interface board
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G. S. Ananth ◽  
N. Shylashree ◽  
Satish Tunga ◽  
Latha B. N.

The final cost of an integrated circuit (IC) is proportional to its testing time. One of the main goals of test engineers when building an IC test solution is to reduce test time. Reduction of Test time is achieved by multi-site testing where multiple ICs are tested simultaneously using automated test equipment (ATE). During multi-site testing, if a certain test requires abundant resources, it is accomplished by testing one set of ICs at a time while the other ICs remain idle, thus lengthening the total test time. In digital-analog hybrid ICs, both analog and digital tests need to be performed, increasing the tester resource requirement and causing digital resource shortage. This paper describes a hardware interface board (HIB) design for a test case of a digital-analog IC on Teradyne’s ETS-364 ATE. The HIB's design allows the ATE to perform multi-site I<sup>2</sup>C based tests, which usually require lot of tester resources, utilizing only two digital resources and one measurement resource. This design achieves halving the I2C test time while lowering the number of resources necessary for multi-site testing compared to set-by-set testing. The proposed work has achieved up to 90.625% of resource reduction for multisite testing for a single test.


Pendidikan dapat diimplementasikan melalui beragam konsep, salah satunya adalah konsep gamifikasi yang kemudian diadopsi sebagai media pembelajaran. Gamifikasi menjadikan suatu perubahan pada penggunaan media pembelajaran, yaitu dari yang "konvensional" hingga yang lebih "inovatif”. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengadopsi suatu konsep gamifikasi ke dalam sebuah permainan ular tangga guna mendukung pembelajaran mengenai pemahaman tentang Covid-19. Penelitian menggunakan metode dengan model waterfall, yaitu model klasik yang sederhana dengan aliran sistem yang linier, di mana output dari setiap tahap merupakan input bagi tahap berikutnya. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan melakukan manipulasi script program dan algoritma guna memberikan kebaharuan terhadap aturan permainan ular tangga. Konsep permainan ini diharapkan akan menarik pengguna dan memberikan dampak pemahaman yang diciptakan melalui kesenangan bermain dalam menyelesaikan tantangan. Pembelajaran ular tangga ini sendiri didesain sedemikian rupa dengan interface board yang berubah secara acak setiap kali bermain hingga basis game papan menjadi game digital yang bias diaplikasikan secara offline dan online. Permainan dikembangkan hingga tahapan mode "Online Play", yang memungkinkan pertandingan dapat dimainkan dari berbagai perangkat melalui internet. Game ini menggunakan sistem kotak yang berfungsi sebagai "lobby" dalam game, sehingga pemain secara online bisa memilih untuk bergabung atau menjadi tuan rumah game dan mengundang pemain lain melalui kode game.

G Sai Kiranmayi ◽  
B Bhanu ◽  
B Manikanta ◽  
N Ashok ◽  
G Govinda Raju

The main objective of this paper is to develop a virtual environment for detecting suspicious and targeted places for user without any loss of human life.The purpose of this project is to regulate robot with interface board of the raspberry pi,sensors and software to full fill real time equipment. There are sundry surveillance systems such as camera, CCTV etc. available in the market. In these systems, the person located in that particular area can only view what is transpiring in that place. We proposed a system to build an authentictime live streaming and monitoring system utilizing Raspberry pi with installed Wi-Fi connectivity. It can continuously monitor the objects. Robot can move in every direction (left, right,forward and backward). The webcam which is placed on the robotic unit will capture the video and it transmits vivacious to the remote end. The major application of this paper can be analysed utilizing HTML web page which can be acclimated to control the movement of the robot.

2019 ◽  
Vol 66 (7) ◽  
pp. 1028-1035
V. Izzo ◽  
A. Aloisio ◽  
R. Giordano ◽  
S. Perrella ◽  
R. Vari

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 (11) ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Masahiro Yamaguchi ◽  
Takeshi Yanai ◽  
Hidetoshi Nakayama ◽  
Ranajit Sai ◽  
Hiroaki Fujiwara ◽  

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