The goal of this work was the phase analysis of corrosion layers on zirconium alloys. In the environment of nuclear reactors, zirconium alloys are covered with a protective layer of zirconium oxide, which occurs in two crystalline modifications - monoclinic and tetragonal. The distribution of these phases in the corrosion layer can affect the overall corrosion rate. Raman spectroscopy was used to determine the composition of the corrosion layers. The use of this method is advantageous because the monoclinic and tetragonal phases can be easily distinguished in the spectra of the corrosion layers. In total, samples of two alloys were measured. The samples were pre-exposed at 360 °C in Li+ containing water (70 mg/l Li as LiOH) . Exposure times were between 21 d and 231 d, so the series contained both pre- and post- transition samples. The relative proportion of the tetragonal phase decreases significantly after the transient. It has also been found that the corrosion layers are highly heterogeneous in terms of the distribution of crystalline modifications.