euplagia quadripunctaria
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2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-24
Otto Moog ◽  
Erhard Christian ◽  
Rudolf Eis ◽  

Between 2015 and 2019, the list of Lepidoptera from “cave” habitats (i.e., proper caves, rock shelters and artificial subterranean structures) in Austria grew from 17 to 62 species, although the effort of data collection remained nearly constant from the late 1970s onwards. The newly recorded moths and butterflies were resting in caves during daytime in the the warm season, three species were also overwintering there. We observed Catocala elocata at 28 cave inspections, followed by Mormo maura (18), Catocala nupta (7), Peribatodes rhomboidaria, and Euplagia quadripunctaria (6). More than half of the species have been repeatedly observed in caves in Austria or abroad, so their relationship with such sites is apparently not completely random. Since the increase of records in Austria coincided with a considerable rise in the annual number of hot days (maximum temperatures ≥30°C) from 2015 onwards, we interpret the growing inclination of certain Lepidoptera towards daytime sheltering in caves as a behavioral reaction to climate warming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 106 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Tamás Vitkó ◽  
Gabriella Fintha

A felmérés célja, hogy egy, az éjszakai lepkefaunát tekintve „fehér foltnak” minősülő Tarnavidéki terület adataival hozzájáruljunk a hazai Macroheterocera-fajok előfordulásának és elterjedésének alaposabb megismeréséhez. A kutatási terület egy diverz és mozaikos élőhelykomplex, amely megfelelő életfeltételeket biztosít számos eltérő igényű lepkefaj számára. Kutatásunk során, bizonyos mértékig antropogén hatások alatt álló három fő vegetációtípus találkozásánál elhelyezkedő területen végeztünk felmérést, melynek eredményeképpen ez idáig 206 éjjeli lepkefaj előfordulását tudtuk regisztrálni. A növényzeti viszonyokkal összhangban a silvicol, illetve a quercetalis fajok jelenléte mellett előfordulnak nedves élőhelytípusokhoz kötődő, sok esetben lápi fajok is, mint például a Diachrysia zosimi (HÜBNER, 1822). A detektált fajok között 21 védett fajt találunk, ezek között négy, az EU Élőhelyvédelmi Irányelvének II. függelékében szereplő faj is előkerült: Eriogaster catax (LINNAEUS, 1758), Euplagia quadripunctaria (PODA, 1761) illetve a Dioszeghyana schmidtii (DIÓSZEGHY, 1935) és a Rhyparioides metelkana (LEDERER, 1861), a két utóbbi egyben fokozottan védett státuszú is.

Pierangelo Crucitti ◽  
Davide Brocchieri ◽  
Francesco Bubbico ◽  
Paolo Castelluccio ◽  
Francesco Cervoni ◽  

Sono riportati i risultati di una indagine conoscitiva sistematica effettuata negli anni 2016-2019 su alcuni gruppi di Insecta appartenenti a odonata, orthopteroidaea, Dermaptera, Coleoptera, lepidoptera, Isoptera e Mecoptera monitorati nel Parco Naturale archeologico dell’Inviolata (Roma, Lazio). Sono descritti i principali caratteri geomorfologici, climatologici e vegetazionali dell’area studiata. I campionamenti sono stati effettuati con metodologie diversificate; raccolta manuale, trappole a caduta, sorgenti luminose, ispezione di feci, animali morti e vegetazione acquatica. È stata accertata la presenza di 533 taxa appartenenti a 101 famiglie. l’ordine maggiormente rappresentato è quello dei Coleoptera (359 taxa) cui appartiene la famiglia più rappresentata, quella dei Carabidae (77 taxa); seguono i lepidoptera con 107 taxa. Nel complesso, le specie endemiche italiane e/o rare sono numerose. Eriogaster catax ed Euplagia quadripunctaria sono protette dalla Direttiva habitat (92/43/CEE). Si segnalano in particolare il rinvenimento di Labia minor (Dermaptera), osservata per la prima volta nella Campagna Romana, e di Anthaxia lucens (Buprestidae), per la quale il Parco dell’Inviolata è l’unica stazione nota nel lazio. l’analisi biogeografica, basata sui corotipi delle specie di odonata e Coleoptera Carabidae, ha evidenziato la predominanza di elementi ad ampia distribuzione, seguiti da quelli europei e mediterranei. Sono quindi state effettuate comparazioni con l’entomofauna di aree della Campagna Romana a nord-est di Roma. È stata sottolineata l’importanza ecologica dei piccoli bacini lacustri a regime idrologico variabile presenti nell’area protetta.

Levente Ábrahám

Between 1986-1997, large butterfly and moth fau-na was examined in the Lake Baláta Nature Reserve (So-mogy county). In 1987, a light trap was operated for a year in Kanizsaberek, the closest settlement to the protected area, and the further faunistic investigation was carried out by light-ing in the other three points of the protected area. The but-terflies were collected along forest roads, the narrow-gauge railway and deforestation area. During the investigation, 68 butterfly and 401 moth species were found. 8190 specimens were collected by the light trap, which belonging to 367 spe-cies. According to cited literature and the present study, the number of species known from the area is 504 (73 butterflies, 431 moths). The fauna is characterized by the high number of birch and alder consumer species, which can be related to the the moorland. The number of protected species is 43 and 5 species of Natura 2000 (Lycaena dispar, Maculinea naus-ithous, Maculinea teleius, Proserpinus proserpina, Euplagia quadripunctaria) were found.

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