self determination
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2022 ◽  
Vol 94 ◽  
pp. 102564
Jacob S. Lewis ◽  
Michael Widmeier

Shumaila Fatima ◽  
David Jacobson

This chapter considers anti-colonial and postcolonial movements as modernizing and globalizing, particularly the three main streams: nationalist, Marxist, and Islamist. Nationalist and Marxist movements convere with the Western project, as represented in their vocabulary and emphasis on development, science, and self-determination. All anti-colonial and postcolonial societies have faced the task of reimagining their history. Education has played a key role, as both a product of colonial history and a response to it. The Islamic movements of interest to us represent a more versatile narrative. Led by leaders such as Qutb in Egypt and Ilyas in India and though grounded in anti-modern and anti-Western principles, these movements mostly evolved to embody modern and contemporary civic and political models.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 949
Indra Abeysekera

This study examined the role of the First Nations beneficiary charities in contributing to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Northern Territory, Australia, as a way of attaining self-determination by closing the expectations gap between First Nations people and the mainstream Australians. Informed by the theory of self-determination (ethical and functional strands), a latent content analysis of 118 charities serving the First Nations people was conducted, coding the summary of their activities to ascertain their strategic engagement with the SDGs. A network analysis was also carried out to examine the charities’ connections with each other and their collective contribution towards the SDGs. The findings show that charities contribute to creating cultural capital through social capital, followed by intellectual capital dimensions. However, charities contributed little to building environmental capital dimension of the First Nations people. This study examined charities’ engagement with SDGs to build cultural capital in furtherance of self-determination of Australia’s First Nations people.

С.М. Исхаков

Статья посвящена малоизвестной биографии Керим бея Ратая, представителя туркменского народа, и его трактовки истории борьбы туркмен за самоопределение в первой трети ХХ века. Публикуемая записка представляет собой источник, который отражает разные проблемы, связанные с туркменской историей, содержит его размышления о ситуации в Средней Азии, об историческом процессе в Северной Евразии, сведения, которые, которые потребуют дополнительного изучения. Из приведенных им рассуждений следует, что туркмены испытывали неприятие навязываемого им большевиками пути общественного развития, борясь за самостоятельность. На его взгляд, борьба туркмен в условиях советской власти вовсе не прекратилась, а закончится только тогда, когда ими будет завоевана независимость, когда ими будет воссоздано собственное государство, что и произошло с распадом СССР. This article presents a biography of Kerim Bey Ratay, a Turkmen, and his interpretation of the Turkmen struggle for self-determination in the first third of the 20th century. The source published here reflects various problems of Turkmen history, contains Kerim's thoughts on the situation in Central Asia, and gives insight on the historical processes in Northern Eurasia, providing information that requires further research. His take on the situation indicates that the Turkmen people did not like the social development choices being forced on them by the Bolsheviks and were fighting for independence. In his opinion, the Turkmen struggle never ceased after the establishment of Soviet rule and that it would only end when the Turkmen gained independence and reestablished their own state – that is exactly what happened with the dissolution of the USSR.

Emily D. Walden ◽  
Atika Khurana ◽  
Leslie D. Leve ◽  
Lauren E. Lindstrom

Female adolescents with disabilities are at an increased risk for mental health concerns, which can negatively impact their self-determination, making transition to postschool opportunities difficult. We analyzed two waves of survey data from 366 female adolescents with disabilities, recruited from 26 U.S. public high schools, as part of a randomized controlled trial of a career development intervention. Participants with mental health concerns evidenced a slower increase in self-determination over the follow-up period than those without such concerns. Individuals assigned to the intervention condition experienced significant gains in self-determination compared with the control. Findings suggest that mental health concerns can operate as a barrier to growth in self-determination skills among this population, though targeted interventions can help in boosting these skills.

Joachim Waterschoot ◽  
Sofie Morbée ◽  
Branko Vermote ◽  
Katrijn Brenning ◽  
Nele Flamant ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 900
Sabrina Oppl ◽  
Christian Stary

Connectivity is key to the latest technologies propagating into everyday life. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications enable users, machines, and technologically enriched objects (‘Things’) to sense, communicate, and interact with their environment. Albeit making human beings’ lives more comfortable, these systems collect huge quantities of data that may affect human privacy and their digital sovereignty. Engaging in control over individuals by digital means, the data and the artefacts that process privacy-relevant data can be addressed by Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and its established instruments. In this paper, we discuss how the theory and its methodological knowledge can be considered for user-centric privacy management. We set the stage for studying motivational factors to improve user engagement in identifying privacy needs and preserving privacy when utilizing or aiming to adapt CPS or IoT applications according to their privacy needs. SDT considers user autonomy, self-perceived competence, and social relatedness relevant for human engagement. Embodying these factors into a Design Science-based CPS development framework could help to motivate users to articulate privacy needs and adopt cyber-physical technologies for personal task accomplishment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Senlin Chen

Purpose: Positive youth development (PYD) can be achieved through effective and purposeful instructions in physical education (PE) and other relevant experiences both in and beyond schools. Students' PYD is associated with their physical literacy (PL) development, which has become a primary emphasis of PE, especially in the United States, in recent years. This study aimed to (a) characterize middle school students' physical literacy (PL) and (b) capture their PL developing trajectories in light of receiving a self-determination theory (SDT)-based pedagogical workshop, with the long-term vision on PYD.Methods: Participants (N = 226) completed the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL-2) in physical education (PE). A subsample (n = 49) received four workshop sessions over 8 weeks; and completed the CAPL-2 and participated in focus group interviews before and after the workshop.Results: Both boys and girls' CAPL-2 scores were in the “progressing” stage. Significant differences in PL and PL domains were observed by gender, grade, socioeconomic status (SES), body mass index (BMI), and race/ethnicity. The low PL group showed improvements in PL and PL domains. Interview data delineated positive PL developing trajectories for physical activity (PA) type, frequency, and intensity; perceived motives; and participation barriers.Conclusion: PL is a dynamic state that can be improved through purposeful PE. Future work should examine the effect (and implementation) of opportunities in (e.g., PE) and beyond schools (e.g., youth sports programs) to ultimately advance PYD.

Andreas Samartzis

Main justifications for regarding common nationality as a necessary condition for holding equal political rights – Critique of collective self-determination, equal stakes, nature of political activity, and stability justifications – Rejection of the incommensurability of legitimacy and justice – Socioeconomic interdependence and liberal democratic values as the normative grounds for equal stakes – Risk of entrenchment of hostility among national groups as a consequence of a competitive conception of political activity – Instrumental value of stability – Stability through democratic inclusion – Possibility of sustainable pluralism through deliberative democracy – Modified version of the equal stakes argument – Equal political rights on the basis of long-term residence – Association of citizenship with nationality in contemporary European states – Redefinition of citizenship as top-down redefinition of nationality – Need to reconceptualise equal political rights independently of citizenship – Legal argument for interpreting references to popular sovereignty in national constitutions in accordance with long-term residence, rather than nationality – Available legal remedies

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