maxillary protraction
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11541
Natsuko Hichijo ◽  
Tadahide Noguchi ◽  
Kenichi Sasaguri ◽  
Yoshiyuki Mori

Background: Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy (MNTI) is a very rare tumor, and case reports of orthodontic treatment for patients with MNTI may be previously unreported. This article describes the orthodontic treatment for a 7-year-old girl with MNTI in the mandible. Case: Her chief complaint was anterior crossbite. Although she had an MNTI diagnosis at the age of 8 months, it remained subclinical. Therefore, she has been regularly followed-up by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging without aggressive treatment. We had worried about the stimulation of MNTI on the mandible by changing her occlusal position with orthodontic treatment. Therefore, we sufficiently explained to her and her family that orthodontic treatment was at risk for worsening MNTI. However, they desired treatment that consisted of maxillary protraction and slow expansion to correct anterior crossbite and encourage the permanent tooth eruption. After 19 months of active orthodontic treatment, the anterior crossbite was improved, and the eruption of permanent teeth made good progress. No evidence of progression and exacerbation of MNTI has been found by both CT and MR imaging. As the observation period is still short, we need a careful and long-term follow-up of her occlusion and MNTI. Furthermore, when we encounter rare cases without previous experience and reports, informed consent was of particular importance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
Paloma González Higuera ◽  
Laura Mónica López Pérez-Franco ◽  
Francisco Alejandro Díaz Galindo ◽  
Yareli Hernández Ávila ◽  
Marco Felipe Salas Orozco ◽  

Antecedentes: La clase III esqueletal, es una deformidad dentofacial donde el tercio inferior de la cara es más prominente, el tratamiento se decide según la etiología y la edad del paciente; si este se encuentra en crecimiento, la malformación puede ser tratada con un protocolo interceptivo y si es posible evitar la cirugía ortognática a futuro. Objetivo: Mejorar la clase esqueletal, descruzar la mordida u obtener mordida borde a borde, mejorar la posición del labio superior y evaluar la relación inicial-final de SNA y ANB. Reporte de caso: Paciente masculino de 13 años, sin antecedentes personales patológicos o familiares reportados; presenta clase III esqueletal, crecimiento vertical, clase molar I y canina III; fue tratado con el protocolo de mini placas BAMP (bone anchored maxillary protraction) por sus siglas en inglés, elásticos intermaxilares y un paladar con pistas planas. Resultados: La fase ortopédica duro cinco meses y se logró mordida borde a borde y clase I esqueletal. Discusión: Se obtuvieron resultados con el uso de mini implantes sin anclaje extraoral en menos tiempo a comparación de otros métodos que tienen que ser usados por 9-12 meses. Conclusión: El protocolo BAMP puede ser usado en pacientes en crecimiento sin máscara facial para corregir la clase III esqueletal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 8393
Veronica Giuntini ◽  
Matteo Camporesi ◽  
Valeria Barone ◽  
Matilde Marino Merlo ◽  
Cosimo Nardi ◽  

The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of early treatment of Class III malocclusions with rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and facial mask (FM) versus the removable mandibular retractor (RMR) re-evaluated at a postpubertal observation on lateral cephalograms. All prepubertal patients with Class III malocclusion treated consecutively from 1986 to 2013 by means of RME/FM or RMR were analyzed. Twenty-nine patients treated with RME/FM therapy and 23 patients treated with RMR were selected. Lateral cephalograms were available at 3 time points, before treatment (T1), at the end of active treatment (T2), and at a postpubertal observation (T3). Statistical comparisons were performed with independent sample t tests or Mann–Whitney tests. During the T1–T3 interval, a significantly greater maxillary protraction (SNA +1.5 mm, p = 0.031) and significantly greater improvements in ANB and Wits appraisal (+1.9 degrees, p = 0.002, and +2.2 mm, p = 0.012, respectively) were recorded in the RME/FM group. No statistically significant changes could be found in vertical skeletal measurements. In the dentoalveolar region, the RME/FM group showed a significantly greater correction of the molar relationship (−1.5 mm, p = 0.021). Early treatment of Class III malocclusion with RME/FM protocol in comparison with RMR protocol showed a greater maxillary advancement and greater improvements in sagittal skeletal Class III relationships.

Felicia Miranda ◽  
José Carlos da Cunha Bastos ◽  
Alexandre Magno dos Santos ◽  
Guilherme Janson ◽  
José Roberto Pereira Lauris ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-33
Sanjana Shetty ◽  
Shilpa Pharande ◽  
Naazia Shaikh

Treating Class III malocclusion is a challenge for orthodontists. It is best to treat it at growing stage with Dentofacial Orthopedics. Alt-RAMEC protocol was introduced by Liou in the year 2005. It allows for sutural mobilisation by opening and closing the RME screw for 7-9 weeks. Maxillary protraction after the use of Alt-Ramec protocol is an efficient method for early treatment skeletal Class III malocclusion. The objective of this review is to explain to the clinicians a modified and efficient method for treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion in growing patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-170
Pooja U ◽  
Naveen Aravind ◽  
Rajkumar S Alle ◽  
Lokesh NK ◽  
Mayank Trivedi

Class III malocclusion is one of the most difficult problems to treat. It has a multifactorial etiology involving both genetic and environmental causes. The dental and skeletal effects of maxillary protraction with a facemask are well documented in several studies. Although incorporation of expansion appliance along with facemask therapy can improve correcting both sagittal and transverse discrepancy of maxilla. The following case shows early treatment of a 9 year old boy with maxillary deficiency using an expansion screw along with facemask. Facemask therapy was followed by fixed orthodontic treatment to settle the occlusion. Treatment was completed after 14 months with positive overjet, class I molar and canine relationship on right and left side.

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