai referensi teoretis dari Teori Penatalayanan dan Teori Sikap dan Perilaku. Berdasarkan uji parsial, peran auditor tidak secara signifikan mempengaruhi variabel GUG, tetapi variabel etika dan independensi ditemukan signifikan dalam mempengaruhi GUG. Gaya kepemimpinan negatif dan tidak signifikan dalam memoderasi peran auditor internal dan GUC dan juga independensi auditor internal dan GUC. Gaya kepemimpinan ditemukan menjadi positif dan tidak signifikan dalam memoderasi hubungan etika auditor internal dan GUC Kata Kunci            Peran, Etika, Independensi, Auditor Internal, Gaya Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola Universitas

Yuri Morales López ◽  
Marianela Alpízar Vargas ◽  
Ana Lucía Alfaro Arce ◽  
Vicenç Font-Moll

The purpose of this presentation is to show elements associated to the study and analysis of pedagogical practices used by mathematics teachers, taking into consideration different approaches and conceptions derived from theories related to the role of the math teacher. The project highlights the need to use different strategies to analyze the processes occurring in the activities and tasks organized and implemented by the teacher. One of the main tasks in teacher training is to promote the capacity to noticing on the pedagogical activity, where noticing is understood as an inherent process to improve the quality of classroom management. In addition, different analysis models should be compared using examples and experiential practices and the different theories and research projects developed in this field related to this type of analysis. Knowing what happens in the classroom is a task inherent to the math teacher. For sure, if the teacher does not understand or is even able to perceive what is happening in the class, improvement actions are very difficult to implement. Consequently, math teachers must develop the capability of analyzing their pedagogical activity and the related elements. It is not about isolating variables and looking for causal relationships, but rather about understanding the teacher’s activity as the center of the multiple situations occurring in the classroom, which may be known more in depth, if the attention is focused on the organization, ordering, and execution of the tasks planned by the teacher. It must also be understood that the competence of analyzing mentioned here is not an isolated activity without an effect. Such analysis must be approached from an active perspective where scenarios are generated to mitigate complex situations or to value an approach different than the one happening in the classroom. Being aware that there are many aspects to analyze (most likely almost everything that happens is analyzable), we must take a stand on which situations are highly related to what happens in our classroom and which could eventually happen. With such a wide spectrum, some questions that need to be addressed are: What is important in the math education activity and who defines what is important? What elements are of interest to math teachers? How does the analysis conducted relate to the different models of the teacher's knowledge? How does our previous experience influence the assessments we make? How do we distinguish elements of interest to analysis? What is the relationship between reflecting and analyzing? At what stages of the teacher’s activity is an analysis required? What is the ultimate purpose of analyzing teaching activities? What competencies or skills are related to the analysis? What types of analysis are appropriate (content, cognitive, media, among others)? How can we balance the actions derived from the analyses we conduct? From all these questions the most important one that can guide the study of this reflection would be: What should be assessed in pedagogical activities and what is the objective of analyzing such pedagogical activities in math education?

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 168-195 ◽  
Vivien Heller

This paper is concerned with embodied processes of joint imagination in young children’s narrative interactions. Based on Karl Bühler’s notion of ‘deixis in the imagination’, it examines in detail how a 19-month-old German-speaking child, engaged in picture book reading with his mother, brings about different subtypes of deixis in the imagination by either ‘displacing’ what is absent into the given order of perception (e.g. by using the hand as a token for an object) or displacing his origo to an imagined space (e.g. by kinaesthetically aligning his body with an imagined body and animating his movements). Drawing on multimodal analysis and the concept of layering in interaction, the study analyses the ways in which the picture book as well as deictic, depictive, vocal and lexical resources are coordinated to evoke a narrative space, co-enact the storybook character’s experiences and produce reciprocal affect displays. Findings demonstrate that different types of displacement are in play quite early in childhood; displacements in the dimension of space and person are produced through layerings of spaces, voices and bodies.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
. Elsa Trimukti

Airport of Rahadi Oesman in Kabupaten Ketapang Kalimantan Barat represent the main and important gate for air transport in Kabupaten Ketapang, where this airport own the strategic role in service activities of this transportation even for domestic transportation or regional. Activity in Airport of Rahadi Oesman in a few this the last year has growth so fast growth, so that felt the infrastructure and also available facility in this time have is not adequate again to support the growth rate of air traffic in this airport. In the plan development of facility of air side and also land side of the airport require to be conducted an analysis model of trip generation or attraction of passenger and goods. These models need for the prediction of mount the growth of passenger and goods/cargo and estimate the amount of passenger and aircraft movement in the future pursuant to aircraft characteristic that to be used. The models used for prediction of passenger and goods in this study are Trend Analysis Models consisted of linear regression trend method, exponential regression trend method, and polynomial regression trend method. Besides model of trend analysis, in this study also analyzed Market Share Model. Result from third model then compared to one another to obtain the most appropriate model. Pursuant to analyses result obtained that the best or most appropriate model is Model of Trend Analysis.Model for the attraction passenger is Y = 21,18X2+ 6181X + 5788 by R2= 0,922.Model for the generation passenger is Y = 128,3X2+ 7515X + 4965 by R2= 0,907.Model for the passenger of transit is Y = 795X2+ 561X + 3361 by R2= 1Model for the cargo movement is Y = 2468X2+ 41054X 28341 by R2= 0,918.

