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2022 ◽  
Rio Rovando Rindengan

Instagram, which is usually abbreviated as IG, is a photo and video sharing application that allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters, and share them on various social networking services, including Instagram's own. One unique feature on Instagram is cropping photos into square shapes, so they look like the results of Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid cameras. This is different from the 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio that is commonly used by cameras on mobile devices. Instagram can be used on any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch version with the iOS 7.0 operating system or later, any Android mobile phone with the operating system version 2.2 (Froyo) and above, and Windows Phone 8. This application can be downloaded via the Apple App Store and Google Play. On April 9, 2012, it was announced that Facebook had agreed to take over Instagram for approximately $1 billion. Instagram was first released on October 6, 2010, 11 years ago, the name Instagram Instagram comes from the understanding of the overall function of this application. The word "insta" comes from the word "instant", like the polaroid camera which at that time was better known as "instant photo". Instagram can also display photos instantly, like a polaroid in its display. As for the word "gram" comes from the word "telegram" which works to send information to others quickly. Similarly, Instagram can upload photos using the Internet, so the information you want to convey can be received quickly. That's why Instagram is an extension of the words instant and telegram. On April 9, 2012, it was announced that Instagram would be taken over by Facebook for nearly $1 billion in cash and stock. On May 11, 2016, Instagram introduced a new look as well as a new icon and new app design. Inspired by previous app icons, the new icon is a simple camera and a vivid rainbow in the form of a gradient. There are 5 sandal vendors in Indonesia that use Instagram accounts as a marketing platform, namely:

2021 ◽  

Instagram (disingkat IG atau Instagram) adalah sebuah aplikasi berbagi foto dan video yang memungkinkan pengguna mengambil foto, mengambil video, menerapkan filter digital, dan membagikannya ke berbagai layanan jejaring sosial, termasuk milik Instagram sendiri. Satu fitur yang unik di Instagram adalah memotong foto menjadi bentuk persegi, sehingga terlihat seperti hasil kamera Kodak Instamatic dan polaroid. Hal ini berbeda dengan rasio aspek 4:3 atau 16:9 yang umum digunakan oleh kamera pada peranti bergerak. Instagram dapat digunakan di iPhone, iPad atau iPod Touch versi apapun dengan sistem operasi iOS 7.0 atau yang terbaru, telepon genggam Android apapun dengan sistem operasi versi 2.2 (Froyo) ke atas, dan Windows Phone 8. Aplikasi ini dapat diunduh melalui Apple App Store dan Google Play. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan rasio – rasio yang terdapat pada sosial media Instagram. Rasio - rasio ini yang nantinya dapat digunakan untuk melakukan analisa yang dapat terukur secara matematis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu ekploratif untuk menemukan variabel – variabel yang terdapat pada Instagram. Variabel tersebut akan disandingkan untuk diuji relevansi nya sehingga menemukan rasio yang relevan digunakan menilai peforma sebuah akun Instagram yang. Hasil dari penelitian sosial media Instagram ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat 14 rasio yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai , mengukur serta membandingkan kredibilitas dari sebuah akun Instagram. Implikasi dari penemuan rasio ini adalah para peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian kuantitatif dalam mengukur, menilai serta membandingkan akun-akun yang terdapat pada instagram

2021 ◽  
I Putu Gede Widyadnyana

Instagram adalah aplikasi berbagi foto dan video yang memungkinkan pengguna untukmengambil foto, mengambil video, menerapkan filter digital, dan membagikannya ke berbagailayanan jejaring sosial, termasuk milik Instagram. Salah satu fitur unik di Instagram adalahcropping foto menjadi bentuk persegi, sehingga terlihat seperti hasil kamera Kodak Instamaticdan Polaroid. Ini berbeda dengan rasio aspek 4:3 atau 16:9 yang biasa digunakan oleh kameradi perangkat seluler. Instagram dapat digunakan di iPhone, iPad, atau iPod Touch apa pundengan sistem operasi iOS 7.0 atau yang lebih baru, ponsel Android apa pun dengan sistemoperasi versi 2.2 (Froyo) ke atas, dan Windows Phone 8. Aplikasi ini dapat diunduh melaluiApple App Store dan Google Play. Pada tanggal 9 April 2012, diumumkan bahwa Facebooktelah setuju untuk mengambil alih Instagram untuk sekitar $ 1 miliar.Instagram yang aktif di dunia memberikan maanfaat bagi banyak orang, maupun suatuperusahaan. Instagram sebagai platform social media marketing. Kami megambil sampel 5Raksasa teknologi di dunia yang memanfaatkan akun Instagram sebagai salah satu platformpemasaran, yaitu : Apple, Facebookapp, Google, Microsoft, Amazon. Tujuan dari penelitianini yaitu untuk menghitung kredibilitas dari performa akun Instagram 5 Rasasa TeknologiDunia. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini yaitu metode eksploratif kuantitatif. Hasildari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa akun Instagram Apple mendapatkan peringkat pertamadan memiliki kredibilitas performa akun yang baik.

