ISTRAŽIVANJA Јournal of Historical Researches
Latest Publications





Published By "Faculty Of Philosophy, University Of Novi Sad"

2406-1131, 0350-2112


This paper analyses an addresse-less encomium devoted to Emperor Constantine X Doukas and authored by Michael Psellus, one of the most learned individuals in Byzantine history. The purpose of this paper is to place the encomium, a valuable testament of Byzantine cultural heritage, within the context of the empire’s eleventh century political and social history, and to translate the document into modern English accompanied by scholarly commentary. Additionally, this paper will analyze the representation of the emperor in the speech through a comparative analysis of the encomium and Psellus’ historiographical work, the Chronographia


Numerous local monetary bureaus owned by shareholders were established in the Kingdom of Serbia in the late nineteenth century. Many of these institutions, such as the Niš Cooperative, not only engaged in banking services but also owned industrial and trade companies. Economic circumstances changed so significantly after World War I that bank managements often were unable to cope with them. The Niš Cooperative was an example of a stable yet not particularly powerful monetary bureau whose reputation depended on the leading members of its Board of Directors. Unlike most other monetary bureaus, the Niš Cooperative continued operating after World War II up until privately-owned monetary bureaus were closed by the socialist Yugoslav government.


The inhabitants of Dubrovnik played an important role in the development of long-distance trade not only in the Balkans, but in other places as well. The cities along the southern Hungarian border were also within the scope of Dubrovnik’s merchants, and thanks to their activities in this area, trade flourished between the Dubrovnik (Ragusan) littoral and the lower Sava and Danube regions. From the fourteenth century onwards, these merchants played a crucial role in the development of trade in these areas and most trade was conducted through them. They supplied the cities along the lower Sava and the Danube Rivers with a variety of goods, but most often dealt in cloth. This was particularly apparent during the Despotate, when Belgrade and Smederevo were developed cities full of wealthy nobles who dressed in fine fabrics imported from Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik’s merchants long dominated trade in these areas. However, the arrival of the Ottomans and the wars they waged in the lower Sava and Danube regions often caused considerable damage to their commercial endeavors.


Perhaps the most striking, and archaeologically speaking the most evident, change that occurred in Gallia Comata from the 1st century BCE to the end of the 2nd century CE was the incorporation of massive, monumental, Roman-style architecture. Many of these monuments still stand to this day, providing an obvious, visual argument for the impact that Roman culture had on Gallic society. Overall, the incorporation of Roman architecture and monuments, paid for and dedicated by members of the local elite, seems to indicate a clear cultural shift in Gallic society and the adoption of Roman conceptions of urbanism and the role of the urban aristocracy in providing munera for the populace. This paper will examine the remains of monumental structures in the Gallic civitas-capitals, examining the initial stages of monumentalization. While early structures advertised the connection between the community as a whole with the Imperial power structure, the construction of amphitheaters in particular emerged rapidly throughout the Three Gauls and, as this paper will argue, was tied to the glorification and memorialization of the dedicator and his family. The edification of urban space thus became a new ground for the Gallic aristocracy to play out its internal rivalries, rather than a public expression of acceptance or obedience under Rome, and through the use of amphitheaters, urban edification allowed the Gallic aristocracy to retain their ties to the concept of competitive status and martial prowess.


В работе рассматриваются ключевые моменты формирования организационной структуры двух ведущих словенских партий – католической и либеральной и особенности их организационно-политической деятельности на начальном этапе партийного строительства – в конце XIX – начале XX вв. Автором предпринимается попытка провести сравнительный анализ организационных аспектов их деятельности, исходя из того, что эффективность механизмов функционирования партии является одним из важнейших показателей ее успешности. Поскольку развитие католического и либерального движений проходило неравномерно в разных словенских областях, в статье делается акцент прежде всего на деятельности партий в центральной словенской провинции Крайне, оказывавшей сильное влияние на формирование региональных политических партий. В начале XX в. партия католиков превратилась в монолитную и широко разветвленную массовую организацию. Ее структура постепенно становилась все более четкой и хорошо продуманной, а деятельность энергичной и целенаправленной. Либералы же не смогли создать сплоченной и хорошо организованной партии. Католики опирались на многовековой опыт административной деятельности такой мощной организации, как католическая церковь. Организационный опыт либералов в основном был опытом деятельности индивидуальных предпринимателей, слабо осознававших необходимость партийной дисциплины. Еще до Первой мировой войны католическая Словенская народная партия стала лидером словенского национального движения и сохраняла свои позиции весь межвоенный период.


The Dictatus Papae is a key primary source for research into the history of Church reforms in the eleventh century, the leading figure of which was Pope Gregory VII Hildebrand. The document consists of twenty-seven statements defining the prerogatives of papal authority in other ecclesiastical and spiritual areas as well as in relationship to secular rulers under the pope’s spiritual authority. This paper will examine some of these statements giving the pope religious and secular prerogatives regarding his authority over secular rulers. A detailed analysis of some of these statements and of historical literature related to the document will provide clear insight into how current historical scholarship views the document and will also showcase the document’s concepts from a completely new perspective. Thus additional space will be opened up for a detailed analysis of the influence of this document on the development of the relationship between Church and state from the time it was written until the present day.


The revolution of 1848–1849 had a significant effect on the Serbs in the Habsburg Monarchy, who established their own self-governing entity, the Serbian Vojvodina, within the monarchy. These events also attracted the attention of Serbs living outside the monarchy’s borders, especially those in Montenegro and, in particular, the Metropolitan of Cetinje, Petar II Petrović Njegoš. He wanted to assist his compatriots in the monarchy, and considered this action to be only the first step, albeit a very important one, in the ultimate fight for the liberation and unification of all Serbs within two independent countries: Serbia and Montenegro.

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