homogeneous case
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Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Yueming Lu ◽  
Wei Yang ◽  
Desheng Ji

In this paper, we aim to establish the threshold-type dynamics of a diffusive herpes model that assumes a fixed relapse period and nonlinear recovery rate. It turns out that when considering diseases with a fixed relapse period, the diffusion of recovered individuals will lead to nonlocal recovery term. We characterize the basic reproduction number, ℜ 0 , for the model through the next generation operator approach. Moreover, in a homogeneous case, we calculate the ℜ 0 explicitly. By utilizing the principal eigenvalue of the associated eigenvalue problem or equivalently by ℜ 0 , we establish the threshold-type dynamics of the model in the sense that the herpes is either extinct or close to the epidemic value. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the theoretical results and the effects of the spatial heterogeneity on disease transmission.

Mikhail D. Malykh

A waveguide with a constant, simply connected section S is considered under the condition that the substance filling the waveguide is characterized by permittivity and permeability that vary smoothly over the section S, but are constant along the waveguide axis. Ideal conductivity conditions are assumed on the walls of the waveguide. On the basis of the previously found representation of the electromagnetic field in such a waveguide using 4 scalar functions, namely, two electric and two magnetic potentials, Maxwells equations are rewritten with respect to the potentials and longitudinal components of the field. It appears possible to exclude potentials from this system and arrive at a pair of integro-differential equations for longitudinal components alone that split into two uncoupled wave equations in the optically homogeneous case. In an optically inhomogeneous case, this approach reduces the problem of finding the normal modes of a waveguide to studying the spectrum of a quadratic self-adjoint operator pencil.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (7) ◽  
pp. 873
Marco Coco ◽  
Giovanni Mascali ◽  
Vittorio Romano

The definition of temperature in non-equilibrium situations is among the most controversial questions in thermodynamics and statistical physics. In this paper, by considering two numerical experiments simulating charge and phonon transport in graphene, two different definitions of local lattice temperature are investigated: one based on the properties of the phonon–phonon collision operator, and the other based on energy Lagrange multipliers. The results indicate that the first one can be interpreted as a measure of how fast the system is trying to approach the local equilibrium, while the second one as the local equilibrium lattice temperature. We also provide the explicit expression of the macroscopic entropy density for the system of phonons, by which we theoretically explain the approach of the system toward equilibrium and characterize the nature of the equilibria, in the spatially homogeneous case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-228
A. Djeriou ◽  
R. Heraiz

In this paper, based on generalized Herz-type function spaces $\dot{K}_{q}^{p}(\theta)$ were introduced by Y. Komori and K. Matsuoka in 2009, we define Herz-type Besov spaces $\dot{K}_{q}^{p}B_{\beta }^{s}(\theta)$ and Herz-type Triebel-Lizorkin spaces $\dot{K}_{q}^{p}F_{\beta }^{s}(\theta)$, which cover the Besov spaces and the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces in the homogeneous case, where $\theta=\left\{\theta(k)\right\} _{k\in\mathbb{Z}}$ is a sequence of non-negative numbers $\theta(k)$ such that \begin{equation*} C^{-1}2^{\delta (k-j)}\leq \frac{\theta(k)}{\theta(j)} \leq C2^{\alpha (k-j)},\quad k>j, \end{equation*} for some $C\geq 1$ ($\alpha$ and $\delta $ are numbers in $\mathbb{R}$). Further, under the condition mentioned above on ${\theta }$, we prove that $\dot{K}_{q}^{p}\left({\theta }\right)$ and $\dot{K}_{q}^{p}B_{\beta }^{s}\left({\theta }\right)$ are localizable in the $\ell _{q}$-norm for $p=q$, and $\dot{K}_{q}^{p}F_{\beta }^{s}\left({\theta }\right)$ is localizable in the $\ell _{q}$-norm, i.e. there exists $\varphi \in \mathcal{D}({\mathbb{R}}^{n})$ satisfying $\sum_{k\in \mathbb{Z}^{n}}\varphi \left( x-k\right) =1$, for any $x\in \mathbb{R}^{n}$, such that \begin{equation*} \left\Vert f|E\right\Vert \approx \Big(\underset{k\in \mathbb{Z}^{n}}{\sum }\left\Vert \varphi (\cdot-k)\cdot f|E\right\Vert ^{q}\Big)^{1/q}. \end{equation*} Results presented in this paper improve and generalize some known corresponding results in some function spaces.

