Tabula periodicus Facultatis philosophicae Polensis rivista della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia Journal od the Faculty of Humanities
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Published By Juraj Dobrila University Of Pula

1849-1685, 1331-7830

Hirofumi Tsushiro

Although in many cases scientific terminology used in Modern Japan was originally coined in the West and then imported and translated, there are certain original terms. Among them this paper focuses on two humanistic and sociological terms, shinso-bunka and choten-bunka. The former indicates the initial condition of culture, the latter its achievements. As they are not imported terms, we need to translate them into Japanese. The deep culture and the peak culture are their respective translations, both proposed by the author. We may observe and discuss the forms of deep culture and peak culture everywhere in the world. Concerning Japan, there are many contemporary sub-cultures with high reputation such as anime, but here, five classic forms of culture shall be mentioned as peak cultures, that is, No-drama, Sado-tea-ceremony, Bushido-warrior’s-way, Shinto-religion and Waka-poetry. After analyzing deep culture roughly, its peaks shall be depicted rather ideally

Irena Srdanović ◽  
Dragana Špica

Većina studenata japanologije na Sveučilištu Jurja Dobrile u Puli pripada generaciji digitalnih urođenika (engl. digital natives), a njihovoj digitalnoj pismenosti dodatno doprinosi i dostupnost velikoga broja resursa japanskoga jezika, što u obliku aplikacija na pametnim telefonima i mobitelima što u obliku internetskih stranica, računalno potpomognutih alata za učenje jezika i drugih multimedijalnih alata. Kako većina ovih resursa koristi japanski i engleski jezik, primjećuje se potreba studenata za dvojezičnim rječnicima i drugim izvorima za japanski jezik s objašnjenjima, prijevodima i dodatnim informacijama na njihovom materinskom jeziku. Cilj je ovoga rada dvostruk: 1) predstaviti pilot-projekte izrade japansko-hrvatskih dvojezičnih e-rječnika u suradnji studenata i nastavnika Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli i uz pomoć otvorene platforme za izradu e-rječnika Lexonomy (Měchura 2017), 2) analizom provedene ankete utvrditi tendencije korištenja postojećih rječnika, elektroničkih rječnika i drugih resursa kao i potrebe učenika japanskoga jezika za planiranim opsežnijim japansko-hrvatskim e-rječnikom u svrhu izrade modela toga e-rječnika.

Jiri Matela

The recent development of the academic field of Japanese studies towards interdisciplinary cultural studies paradigm has been causing certain downfalls of traditional philological orientations within this area of scholarship. The aim of the present paper is to reflect on the tradition of Prague school’s functional-structuralist approach to language and text and present its application on contemporary Japanese studies programs. The functional-structuralist approach presented in the paper is based on the unified dichotomy of system (of signs) and texts (as sign formations), the latter being defined by the features of genre classification, situational binding and discourse tradition. The framework of ‘Encompassing philology’ applied to the field of Japanese studies aspires to fulfill the basic needs of a modern interdisciplinary orientation and at the same time strengthen the role of the Japanese language beyond the “tool for communication”.

Velna Rončević

The intensification of the spread of Japanese media and play products has inspired academic research into transnational fan involvement with Japan as the country of origin of these media. Scholars from various fields have established a connection with anime and manga fandom and Japanese language learning. Distinguished from regular audiences by degree of investment, fans value certain competencies that better equip them to access, understand and engage with this media. This research is based on interviews with Croatian anime and manga fans and inquires into their motivation to learn the Japanese language and culture. This paper uses Susan Napier’s notion of fantasyscape to illustrate why fans move across already blurred outlines of what constitutes fans’ interest. I assert that as particularly active media consumers it is the value fans put on specific competencies, along with a cosmopolitan curiosity, that motivates anime and manga fans to expand their focus of interest. Knowledge of the Japanese language and culture facilitates understanding of texts and at the same time functions as a matter of fandom specific “subcultural capital”

Kikuko Nishina

「科学技術日本語」は、Japan as No.1と言われた1980年代、すなわち日本の経済発展隆盛期の技術・経済力を学ぼうとする世界の動きによって始まった。しかし現在の日本の現状はその勢いを失い、情勢の変化とともに日本語学習動機も変貌し、新しい需要に応える日本語教育の模索が必要となってきた。 本稿では「科学技術日本語」の研究を開始した当時に立ち戻って社会にお ける日本語学習の必要性と研究方法の選択を振り返る。当時、外国人による機械翻訳のための日本語読解のための文法辞書および最小限の漢字学習による論文読解の方法論が検討され、その後コンピュータの言語処理技術に コーパス言語学が加わることで、大量の言語データを利用した読解支援および作文支援を開発することが可能になった。さらに分野別の特徴を知る 上で有効なレジスターという概念を取り入れることで、広い分野においてコーパス利用による教材および教育ツール開発の可能性があることを述べる。

