protein sequence data
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2021 ◽  
Henriette Capel ◽  
Robin Weiler ◽  
Maurits J.J. Dijkstra ◽  
Reinier Vleugels ◽  
Peter Bloem ◽  

Self-supervised language modeling is a rapidly developing approach for the analysis of protein sequence data. However, work in this area is heterogeneous and diverse, making comparison of models and methods difficult. Moreover, models are often evaluated only on one or two downstream tasks, making it unclear whether the models capture generally useful properties. We introduce the ProteinGLUE benchmark for the evaluation of protein representations: a set of seven tasks for evaluating learned protein representations. We also offer reference code, and we provide two baseline models with hyperparameters specifically trained for these benchmarks. Pre-training was done on two tasks, masked symbol prediction and next sentence prediction. We show that pre-training yields higher performance on a variety of downstream tasks such as secondary structure and protein interaction interface prediction, compared to no pre-training. However, the larger base model does not outperform the smaller medium. We expect the ProteinGLUE benchmark dataset introduced here, together with the two baseline pre-trained models and their performance evaluations, to be of great value to the field of protein sequence-based property prediction. Availability: code and datasets from

2021 ◽  
Anuli C Uzozie ◽  
Theodore G Smith ◽  
Siyuan Chen ◽  
Philipp F Lange

The cleavage-site specificities for many proteases are not well-understood, restricting the utility of supervised classification methods. We present an algorithm and web interface to overcome this limitation through the unsupervised detection of overrepresented patterns in protein sequence data, providing insight into the mixture of protease activities contributing to a complex system. Here, we apply the RObust LInear Motif Deconvolution (RoLiM) algorithm to confidently detect substrate cleavage patterns for SARS-CoV-2 Mpro protease in N terminome data of an infected human cell line. Using mass spectrometry-based peptide data from a case-control comparison of 341 primary urothelial bladder cancer cases and 110 controls, we identified distinct sequence motifs indicative of increased MMP activity in urine from cancer patients. Evaluation of N terminal peptides from patient plasma post-chemotherapy detected novel Granzyme B/Corin activity. RoLiM will enhance unbiased investigation of peptide sequences to establish the composition of known and uncharacterized protease activities in biological systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Edward J. Martin ◽  
Thomas R. Meagher ◽  
Daniel Barker

Abstract Background The use of sound to represent sequence data—sonification—has great potential as an alternative and complement to visual representation, exploiting features of human psychoacoustic intuitions to convey nuance more effectively. We have created five parameter-mapping sonification algorithms that aim to improve knowledge discovery from protein sequences and small protein multiple sequence alignments. For two of these algorithms, we investigated their effectiveness at conveying information. To do this we focussed on subjective assessments of user experience. This entailed a focus group session and survey research by questionnaire of individuals engaged in bioinformatics research. Results For single protein sequences, the success of our sonifications for conveying features was supported by both the survey and focus group findings. For protein multiple sequence alignments, there was limited evidence that the sonifications successfully conveyed information. Additional work is required to identify effective algorithms to render multiple sequence alignment sonification useful to researchers. Feedback from both our survey and focus groups suggests future directions for sonification of multiple alignments: animated visualisation indicating the column in the multiple alignment as the sonification progresses, user control of sequence navigation, and customisation of the sound parameters. Conclusions Sonification approaches undertaken in this work have shown some success in conveying information from protein sequence data. Feedback points out future directions to build on the sonification approaches outlined in this paper. The effectiveness assessment process implemented in this work proved useful, giving detailed feedback and key approaches for improvement based on end-user input. The uptake of similar user experience focussed effectiveness assessments could also help with other areas of bioinformatics, for example in visualisation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Zengchao Mu ◽  
Ting Yu ◽  
Xiaoping Liu ◽  
Hongyu Zheng ◽  
Leyi Wei ◽  

Abstract Background Feature extraction of protein sequences is widely used in various research areas related to protein analysis, such as protein similarity analysis and prediction of protein functions or interactions. Results In this study, we introduce FEGS (Feature Extraction based on Graphical and Statistical features), a novel feature extraction model of protein sequences, by developing a new technique for graphical representation of protein sequences based on the physicochemical properties of amino acids and effectively employing the statistical features of protein sequences. By fusing the graphical and statistical features, FEGS transforms a protein sequence into a 578-dimensional numerical vector. When FEGS is applied to phylogenetic analysis on five protein sequence data sets, its performance is notably better than all of the other compared methods. Conclusion The FEGS method is carefully designed, which is practically powerful for extracting features of protein sequences. The current version of FEGS is developed to be user-friendly and is expected to play a crucial role in the related studies of protein sequence analyses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Nicola Bordin ◽  
Ian Sillitoe ◽  
Jonathan G. Lees ◽  
Christine Orengo

This article is dedicated to the memory of Cyrus Chothia, who was a leading light in the world of protein structure evolution. His elegant analyses of protein families and their mechanisms of structural and functional evolution provided important evolutionary and biological insights and firmly established the value of structural perspectives. He was a mentor and supervisor to many other leading scientists who continued his quest to characterise structure and function space. He was also a generous and supportive colleague to those applying different approaches. In this article we review some of his accomplishments and the history of protein structure classifications, particularly SCOP and CATH. We also highlight some of the evolutionary insights these two classifications have brought. Finally, we discuss how the expansion and integration of protein sequence data into these structural families helps reveal the dark matter of function space and can inform the emergence of novel functions in Metazoa. Since we cover 25 years of structural classification, it has not been feasible to review all structure based evolutionary studies and hence we focus mainly on those undertaken by the SCOP and CATH groups and their collaborators.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 530
Milton Silva ◽  
Diogo Pratas ◽  
Armando J. Pinho

