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Published By National And University Library Of The Republic Of Srpska


2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
Szymon Wróbel

In this paper, the author is questioning the very concept of “indifferenceof thinking”. The author also asks: in what sense thinkingleads to “overall indifference”? What, indeed, is indifference? Carefullyreading the philosophical texts on affects, mainly Spinoza, Freud,Bergson and Deleuze, the author argues, that indifference is not akind of non-affection, beside-affection, post-affection, but rather, itis a trace of affect – just as cinders are remnants of fire. Indifferenceis not abnegation either, which is a kind of statement that we couldnot care less. On the contrary, it is in indifference where we find aprofound commitment to bringing back the things of this world totheir natural position.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
Mohamed Alharary Aboub

Ovaj rad istražuje mogućnosti održivog razvoja grada Sabrata u Libiji.U radu se polazi od osnovnih stavova o održivom razvoju društva,zatim se iznose neki stavovi o održivom razvoju gradova. Drugideo rada analizira stanje u gradu Sabrati posle građanskog rada uLibiji 2011. godine. U završnom delu rada predlažu se principi, ciljevii elementi na kojima bi počivala buduća strategija održivog razvojagrada Sabrata.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
Davor Vidaković

Mi ćemo u ovm radu pokušati dokazati jednu od naših hipoteza ato je da je izgradnja socijalnog kapitala prisutna u domovima učenika.Socijalni kapital jedne vaspitno-obrazovne ustanove kao što jedom učenika, očituje se u međusobnom povjerenju i saradnji svihelemenata obrazovnog sistema.To su prije svega učenici, vaspitači/odgajatelji i roditelji. Od velike važnosti je stepen uzajamnog povjerenjaučenika i vaspitača, naročito percepcija učenika o tome. Saradnjameđu učenicima ne isključuje suparništvo. U samoj koncepciji ovogarada je studija slučaja koja će se primijeniti na primjeru domova učenikasrednjih škola na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
Szymon Wróbel

U ovom radu autor propituje sam pojam “indiferentnost mišljenja”.Autor se, takođe, pita: u kom smislu razmišljanje vodi do “sveopšteravnodušnosti”? Šta je, u stvari, ravnodušnost? Pažljivo čitajući filozofsketekstove o afektima, uglavnom Spinozu, Frojda, Bergsona i Deleza,autor tvrdi, da indiferentnost nije neka vrsta ne-osećanja, stanjepored ili nasuprot osećanju, niti post-osećanja, već bi se pre mogloreći da je to trag ili ostatak od afekta - kao što je pepeo ostatak vatre.Ravnodušnost nije ni odricanje, što bi značilo da nam je do nečegmanje stalo. Naprotiv, ravnodušnost je tamo gde nalazimo dubokupredanost vraćanju stvari ovoga sveta u njihov prirodni položaj.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
Davor Vidaković

In this paper, we will try to prove one of our hypotheses, which is thatthe construction of social capital is present in students’ dorms. Thesocial capital of an educational institution such as a students’ dormis reflected in the mutual trust and cooperation of all elements of theeducation system. These are primarily pupils, educators and parents.Of great importance is the degree of mutual trust of students andeducators, especially the perception of students about it. Cooperationamong students does not exclude the rivalry. In the very concept ofthis paper, a case study will be applied to the example of secondaryschool students’ homes on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
Mohamed Alharary Aboub

This paper explores the possibilities of sustainable development ofSabratha in Libya. It starts from the basic views on the sustainabledevelopment of the society, and then there are some opinions aboutthe sustainable development of cities. The second part of the paperanalyses the situation in the city of Sabratha after civil war in Libyain 2011. The final part of the paper suggests the principles, goals andelements on which the future strategy for the sustainable developmentof the city of Sabratha will be based.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
Nataša Vilić

Estetika postavlja pitanje - Da li je odnos umetnosti i stvarnosti odnoskoji je baziran na odnosu imaginarnog sveta u delima umetnosti i„stvarnog“ sveta. U odnosu umetnosti i stvarnosti angažovani umetnikima zadatak da jezikom umetnosti posvedočava Istinu. Avangardni/angažovani umetnici iskušavaju temelje vlastite egzistencije.Pitanje/a odnosa umetnosti i stvarnosti svodi se na dimenziju slobode.Takav umetnik se ne libi da svoj „primarni angažman“ pretvori uvlastiti „samoizbor“. Angažovani umetnici 20. veka ne zaustavljajuse na tome da se njihova umetnička dela utemelje na primarno estetskimi umetničkim vrednostima, nego političke, kulturne, egzistencijalnevrednosti stvaljaju kao primarne. Njihova pobuna i zahtev zaprevrednovanjem postojećih vrednosti nisu ostali bez širokog odjeka.Angažovani umetnici 20. i 21. veka u svome širokom umetničkomizrazu kao da su bili vođeni idejom „Bunim se, dakle, postojim“.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
Nataša Vilić

Aesthetics raises the question - Is the relationship between art andreality based on the relationship between the imaginary world in theworks of art and the ”real” world? In the relationship between art andreality, the engaged artist is tasked with witnessing the truth in thelanguage of art. The avant-garde/engaged artists test the foundationsof their own existence. The question/s of the relationship between artand reality is/are reduced to the dimension of freedom. The artist doesnot hesitate to turn his ”primary engagement” into his own ”self-selection”.Engaged artists of the 20th century do not stop at basing theirworks of art on primarily aesthetic and artistic values, but regardpolitical, cultural and existential values as primary. Their rebellionand demand for revaluation of the existing values had a wide echo.Engaged artists of the 20th and 21st century, in their broad artisticexpression, seemed to be guided by the idea, “I rebel therefore I exist“.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (15) ◽  
Mirjana Čeko

This paper focuses on the analysis of contemporary society as aconsumer society. Given the increasingly visible development ofconsumer culture and the expansion of consumerism, we considerit important to point to the influence on the formation of a consumeridentity as the dominant identity of modern man. Bearingin mind the comprehensiveness and complexity of the concept ofidentity, we have found it important to point out the theoreticalexplanations of the concept of identity, its characteristics, its elementsand dimensions, and in particular the views on a consumeridentity by many authors who have dealt with this theme. Thispaper aims at the need for a better understanding of the contemporaryconsumer identity, and points to the consequences that theformation of a consumer identity leaves humanity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (15) ◽  
Dragana Vilić

Spatial movement of the population is not a new phenomenon - it hasbeen happening throughout the history in its various shapes, scopeand intensity. Nevertheless, with the processes of globalisation it hasbeen more and more noticeable taking a new shape and social characteristics(especially, economic migration). However, many of thethreats and problems manifested at a global level still stay the maincauses of legal and/or illegal, voluntary and involuntary migrations(poverty, unemployment, civil wars, persecutions, climate change,etc.). Long-term economic and demographic problems in developedcountries have negative consequences - reducing the working-agepopulation, undermining the sustainability of the social protectionsystem and sustainable economic growth and the development of societyin general. Therefore, the importance of migration has been notedto remedy these negative consequences. In order to face the problemsthat cause migration, the challenges and consequences of migration,the issues migrants face, and to control and manage migration flowsat the national and international levels, it is necessary to establish theglobal cooperation of various social entities.

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