decay width
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2022 ◽  
Zuoheng Zou ◽  
Yu Meng ◽  
Chuan 刘川 Liu

Abstract We perform a lattice QCD calculation of the $\chi_{c0} \rightarrow 2\gamma$ decay width using a model-independent method which does not require a momentum extrapolation of the corresponding off-shell form factors. The simulation is performed on ensembles of $N_f=2$ twisted mass lattice QCD gauge configurations with three different lattice spacings. After a continuum extrapolation, the decay width is obtained to be $\Gamma_{\gamma\gamma}(\chi_{c0})=3.65(83)_{\mathrm{stat}}(21)_{\mathrm{lat.syst}}(66)_{\mathrm{syst}}\, \textrm{keV}$. Albeit this large statistical error, our result is compatible with the experimental results within 1.3$\sigma$. Potential improvements of the lattice calculation in the future are also discussed. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Article funded by SCOAP3 and published under licence by Chinese Physical Society and the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IOP Publishing Ltd.

2022 ◽  
Ying Chen ◽  
Ming Gong ◽  
Ning Li ◽  
Chuan 刘川 Liu ◽  
Yubin 刘玉斌 Liu ◽  

Abstract We have corrected the decay width for the two photon decay widths for scalar and pseudo-scalar Charmonium in [Chinese Physics C Vol.44,No.8(2020)083108]. The decay widths are now in better agreement with the experiment values.

2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
Constantia Alexandrou ◽  
Luka Leskovec ◽  
Stefan Meinel ◽  
John Negele ◽  
Srijit Paul ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
Mao-Jun Yan ◽  
Manuel Pavon Valderrama

2022 ◽  
pp. 136897
Xi-Zhe Ling ◽  
Ming-Zhu Liu ◽  
Li-Sheng Geng ◽  
En Wang ◽  
Ju-Jun Xie

2021 ◽  
pp. 136827
L. Roca ◽  
W.H. Liang ◽  
E. Oset

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Yu-Dong Zhang ◽  
Feng Feng ◽  
Wen-Long Sang ◽  
Hong-Fei Zhang

Abstract Within the framework of nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization, we calculate the next-to-leading-order (NLO) perturbative corrections to the radiative decay Υ → ηc(χcJ) + γ. Both the helicity amplitudes and the helicity decay widths are obtained. It is the first computation for the processes involving both bottomonium and charmonium at two-loop accuracy. By employing the Cheng-Wu theorem, we are able to convert most of complex-valued master integrals (MIs) into real-valued MIs, which makes the numerical integration much efficient. Our results indicate the $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_s\right) $$ O α s corrections are moderate for ηc and χc2 production, and are quite marginal for χc0 and χc1 production. It is impressive to note the NLO corrections considerably reduce the renormalization scale dependence in both the decay widths and the branching fractions for χcJ, and slightly improve that for ηc. With the NRQCD matrix elements evaluated via the Buchmüller-Tye potential model, we find the decay width for ηc production is one-order-of-magnitude larger than χcJ production, which may provide a good opportunity to search for Υ → ηc + γ in experiment. In addition, the decay width for χc1 production is several times larger than those for χc0,2. Finally, we find the NLO NRQCD prediction for the branching fraction of Υ → χc1 + γ is only half of the lower bound of the experimental data measured recently by Belle. Moreover, there exists serious contradiction between theory and experiment for Υ → ηc + γ. The discrepancies between theory and experiment deserve further research efforts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (12) ◽  
Francesco Giacosa ◽  
Anna Okopińska ◽  
Vanamali Shastry

AbstractFirst, we discuss the conditions under which the non-relativistic and relativistic types of the Breit–Wigner energy distributions are obtained. Then, upon insisting on the correct normalization of the energy distribution, we introduce a Flatté-like relativistic distribution -denominated as Sill distribution- that (i) contains left-threshold effects, (ii) is properly normalized for any decay width, (iii) can be obtained as an appropriate limit in which the decay width is a constant, (iv) is easily generalized to the multi-channel case (v) as well as to a convoluted form in case of a decay chain and - last but not least - (vi) is simple to deal with. We compare the Sill distribution to spectral functions derived within specific QFT models and show that it fairs well in concrete examples that involve a fit to experimental data for the $$\rho $$ ρ , $$a_1(1260)$$ a 1 ( 1260 ) , and $$K^*(982)$$ K ∗ ( 982 ) mesons as well as the $$\varDelta (1232)$$ Δ ( 1232 ) baryon. We also present a study of the $$f_2(1270)$$ f 2 ( 1270 ) which has more than one possible decay channels. Finally, we discuss the limitations of the Sill distribution using the $$a_0(980)$$ a 0 ( 980 ) -$$a_0(1450)$$ a 0 ( 1450 ) and the $$K_0^*(700)$$ K 0 ∗ ( 700 ) -$$K_0^*(1430)$$ K 0 ∗ ( 1430 ) resonances as examples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Duarte Azevedo ◽  
Pedro Gabriel ◽  
Margarete Mühlleitner ◽  
Kodai Sakurai ◽  
Rui Santos

Abstract The Higgs invisible decay width may soon become a powerful tool to probe extensions of the Standard Model with dark matter candidates at the Large Hadron Collider. In this work, we calculate the next-to-leading order (NLO) electroweak corrections to the 125 GeV Higgs decay width into two dark matter particles. The model is the next-to-minimal 2-Higgs-doublet model (N2HDM) in the dark doublet phase, that is, only one doublet and the singlet acquire vacuum expectation values. We show that the present measurement of the Higgs invisible branching ratio, BR(H → invisible < 0.11), does not lead to constraints on the parameter space of the model at leading order. This is due to the very precise measurements of the Higgs couplings but could change in the near future. Furthermore, if NLO corrections are required not to be unphysically large, no limits on the parameter space can be extracted from the NLO results.

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