Stefani Silli

Između razdoblja Edo (1600. – 1868.) i Meiji (1868. – 1912.) dogodile su se brojne promjene u svijetu umjetnosti koje su utjecale na temelje osnovnih društvenih i političkih struktura u Japanu. Rad daje jezgrovit i sadržajan pregled nastanka umjetničkih institucija i relevantne umjetničke terminologije u Japanu u prijelomnom razdoblju japanske povijesti, tj. u vrijeme razdoblja Meiji, s posebnim naglaskom na lijepoj umjetnosti, tj. konceptu bijutsu. Cilj je rada prikazati i analizirati mehanizme utjecaja kulturnih, političkih, društvenih i ekonomskih okolnosti razdoblja Meiji na donošenje i provođenje vladinih mjera očuvanja umjetnosti i starina, na osnivanje raznih umjetničkih udruženja i institucija umjetničkoga obrazovanja. Razjašnjeno je kako i zašto je nastala potreba za novom kategorizacijom na polju umjetnosti i uvođenjem pojma bijutsu (naspram prijašnjega termina geijutsu) u datom povijesnom i društvenom kontekstu. Nadalje, utvrđeno je da su teškoće s prijenosom (zapadnjačkoga) koncepta umjetnosti u Japan, uključujući klasifikaciju, likovno-umjetničko obrazovanje i izlaganje umjetničkih predmeta, gdje prethodno nije postojao europski postromantični koncept individualne subjektivnosti i izvorne ekspresivnosti, rezultirale pojavom različitih rasprava o autentičnosti izraza i samoga identiteta japanske umjetnosti, koje su aktualne i danas, te kao takve, vrijedna tema daljnjega istraživanja.

Dragana Špica

Japanski morni nazal /N/ podspecificirani je nazalni segment s posebnim statusom u japanskome glasovnom sustavu. Za učenike japanskoga čiji je materinski jezik hrvatski /N/ može predstavljati izazov jer podrazumijeva fonološke procese koji ne postoje u hrvatskome. Taj segment stječe različita obilježja ovisno o kontekstu. Cilj je ovoga rada empirijski utvrditi kako učenici japanskoga, čiji je materinski jezik hrvatski, artikuliraju morni nazal /N/, koji od promatranih 8 njegovih ostvaraja predstavljaju poteškoću te koje vrste odstupanja postoje. Predstavljeni su rezultati provedenoga ispitivanja, u kojemu je sudjelovalo 24 studenata Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli, od kojih 15 na početnoj i 9 na srednjoj razini. Podatci pokazuju različitu učestalost odstupanja pri izgovoru /N/ ispred stanke, ispred poluvokala /w/ i /j/ i drugdje, dok se najznatnija učestalost odstupanja uočava pri izgovoru /N/ u međuvokalskom položaju. Odstupanje u međuvokalskom položaju tiče se distinktivnoga obilježja te se smatra da ima fonološki značaj, a učestalost je visoka na obje razine učenja. Odstupanja /N/ ispred poluvokala i frikativa te u ostalim kontekstima nisu pokazala fonološki značaj, već samo fonetski.

Keiko Hori

学術場面での口頭発表では,課題を「でしょうか疑問文」の形で聞き手に問いかけることが効果的であるが,これまでの指導書等では明示的に示されてこなかった。 本稿では,日本語教育において「でしょうか疑問文」がどのように指導され てきたかを概観した後,『日本語話し言葉コーパス』Corpus of Spontaneous Japaneseから「でしょうか疑問文」の使用実態を明らかにした。さらに,上級 学習者クラスにおいて,調べたことを発表する授業に「質問づくり」を取り入 れ,作成した質問を書き直して「でしょうか疑問文」を作り,問いかけにでき ることを指導に取り入れた。その結果,授業内の口頭発表において「でしょうか疑問文」を使って問いかける学習者が見られた。 したがって,「でしょうか疑問文」による「問いかけ」の明示的な指導が口頭発表技術の向上に貢献する可能性が示唆された。

Anela Ilijaš

This paper discusses similarities in the choices of plots and motifs in the short stories The Tattooer (1910) by Japanese writer Tanizaki Jun'ichirō and Tale of a Mad Painter (1935) by Korean writer Kim Dong-in, and hypothesizes a possible connection between them. In order to find out whether these works are really connected, common literary influences on both stories and analyzed stories’ structures and motifs were compared in this thesis. Results revealed that these two works were written under the influence of the same literary works: the theme of the relationship between art and violence and the motif of the artist obsessed with the desire to create an artistic masterpiece in The Tattooer and Tale of a Mad Painter are most likely inspired by Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray and Edgar Allan Poe's short story The Oval Portrait, while motifs of sexual perversions are inspired by Psychopathia Sexualis by Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing. Not only two stories were written under the same influences, but the story Tale of a Mad Painter itself intertextually reworked Tanizaki’s The Tattooer adjusting motifs to Korean realities and making the structure more complex.

Nagisa Moritoki Škof ◽  
Stefani Silli

Considering the global increase in the number of Japanese language learners, the need to establish educational institutions (primary, secondary, higher education, non-school education) for Japanese language learning also arose in Croatia and, subsequently, the necessity to foster a new generation of qualified teachers with sufficient theoretical and practical background in teaching Japanese as a foreign language. The purpose of this paper is to examine and describe the process of implementing the graduate course Practice Teaching of the Japanese Language and Culture, along with its challenges such as online classes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper discusses the role of teachers as facilitators, the role of students as trainees and the role of learners, i.e. the participants of an intensive two-week Japanese language course, which is part of the abovementioned graduate course. Furthermore, the paper discusses the learner survey and the trainee self-evaluation report with respect to the improvement of their knowledge.

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