Panggung ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
Rajab Ritonga

ABSTRACT ‘Tanda Tanya (?)’ movie has become an Indonesian cinematic work with some controversies complement with it. The controversies lie on how the movie constructed their messages related to the description of Islamic image. The Islamic image which is depicted in this movie contains several sym- bols which created a demonization on the construction of Islam and Moslem. The narrative theory that has been employed focuses on greimas actantial analysis models which emphasizes on how the narrative creates a story and how the story becomes a narrative discourse. The semiotic analysis used on this research is in term of constructivist perspective which aims at constructing the phenomena as a whole answer. The result of the research is that demonization of Islam has been constructed through the narrative sequences of ‘Tanda Tanya’. The movie depicted Islam in an image of traditional, un- civilized, terrorism, destructive, and aggressive community. This created a meaning of Islam as a negative and demonic community, religion, and value. Keywords: demonization, Islam, narrative  ABSTRAK Film ‘Tanda Tanya (?)’ merupakan sebuah karya cinema Indonesia yang mengundang banyak kontroversi. Kontroversi terletak pada bagaimana film ini mengkonstruksikan pesan-pesannya terkait penggambaran citra Islam. Citra Islam yang digambarkan dalam film ini mengandung simbol-simbol yang menciptakan sebuah demonisasi pada kon- struksi Islam dan muslim. Dalam penelitian ini teori naratif digunakan sebagai alat un- tuk memberikan gambaran tentang fenomena demonisasi. Teori naratif yang digunakan berfokus pada model analisis aktansial greimas yang menitikberatkan bagaimana naratif menciptakan sebuah cerita dan bagaimana cerita menjadi sebuah wacana naratif. Analisis semiotik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan penggunaan dalam paradigma konstruktivis yang bertujuan mengkonstruksi fenomena sebagai sebuah jawaban. Temuan penelitian ini ialah demonisasi umat Islam dikonstruksikan melalui sekuen/babakan nara- tif dalam film ‘Tanda Tanya’. Film ini menggambarkan Islam dalam sebuah citra masyara- kat yang tradisional, tidak beradab, teroris, merusak, dan agresif. Ini menciptakan suatu pemaknaan Islam sebagai masyarakat, agama, dan nilai yang demonik dan negatif. Kata kunci: demonisasi, Islam, naratif

Panggung ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
Rajab Ritonga

ABSTRACT ‘Tanda Tanya (?)’ movie has become an Indonesian cinematic work with some controversies complement with it. The controversies lie on how the movie constructed their messages related to the description of Islamic image. The Islamic image which is depicted in this movie contains several sym- bols which created a demonization on the construction of Islam and Moslem. The narrative theory that has been employed focuses on greimas actantial analysis models which emphasizes on how the narrative creates a story and how the story becomes a narrative discourse. The semiotic analysis used on this research is in term of constructivist perspective which aims at constructing the phenomena as a whole answer. The result of the research is that demonization of Islam has been constructed through the narrative sequences of ‘Tanda Tanya’. The movie depicted Islam in an image of traditional, un- civilized, terrorism, destructive, and aggressive community. This created a meaning of Islam as a negative and demonic community, religion, and value. Keywords: demonization, Islam, narrative  ABSTRAK Film ‘Tanda Tanya (?)’ merupakan sebuah karya cinema Indonesia yang mengundang banyak kontroversi. Kontroversi terletak pada bagaimana film ini mengkonstruksikan pesan-pesannya terkait penggambaran citra Islam. Citra Islam yang digambarkan dalam film ini mengandung simbol-simbol yang menciptakan sebuah demonisasi pada kon- struksi Islam dan muslim. Dalam penelitian ini teori naratif digunakan sebagai alat un- tuk memberikan gambaran tentang fenomena demonisasi. Teori naratif yang digunakan berfokus pada model analisis aktansial greimas yang menitikberatkan bagaimana naratif menciptakan sebuah cerita dan bagaimana cerita menjadi sebuah wacana naratif. Analisis semiotik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan penggunaan dalam paradigma konstruktivis yang bertujuan mengkonstruksi fenomena sebagai sebuah jawaban. Temuan penelitian ini ialah demonisasi umat Islam dikonstruksikan melalui sekuen/babakan nara- tif dalam film ‘Tanda Tanya’. Film ini menggambarkan Islam dalam sebuah citra masyara- kat yang tradisional, tidak beradab, teroris, merusak, dan agresif. Ini menciptakan suatu pemaknaan Islam sebagai masyarakat, agama, dan nilai yang demonik dan negatif. Kata kunci: demonisasi, Islam, naratif

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