2021 ◽  
Agresia pina Pawung

Instagram (disingkat IG atau Insta ) adalah sebuah aplikasi berbagi foto dan video yang memungkinkan pengguna mengambil foto, mengambil video, menerapkan filter digital, dan membagikannya ke berbagai layanan jejaring sosial, termasuk milik Instagram sendiri. Satu fitur yang unik di Instagram adalah memotong foto menjadi bentuk persegi, sehingga terlihat seperti hasil kamera Kodak Instamatic dan polaroid. Hal ini berbeda dengan rasio aspek 4:3 atau 16:9 yang umum digunakan oleh kamera pada peranti bergerak. Instagram dapat digunakan di iPhone, iPad atau iPod Touch versi apapun dengan sistem operasi iOS 7.0 atau yang terbaru, telepon genggam Android apapun dengan sistem operasi versi 2.2 (Froyo) ke atas, dan Windows Phone 8. Aplikasi ini dapat diunduh melalui Apple App Store dan Google Play. Pada tanggal 9 April 2012, diumumkan bahwa Facebook setuju mengambil alih Instagram dengan nilai sekitar $1 miliar. Hal ini dapat memberikan manfaat yang baik bagi bren tas termahal di dunia karena deengan adanya Instagram merka dapa mempromodikan berbagi macam bren salah satunya tas termahal di dunia.

2021 ◽  
Komang Andy

Instagram /IG adalah sebuah aplikasi berbagi foto dan video yang memungkinkan pengguna mengambil foto, mengambil video, menerapkan filter digital, dan membagikannya ke berbagai layanan jejaring sosial, termasuk milik Instagram sendiri. Satu fitur yang unik di Instagram adalah memotong foto menjadi bentuk persegi, sehingga terlihat seperti hasil kamera Kodak Instamatic dan polaroid. Hal ini berbeda dengan rasio aspek 4:3 atau 16:9 yang umum digunakan oleh kamera pada peranti bergerak. Instagram dapat digunakan di iPhone, iPad atau iPod Touch versi apapun dengan sistem operasi iOS 7.0 atau yang terbaru, telepon genggam Android apapun dengan sistem operasi versi 2.2 (Froyo) ke atas, dan Windows Phone 8. Aplikasi ini dapat diunduh melalui Apple App Store dan Google Play. Pada tanggal 9 April 2012, diumumkan bahwa Facebook setuju mengambil alih Instagram dengan nilai sekitar $1 miliar.

2021 ◽  
Debora Morita Kagohara

<p>Social, communication, academic, and leisure skills are important for healthy development and a productive life. Individuals with developmental disabilities, however, have impairments that may affect their ability to acquire these skills or may not have had the opportunity to learn them. Compared to peers, these individuals may require additional or modified instruction to acquire new skills. A number of teaching techniques have been examined in the special education literature but as new technology, such as portable devices, become available, further research is needed to examine the effectiveness of interventions employing this new technology.  The studies in this thesis examined the use of portable multimedia devices like the iPod Touch® and iPad® in combination with video modelling to teach leisure, academic and social skills to individuals with developmental disabilities. In the first two studies, students with severe intellectual disability were shown a video modelling instruction on an iPod Touch teaching them to operate the same iPod to watch video clips and listen to music. In the third study, a video modelling instruction was presented on an iPad to teach two students with Asperger syndrome how to use the spell-check function on a computer word processor. In the final study, a Social StoryTM presentation and a video modelling segment were presented on an iPad to demonstrate to two students with Asperger syndrome how to greet adults at school.  An important aspect of these studies is that they afforded some degree of self-determination to the students by giving them a chance to have an input in the learning process (e.g. whether they would like to participate, how they prefer to learn, their favourite stimuli). Self-determination has been linked to a better quality of life and more positive academic, leisure, and independent living outcomes. Interventions promoting self-determination for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism are, therefore, paramount. The data from all studies suggest video modelling and portable devices can be successfully used to teach a range of skills to children with developmental disabilities. The devices were not only effective as teaching tools but also provided the participants with opportunities for leisure activities. The use of portable technology allowed for efficient intervention delivery and may have had the additional advantage of being motivating to the participants. The studies also illustrate how the same procedures can be successfully used to teach children with lower and higher cognitive abilities.</p>

2021 ◽  
Debora Morita Kagohara

<p>Social, communication, academic, and leisure skills are important for healthy development and a productive life. Individuals with developmental disabilities, however, have impairments that may affect their ability to acquire these skills or may not have had the opportunity to learn them. Compared to peers, these individuals may require additional or modified instruction to acquire new skills. A number of teaching techniques have been examined in the special education literature but as new technology, such as portable devices, become available, further research is needed to examine the effectiveness of interventions employing this new technology.  The studies in this thesis examined the use of portable multimedia devices like the iPod Touch® and iPad® in combination with video modelling to teach leisure, academic and social skills to individuals with developmental disabilities. In the first two studies, students with severe intellectual disability were shown a video modelling instruction on an iPod Touch teaching them to operate the same iPod to watch video clips and listen to music. In the third study, a video modelling instruction was presented on an iPad to teach two students with Asperger syndrome how to use the spell-check function on a computer word processor. In the final study, a Social StoryTM presentation and a video modelling segment were presented on an iPad to demonstrate to two students with Asperger syndrome how to greet adults at school.  An important aspect of these studies is that they afforded some degree of self-determination to the students by giving them a chance to have an input in the learning process (e.g. whether they would like to participate, how they prefer to learn, their favourite stimuli). Self-determination has been linked to a better quality of life and more positive academic, leisure, and independent living outcomes. Interventions promoting self-determination for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism are, therefore, paramount. The data from all studies suggest video modelling and portable devices can be successfully used to teach a range of skills to children with developmental disabilities. The devices were not only effective as teaching tools but also provided the participants with opportunities for leisure activities. The use of portable technology allowed for efficient intervention delivery and may have had the additional advantage of being motivating to the participants. The studies also illustrate how the same procedures can be successfully used to teach children with lower and higher cognitive abilities.</p>

