dirac semimetals
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2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
Majid Kheirkhah ◽  
Zheng-Yang Zhuang ◽  
Joseph Maciejko ◽  
Zhongbo Yan

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Sanghyun Ji ◽  
Sang-Eon Lee ◽  
Myung-Hwa Jung

AbstractDirac matters have attracted a lot of interest due to their unique band structure with linear band dispersions, which have great potential for technological applications. Recently, three-dimensional Dirac and Weyl semimetals have invoked distinctive phenomena originating from a non-trivial Berry phase. In this study, we prepare single crystals of TixZr1-xTe5 with a highly anisotropic Fermi surface. Our detailed electrical transport measurements reveal that the crystals show the Lifshitz transition, and Ti doping induces a band shift. Further quantum oscillation analyses demonstrate that the TixZr1-xTe5 crystals are 3D Dirac semimetals. Additionally, we observed a minimum temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, which is close to a peak position of electrical resistivity. This observation is interpreted in terms of the Berry paramagnetism. Our finding paves the way to determine a band topology by magnetism and also provides a platform to apply the Berry magnetism to Dirac semimetals.

yizhi Li ◽  
Lingling Zhao ◽  
Xiangmiao Zhao ◽  
Tianao Dai ◽  
Jianxin Zhong ◽  

Abstract We investigated magnetic field effect on the topological properties of transition metal dichalcogenide Dirac semimetals (DSMs) PdTe2/PtTe2/PtSe2 based on Wannier-function-based tight-binding (WFTB) model obtained from first-principles calculations. The DSMs PdTe2/PtTe2/PtSe2 undergo a transition from DSMs into Weyl semimetals (WSMs) with four pairs of Weyl points (WPs) in the entire Brillouin zone by splitting Dirac points under external magnetic field B. The positions and energies of WPs vary linearly with the strength of B field under the c-axis magnetic field B. Under the a- and b-axis B field, however, the positions of magnetic-field-inducing WPs deviate slightly from c axis, and their kz coordinates and energies change in a parabolic-like curve with the increasing B field. However, the system opens an axial gap on the A-Γ axis and the gap changes with the direction of B field when the out of c-axis B field is applied. When we further apply the magnetic field in the ac, bc, and ab planes, the results are more diverse compared to the axial magnetic field. Under the ac and bc plane B field, the kz and energies of WPs within angle θ= [0°, 90°] and θ= [90°, 180°] are mirror symmetrically distributed. The distribution of WPs shows broken rotational symmetry under the ab plane B field due to the difference of non-diagonal part of Hamiltonian. Our theoretical findings can provide the useful guideline for the applications of DSM materials under external magnetic field in the future topological electronic devices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Qianqian Lv ◽  
Pei-Hao Fu ◽  
Xiang-Long Yu ◽  
Jun-Feng Liu ◽  
Jiansheng Wu

AbstractWe propose a highly tunable $$100\%$$ 100 % spin-polarized current generated in a spintronic device based on a Dirac semimetal (DSM) under a magnetic field, which can be achieved merely by controlling electrical parameters, i.e. the gate voltage, the chemical potential in the lead and the coupling strength between the leads and the DSM. These parameters are all related to the special properties of a semimetal. The spin polarized current generated by gate voltage is guaranteed by its semimetallic feature, because of which the density of state vanishes near Dirac nodes. The barrier controlled current results from the different distance of Weyl nodes generated by the Zeeman field. And the coupling strength controlled spin polarized current originates from the surface Fermi arcs. This DSM-based spintronic device is expected to be realized in $$\hbox {Cd}_{3}\hbox {As}_{2}$$ Cd 3 As 2 experimentally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (16) ◽  
Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi ◽  
Tianhe Li ◽  
Masatoshi Sato ◽  
Taylor L. Hughes

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Atsushi Ono ◽  
Sumio Ishihara

AbstractAntiferromagnets exhibit distinctive characteristics such as ultrafast dynamics and robustness against perturbative fields, thereby attracting considerable interest in fundamental physics and technological applications. Recently, it was revealed that the Néel vector can be switched by a current-induced staggered (Néel) spin-orbit torque in antiferromagnets with the parity-time symmetry, and furthermore, a nonsymmorphic symmetry enables the control of Dirac fermions. However, the real-time dynamics of the magnetic and electronic structures remain largely unexplored. Here, we propose a theory of the ultrafast dynamics in antiferromagnetic Dirac semimetals and show that the Néel vector is rotated in the picosecond timescale by the terahertz-pulse-induced Néel spin-orbit torque and other torques originating from magnetic anisotropies. This reorientation accompanies the modulation of the mass of Dirac fermions and can be observed in real time by the magneto-optical effects. Our results provide a theoretical basis for emerging ultrafast antiferromagnetic spintronics combined with the topological aspects of materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (8) ◽  
Bartlomiej Kiczek ◽  
Marek Rogatko ◽  
Karol I. Wysokinski

2021 ◽  
Vol 90 (9) ◽  
pp. 094702
Yasufumi Araki ◽  
Jin Watanabe ◽  
Kentaro Nomura

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Junseong Song ◽  
Byung Cheol Park ◽  
Kyung Ik Sim ◽  
Joonho Bang ◽  
Sunghun Kim ◽  

AbstractTopological Dirac semimetals have emerged as a platform to engineer Berry curvature with time-reversal symmetry breaking, which allows to access diverse quantum states in a single material system. It is of interest to realize such diversity in Dirac semimetals that provides insight on correlation between Berry curvature and quantum transport phenomena. Here, we report the transition between anomalous Hall and chiral fermion states in three-dimensional topological Dirac semimetal KZnBi, which is demonstrated by tuning the direction and flux of Berry curvature. Angle-dependent magneto-transport measurements show that both anomalous Hall resistance and positive magnetoresistance are maximized at 0° between net Berry curvature and rotational axis. We find that the unexpected crossover of anomalous Hall resistance and negative magnetoresistance suddenly occurs when the angle reaches to ~70°, indicating that Berry curvature strongly correlates with quantum transports of Dirac and chiral fermions. It would be interesting to tune Berry curvature within other quantum phases such as topological superconductivity.

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