Recently, the scientific community has witnessed a substantial increase in the generation of protein sequence data, triggering emergent challenges of increasing importance, namely efficient storage and improved data analysis. For both applications, data compression is a straightforward solution. However, in the literature, the number of specific protein sequence compressors is relatively low. Moreover, these specialized compressors marginally improve the compression ratio over the best general-purpose compressors. In this paper, we present AC2, a new lossless data compressor for protein (or amino acid) sequences. AC2 uses a neural network to mix experts with a stacked generalization approach and individual cache-hash memory models to the highest-context orders. Compared to the previous compressor (AC), we show gains of 2–9% and 6–7% in reference-free and reference-based modes, respectively. These gains come at the cost of three times slower computations. AC2 also improves memory usage against AC, with requirements about seven times lower, without being affected by the sequences’ input size. As an analysis application, we use AC2 to measure the similarity between each SARS-CoV-2 protein sequence with each viral protein sequence from the whole UniProt database. The results consistently show higher similarity to the pangolin coronavirus, followed by the bat and human coronaviruses, contributing with critical results to a current controversial subject. AC2 is available for free download under GPLv3 license.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. e1008736
Alex Hawkins-Hooker ◽  
Florence Depardieu ◽  
Sebastien Baur ◽  
Guillaume Couairon ◽  
Arthur Chen ◽  

The vast expansion of protein sequence databases provides an opportunity for new protein design approaches which seek to learn the sequence-function relationship directly from natural sequence variation. Deep generative models trained on protein sequence data have been shown to learn biologically meaningful representations helpful for a variety of downstream tasks, but their potential for direct use in the design of novel proteins remains largely unexplored. Here we show that variational autoencoders trained on a dataset of almost 70000 luciferase-like oxidoreductases can be used to generate novel, functional variants of the luxA bacterial luciferase. We propose separate VAE models to work with aligned sequence input (MSA VAE) and raw sequence input (AR-VAE), and offer evidence that while both are able to reproduce patterns of amino acid usage characteristic of the family, the MSA VAE is better able to capture long-distance dependencies reflecting the influence of 3D structure. To confirm the practical utility of the models, we used them to generate variants of luxA whose luminescence activity was validated experimentally. We further showed that conditional variants of both models could be used to increase the solubility of luxA without disrupting function. Altogether 6/12 of the variants generated using the unconditional AR-VAE and 9/11 generated using the unconditional MSA VAE retained measurable luminescence, together with all 23 of the less distant variants generated by conditional versions of the models; the most distant functional variant contained 35 differences relative to the nearest training set sequence. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using deep generative models to explore the space of possible protein sequences and generate useful variants, providing a method complementary to rational design and directed evolution approaches.

2021 ◽  
Hongyu Shen ◽  
Layne C. Price ◽  
Taha Bahadori ◽  
Franziska Seeger

AbstractWhile protein sequence data is an emerging application domain for machine learning methods, small modifications to protein sequences can result in difficult-to-predict changes to the protein’s function. Consequently, protein machine learning models typically do not use randomized data augmentation procedures analogous to those used in computer vision or natural language, e.g., cropping or synonym substitution. In this paper, we empirically explore a set of simple string manipulations, which we use to augment protein sequence data when fine-tuning semi-supervised protein models. We provide 276 different comparisons to the Tasks Assessing Protein Embeddings (TAPE) baseline models, with Transformer-based models and training datasets that vary from the baseline methods only in the data augmentations and representation learning procedure. For each TAPE validation task, we demonstrate improvements to the baseline scores when the learned protein representation is fixed between tasks. We also show that contrastive learning fine-tuning methods typically outperform masked-token prediction in these models, with increasing amounts of data augmentation generally improving performance for contrastive learning protein methods. We find the most consistent results across TAPE tasks when using domain-motivated transformations, such as amino acid replacement, as well as restricting the Transformer attention to randomly sampled sub-regions of the protein sequence. In rarer cases, we even find that information-destroying augmentations, such as randomly shuffling entire protein sequences, can improve downstream performance.

Algorithms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Roman Zoun ◽  
Kay Schallert ◽  
David Broneske ◽  
Ivayla Trifonova ◽  
Xiao Chen ◽  

Mass spectrometers enable identifying proteins in biological samples leading to biomarkers for biological process parameters and diseases. However, bioinformatic evaluation of the mass spectrometer data needs a standardized workflow and system that stores the protein sequences. Due to its standardization and maturity, relational systems are a great fit for storing protein sequences. Hence, in this work, we present a schema for distributed column-based database management systems using a column-oriented index to store sequence data. In order to achieve a high storage performance, it was necessary to choose a well-performing strategy for transforming the protein sequence data from the FASTA format to the new schema. Therefore, we applied an in-memory map, HDDmap, database engine, and extended radix tree and evaluated their performance. The results show that our proposed extended radix tree performs best regarding memory consumption and runtime. Hence, the radix tree is a suitable data structure for transforming protein sequences into the indexed schema.

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