2021 ◽  
Donna Adorina Achmadi

<p>Many children with autism fail to develop speech and are therefore candidates for the use of speech-generating devices (SGDs). However, existing studies are limited because they have tended to focus only on teaching an initial single-step requesting sequence. This thesis aimed to extend the existing literature by evaluating intervention procedures for teaching two adolescents with autism to perform multistep requesting sequences that required navigating across two screen pages (Intervention 1). Intervention 2 focused on teaching the adolescents to turn on and unlock the screen of the SGD prior to initiating the previously learnt multi-step requesting sequence. Both interventions made use of response prompting, prompt fading, and differential reinforcement procedures and were evaluated using the multiple-baseline across subjects design. Results showed that both interventions were effective in teaching these adolescents to use the iPod Touch(R) to make a sequence of requests. The results of the present study suggest that adolescents with autism can successfully learn to use an iPod Touch(R) to independently perform multi-step requesting sequences.</p>

2021 ◽  
Donna Adorina Achmadi

<p>Many children with autism fail to develop speech and are therefore candidates for the use of speech-generating devices (SGDs). However, existing studies are limited because they have tended to focus only on teaching an initial single-step requesting sequence. This thesis aimed to extend the existing literature by evaluating intervention procedures for teaching two adolescents with autism to perform multistep requesting sequences that required navigating across two screen pages (Intervention 1). Intervention 2 focused on teaching the adolescents to turn on and unlock the screen of the SGD prior to initiating the previously learnt multi-step requesting sequence. Both interventions made use of response prompting, prompt fading, and differential reinforcement procedures and were evaluated using the multiple-baseline across subjects design. Results showed that both interventions were effective in teaching these adolescents to use the iPod Touch(R) to make a sequence of requests. The results of the present study suggest that adolescents with autism can successfully learn to use an iPod Touch(R) to independently perform multi-step requesting sequences.</p>

2021 ◽  
Stephanie Crossen ◽  
Crystal Romero ◽  
Allison Reggiardo ◽  
Jimi Michel ◽  
Nicole Glaser

BACKGROUND Caregivers of children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes (T1D) maintain close contact with providers for several weeks to facilitate rapid adjustments in insulin dosing regimens. Traditionally, patient glucose values are relayed by telephone for provider feedback, but digital health technology can now enable remote sharing of glucose data via mobile applications. OBJECTIVE To test the feasibility of remote glucose monitoring in a population of children and adolescents with newly diagnosed T1D, and to explore whether remote monitoring alters habits for self-review of glucose data or perceived ease of provider contact in this population as compared to a control group. METHODS Data were collected from families participating in remote monitoring (intervention group) as well as from patients receiving usual care (control group). The intervention group received Bluetooth-capable glucose meters and Apple iPod Touch devices. Patient-generated glucose data was passively relayed from the meter to the iPod Touch and then to both the electronic health record (EHR) and a third-party diabetes data platform, Tidepool. The principal investigator reviewed glucose data daily in the EHR and Tidepool, and contacted participants as needed for insulin dose adjustments during the time between hospital discharge and first clinic appointment. Families in the control group received usual care, which involved keeping written records of glucose values and contacting the diabetes team daily by telephone to relay data and receive treatment recommendations. A total of 40 families (20 intervention, 20 control) participated in the study. All families were surveyed at one month and six months regarding self-review of glucose data and ease of contacting the diabetes team. RESULTS Patient-generated glucose data were remotely accessible for 100% of participants via Tidepool and for 85% via the EHR. Survey data indicated that families in the intervention group were more likely than those in the control group to review their glucose data using mobile health applications after one month (P <.001), but by six months this difference had disappeared. Perceived ease of contacting the clinical team for assistance was lower for the intervention group after six months (when receiving usual care) in comparison to during the intervention period (P = .48), and in comparison to a control group who did not have exposure to remote monitoring (P = .03). CONCLUSIONS Remote glucose monitoring is feasible among pediatric patients with newly diagnosed T1D, and may be associated with earlier adoption of mobile health applications for self-management. Use of broadscale remote monitoring for T1D in the future will depend on improved access to Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices for all patients, improved interoperability of mobile health applications to enable data-transfer on Android as well as Apple devices, and new provider workflows to handle largescale panel management based on patient-generated health data. CLINICALTRIAL ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT04106440)

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