charm baryon
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2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 4-11
Zh.Zh. Tyulemissov ◽  
A.N. Issadykov ◽  
A.K. Bekbaev ◽  
D.T. Aznabaev ◽  

We calculated a subclass of four nonleptonic two-body weak decays of the double charm baryon ground states Ξcc++. Nonleptonic decays can be dividedinto two group: factorizable and nonfactorizable decays. The first one can be easily calculated from first principles. Therefore, its good example understands all pros and cons of a model. We focused on a weak two-body nonleptonic decay consists only fromthe factorizing contribution precluding a contamination from W-exchange. We use the covariant confined quark model previously developed by us to calculate the various helicity amplitudes which describe the dynamics of the transition induced by the Cabibbo-favored effective currents. Achievement of CCQM is that only size parameter Λvarying can describe all tree diagrams of nonleptonic decay. We then proceed to calculate the rates of the decay. The rates, branching ratios and helicity amplitude were calculated using dimensionless invariant form factors. Also, we calculated leptonic constant for scalar and vector mesons which has good agreement with experimental data. There isn’t any experimental data about the decay so we waiting for new experimental observation in the heavy baryon sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Marcel Golz ◽  
Gudrun Hiller ◽  
Tom Magorsch

Abstract We analyze rare charm baryon decays within the standard model and beyond. We identify all null test observables in unpolarized Λc→ pℓ+ℓ−, ℓ = e, μ decays, and study the new physics sensitivities. We find that the longitudinal dilepton polarization fraction FL is sensitive to electromagnetic dipole couplings $$ {C}_7^{\left(\prime \right)} $$ C 7 ′ , and to the right-handed 4-fermion vector coupling $$ {C}_9^{\left(\prime \right)} $$ C 9 ′ . The forward-backward asymmetry, AFB, due to the GIM-suppression a standard model null test already, probes the left-handed axialvector 4-fermion coupling C10; its CP–asymmetry, $$ {A}_{\mathrm{FB}}^{\mathrm{CP}} $$ A FB CP probes CP-violating phases in C10. Physics beyond the standard model can induce branching ratios of dineutrino modes Λc→ pν$$ \overline{\nu} $$ ν ¯ up to a few times 10−5, and one order of magnitude smaller if lepton flavor universality is assumed, while standard model rates are negligible. Charged lepton flavor violation allows for striking signals into e±μ∓ final states, up to 10−6 branching ratios model-independently, and up to order 10−8 in leptoquark models. Related three-body baryon decays Ξc→ Σℓℓ, Ξc→ Λℓℓ and Ωc→ Ξℓℓ offer similar opportunities to test the standard model with |∆c| = |∆u| = 1 transitions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (6) ◽  
Jia-Jie Han ◽  
Rui-Xiang Zhang ◽  
Hua-Yu Jiang ◽  
Zhen-Jun Xiao ◽  
Fu-Sheng Yu

AbstractAfter the discovery of the double-charm baryon $$\Xi _{cc}^{++}$$ Ξ cc + + by LHCb, one of the most important topics is to search for the bottom-charm baryons which contain a b quark, a c quark and a light quark. In this work, we study the two-body non-leptonic weak decays of a bottom-charm baryon into a spin-1/2 bottomed baryon and a light pseudoscalar meson with the short-distance contributions calculated under the factorization hypothesis and the long-distance contributions considering the final-state-interaction effects. The branching fractions of all fifty-seven decay channels are estimated. The results indicate that $$\Xi _{bc}^+\rightarrow \Xi _b^0\pi ^+$$ Ξ bc + → Ξ b 0 π + , $$\Xi _{bc}^{0}\rightarrow \Xi _{b}^{-}\pi ^+$$ Ξ bc 0 → Ξ b - π + and $$\Omega _{bc}^0\rightarrow \Omega _b^-\pi ^+$$ Ω bc 0 → Ω b - π + decay modes have relatively large decay rates and thus could be used to experimentally search for the bottom-charm baryons. The topological diagrams and the SU(3) symmetry of bottom-charm baryon decays are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (7) ◽  
S. Aiola ◽  
L. Bandiera ◽  
G. Cavoto ◽  
F. De Benedetti ◽  
J. Fu ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 100 (11) ◽  
Thomas Gutsche ◽  
Mikhail A. Ivanov ◽  
Jürgen G. Körner ◽  
Valery E. Lyubovitskij ◽  
Zhomart Tyulemissov

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