2021 ◽  
Sinan Özeren ◽  
A. M. Celal Şengör ◽  
Dursun Acar ◽  
M. Nazmi Postacıoğlu ◽  
Christian Klimczak ◽  

<div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <p>We conduct a series of experiments to understand the nature of thrust faulting as a result of global thermal contraction in planetary bodies such as Mercury. The spatial scales and patterns of faulting due to contraction are still not very well understood. However, the problem is complicated even for the homogeneous case where the crustal thickness and material properties do not vary spatially. Previous research showed that the thrust faulting patterns are non-random and are arranged in long systems. This is probably due to the regional-scale stress patterns interacting with each other, leading to the creation of coherent structures. We first conduct 1-Axis experiments where we simulate the contraction of the substratum using an elastic ribbon. On top of this we place the material for which the friction, cohesion and thickness can be controlled for each experiment. The shared interface between the frictional-cohesive material and the shortening elastic substratum dictates undulations and finally the generation of slip planes in the upper layer. We discuss the spatial distribution of these patterns spatially. We then speculate the interaction of such patterns on a 2D plane.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> </div> </div><div> <div> </div> </div>

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150014
Matania Ben-Artzi ◽  
Tomio Umeda

Let [Formula: see text] be a constant coefficient first-order partial differential system, where the matrices [Formula: see text] are Hermitian. It is assumed that the homogeneous part is strongly propagative. In the non-homogeneous case it is assumed that the operator is isotropic. The spectral theory of such systems and their potential perturbations is expounded, and a Limiting Absorption Principle is obtained up to thresholds. Special attention is given to a detailed study of the Dirac and Maxwell operators. The estimates of the spectral derivative near the thresholds are based on detailed trace estimates on the slowness surfaces. Two applications of these estimates are presented: • Global spacetime estimates of the associated evolution unitary groups, that are also commonly viewed as decay estimates. In particular, the Dirac and Maxwell systems are explicitly treated. • The finiteness of the eigenvalues (in the spectral gap) of the perturbed Dirac operator is studied, under suitable decay assumptions on the potential perturbation.

Jeffrey Kuan ◽  

Consider an inhomogeneous multi-species TASEP with drift to the left, and define a height function which equals the maximum species number to the left of a lattice site. For each fixed time, the multi-point distributions of these height functions have a determinantal structure. In the homogeneous case and for certain initial conditions, the fluctuations of the height function converge to Gaussian random variables in the large-time limit. The proof utilizes a coupling between the multi-species TASEP and a coalescing random walk, and previously known results for coalescing random walks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
Danh Hua Quoc Nam ◽  
Dumitru Baleanu ◽  
Nguyen Hoang Luc ◽  
Nguyen Huu Can

Abstract This paper is devoted to Kirchhoff-type parabolic problem with nonlocal integral condition. Our problem has many applications in modeling physical and biological phenomena. The first part of our paper concerns the local existence of the mild solution in Hilbert scales. Our results can be studied into two cases: homogeneous case and inhomogeneous case. In order to overcome difficulties, we applied Banach fixed point theorem and some new techniques on Sobolev spaces. The second part of the paper is to derive the ill-posedness of the mild solution in the sense of Hadamard.

2020 ◽  
Westerley Oliveira ◽  
Michael Canesche ◽  
Lucas Reis ◽  
José Nacif ◽  
Ricardo Ferreira

Machine/Deep learning applications are currently the center of the attention of both industry and academia, turning these applications acceleration a very relevant research topic. Acceleration comes in different flavors, including parallelizing routines on a GPU, FPGA, or CGRA. In this work, we explore the placement and routing of Machine Learning applications dataflow graphs onto three heterogeneous CGRA architectures. We compare our results with the homogeneous case and with one of the state-of-the-art tools for placement and routing (P&R). Our algorithm executed, on average, 52% faster than Versatile Place&Routing (VPR) 8.1. Furthermore, a heterogeneous architecture reduces the cost without losing performance in 76% of the cases.

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