convex feasibility
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G. H. M. Araújo ◽  
R. Arefidamghani ◽  
R. Behling ◽  
Y. Bello-Cruz ◽  
A. Iusem ◽  

AbstractThe circumcentered-reflection method (CRM) has been applied for solving convex feasibility problems. CRM iterates by computing a circumcenter upon a composition of reflections with respect to convex sets. Since reflections are based on exact projections, their computation might be costly. In this regard, we introduce the circumcentered approximate-reflection method (CARM), whose reflections rely on outer-approximate projections. The appeal of CARM is that, in rather general situations, the approximate projections we employ are available under low computational cost. We derive convergence of CARM and linear convergence under an error bound condition. We also present successful theoretical and numerical comparisons of CARM to the original CRM, to the classical method of alternating projections (MAP), and to a correspondent outer-approximate version of MAP, referred to as MAAP. Along with our results and numerical experiments, we present a couple of illustrative examples.

Howard Heaton ◽  
Samy Wu Fung ◽  
Aviv Gibali ◽  
Wotao Yin

AbstractInverse problems consist of recovering a signal from a collection of noisy measurements. These problems can often be cast as feasibility problems; however, additional regularization is typically necessary to ensure accurate and stable recovery with respect to data perturbations. Hand-chosen analytic regularization can yield desirable theoretical guarantees, but such approaches have limited effectiveness recovering signals due to their inability to leverage large amounts of available data. To this end, this work fuses data-driven regularization and convex feasibility in a theoretically sound manner. This is accomplished using feasibility-based fixed point networks (F-FPNs). Each F-FPN defines a collection of nonexpansive operators, each of which is the composition of a projection-based operator and a data-driven regularization operator. Fixed point iteration is used to compute fixed points of these operators, and weights of the operators are tuned so that the fixed points closely represent available data. Numerical examples demonstrate performance increases by F-FPNs when compared to standard TV-based recovery methods for CT reconstruction and a comparable neural network based on algorithm unrolling. Codes are available on Github:

Carlo Alberto De Bernardi ◽  
Enrico Miglierina

AbstractLet us consider two sequences of closed convex sets {An} and {Bn} converging with respect to the Attouch-Wets convergence to A and B, respectively. Given a starting point a0, we consider the sequences of points obtained by projecting onto the “perturbed” sets, i.e., the sequences {an} and {bn} defined inductively by $b_{n}=P_{B_{n}}(a_{n-1})$ b n = P B n ( a n − 1 ) and $a_{n}=P_{A_{n}}(b_{n})$ a n = P A n ( b n ) . Suppose that A ∩ B is bounded, we prove that if the couple (A,B) is (boundedly) regular then the couple (A,B) is d-stable, i.e., for each {an} and {bn} as above we have dist(an,A ∩ B) → 0 and dist(bn,A ∩ B) → 0. Similar results are obtained also in the case A ∩ B = ∅, considering the set of best approximation pairs instead of A ∩ B.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Yasir Arfat ◽  
Poom Kumam ◽  
Muhammad Aqeel Ahmad Khan ◽  
Parinya Sa Ngiamsunthorn ◽  
Attapol Kaewkhao

AbstractThis paper provides iterative construction of a common solution associated with the classes of equilibrium problems (EP) and split convex feasibility problems. In particular, we are interested in the EP defined with respect to the pseudomonotone bifunction, the fixed point problem (FPP) for a finite family of "Equation missing"-demicontractive operators, and the split null point problem. From the numerical standpoint, combining various classical iterative algorithms to study two or more abstract problems is a fascinating field of research. We, therefore, propose an iterative algorithm that combines the parallel hybrid extragradient algorithm with the inertial extrapolation technique. The analysis of the proposed algorithm comprises theoretical results concerning strong convergence under a suitable set of constraints and numerical results.

Carlo Alberto De Bernardi ◽  
Enrico Miglierina

AbstractThe 2-sets convex feasibility problem aims at finding a point in the nonempty intersection of two closed convex sets A and B in a Hilbert space H. The method of alternating projections is the simplest iterative procedure for finding a solution and it goes back to von Neumann. In the present paper, we study some stability properties for this method in the following sense: we consider two sequences of closed convex sets $$\{A_n\}$$ { A n } and $$\{B_n\}$$ { B n } , each of them converging, with respect to the Attouch-Wets variational convergence, respectively, to A and B. Given a starting point $$a_0$$ a 0 , we consider the sequences of points obtained by projecting on the “perturbed” sets, i.e., the sequences $$\{a_n\}$$ { a n } and $$\{b_n\}$$ { b n } given by $$b_n=P_{B_n}(a_{n-1})$$ b n = P B n ( a n - 1 ) and $$a_n=P_{A_n}(b_n)$$ a n = P A n ( b n ) . Under appropriate geometrical and topological assumptions on the intersection of the limit sets, we ensure that the sequences $$\{a_n\}$$ { a n } and $$\{b_n\}$$ { b n } converge in norm to a point in the intersection of A and B. In particular, we consider both when the intersection $$A\cap B$$ A ∩ B reduces to a singleton and when the interior of $$A \cap B$$ A ∩ B is nonempty. Finally we consider the case in which the limit sets A and B are subspaces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Hasanen A. Hammad ◽  
Habib ur Rehman ◽  
Yaé Ulrich Gaba

The goal of this manuscript is to establish strong convergence theorems for inertial shrinking projection and CQ algorithms to solve a split convex feasibility problem in real Hilbert spaces. Finally, numerical examples were obtained to discuss the performance and effectiveness of our algorithms and compare the proposed algorithms with the previous shrinking projection, hybrid projection, and inertial forward-backward methods.

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